DawnCheré Wilkerson and Christine Caine — 7 Rules For Self Discovery: What You Think About The Most

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[Music] hi everybody happy Mother's Day you know here at vous church we celebrate all women on Mother's Day so whether you raise employ adopt birth mentor or teach the next generation today is really all about you and we love you and we honor you today we're having a conversation with a living legend a lot of people throw that term around loosely but I really mean it I think when the history books are written that Kristen Cain's name will go down as rest in countless individuals from human trafficking around the globe she's a freedom fighter she's a mom she is a wife and she's a leader that really her voice is so needed in our world today we're honored to have her Christine how are you doing I have five I can't believe I've been busting to come to church so here we are here we are happy Mother's Day thank you thank you and you yeah thank you I am are there any like Mother's Day traditions or I can imagine that you guys have probably spent Mother's Day all around the world literally I think Nick and I were counting the girls have had I think Katherine's 17 and she's been in at least 15 different countries with me doing Mother's Day celebrations are over that time because we're always in a different place so our tradition is either how we are together we've had to face time in sometimes I've had to be away like this year we had color I had to leave to go to Cape Town to do that but they will send me flowers and gifts and they get in with their dad and then FaceTime you said our thing is as long as we all connect it just looks different every year and in every place it's special yeah totally always changing and I love your family so much you do ministry as a unit tell me a little bit I know that well like to share a little bit about your husband and you're too amazed I can't well you know do you say I'm married to the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh so Nick and I been married for 23 years which is awesome and I I mean he I respect him I love him I mean all all jokes aside you know God really has used that man to love me to wholeness in so many ways and he's the kindest man I know the strongest man and just so secure in who he is in Christ and more than anything God's given me a man that I can trust for me it was so huge I had such a broken past for me to really be able to trust a man in the way that I trust Nick is amazing now out of that the best thing that has happened in our marriage is our two daughters Katherine who is 17 Katherine Bobby named after my pasta and Sophia Joyce named after my own spiritual mother Joyce Meyer and Katherine's 17 Sophia is 13 and are they're the delight of my life they are the greatest gifts I didn't even know that I wanted that I couldn't imagine life without and so God healed so much of my own brokenness and my own story through allowing me to be their mum and I have just learned so much about motherhood and childhood by parenting them that's incredible I love your daughters yeah their world I love you I thank God for you and um you have one of the heroes there's no doubt about that I adore them I can't wait to see everything that they're gonna do with their lives and you know we've been in a collection of top studying aw Tozer z' rules of self discovery and one of the rules is what do you think about the most and as a mom as as a wife as a leader your thought life it's pivotal to everything we used talk a minute is to everything and we love aw Tozer don't we but you know the deal is jewelry our thoughts are like a train they take us somewhere and I think sometimes as mothers we don't even think about what we're thinking about we just jump on the first train of thought that comes into our mind and you know normally it's full of stress and anger because you've got so many things going on in your mind and you can actually go down these paths and I think with mothers sometimes they've worked out I mean they've just given birth to their child and they've already gone down a train of thought of oh no by the time this kid is 17 is what's gonna happen and if we don't do this leave they don't get into this college and if they don't do this is gonna be on drugs and what do you think it and I'm like you know what let's just rein it in yes and I think we get to choose what train of thought we jump on now I've had to learn this in my life because you know I come from such a background of abuse and abandonment and adoption and my my thoughts were taking me into such places of negativity and fear and yeah and anxiety and depression and stress and in the world in which we live in our world is so cray-cray that as a mother I mean you send your kids to school you can go down a train of thought where you're going is Mike you're gonna come home today I mean we live in a very crazy world you know you look at the the substance abuse the the the problems in our society it is easy as a mother to get on a wrong train of thought so I am conscious and if you can imagine a train station you get to choose so I say Christine out loud because I've had to learn to bring every thought captive to the knowledge of God Christine is this thought going to take you to a destination of love of joy of peace of kindness of gentleness if not you know where this thoughts gonna go so you have to become intentional about thinking so just because that train of thought pulls into the platform of your mind you don't need to jump on it well like no I don't want to go where you're going so I'm not going on that train of thought yeah I'm closing that social media account I'm not looking at that news report I'm not gonna have those negative girlfriend's that are telling me that so no you cannot even come into the platform of my mind because I don't want to jump on that train of thought that's going to take me in to gossip and slander and negativity and fear and doubt about my child the worlds cray cray enough so