NO VISA for Kenya anymore? What you need NOW to visit Kenya!

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we have been traveling for the last 2 weeks through the Kenyan Coast down all the Tanzanian Coast now we are finally in Sansa I can't believe we married to Sansa welcome to but unfortunately this video is not about the beauty of Sansa actually our time is almost over we just have a couple more days and then we are heading back to Kenya and also on this trip it's a paid trip with a client of mine and I just applied for the new Visa however you want to call that for her for Kenya because we are heading back to Kenya with her and yes you might be confused do I need a visa do I not need a visa because the president announced Kenya as Visa are free but this is wrong it's not and that's why I thought I'm shooting this video and I'm taking you through step by step what I did and answer all your questions so that you exactly know when you're planning to travel to Kenya what you have to do and which documents you need so that you can travel stressy so I think this way we should be better so there's an official document going on from the kcaa so that's the Kenya civil aviation Authority which is stating that it will be a Visa free country from January 2024 however you have to go through a certain platform and it's called etak kenya. J.K where you have to apply for an authorization like I it's also a Visa if you ask me so you need to get a new paper so that you can enter this is the official web page and honestly it is super easy and straightforward so you just say accept all the cookies whatsoever apply now and then you just press on continue and you said yes I have read everything no I don't want to have any special offers individual application then you type in okay in my case I'm from Germany so we use that yes and now we're already in and this is the easiest which compared to the old AV Visa because now the first thing is what you have to do is you have to upload your passport and you just make a picture and upload your passport page and then it will fill out automatically when you're born or your data your passport number and this is where like the biggest mistakes happen and when most of the Ava got um denied if you have done any mistake there but now this all happens automatic so you just do that then after this okay I can't continue right now because it's telling me I have to do it so then after this you upload a selfie or a picture of yourself you can just upload a picture from your phone very simple very straightforward very easy then they ask you for contact information about yourself also emergency contact UM about your family it's similar to the old Visa but it's not a big deal you don't even have to upload any documents you just type in the information and now when it comes to trip information is now when it's becoming a bit different to the other one so they will ask you to upload your entire travel inary and this is something which I feel like you don't need to upload like everything because we have some Travelers they just book the first hotel the first nights and or maybe the Safari and the rest they leave it open and I think that one is totally okay even here so it's enough to put one hotel or an iner which you have on a PDF which says like estimated I want to do this this this and this what they want to see is at least your first hotel and a contact where they can follow up and call Where You Are now in case of something happened and that's why they're asking so many questions about it but don't overthink upload what you have Kenya is tourist friendly they will not deny your Visa because of a travel iner or because you haven't filled out all the details in a travel in I don't even think they will actually read it to be honest but this is my personal opinion now you have to upload your flight ticket and as I already mentioned this one is different in the the other one old one you had just to say like okay um I'm flying in and I have a ticket I bought a ticket but you were not forced to upload it here you have to both of them so even if you stay longer or you're not sure you need to get a ticket even if you cancel it or change the dates later on but this is necessary yeah and then the rest of the things it's just like General law which I think is also useful you read them through what is happening you just add and then you confirm and proceed and it's as simple as that and um you have to pay it was $32 for one person for my client and the old Visa was $50 so I think it's cheaper that's a good thing and it's also faster to apply it took me just like 10 minutes if you have all the documents and everything there in 10 minutes you're done you have applied for it and then you will get a link which I really found is a cool thing if if you have applied and you have finished everything you have paid so you get a link and now on this link you can keep on checking how far are they and for my client it took them I believe two or three working days and then they had sent her the ETA form back to her email directly even that was different to the old Visa system sometimes you didn't get an email so you had to go to your dashboard and keep on checking what's going on here they directly contact you you get everything to your email you're done so it's as simple as that so I don't want you to overthink and feel like oh my God I need to get this or I need to get this and now I'm not sure it is simple relax I got you if you have been following my channel for a while then you know that I am not just a travel mom or a travel influencer who posts and whatever she does no I'm also a travel consultant specialized on Kenya so if you have any questions don't freak out I'm even offering free iner like I can help you to plan your trip in Kenya so you can apply down I'm not always be able to take everyone so I you have to apply and then I have to see my capacity or also my team and then we help you build your trip and plan everything so that you are safe and you also get the experiences you want while you travel in Kenya so I want you to know that you got this it's not a big deal and currently that's the only thing you need there is no Co anything anymore there is no other document you need you just need that and of course a valid passport for like six months and three empty pages in your passport and this type of things but there's no vaccines there's not even yellow fever you only need yellow fever to enter if you are coming from a yellow fever risk country yourself or if you have been in Tanzania for example now you're getting back to Kenya then you need a yellow F like the way we are now we have been Crossing Borders from risk countries so now we need it but if you from Europe or from the US you don't need a yellow fever okay and they're very fast still I wouldn't do it last minute so maybe two weeks before your flight is you can apply for it and also for the documents you can just upload PDF documents and you're good to go it's not not yet that official but on the ETA form which I got for my client it's written that it is valid for 90 days at the end of the day what counts in Kenya is the immigration office so the moment you enter Kenya they will stamp your passport so if you want to stay three months make sure they don't stamp you one month only because that's what they do sometimes you must be lucky for them to immediately give you three months mostly they only stamp one month so if you're there tell himy hey I'm staying here for 3 months so that they stamp you the entire 3 months because at the end of the day it doesn't count what's written on your form it counts what is in your passport every police or anything who's going to control you and check is what matters is what is on the passport one more tip before we end this video you get it via email and then print your ETA form it's the easiest and I think it's also a necessity because they want to just quickly check you wherever you are and wherever you walk around in Kenya walk around with your passport and a printed ETA um so that they can see okay you actually do have the permits to be in Kenya as a traveler okay that was it already for today's video short and sweet we are going to now spend a couple of more days here before we are heading back to Kenya and then yeah I'm so excited for the next upcoming videos because this time it's the but I'm leaving Africa and I'm traveling alone now with my little one and if you're interested to know where we heading and what we are planning and where we're going then yeah subscribe here and I see you in my next video
Channel: KenyaTravelSecrets
Views: 2,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenya Travel, Kenya Safari, Kenya Travel Tips, African Safari, Visit Kenya, Travel Kenya, Mombasa, Nairobi, Kenya Entry Requirements, Travel With Sinja, Kenya Travel Advice, Kenyan Safari, Masai Mara, Maasai Mara, Kenya visa, evisa Kenya, Visa Kenya
Id: uUxjTxRqtOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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