Do you want to visit TANZANIA - 10 Tanzania Travel Tips

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today i am sharing with you the most important tips travel tips you need to know before you even think about traveling to tanzania [Music] we are at the border so for you if you want to enter tanzania then what definitely you need is a visa you can get it online or you can get it on arrival and to be prepared i think it's better to get it online because here right now we are here and we don't have the visa because i thought okay let's just go with the flow we do everything at the airport we ended up going to a cyber shop outside and it's just stress and messy and then they want more money and time and just some headache so if you can make it do your visa online and yeah i think that's the best one so i get so many questions about the visa because there are so many fake sites outside so i have a free travel checklist for you everything you need to know before you enter tanzania it's free the link is down in the description and there you find everything and of course also what other things you need to enter tanzania if you come from a yellow fever wrist country like the way we do right now we come from kenya you do need to have a yellow fever but only if you come from a country with yellow fever or if you have recently traveled to one if you don't have it like maneni for example she has to do it at the border here it costs around seventeen twenty dollars currently what you need to enter tanzania is your covet vaccine certificate either you have the certificate or if you don't have it then you can do a pcr test before arrival the last thing you need before you enter here at the border is it's like a health surveillance form so we actually didn't need it because we come via road but i know if you fly in you need that and also the link on what you need and where you get the right one you find in the travel checklist so yeah wish us good luck because right now we don't yet have our visa we are still doing the visa for zahi because what i did not know is that also my baby he does need a visa so for kenya to enter kids don't need any visa but apparently for tanzania everyone even small babies need a visa so we have to get it right now we're here in the cyber shop and then yeah hopefully we can start moving one tip definitely is carry some extra cash and if anyhow possible like this small border here of course it's different the big international airport but this one's here they don't even have like um they don't accept any other money dollars or kenyan shillings and to a really shitty exchange rate so if you can just make sure you get some extra cash extra passport pictures print all your documents if you don't have your documents printed you end up going out of the office across the street printing everything and then coming back which takes a lot of time and not only time energy let's talk about money so in tanzania we have the currency tanzanian shillings and i also still i get confused about how much money is this known euro or in dollars and the easiest is the easiest advice i can give you is you download an app which converts to the money like it can tell you exactly this is the amount of money it is so that you know how much money it costs so the second question i get asked all the time is about the atms and can i withdraw money yes you can withdraw money and that's easy almost all the cities and towns they have atms you can withdraw it but we just came back and withdraw some money and i couldn't believe like the maximum you can get in a day it's 400 000 tanzanian chilling which sounds a lot but it is just around 150 euros that's it so and that's in 24 hours so if you want to pay your safari or anything you think ah let me just go and withdraw the money at the atm then i pay my safari does not work if you need to pay your safari in tanzania you have to carry usd dollar or tanzanian chilling you go in your country you exchange it and bring it within here because here you can't simply get so much money at once and when it comes to your safari anyway i think you should pay your safari upfront there's no way you should carry all that cashier and then pay here you better pay it up front and then you are good to go so when it comes to packing there are so many things you have to consider because of course you're going to africa now and the first thing i want to share with you is that it actually doesn't matter if you come with a suitcase or a backpack just the way you feel most comfortable about you don't need to bring a mosquito net they will always provide this for you so then but what you need to bring to protect yourself for malaria is i mean i just have a small one here is any type of mosquito repellent because they do come out especially in the evenings from 6 37 then the most one of the most important things is another small backpack so that you can go for your day trips and something whatever you want to carry and i mean i have so many things like organized for all my documents and my electronic articles but where's it what i want to show you the most important thing which i think many people forget is an adapter and they use here in tanzania the one with three so these are the type g the one they use as well from the uk so just go online and get an adapter so that whatever you use like here to charge my battery uh you can plug it in and then you can easily plug it in the wall because believe me there's nothing more stressful you come home you want to charge your camera and then you figure out it does not fit the most important things is it can get cold so i have a very heavy jumper here i always carry it with me because in the mornings especially can get cold especially if you go on a morning game drive and then there's the wind blowing through the car and evening so believe me wear something warm as well yeah of