I'm gonna jump on a train of thought from the Word of God from positive influences from great input and that train of thought is gonna take more you know what because of chosen those train of thoughts and spoken those thoughts over my daughters by God's grace we've come to a place of joy and peace and in a place where people are losing their minds and spiraling out of control and going chaotic we're not there because I chose I'm not jumping on that train of thought that's gonna take me to that destination maybe the social norm that you don't have to motherhood is associated with anxiety fear where he's so often but it doesn't have to be that way that's not the promise that's in the word so then you've got to replace those thoughts with God's Allah what does God's Word say so if it's not a promise that God has made I don't want it I don't want the promise of fear and anxiety and dad alone I've taken it so that train can go empty to its destination I'm not jumping on it I'm jumping on these trains of thought I'm with you come on and you talked just a moment ago just about the brokenness that you walked through we share a little bit of well you know I mean because I know you know people in church today we've got so many different stories and um Mother's Day for me didn't always evoke the best emotions and so for a lot of people sitting in church today you know we know we're kind of supposed to be happy about it but not all of our stories and journeys trigger great emotions of joy I think the great news about the gospel is Jesus speaks into all of that and I know you know I didn't even find out that I was not my parents daughter until I was 33 years old and so that is a shock in itself now I always wondered growing up why I didn't quite fit into my family why my mother always seemed a little bit distant and why she never seemed totally happy with me now other people's journeys are different to mine but I think my mum she went through her own pain and trial and she couldn't bear her own biological children now she did when she was older my younger brother is the only biological child but my brother George was 35 and so when we found out we were adopted he was 35 I was 33 my younger brother was 30 we grew up our whole life thinking we were biologically connected now at that point 35 33 and 30 that we're not who we thought we were and that my brother had been adopted from one set of parents my I was adopted from another set of parents and my younger brother was the only biological child of my parents now I want to commend my parents because obviously they didn't show that much distinction in that we all thought that we were their biological children so they're obviously to the best of their capacity loved us as best as they could and so I'm up forever be grateful for that but because you know I found out later I was the daughter of a 23 year old single immigrant woman who I could only imagine in 1966 the trauma she would have went through finding out that she was pregnant now the documents tell me that my supposed father was a 55 year old married man and so imagine being an immigrant in Australia without your family back then to be pregnant outside of wedlock and to be Greek Orthodox I mean truly your siblings might have killed you all the man that made you pregnant I mean that would have been a reality back then and so here is this woman I could only imagine how frightened she was how alone she felt and don't Cherie I think the courage she must have had to have me because think of what other options she could have had and and I understand women in that moment of just not knowing what to do not having any support the fear she must have had the terror she must have felt somehow in the midst of all of that she checked herself into a hospital to actually give birth to me and a mobile thank God for that forever how traumatic it must have been for the medical reports say that she went through a 33 hour labor had to have a full blood transfusion so she was obviously traumatized and back in those days she had she left me in the hospital they weren't allowed to touch the baby I got a letter of apology from the Australian government because all the adoptions in this particular Hospital in the year I was born they were all forced adoptions so all the babies were taken from their mothers and so I don't even really know did she want to keep me she wasn't even given that option and they weren't allowed to touch us some women were tied to the beds and the bit I mean you could just think of the trauma she must have gone through and so that meant of course then I was never held you know I was I was it was a few weeks before I was even given to my mum and because my parents there was a great shame for not being able to bear your own biological child back then so my mother because of that shame they didn't tell people and so I was conceived in shame I was birthed in shame I was adopted in shame and then raised in shame add to that that I was sexually abused for twelve years by four different men so shame was my constant companion you know throughout all of that and because my mother felt that shame and didn't want us to find out that we were adopted for so many different reasons I think I carried that shame and I carried a really bad image of what a mother was because for my mother the only thing that she knew about my biological mother was the doctors had told her that my biological mother was intelligent and so then there's suddenly me and my mother would always I would bring report cards home from school where I really excelled and my mother would shave me Christine no man's ever gonna want to marry you if you're smarter than him Christine you you know why don't you want to be more feminine why do you want to be so academic and so I would change when we had grades from grade 1 to 5 in Australia grade 1 is the highest grade grade 5 is the lowest on I would get straight ones and on my report card on the way home I would change them to fours and fives so that I wouldn't have to cope with