Lost in little Somali sketchy neighborhood

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oh that oh this guy doing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] TR to go around [Music] this I'm meeting up with two YouTubers right now and unfortunately uh I don't know what we're doing but we're going to go to salian neighborhood and record so right now I'm going to come meet them here and uh see what we're going to do but it's my first time being in the Somalian neighborhood so we going to see what it is you want me to go back to the mall I was [Music] it okay okay okay yeah I was in I didn't know you was inside the Mom sorry all right I'm coming back all right brother I'll see you in a bit all right what's up guys fortunately I'm going in security so I got to cut my camera off right now this is where we're at BBS Mall which is one of the big malls here in Kenya look at that so I'm going to go ahead and meet up with these guys I got to turn my camera off cuz they have security over here which is very sorry brother which is very very strict you see where we at right here all right so let's turn this off and get to business so guys I just walked in the mall right now and I'm meeting up with fellow two fellow YouTubers one right here yeah Nigeria and India Nigeria and I'm from India India what a we got a crazy mix we got Nigeria India and United States all in one spot so we going to go see this area and see what it has to offer man so we out of here next stop we'll let you know so we almost just caught we almost just caught an accident right here but um over here you got to be very careful because a lot of Somalians especially the ladies they don't want you recording so anytime I see a lady I turn the camera towards me you can see where we at this is the cheapest maret to get things about far sight security far sight security they can see very very far oh Lord so what we doing here we going to get some food yeah we get some Somalian food I get some I want to see how much cost going get some shoes yeah like crook M I came here I stop we driving drive by very well yeah I have any sorry hit me up the most so this is like a big um kind of like a big they got like a whole bunch of shops and stuff clothes restaurants a little bit of everything what's up brother SL for the [Music] camera's buy bag the place to buy bag is is defined every store is being defined if they say one thing here that is being sold in all of that Place ah and and over here it's cheaper it's cheap very cheap people buy here to go say [Music] CD by see byan so this is Somali land yes I said so this is Somali land yeah Somali land Crocs just to see how much this we look eat some you been on the mat mat yes it's nice right right three 10 hours wow mat oh wow 10 hours on a matato wow so I think since I'm here I might try me some um Somalian food since I'm here try something cuz I didn't eat so we're probably he's going to buy some shoes see how he came he literally came prepared to buy shoes this guy came like my that's why everybody's asking me for money not him cuz they look at his shoes like he broke but I I think I'll try some Somalian food then and that's about it when it comes TOA transaction yeah this have number wow wow wow things go on here look it's crazy man sometimes the women have all their face covered up and you can still tell they're beautiful I still see it I still see it I'm that good I'm that good far sight I can see it from yeah I got the far sight bro I can see it from a distance yeah oh man got some nice yeah you want to jacket too no no no this guy want to buy everything if it's cheap I'll buy it's hard for me to buy stuff cuz when you traveling from country to Country it's like you start running out of space so like every time I want to buy souvenirs and stuff it's just I can't cuz then when I go to the next country it's going to be another souvenir and It's just tough ask yeah you should ask some Croc I never been to this neighborhood but it's pretty cool as an Indian neighborhood I kind of feel comfortable being with them because with them recording it's kind of a little bit I don't think it's dangerous anyway but it's just when you're with other people recording it's a little bit easier than by yourself so that's a me they don't have Crocs so keep going oh you know what they sell Crocs Crocs The Croc shoes Crocs Crocs shoes no I'm Crocs a little bit hard Over Here Boy hard to find Crocs over here so we're going to just he's just going to I'm just going to join him in on the Journey of looking for Crocs but I really want to try some Somalian food so that's what I'm going to do while we're here you can see these buildings this is such such a busy market and I'm used to working alone guys I'm not used to working with three other YouTubers so we're in a busy market right now trying to find Crocs for this guy I'm used to being the one that's uh looking for things so we this area they looks like they sell nothing but shoes nothing but shoes over here yeah so these guys will probably know what they sell Crocs at where they sell Crocs look at that wow what's up bro so good 100 I can get one yeah watch uh I which one you like the ones with with fruits fruits everything mango Bo avocado um watermelon this is mango mango watermelon avocado yeah this one you have change you change I got I'll go to find it wait yeah wait I will go to find no worry I remember I was I remember I was in a country and I had got something and the person went to make change person never came back not saying that they'll do that here and I don't want to say what country it is hold on guys hold on yeah this this small size hold on oh guys look at this shaking fruits I gave her the money and I let her take the product hopefully she come back