Doctor Doom Will Save The MCU

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dr doom could be our new thanos the big bad guy of the next 10 years but you know come to think of it do we really want marvel studios to just rehash the same thing with doom no doctor doom can be more he needs to be more he isn't gonna sit in some floating chair and smile for six years only to then say he'll do it himself i'll do it myself only to then not do it himself there are two more stones on earth find them my children and bring them to me but eventually need to actually do everything himself okay okay all jokes aside doctor doom needs to be different from thanos he is a villain that has the ability to save the world and make it a better place so let's talk about the potential of doctor doom and now he can be the one that saves the multiverse dr doom is one of the most powerful beings in the marvel universe he has all the bells and whistles that you can dream of from amazing tech armor and weapons to godly magical powers plus he's one of the smartest super geniuses out there but that's all just the exterior don't get me wrong all of these powers and tech are impressive stuff but doctor doom is so much more than that what makes him so special is the depth of his character and his moral complexity there's so many layers to this guy deep down all that victor von doom wants is to obtain ultimate power so that he can save his mother's soul how can you not relate to that there are a lot of rumors about when doctor doom will show up in the mcu it might happen in black panther too and sure that would be great an adaptation of doom war is the perfect direction for black panther ii it's also very possible that doom will make an appearance in doctor strange and the multiverse of madness or maybe in the fantastic four movie though i really hope not because we have had too many fantastic four movies with doom as the main villain however marvel studios must explore the complicated relationship between doctor doom and reed richards their rivalry could parallel the relationship between captain america and iron man now regardless of when it happens victor must have a presence throughout the next three phases now i'm not saying that doom should be the villain of every mcu film and show in the next decade but he needs to play an active role in the grand scale of things doom can be this shadowy figure a lone wolf who works from behind the scenes someone who's 100 steps ahead of everyone marvel should develop doctor doom the same way that they do their heroes tell his story throughout multiple movies and shows that way he will grow and evolve as a character over the next 10 years also doom definitely deserves his own disney plus show an adaptation of the books at doom series would be perfect as a 10 hour season [Music] doctor doom should be the direct response to the events of the infinity saga cosmic stones mad titans people turning to dust endless alien invasion heroes and villains having crazy tech and godly powers and so much more all of these things must have consequences and that is where doom comes in he will see the avengers as a reactionary force they are limited by their moral rules doom would never allow thanos to collect all six stones and wipe out half of all life no he would never allow things to go that far while the avengers did end up saving the whole universe doom won't see it that way because their negligence allowed thanos to snap his fingers in the first place no no no doom's arrogance will make him see things differently the avengers are incapable of saving the world he sat and watched as his own people turned to dust because the avengers failed to stop thanos it's time for him to act this world is mine to rule and mine alone from doom's point of view wakanda is a global risk because of their vibranium scrolls are part of shield there are way too many super beings with dangerous powers and tech running around the world the quantum realm is too dangerous and must be kept in check not to mention that time machine that tony stark had invented someone needs to make sure that all of these risks are under control and of course in his mind he's the one to do it now despite his villainous ways dr doom has proven many times that he is honorable and capable of doing the right thing the best example is the nation of latviria in his early days doom led a revolution to free his country from a tyrant sure in the process victor became a tyrant himself but it's very impressive to see how doom inspired the people of ladviria to fight for their country the nation became a global superpower rivaled only by wakanda that is one of the things i absolutely love about doom despite all of his flaws he really does care about his people doom's success with latviria proves that he is in fact capable of making the world a better place and so wouldn't it just be easier for the heroes to just step down and let doom do his thing well of course not this is the great debate of what is best for the world this is the complex ideological and moral clash we can get with doom we could also see something that is very rare in the mcu with doctor doom and that is doom teaming up with the heroes when galactus shows up doom wouldn't just stand idly by and let the devourer of worlds destroy the world no if needed doom will work with the other heroes to save earth and how often do we see mcu heroes and villains working together beyond that doom doesn't play nice with others so he will clash with other villains my fanboy dreams will come true when we see doctor doom battle kang the conqueror but marvel studios should also not forget about doom's deepest obsession to save his mother's soul from mephisto it's one of the most important things about victor and everything he does boils down to that motivation so here is the idea doctor doom starts as a villain he clashes with heroes throughout multiple movies and shows maybe at first it'll all be about gaining ultimate power so he can save his mother's soul but as time goes by he evolves he sees that there are much bigger threats out there there's kang there's galactus but there's also something far worse what's worse than a world eating giant oh not much just you know the multiverse being destroyed yes in the next few years marvel studios will be diving deep into the multiverse and since endgame was about saving the universe the next end game needs to be about saving the multiverse that's the only way to raise the stakes to an epic scale and so while the avengers and all the other heroes deal with all kinds of baddies it'll be doom who sees the impending uh doom okay honestly no pun intended sorry about that [Laughter] all right get your jokes out now it's only fitting that dr doom be the one that sees the end of everything all of existence everything is going to be wiped out so he must save the multiverse the next end game which should be something similar to the 2015 secret wars crossover event from the comics that story will be the perfect culmination for the new mcu saga secret wars also showcased why doctor doom is such an incredible character in that story the entire marvel multiverse was destroyed just before the end of everything doom took the godly powers of the beyonders and he was able to save reality now it wasn't the best thing because it led to the creation of battle world but if not for doctor doom seizing power there would be no reality at all the circumstances will be different in the mcu but the main idea of the story should remain the same something will happen in the next few years something that will lead to the multiverse collapsing personally i think that the multiverse should collapse because of the events of end game the avengers messed with reality and the timeline and the infinity stones have been used and destroyed way too many times the events of infinity war and end game must have everlasting consequences and so time is running out the multiverse is going to be destroyed but since doom doesn't like playing with others and his arrogance makes him think he can save the multiverse all on his own he doesn't tell anyone about what's going to happen by the time everyone realizes that the multiverse is going to end it's already too late universes begin colliding with each other by the end of phase six the multiverse will collapse and like in secret wars doom will save some parts of the multiverse and create battle world god emperor doom was brilliant in the comics and we must see something like that in the mcu as well as the fractured reality of battle world and that is how dr doom will save the multiverse with his obsession to obtain ultimate power he will save reality however due to his flaws he will fail to achieve the perfect utopia he always believed he could create this is where doom will finally admit his mistakes and complete his 10 year arc as he will relinquish his godly powers and allow heroes like the avengers to save and rebuild the multiverse now you have to admit that a story arc like this would be amazing to experience in the next 10 years doctor doom is such a gold mine of storytelling so kevin feige i hope you're watching this because the fans deserve to see dr doom being done right
Channel: CBR
Views: 197,318
Rating: 4.9265499 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor Doom, Doctor Doom in MCU, Black Panther 2, WandaVision, Wanda, Secret Wars, Galactus, Avengers Endgame, Avengers Infinity War, Avengers 5, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Kang, Eternals, Fantastic 4, CBR
Id: PHJL95l_rr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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