just being belittled because you know why you try to be so intelligent I'm not saying that I am but you know in a Greek Orthodox world hey it was like but what it was was my mother feeling inadequate because she couldn't birth me and in a sense I guess she felt competition with my birth mother I mean this is what happens when you don't bring things to the cross of Jesus to the redemption of Jesus you carry my mum carried all this unnecessary shame that she never needed to carry who knows how much shame my biological mother felt because of the culture that we were born in and I think I thank God this Mother's Day that the cross of Jesus Christ makes us all equal yes that you know that you don't need to carry that shame there are some mothers some people listening to this and either feeling like wow all I ever wanted to do was be a mother and I'm never gonna be a mother I'll be married and I'm not married or there are women I know listening to this today that have either given up a child for adoption and nobody knows or had an abortion that they wish that they didn't have and carry the shame of all of that I think the great news of this Mother's Day and every day with Jesus is that he forgives us of everything that we don't have to live in shame that's right and when I discovered that dawn Cherie it set me free because then I came into adulthood carrying a whole lot of shame that I didn't even know how to word and it nearly destroyed me you know if the cross of Christ if the blood of Jesus and the Word of God did not set me free you know there would be no a21 there would not be victims of trafficking being set free today there'd be no propell women with women you know we have 4,000 propelled chapters in 79 countries of the world it wouldn't exist it just wouldn't exist because I would still be crippled by shame hey I would be crippled with the guilt of both my biological mother and my adopted mother mean we carry so many mother words and just you know a couple of years ago my 50th birthday I guess to add another layer to that I was celebrating my 50th birthday we were in Newport Beach I had 150 friends we were having such a ball on the boat came off the boat after celebrating my birthday and I had 26 missed phone calls on my phone from my brother Andrew in Australia to tell me that my mother had died the same night that we were celebrating my birthday and that triggered a whole lot of other kind of mother wounds you know I went and I'm sort of a great believer we have the Holy Spirit we have the Word of God and good Christian counselors that can help us work through and it was like the Lord saying Chris are you gonna let me go deeper are you gonna I've got so many more millions of people I want you to reach but you're gonna have to let me go deeper so your reach will go further so can we go deeper on some things with your mother and so it would be just like my 50th birthday my mother dies I'm having this celebration and it's kind of like another layer of where the enemy could have really hijacked that moment to to to really cause another conflict in my mind and I've had to learn to control my mind to be the mother God's called me to be to be the minister God's called me to be and so I went for a whole new layer of counseling and just discovered that that I was still carrying different levels of shame you know it's amazing we're not so healed this side of eternity don't Cherie that we don't need Jesus every day each and every day that there's not another layer and we saw that even through a whole lot of that that as I dealt with you know they buried my mother and and it dealt with so many unresolved things with my own mum I mean we'd all like everything to be resolved this side of eternity but it's often not and I think a lot of us and a lot of us today in church some of us like you have got the best mother experience and I hope my daughters will be able to say the same thing but then I'm always caught in the tension of I didn't and you know I know the feeling of rejection and not being wanted and not being the daughter that even my adopted mother wanted she wanted a a kind of a ballerina from a young girl you know Christine why don't why do you playing soccer what you why why are you not a ballerina or Christine she would take me to came out for the you know to buy me a Barbie doll and she'd find me in the book section reading it so I was never the daughter like she adopted a daughter thinking I'm gonna have this beautiful ballerina and she had her own image of what I would be and I think sometimes we can we could cause a lot of damage to our children when we try to mold them in our image rather than help them be conformed to the image that God has made them into talk about that for a minute because here you are and you have two brilliant beautiful individuals they are different very very different they should be how do you allow them to grow into who they're called to be while also maintaining the culture of your home yeah it's huge because I'm I think when we said the culture of our home our home obviously is a Jesus glorifying home so it's a home full of hope and faith yeah joy yeah mercy and grace so it's not a mistake free zone it's a grace filled zone that's the best way to word it is that um so we said no one fears making a mistake because we know we will but we know there is mercy and grace this house that's so we don't have a whole lot of rules in our home if there are rules they might only be two or three and most of them would be we always honor God you know that that's non-negotiable kind of rule we always respect every human being that would be another one and that we always honor and respect ourselves as well so that would be in terms of rules that that would be pretty much you know a lot of the rest it fits into that so then you know when people go what kind of movies well we go does this really honor God does this respect humanity does this respect you if it doesn't well then we're not likely to be watching that well it's as simple as that the music we