Do you know these Etiquettes of the Masjid? - Wasim Kempson

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my dear brothers and sisters when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam made the hijrah from makkah to al-madinah before he sallallahu entered into al-madinah a masjid was built masjid al-qubah the first masjid in an islam which has his own virtue in which performing two raqqa inside that masjid is equal to the performing of an umura similarly the prophet upon arriving in medina built which has his own for which his that if someone prays in there that one salah is equal to al-fusa to an out a 1000 press and masjid ul haram praying in that masjid is equal to 100 000 salawat now within the space of about let's say 15 16 years that we have which was purified from shirk in the eighth year of hijrah when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam returned to makkah in amulfat and there was the building of masjidun navari and then there was and reclaiming it for the muslims that these three great sites sacred places in which our places of lambia were places of messengers and prophets that the worship of the ibaad of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala was once again established upon earth and it is the responsibility of every muslim to ensure that the worship of allah subhanahu wa is established in their homes in their businesses in their lives and most importantly in the masajid in the houses of allah subhana wa and when something is connected to the name of allah so when we say baytul this is a connection with allah which is this is raising the status of that what is connected to allah so as the prophet told us these are the places that are the names of allah are glorified and they are praised that the salawat the five daily prayers are established in these places and for this reason it is the responsibility of every single muslim to preserve to protect and do what is necessary to ensure that the houses of allah subhanallah remain in the sacred state that allah has or the level that they have been risen to it is the responsibility of every muslim we all have different responsibilities concerning that because they are from islam the houses of allah subhanallah from the signs of islam the presence of muslims when there is when there is the presence of a masjid there is the presence of the athan that allah is being mentioned frequently in that area five times a day allah subhanahu wa ta'ala praises these places in the quran the houses of allah subhanahu ta'ala that only those who believe in allah subhanahu wa should be the ones who uphold and keep them who establish their prayer who pay their sakura and only only those who fear allah subhanahu wa it is hoped that they will be the truly guided ones that the prophet sallam told us from those individuals will be shaded by allah from those is it that individual whose heart is attached to the masjid so not only that did allah render these places the best of places it is part of our iman part of our faith to be attached and to love these particular places that the reward in performing salatul jamal is increased by hamsun and another or 25 and another narration or 727 degrees than a person who is praying alone so the houses of allah subhanallah have a special place coming here listening to the verses of allah that you four benefits four blessings or four virtues people who come to listen to the words of allah and study it between them those individuals or those who are able to hear the names that have been mentioned from the malaya so these are very best special places my dear brothers and sisters and now that the masajid are now reopened to the way we once remembered that they were we would like to hope that the gap that we had the limiting restrictions that we had in having to space ourselves out now we can come together that the massage it can be filled there is an increase in the number in the s that there is a greater reward for that and that you recognize that and that you know that and that you are thankful to allah subhanahu wa that you are able to come back to the masajid in this particular place that only those who have iman in allah subhanallah to allah should raise their masajid or the houses of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and those who have iman in allah and have belief in the hereafter establish their prayer give their zakah and that they only fear allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and it is hoped that they will be from the deen almost just mentioning a few virtues of this special place the masajid or the place where we worship but as individuals as individuals we have responsibilities towards the houses of allah the reward doesn't just start when you enter the masjid itself the manners that we conduct and that we have inside the masjid the reward moreover doesn't start from the time that you enter the masjid the fact that the prophet salam told or said in the sound hadith whoever whoever purifies themselves from their homes then walks to the masjid they only seek the salah that for every step that you make there is a reward given to you and a sin removed and that you are on a state of salah you're in a state of prayer you're in a state of ibadah as long as that reason why you are there or that you are attending the masjid until you return is salah throughout this whole duration from the time that you left your home until you returned home the intention of you coming here was to establish the salah allah subhanahu ta'ala rewarded you and them they are seeking forgiveness for you allah have mercy upon this individual knowing these virtues should encourage us to know the etiquettes of entering the masjid with our right foot exiting with the left foot when you enter the masjid bismillah you make the dua when you enter into the masjid when you leave the masjid you make dua seeking allah subhanallah to allah when you enter oh allah open the doors of mercy these are places of mercy specifically and moreover than other places and when you leave allah means i'll ask you from the blessings that can be sought outside the houses of allah these are the things that we remember that we come dressed appropriately as allah tells us that you wear the best of clothes you smell nice that you avoid the masjid if you've eaten things which may cause harm to others like onions and garlic and so on these were the advices that the prophet alison gave to us these are the etiquettes we adhere to that the masjid is to be looked after to be kept clean that the prophet isalam asked for a woman where is the individual who used to clean the masjid and it was said to him alice hassan that she had died and that he salallahu says show me where her grave is and that he salallahu went there after salah over her who's to clean the masjid subhanallah these are the etiquettes these are the things that we need to adhere to so that we make this if you can say the word inenjoyable a beautiful experience for all of ourselves and those who are around us we came here to remember allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we came here to seek allah's forgiveness for him to guide us to seek his blessings and virtues in all of our affairs and the last point that i mentioned insha'allah that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said and the matter is so that is to remove any harm from the pathway is a branch of faith now commenting on this amazing hadith the part i want to mention is that the prophet is to remove anything harmful from the pathway what does this mean this also includes that when we come to the masajid that we ensure that people have a free way to come to the masjid to enter to exit that the prophet isam told us not to pray in the ways of people to respect the ways the way people are coming and that they are going even where we leave our cause astronomers mentioning even the cause where we leave our cars that it doesn't harm other people in coming in and coming out because these represent the pathways so we ask allah success in understanding the blessings and the virtues of the masajid and we ask allah subhanahu ta'alay places in our hearts a love a desire to be in the house of allah these are the most beloved places to allah and we would love to have in our hearts the places that allah loves i want a true love in my heart for that as well don't just see as a responsibility or a burden we ask allah subhanahu ta ali to guide us all to protect us all and to guide all of our families and muhammad sallallahu alaihi sallam
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 2,334
Rating: 4.9455781 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Green Lane Masjid, Wasim Kempson, Etiquettes of the Masjid, Etiquettes
Id: PzNtzcR7qvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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