oh I think she is she seemed like an honest person oh you gave her money to give to get to change oh wow let's see let's see what happens I did that today yesterday I gave some a lady my my clothes to wash for me and I put 1,000 inside so I told that if she returns the money I'm going to double it for her yeah so I'm still waiting for her to and and and it's on camera I did it on camera so I'm going to see oh never mind she coming back that's her she oh okay she's coming back she left her product but when they leave with it well they not coming back right that happened to me it happened to me twice I bought some chocolate I bought chocolate they left they said they coming back with my change they never came back that's crazy it wasn't in Kenya though oh okay was it in Nigeria no it wasn't Nigeria either it was a it was it was a Caribbean country I just don't want to say what country it is but it wasn't in a Caribbean it was in America thank you she came back y good hey can you zip this up for me turn that one too thank you all right we going out yeah you got two no it's too small ask them do someone else has it yo another person you have another guy who have shoes no huh you want this why do you even get it no she just wanted ju can we get it now before I don't know [ __ ] up this let's get it now yes this like this right here oh only only sit sit sit sit do you know I watching when you were like 40K I started watching your videos all of a sudden you went to Latin America I say 2 million views 1 million view Awesome YouTube yeah YouTube all of us I'm recording myself not you but if you if you want to say hi to the camera you want to say hi to the camera so show your show your business and I'mma tell them checking effect uh checking effect let let me show you his channel check [Music] want me to spell it for you just make a new just got me a a subscriber y'all I just got me a subscriber subscri for my friend where can we get good good Somali restaurant around here Somali food yeah this when he does that it makes people interested and then you know so we're going to uh the name of it is called restaurant grill wedding hall the name of the restaurant is wedding restaurant grill wedding hall we just picked anything to eat huh oh ready uhuh it's a wedding going on oh my God so where's the restant restaurant oh okay Santi all right [Music] travel visa travel visa China buy tur uh the corner [Music] easier yeah good yeah you we split it have we also [Music] have we also have chicken curry fish curry we have also chicken roasted chicken roasted also have chicken boness also have fish Sal fish something yeah g me [Music] have it's nice okay I'll try I'll try it car camel how I have a stool sto carel Mi no unless I give you chicken curry chicken curry yeah and gra yeah that's and you chapati yeah chap chicken curry chapati no rice and and carel meat soup soup soup is and you she's vegetarian please I can see anything there most Indians are vegetarians I go vegetarian sometimes too I went vegetarian like I don't eat meat every day sometimes I go 5 6 seven days no meat every time I travel leave home when I'm home when I know I'm going to take a trip I go like a week no meat it works when I don't eat meat for a week my energy is high and you feel relaxed yeah when I eat it makes me sluggish it makes me move slow so if I thought you now I would be more active be more yes you in the first 3 days no you're going to feel tired but once your body starts fighting everything and you don't and your body clears everything out cuz it starts here before it gets here so it's going to work with your intestines is going to clear everything out cuz the meat is getting stuck you know clean yourself and then you feel fresh yeah and then here is going to be energized I was going to the gym no pre-workout no energy drink I go in the gym just I wake you know when you wake up in the morning you wake up like this you're a little tired I wake up like it's 12:00 I wake up get up like I'll try all right I was supposed to record but I didn't all right she's going to come back it's cow meat I mean cam camel meat oh he got camel meat with ugali yes and I got the curry what is this that's mine curry chicken curry with chati that's perfect oh they don't bring the thing in to wash so I kept it simple curry chapati my boy got camel meat there camel meat right there ugali with the sauce and the cabbage and everything like that so enjoy bro this my first time trying my first time is trying camel meat she forced me to do this and she's going to drink camel milk directly from the camel oh my God like literally directly from the camel like freshly [Music] squeezed oh my god oh one chapati oh my God guys this is a challenge I think have come born atit this the first time born Appetit my brother yeah this the first time this oh my God she's like human meat oh my God guys what it taste like like beef tastes like beef how's the texture is the texture like beef yes texture very soft you I have some no I don't want n three let's go it's not like beef it's softer than beef yeah well maybe I got a soft part you got you didn't no it's soft it's soft it's more tender than beef so this is cow um camel camel me oh my God it's actually good you know my problem here is that where I come from with you don't chew this you swallow it so you have to need soup to swallow it I don't know how to chew I can't swallow you going to choke swallowing that bro you're going to choke swallowing that I will choke chewing it no you know the Niger is been there yeah look it's okay it's okay direct from the camel that's count camel I can smell it you can smell the camel water water smell it water water try the camel milk go ahead go ahead get a bit bit of that Camel so it's little