listen to it what does this really want to God does this respect you as a woman does this respect you as a person does this respect you know what they're saying about other people does that respect and respect people creating the image of God if not should we be listening to it so it's more like that that would be kind of where we stand it so I think most things fall into those categories yeah and so we don't have a whole lot of rules but we have a spirit in the home that they're always honors God and respects people and values ourselves as daughter that well in our case you know my two daughters my husband you know that respects you you're created in the image of God so do you want someone singing that stuff over you really does that value you as a daughter of the king so think about it and so I think in that it works but understanding that my job as their mother is to not it raise daughters that are conformed to my image but I am to help them be conformed and transformed to the image of Jesus Christ I most of them they are a gift to me I don't own them they are God's most precious gift to me but they are a gift my job is to you know train up a child in the way they should go not the way I want them to go and so we have to be careful I think a lot of the conflicts we have in our homes is when we're trying to make kids do what we want them to do rather than go God who have you made them to be so you think even marry the ultimate mother you know I think Mary the mother of God that doesn't become a greater mother Leo imagine you're given the mandate to raise god yeah I mean it just blows my mind I mean you got to carry God and then you got a birth god I mean we get worried about birthing a 10-pound baby but imagine like birthing God anyway so she's got the angel that when he comes to her tell sir you know you are going to carry the the Messiah you're gonna have a son his name's gonna be Jesus how many it's like you know uh the government is not gonna is gonna be on his shoulders it's new yeah and I mean you you've got these promises the angel you know you give birth to him all these gifts come people are prophesying over your son and so you're gonna punt I love what the scripture says that Mary pondered these things in her heart there are certain prophecies that were spoken over Jesus by both the angel of the Lord by the Magi that came and brought gifts yes so I have my two daughters there have been amazing prophetic words spoken over my daughter's lives I think the Lord spoken to me into my heart about my daughter's there have been prophets that have come and spoken things but you know what most of those things I'm gonna be pondering in my heart I'm seventeen years down the track with 113 years down with the track there are several things I've never told them but I'm pondering yeah in my just like Mary that's it because that's what you ponder and you then pray over them and you're gonna watch this come to pass because I am worried that I may actually then try to frame those words through a process that makes sense to my natural mind rather than watching God spiritually unravel this thing in their lives laughs so I'm watching things unfold that might not look like how I think it should look like and if I put it out there too many people are gonna try to box it will Chris you know you've got two daughters and you know Katherine might be so strong and she could be a lawyer do you think she's gonna be a preacher do you think she's gonna do or Saphir Joyce is so creative and you know do you think she should and now I will be if I'm not careful we will try to forge them in a certain image and put them through a process that actually will stifle the prophetic word over their life rather than release it yeah so what I have to do is discern where is it that I'm trying to actually control the process and where is it that I'm listening to them listening to the Holy Ghost and helping just direct them just tweak them in a direction where they're going to forge their own path now even Mary tried to in some ways you know say to Jesus this is how it should be and Jesus was 12 you know she lost him for three days now that makes every mother in the room today feel so free it's like it's very lost I know when I first is Sofia Oh Catherine I was 35 so I wasn't used to having a baby so I remember we were like shopping I was speaking for Halle Wagner so we're in Beverly Hills and so we went to the mall and I had scattering in a stroller and Nick went to another store in the mall and I pushed the stroller under all the shirts so the lights wouldn't get into her eyes and I bought these shirts for Nick and I was so excited that he was in the store a few stores down then I had the bags and I ran into Nick and I went the babe I bought you these shirts and I'll never forget like the blood drained from his face it he's like Kristine where's the baby and it's like I'd forgotten you know teenagers I was a youth worker like ice cream drop the bags ran into the store but I'm just saying for any mother that's ever forgotten the kid at school or lost your kid it's okay because Mary lost God yes three days okay yeah we are all free so she lost for three days Jesus he's recorded in Scripture for all of eternity at least only if I didn't tell you that I lost Katherine or that I forgot her you wouldn't know but Mary poor woman yes inscriptional you know I have five brothers and I can't tell you how many times time you get to the fifth kid the sixth kid you leave in a basketball game and you go oh my goodness we left one it's like when Nick was number 14 or 15 same thing it's like you don't even know what car you don't even know imagine Sunday lunch with 15 like no you can't even wrap your head around it so that's what happened to Mary and I think that's in the Bible so all of us are liberated on Mother's Day so you know but then when she went to him he just looked at her and he said you know woman what why are you looking for me I must be about the Father's business and for me that text it's I'm listening