course like you can wear your shorts and you can wear a top the way i'm wearing here but it also depends on where you're going on safari it is your own business at the beach it's your own business you can go in a bikini no one cares but if you walk in a city or if you go and visit let's say you have a cultural visit you have to dress appropriate which means modest just try to cover yourself and show respect to the culture like when you travel there the official language is swahili and it's true even here at maasai village or wherever we are most of the people they don't know proper english not unless they have gone to good schools or even surprisingly the kids here they actually if they go to school they know english but sometimes you might have challenges finding proper english here but if you're on safari of course your guide and everyone they will know they are professionals they know and they will talk to you in english and also what you have to know is that in tanzania here there are over 100 tribes i think around 120 different tribes every tribe has its own language but anyway you don't have to learn them you also don't have to learn swahili but i do believe it is really good if you prepare yourself a bit before you come here before you travel and you learn a few things a few words in swahili just the basics like greetings jumbo like some of the words so that you can act a little bit like a local and if you wonder where to get it like i used to learn a lot of swahili with the app duolingo and you find all and even more information in the free travel checklist get a taxi which picks you up from the airport to your hotel either your safari company you travel with can organize this or maybe the hotel you are staying at can organize it and even the worst case you will always find a taxi on the roads but then be ready to begin then the next thing is like traveling around arusha or around bigger cities like in arusha there is no official uber so the easiest is you go with a taxi which of course then you have to bargain every time the prices or they have these small motorbikes you can drive around or also maybe you can go with their buses but i think the easiest is you stick to a taxi um because honestly they don't charge you much like we went out to a club just the other night we came back here to our hotel and it was like maybe 10 minutes right and we paid not even 4 euros so i think that's pretty affordable for everyone can either pick a plane which i think is the best way to travel around but it's not that cheap to be honest i mean the prices are okay maybe around 100 per flight or 120 150 so going both ways you will maybe spend up around 300 or 275 dollars return ticket um yeah you can also go with the bus but then it's a long way and then going from dal salam to sanzeba with the ferry you end up getting lost in time so yeah i think getting the plane ticket is the best the easiest and safest option okay i have been traveling here for over the past eight years as a solo traveler in east africa and there was never a moment to be honest where i did not feel safe but you have to be as well aware of your surroundings and also how you present yourself like in a way that i think don't do anything you wouldn't do at home as well and then there are some few rules i think which are to be mentioned you have to consider and to follow for example in tanzania it gets dark pretty early like by 6 30 7 laters it's dark so never ever walk alone in darkness even if you're not working and you think it's safe don't do it just pay the taxi taxis are very cheap just get a taxi and go from a to b for your own safety then as well don't walk around with your phone like this make sense like yeah all these things then of course if then someone comes to snatch your phone i'm saying like i'm sorry or when you go to a club or somewhere everywhere where it's crowded where you have like many people um try not to put like your phone in your pockets or something try to have your phone directly at your body or somewhere safe in your backpack so that no one can easily open your backpack and snatch out your phone or your money on your things so just be maybe extra mindful when you go to such crowded places but i think apart from that it's not more dangerous than if you would be in a major city somewhere traveling around the world and one thing i hear all the time and i have to tell you is that if just in case something happens or you feel something is not safe you remove that if there is something what you feel like okay something is going on wrong like something is happening you don't know what but you can feel that something is happening then react first trust your instinct and second act which means go away call a taxi go to a security guy go to the caller manager or go to the reception do something about it and leave so that in case whatever happens doesn't get worse so i hope this helped you a bit if you have more questions i can understand that this is something completely new your first travel maybe to africa and you might be worried don't worry i'm here for you so if you have any questions please comment down below or you guys know where to find me as well reach out to me and yeah from there we can take it and we can plan together your next trip which is tanzania okay bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: KenyaTravelSecrets
Views: 9,083
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Keywords: visit Tanzania, tanzania travel tips, tanzania travel tips 2022, visit tanzania in 2022, tanzania travel guide, travel tanzania on a budget, travel tanzania and zanzibar, tanzania travel vlog, tanzania travel requirements, tanzania travel 2022, solo travel tanzania, tanzania tips, travel to tanzania, how to travel tanzania
Id: 8gisRRJ5OL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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