How much does a private safari in Kenya in 2024 really cost? / Safari Cost Breakdown / E:07

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since your little child you are dreaming of traveling to Africa and going on a safari and now it's the time you actually make it happen but there's one big problem and it's a big one you have no idea how much you really have to spend on an African safari the best Kenya travel advice in the world sharing Insider tips no one talks about real and authentic Kenya travel secrets so that's exactly why I'm here any case you don't know me yet my name is senya and I am traveling and living in Kenya since over nine years and I have made it to my mission to help first-time travelers to plan their trip and that's why I thought like okay let's dive into this so that you can get a clear idea how much you should be spending on your Safari so in this YouTube podcast I'll be giving you the idea an exact Safari breakdown how much cost like what goes where why is the big difference between two thousand dollar or maybe twenty thousand USD then what should an average Safari day cost for me so that you can get your planning and get your budget straight and as well at the end I'll be sharing with you the tips which you should not miss out you have to know before you thinking about booking a safari online with a true operator so let's get into this so number one as I promised the breakdown of the costs how do I know like how comes a quotation can be two thousand dollar another one twenty thousand USD dollars for the same itinerary but different tour companies so I tell you the difference is in the hotels what this means is that you can be sleeping in a hotel which is like low budget and you spend around fifty dollars per person per day you can spend in a hotel luxury and spending around 1 500 or maybe even 2 000 per person per day and that is insane and that's where your biggest difference comes when it comes to your itinerary building and to your costs so at the end of the day when you get a quotation from a two operator you first of all have to go and see okay is it really a private Safari do they include like a Land Cruiser and your own private drive and guide which costs you around 250 dollars per day that is now this year in 2023. when it comes to next year 2024 we are talking about around 300 most likely because of work prices are going up like crazy so you have to calculate let's say for 2024 300 for your car Land Cruiser driver guide full everything included around 100 and Insurance View right now the government has doubled the prices some of them in their Parks which is insane and we don't yet even know what is going to happen with Maasai Mara we know from kws all these Parks they're already out and it's around 100 or even 120 dollars USD entrance fee depending on the season you're coming there's a high season and a low season and for Maasai Mara it's already 80 and we are worried that they might double the cost or raise it up to 120 150 or even higher than that but we don't yet know so just calculate for now around 100 per day per person entrance fee for your Safari so if you're going five days do that times five just to be on the safe side for easy calculations now on top comes your hotel and now Tada that's where the big difference comes so when you get your itinerary back you go and check hotels which are included go and see how valuable they are like others are really like five-star hotels what do they offer a part is it like an all-inclusive service or how are the sleeping conditions is it a low budget hotel or what do they give so that's a very big difference but let me tell you one thing when it comes to the engineering planning one of the biggest misconception or their problems a two operators usually have is like when they give you an itinerary they usually quote you with the standard itinerary which is like but in Kenya there is way more to explore and experience than these three parks and most of the tourists they don't know better that's why they choose and they go and they book it and that's the sad truth here in Kenya so if you want to have an authentic experience or go like the hidden spots and where not everyone is like you have to get deeper do better research or connect with me for example that's what I do I help first-time travelers to plan their trip and make sure that you have an authentic experience and get the experience you want it's not necessarily like the most top three national parks of ourselves there are other places which they offer outdoor experiences dinner or breakfast you can have is giraffes which is one of my favorites and so so so many more things or even like a real authentic Village that you can include so if you're interested in that and you say like senya I want your help you can find a free itinerary planner down below just go click the link and then you will get to my team and then we can help you and plan with you your trip to Kenya I wanted to share quickly where I am because I am truly in love with this place and as I mentioned I'm traveling here uh through Kenya I'm driving actually myself with a car a 4x4 and my little one my two years old son and just recently I got to know about this beautiful beach cottage and this place is located in the Northern parts near the Indian Ocean it's directly at the beach and what I love is that this place I didn't know exists before that's number one it's a Hidden Gem and number two it's run by a small cute family and they just have a couple of rooms and they are specialized on kids travel and the fact that I'm traveling with my little one I'm telling you this is a Mass for every mom here who's listening to include that maybe at the end of your Safari come a few days to the coast and experience this like this is amazing [Music] thank you let me get into number two get your budget right and what it means the average cost I would say per person per day and you have to calculate with like four or five days Safari so this