to my daughters sometimes when even if I'm wanting to react like Mary would have like you know man you should have it's like I'm listening ma'am I had to do this mom I sometimes where I want to stifle something I'm like Christine pause and listen is this the Holy Spirit speaking through your daughters going hang on a minute this is the direction they're going to go this is who they're going to be so Chris just because it doesn't fit in your box or it's not the exact same way your journey was don't disqualify them from their own journey because it looks different because it seems different but listen what is the business they must be about and if it's the father's business just because it might be packaged in a different way to youth the way you thought take this back and go Lord with all the prophetic words I've had over their lives and what you've spoken to me from Scripture does this fit into that and help me to change if I'm trying to box them into a process looks like my process because that will kill their purpose and destiny quicker than anything else because they will fail they will react and what they're not reacting to God they're reacting to the fact that I am trying to put them in a box and I think sometimes we have lauded more destinies in our children because we're trying to box them rather than actually release them from the box and go discover God for yourself in a way that exists you all the time you see it every day yeah and you're you're walking with fear and trembling trusting the holy square when to speak totally because it's a guide when delete and I think we're we short circuit is is when we try to control rather than trust and I'd say 9 times out of 10 when we push our kids away it's because we've tried to control something rather than trust God with them and it is so hard sometimes when you don't understand what's going on in your kid's life to trust God with your child when you don't understand but that's the faith walk it is it's a faith journey and it's hard because we would rather intervene and control and short-circuit and God says would you just trust me I actually love your child even more than you do I've got a plan for your transcends what your plan is and so if it Christine and so many times it's been like this when you don't understand will you trust which is the essence of faith it is so you're leading but you're also listening every step of the way absolutely and as you're helping each of your children walk out their individual destinies you're listening for each of them but then you're also like you're letting them grow freely and who God's called them to be but there are some non-negotiable absolutely I mean there is no you know that the bounce I mean this word is it's so liberating but it's also bounded there are boundaries I mean it's like you know so I'm like and I say that to them all the time okay so there are boundaries in this home and we are Christ followers therefore in this home you know I mean let's name it I've got a 17 year old so we've flat out God we talk about everything so here is the big thing nothing is off-limits so they are not gonna learn about anything at school first we are gonna have talked about it at home that's good or they're gonna hear about it so easy for you it has been a challenge it's been a great challenge because you know who wants to have especially in the culture in which we live quite explicit talks about sexuality and gender and sex and life and drugs I mean only in California so the laws are profoundly progressive when it comes to substance abuse what would I what was illegal in my day is just normal so thing I said here is the thing mummy had such a broken past so there is not much that either wasn't done to me or that I didn't of my own sinfulness didn't do myself and then I was a youth pastor for 15 years so there's not anything I haven't seen and I said so for you that's both a blessing and a curse because there is nothing that you're gonna be able to run rings around me and nothing's gonna shock me and I'm gonna believe very little so there yeah we're gonna start with that a playing field yeah so let's talk about reality and so in our home there's always the why the why certain language is not gonna be okay in this home why there are certain things we're not going to view there are you you're not Catherine as a 17 year old gonna be in a bedroom alone with a boy it's it's just not gonna happen and this is why and this is how and this is to protect you no real conversation and as awkward as it is sometimes and my kids I remember move first starting mom I don't want to talk about that like you look later do i but we're going to yes you're talking about it with your friends and it's gonna happen so the degree to which you're willing to be uncomfortable is the degree to which you're gonna create a comfortable environment in your I truly believe that and so for me I've had many uncomfortable moments and conversations the net result of that our home is a place of comfort and healing and wholeness for all my daughter's friends we are the family that they want to come to our house they love it and you know they love the safety of the fact that there are boundaries they love the safety that there are some things there are certain ways you will it will never be okay to talk to each other in this home in that way it's just never going to be okay so you can't elevate your voice like this and you cannot mistreat someone and speak to them in a certain way so I think with us it's not like we just don't do drugs alcohol sega's it's like we talk about again it comes down to falling within the greater categories how do we best honor God how do we best respect and esteem each other and how do we value ourselves now all of that anything that violates that that's just not going to happen in this house anything that breaks the peace joy love grace mercy doesn't mean you can't make mistakes and it doesn't mean you can't have an opinion that is different to mine in every way whether that be politically maybe