salty she said I can smell the camel no the the taste of the camel milk I can smell that all right guys I'mma eat in privacy holl at [Music] y'all I wish I wish go get your shoes man go get your shoes not they still building this place every day trust me this big place they going to have some shoes that fit you they mustam did say boy you got hit on camera oh my God 100 m I just put n g in the Sprinter take your ey off yeah yeah once you way yeah it's super hectic here as soon as you take your eye off the camera soon as you take off the camera something you might get hit by like soon as you put your eye on the camera I mean or paying attention to something somebody can hit you this guy right here literally almost got hit right now like this close I told him yo get out the way get out the way 3 seconds and then right after that another truck was coming yo yo yeah that's g a i be getting confused bro be traveling to different countries and start saying one language from another country look at this right here this [ __ ] is super hectic bro where we going don't know he said that way so that got it hey I know just [Music] before Madness it's Madness right now going through this so Much Madness going through this bro huh it's Madness this is where you can get robbed and don't even know it you find out when you get home oh [ __ ] watch your head they selling manin what look like dollar but I haven't spoken I smell like I smell like American right I smell American oh [ __ ] saw that oh what this guy doing get leg yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh sorry sorry so sorry [ __ ] I was about to hit [Music] this is the way get out the traffic so our plan right now is just to get away from this traffic cuz right now it's getting a little too hectic and too dangerous cuz people are starting to get off of work so we got to try to hit it and I got to try to hit it before it's too late cuz the rush hour here is crazy ridiculous Rush Hour crazy ridiculous rush hour so we trying to get it it's clearing up right here ice cre haa here ice cream Papa ice cream here [Music] it feels like Somali yeah it does [Music] [Music] so I think what we're going to do is we're going to go down to the end where the traffic is a little bit more clear where the traffic is a little bit more clear and then from there I guess I'm going to go my way he's going to go his way because right now this thing is a little too hectic and I'm not trying to be out here in this hectic crowd um cuz the later it gets the worse it gets man traffic is crazy um in Nairobi especially when you're in these Market so I think when we get out the traffic I'm just going to call a uber yeah before it gets too late for me cuz you guys are in K what you guys are here right yeah I'm where bro she used she used the thing as a footrest so now I'm trying to I just left my friends I'm just trying to get a place where there's not a lot of traffic so I can easily call a Uber and it'll be easy for me to uh it'll be easy for me to get away from this madness I'm just trying to find a little spot where it's not as I'm trying to get away from the traffic so it could be easy for me to call a uber and take me home cuz my friends they just left and the guy was trying to charge me uh like 400 which it makes no sense so we just going to walk till the traffic clears up damn where the hell do the traffic clear up at though that's the question damn it where I'm at oh man [Music] damn this is a bad move I'm supposed to be going away from [ __ ] I'm coming I'm going into stuff oh Lord try to go around this this was a dumb move I tried to try to go back here thinking I could clear the traffic but um this is a dead end so now I got to try to figure out something else um also I'd like to give a shout out to uh Tony from Florida who's been watching me man shout out to Tony and your son Alex that's watching my channel man I appreciate it man shout out to Tony from Florida you already know who you are [Music] you have change how much change 100 thank you brother take care all all right so what I did was just to get away from that heavy traffic I came to a place where it's a little bit lighter and I don't I don't ask how much I tell them because I I just told him hey man take me where there's no traffic for 100 um so now I'm over here I'm going to call a uber wait for this Uber to go home at least now as you can see there's less traffic here see that it's less traffic out here so for the to come it'll be a little bit easier and faster so thing I like about the Uber is it's cashless it goes comes directly out my account oh 1 minute see that told you guys so now this Uber is already here let me see where he at let me see oh stop no that's him oh no no that's not him KD you type in at the ASC energy at as what's that say as energy what that say as energy all right we got that out now go back to Uber see what type of car it is let me see where he's at and they showing he's here KDL KDL where's KD Dam where the super at what kind of car is it Nissan hello ah I see you I see you yo you was already here I'm already here yeah perfect perfect perfect uh yeah perfect so I get inside yeah thank you how are you good I'm looking for you you're already here I'm already trying to see where where where I'm at was just about to okay all right how's your day so far oh man busy busy busy yeah but productive very very productive productive good news good news so exctly are we going
Channel: Czech in effect
Views: 92,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LOST IN LITTLE SOMALI NEIGHBORHOOD, somali community, Eastleigh martlet place, Eastleigh Nairobi, Czech in effect
Id: LKf7GWfqeKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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