is like the average people go on a five four or five day Safari the ones who comes to Kenya first time average I would say medium budget put in place 400 to 500 per person luxury a thousand dollar and then of course high-end maybe even a thousand five hundred per person per day and then you're on a good side so if you know where and you were like oh my god did you just say a thousand dollar a thousand five hundred per person per day and this is not for you relax I got you there are other ways as well other options in Kenya to travel a bit more affordable so I was talking all this time about a private Safari now you can have the other option to join a group but here's the big butt this group suffice a mainstream safaris so you will most likely not have any authentic travels or experiences because this needs to be on a private one where you can tailor-made your planning your engineering for the group joining you can travel level as low as 120 dollars a hundred fifty dollars most likely in 2024 because entrance prices everything will go up so let's say a hundred and fifty dollar per person per day you can join a group if everything is included a small group let's say six to seven people maximum it's a Safari van not a Land Cruiser which means it's like more like a small bus which has an roof which can be opened to save costs and then yeah no budget accommodations but you sleep in a tented camp this means it has a toilet it inside it has a bed inside it has mosquito Nets it has everything so in Kenya we don't just go out with a sleeping bag and attend and you sleep there no no it's a tented Camp which looks like a tent but if you go in it's actually like a room so these are like some of the low budget versions so this is possible so if you want that I can as well help you with that you can just comment below senior help me or something like say group Safari and I can help you and connect you with someone who deals with that because for this we need special two operators who do a good job in that okay another thing on how you could actually save some money when you say like yes you know for me all what matters is the experience I don't really matter about a Land Cruiser then that's fine you can actually say to the tour company instead of giving me a Land Cruiser just give me a Safari van and then it's cheaper for you and you will save around 100 per day just by changing the car and another thing is instead of going to the big big parks where you pay like a hundred dollar per day entrance fee you can go to small more unknown conservancies or have some other experiences where you pay for the experience directly but you don't have to pay an entrance fee or even if then the entrance fee is way way lower yeah so as promised the last point I wanted to give with you the real tips or a good tip which you have to watch out before you actually start booking a safari with a two operator online first of all in Kenya you can never be sure about online reviews or ratings and also about their social media let's say they are really good hotels out there in Kenya but they have a crap social media because they don't have the money or they have not even see the needs to invest in it and invest in a marketing person and pimp all their social media but they are run by locals they have a really good authentic experiences and that's the places I like as well like where you can just go and you feel like wow this is amazing and you connect with the African culture um then another thing is if you just choose like any two operator online you have to really be careful about the guide and the qualifications about the guide so I have been working in the past with many trouble eaters I've been going on hundreds of safaris but I'm only sticking to a couple of two operators I work with and that's mainly because of the guides the guide is at the end of the day the person which will make your Safari from being like Aya you see what you want to see like maybe you see it if you're lucky to an extreme Ultra amazing once in your lifetime experience where you actually maybe witness a hand or you you witness leopards or cheetah or your sea lion whatsoever it is like only good guys who have a good qualification or even the guys who live around like for example in Masai Mara they are Maasai guys they are doing nothing else apart from being a guide in masamara now if you come with your guide from Nairobi for example or someone who's not experienced then you might face a big problem because this guide might not know where residential lions for example are or leopards so it is always good to work with locals directly or as using companies who use locals there yeah so that is one of the main things I have learned and I completely underestimated when I went the first time on a safari because I was like yeah animals are animals and they are there but it's not true the guide has to find them he has to know where they are so that you have a good experience okay so that was it for today I hope you liked it I just thought of sharing all my knowledge and so that you have the chance to not do the same mistakes as I did when I traveled the first time to Kenya and went on a safari or even having the feeling like oh my God they rip me off because now I paid so much money but you still didn't get the experience you wanted or if you sign up for a group Safari at least know what is gonna happen on the ground and as I mentioned if you need more information I'm sure you know where to get me by now and yeah I am excited to see you soon in my next video and I wish you a lovely day
Channel: KenyaTravelSecrets
Views: 1,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenya Travel, Kenya Safari, Kenya Travel Tips, African Safari, Visit Kenya, Travel Kenya, Mombasa, Nairobi, Kenya Entry Requirements, Travel With Sinja, Kenya Travel Advice, Kenyan Safari, Masai Mara, Maasai Mara
Id: VTD_W6N7_pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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