you'd even think different things than me morally but we're always going to come down and go because Nick is the head of this household we are mum and dad are in unity in this thing together we are Christ's followers we've ascertained from early days you're not accidentally born into this family God we I believe that you're not a real product of time you're a product of eternity God has plucked you out of eternity he put you in my womb and then it birthed you into this family in this point in history and you are not an interruption to our ministry you are not an addendum to our ministry you are born into this family on purpose yeah so that we can keep together running and doing ministry together so God knew the family you were coming into so you are perfectly poised for this family and you are we are all doing this together so it was never I'm doing ministry now I'm a wife I'm doing ministry now I'm a mother it was never like it was just I am a whole person I don't have a compartmentalize life declare my mother at all time I'm wife at all time and I'm a minister at all times and all those things fit into our home and family so they're not seeing one person on the platform and another person at home and I could tell that because even yesterday you know I spoke at my daughter's school the fact that my teenage 17 year old daughter wants me to speak into her high school the miracle in America I let my younger daughter wants me to speak in her middle school shows that they understand that I'm certainly not perfect but that I am real and the same woman that's going to be standing in their high school is the same woman that's tucking them into bed at night and you know what for me I'm not I never looked for perfection just real and I think for every mother she's doing a whole lot better than she wants I'd say spend a whole less time on Pinterest I'm never on Pinterest I don't know I never compare and compete I just kind of am trying to figure it out I ask wiser women so for me of course my spiritual mother is Joyce Meyer yeah mentors in your era but your own mother is one of those for me I look at women that have raised kids in the way I want them to be raised and those women are still passionate for God in their 50s in their 60s in their 70s so I'm looking for the whole picture that they still love their husbands yes they love Jesus with a passion and they love their children and they've raised not perfect kids but kids that love God and so I'm looking at that and so it means that I've been able to major on the majors yeah and just to not worry about the minors and you know my kids don't remember whether I threw them a grandiose birthday party they just remember am i there are we cutting care praise is just am I locked in and most things they don't even care whether I'm at every game or not they just want to know how you locked into my life yes you can be at every game but on your phone and you're not locked into your kids like at all you can be you can have the most grandiose birthday party but in fact you put yourself in debt you've cost yourself stress and all you've done is try to impress all the other parents at the school and your kid knows that you haven't even been locked into them and so yet my kids wouldn't care if you're at Denny's with them and you're locked in or you know Krispy Kremes with this great doughnut so my deal is they want your presence any kind of like trying to put something on to impress anybody else unit definitely security and I think you're one of those voices in my life that I look to for an example of of loving your family treasuring and protecting your knowledge and running with everything you have to the ends of the earth literally yeah to let people know that Jesus loves them but also that he brings freedom or worth every area of our life and I think when I look at your life you're someone who's always treasured the local church how have you fostered your kids personal relationship with Jesus and also their their involvement or their love for their communities I love that love church yeah well you know I've been in one church for thirty-one years so I'm kind of like a local church girl to the bone and I actually believe and Nick would say the same thing the blessing on our marriage our family and our ministry is there's a direct correlation between us being planted in the house of God and how God has blessed us globally with what we do and so my thing is I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child so why would you want to do it by yourself and you go you know how have I fostered and nurtured their relationship with Jesus and the church well it's an outflow of my relationship with Jesus in the church and so that's why it's not hard work I've never sat down and go we're gonna have a quiet time about having Jesus and loving the house of God I love Jesus and I love the house of God love Jesus and my kids love the house of God it's beautiful it's not even complicated it's not complicated so it's the non-negotiable you know where we go what are some of the non-negotiable was with always Sunday you just go to church you sir you don't just go to one since they were born you go to one and you serve in when catherine has been serving in the nursery since she was four years old so at four she went to kids church and then she went the next service to serve in the nursery and so I've got pictures of her talking that she loved and it was just what what you did and so my kids when we debrief even if I'm traveling when we debrief what happens Sunday they'll always tell me the sermon that they heard that pastor preached and what happened in the services he's talked about it's what you do and and our tithing it's just what you do it's just it's never a big deal it's an outflow of what you do I think when you try to make it see if it's a big deal for you it'll be a big deal for them if it's if you're just trying to do it because it's the right thing to do they're gonna pick it up and as soon as they don't have to do it they won't do it