Docker in Proxmox V7 LXC with Turnkey Core - Lower Resources by 80% Compared to VMs

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previously on the channel we installed docker in a proxmox lxe container with turnkey core and that was with version 6.2 using now we're going to be installing it on version 7.0 using a different method and here's how the first thing we'll do is make sure we select our proxmox storage and download the turnkey core template so let's click templates and we'll run a search for core we'll hit enter on our keyboard we will go ahead and select the turnkey core and download it this will go ahead and download the template to your selected storage so you can use it in your lxe container once it's done we can go ahead and close this out and you can see that the template is there in your storage now we can go ahead and create our container now we have to give our container a really awesome name we're gonna call it docker yep give it a super secret password here so you're gonna type that in here and then you'll confirm it in the bottom one below keep in mind this is the password you're going to be using to access this via the cli so don't forget that now we're going to choose the template from our storage and on the next page we will allocate some disk space for the container [Music] go ahead and assign a few cpu cores for the container give it a couple gigs of ram and as far as ip allocation goes i'm going to leave that up to the gateway so i'll select dhcp and hit next and i'll hit next one more time we click finish to initialize the container let this run through [Music] when that's done you can go ahead and close this out on the left side here we will select our container and then we will choose options in the panel just to the right here now double click on features and we will tick key ctl and nesting then click ok over here on the left side go ahead and right click and start the container and now we are ready to actually install db and turn key core onto this container we do that by clicking on console and following the command prompts that come in after we log in don't forget with proxbox it's always root and then the password you use when you set up the initialization the first two prompts i always skip and then the third one will run the install go ahead and hit enter on that and let this install debian onto the container once it's finished press ctrl c and we will run some updates on the system we'll do an update and an upgrade to make sure that the system is up to date before we run the docker installation all right let's go ahead and clear this out and get started installing docker with version 6 we installed docker using apt install docker dot io i know it's a lot easier but no you can't do that for version 7 so don't do that this this is what we're going to use install dock or engine on debian and i'll have all this on the as well so let's go ahead and grab the first command here since we already updated we need to install these prerequisite packages let's go ahead and copy this back on our container console we will right click and paste the content to run the command and install those packages go ahead and grab docker's official gpg key copy this and go back over to our console and paste that in there and i forgot to remove sudo so let's go ahead and run that again and this time i'll remove sudo because we're already logged in as root on proxmox we don't need sudo we'll go ahead and add the stable repository for docker let's go ahead and copy this and we will copy it and head back over to our console where we will paste it in by right clicking again that didn't work but i'll fix it in a minute here now it looks like we have to update again so let's go ahead and copy this and update the system here and paste that in here and update it now i noticed that my docker repository didn't update so i'll get to that in a second i'll copy this and figure that out here momentarily that when i copy this and paste it in this is actually installing docker but i'm like okay what's going on here and then i realized finally that i forgot to remove sudo again from the repository so go ahead and remove sudo i'll have all this stuff in the documentation so you can just copy and we'll have to do that so i re-added the repository i'm going to go ahead and do an update again and finally i can see the docker uh right here i can see the docker repository has been added so i can go ahead and now run the install for docker so let's go ahead and up to that and install docker finally on the system i promise you if you follow the guide on the it's not this difficult this video actually kind of makes this look more difficult than it actually is but it's not it's just because i screwed up and forgot to remove sudo from a couple of the commands but yeah just go grab them off the and you'll be all set all right docker is now installed on the container let's go ahead and run a ctl status docker let's go ahead and check it looks like it is up and running we do have activity here that's great that's good all right just to verify that this is up and running i want to maybe install something so let's go ahead and install for taner i'll hop over here to the i will click on install docker and pertainer and there is a snippet here i can copy so i'll click that button and paste this in and run the command to install fortener all right let's go ahead and find my ip by typing in ipspace addr it is up here all right there's my ip i will copy that now i'm going to run it into a browser here on port 9000 so i'll paste that in and add port 9000 well i'll be darned it worked so i'm going to go ahead and log in i usually leave the username as admin i'm just going to put in my password and log in ladies and gentlemen we have portaner working on an lxc container on proxmox this is exciting and this is on version 7.0 yes it's working but i'm not quite convinced yet so i'm going to go ahead and reboot the system just to make sure that docker still runs after i reboot because i've had some issues where it doesn't so let's go ahead and verify that it does let's go ahead and check the status of docker here we do have activity so what i want to do is make sure that this is still working on pertainer i'll refresh the page and log in let's go ahead and log in there it is you see it with your very own eyes docker working on proxmox version seven let's go i didn't have to do anything super crazy or technical to get it working it's just a few extra more commands than running the docker io command which was yes much easier but this is definitely easy as well so i hope you guys found this video useful and you can finally get your lxd containers running with docker on proxmox version 7. so if you did find this video useful don't forget to drop a thumbs up if you're not subscribed consider subscribing and be sure to click that bell icon so you know when the videos drop on the channel this guide will be over on the check it out there as well thank you so much for watching that's going to be it for today bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Geeked
Views: 15,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gXuLiglJceY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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