because truly your heart stop doing it a real long time ago you just went for the kids so if you could just get your own heart right and be there because you want to be there and serve because you want to serve and tithe because you want to tithe it is amazing how much your kids would just love it and now is all the benefit I have a whole community so their mothering is not complex because I don't have to be everything I don't have to be everything to my daughters I can just be the mother but I got a whole group of people that can be their aunts their sisters their friends they've got I've got a whole community that can do that that frees me up to do the one thing that only I can do and then I have a whole community that can help me do everything else in the midst of all of that and I love the joy that you carry and I know it's your outlook on the local church that is really a picture of their their love for the local church you touched on something earlier and we're gonna close in a moment but it was so powerful you talked about Mary being so young you're being entrusted with the son of God but then you also said when you were 50 that you continued to walk through the healing process and we all do for our entire life on this side of eternity I think for a lot of moms when we enter into motherhood we can carry this mother guilt like we should be completely healed before we're allowed to be entrusted with a child that's not what we know so that's I think it's very crucial that the greatest gift we can give to our children is that we continue to allow God to heal us Monteith and the degree to which I allowed him then post 52 say okay we need a deeper level of healing now yes it has even changed my mothering in the last three my daughters were to say to you mom there's just a new freedom and so my girls in their teenage years are flourishing my marriage flourishing and God exploded our ministry to a whole nother level because I dared to say you know what I'm nothing here and I know yeah but that's the bottom line of going I'm not and with my daughters right from the outset I know I've never gone man I know everything it's like girls God thinks I'm ready for you because he gave me to you but I'm on this journey with you totally at best sometimes we might be ten steps ahead how often they're not maybe one step ahead and you go but I was just ahead I'm still gonna keep going towards the healing cross of Christ yes and I think today on Mother's Day a lot of amazing moms I totally have walked through the doors of our church yes and they look beautiful they got their beautiful dress in on but inside they feel broken total and I know that feeling because we all are in the process of being healed by the love of Jesus every season of our life you know I have a one-year-old son have another son on the way but for the rest of my life I'm gonna have to stand in a place of honesty and openness to the Holy Spirit to heal me so that I can share that healing power with my kids always and I think today I would love it if you would pray for the moms of the house totally whatever season they're in that God would encourage them lift their heads let them know that he's with them well absolutely and you know I want you to know that um that God does love you and I am a miracle and so are you if I could walk through the pain and heartache and have encountered the redemption of Jesus the same Jesus that did it for me can do it for you and I just want to just as I pray over every mother I just want to speak to you and say you're doing better than you think and I know 9 times out of 10 most of us are just getting by and thinking God you got to make up the gap I want you to know that in our weakness his power is made perfect and you don't need to be perfect you just need to lead your kids to the perfect one he is Jesus and he can make he can fill that gap all the time so let me just pray for you so father I thank you I thank you for every woman in the house because father today all of us are mothers of types we're all older than somebody and we can all help to impart life and hope and truth into somebody that's younger than us but lord I pray right now then for all the mums that right now might be feeling that there's just don't measure up they're so aware of their frailty and their failure and there are some that are sitting in church today we know we blew it on the way to church we kind of just was short-tempered and just trying to get our kids here father let them know your grace right now I pray in Jesus name father I pray that you would continue to grow us in wisdom and in knowledge and in our capacity to be able to be the mothers that you have called us to be and father thank you that when we are weak you are strong their father when we blow it you can fill that gap and you are greater than us and let every woman as much as wear a mother Lord we are a daughter and we're always your daughters and I pray that every woman in the room today would know we just feel an supernatural touch from you right now father as your daughter and Lord let her know that in this moment that she's your beloved daughter in whom you are well pleased in whom you are well pleased right now so thank you Father that before we're mothers we are your daughters and thank you that you you are truly the only one that is perfect we don't have to measure up to some perfect image of a mother we just have to lead our kids to our perfect God who is a perfect everlasting father so father we thank you in Jesus name well thank you so much for joining with us today I hope that you are encouraged until the next time we're together we really believe for your life that the best is yet to come
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 57,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christine caine, mothers day sermon, vous church, dawnchere wilkerson, mothers, train of thought, thoughts, miami church
Id: RPKQu9hpYE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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