Desires Of The Dunya - Wasim Khan

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bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu ala nabina muhammad in while early he was a hobby of mine oh my bad when allah subhana wa ta'ala created paradise and hell Jenna and Jenna the first thing that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala did was to send Jibril a salam and he sent Jibril a Salaam to Jenna and he said go and see what I have prepared for my slave go and see what I have prepared for my slave who worships me and is obedient to me gibreel la Salam he went and he saw the splendors of Jenna he saw those things which no eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind can comprehend and he came back to allah subhana wa ta'ala and he said o allah by your glory there will be no one who will hear of Jannah paradise and will want to enter it then allah subhana wa ta'ala he surrounded paradise he surrounded Jenna with all kinds of hardships hardships upon the soul like praying to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala waking up for Fajr giving sadaqa in the way of allah subhana wa ta'ala doing jihad hides a cart lowering your gaze following the laws of allah subhana wa ta'ala things that people find difficult telling the truth being a good Muslim and then Allah sent Jubal Early's lamb back and he said go on now see Jenna which I have surrounded with these hardships trials and tribulations and Jamila Islam he saw all of the trials and tribulations of difficulties that surround Jenna and he came back and said o Allah by your glory there will be no one who will be able to enter Jenna now it's become so difficult and similarly allah subhanaw taala then instructed Jibril Islam to go and see Jahannam zabrina Islam he went and he saw the ferocity of the fire of Jahannam he saw one part of the flame engulfing another part enveloping the other part of the flame he saw the horrors of Jahannam and he came back and said oh Allah by your glory there'll be no one who will enter Jahannam it's so scary and gruesome and then Allah surrounded hanim with all those things that help the soul yearn for things that desires the temptations women intoxication power wealth lying dealing in interest gambling all these things that were mislead a man Allah surrounded Jahannam with this and then he instructed Jamila Islam go and see now Jahannam and similarly ghibli gibreel in islam he goes back and he sees Jahannam surrounded by all these desires and he said oh Allah by your glory there will be no one who will be saved from entering jahannum there will be no one who will be saved from entering jahannum and this is the reality of the situation my brothers and sisters and I thought I'd begin the talk with this poignant hadith just to give us an indication about where we're going in life what lies in store for us what is the reality of life and what is surrounded what Jenna is surrounded by and what jahannum is surrounded by so we know that the difficulty in the hardship that we have in this dunya is the means of us attaining Jenna in the end and us following our desires not lowering our gaze wanting to lie and fraud and interest and gamble and all these other things this will be a path that will lead us to the fire of Hell and it also mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he addressed his companions and he mentioned that if you had seen what I had seen then you would laugh less and you would cry much remember the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah took him on a literal mirage and he shown him Jenna and Jahannam and he showed him the reality of the dunya and when the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam he came back he instructed his companions he told them that if you had seen what I had seen then you would laugh less you would have become deluded by the dunya and you would cry and weep much so today's talking Sharla is little are we going to look about we're going to talk about chasing the desires how do we stay away from going to Jahannam and subhanAllah I spent today a large part of my day traveling and I arrived here in Bradford and I spent some time in my auntie's house and then I went from one house to another and I went on a 15 20 minute journey through Bradford and wallah he the son hasn't even come out properly and the fitna is out there already so this is something that we have to understand that this is something that is going to lead us to the fire of hell when brothers want to look good and they want to drive around looking for the opposite gender and similarly we have sisters who are dressing up trying to attract the opposite gender as well guys driving around in cars and music blaring this is a sign that these people are following their desires and based on the narration at the beginning this is a path that will lead us to the fire of hell so this talk isn't just about this is Haram and this is halal and stay away from this rather this talk is a way of giving the youngsters an opportunity to have a focus in life and stay away from these things that will trap you in the dunya and will take you ultimately to the fire of hell so this isn't just about this is Haram and this is no this is about solutions how do you live in the 21st century where all these desires are right in front of you and wallahi in the history of Western civilization we have never had it so easy never has mankind lived in such relative comfort we have cars we have big houses we have on streets in our houses we have phones we have iPads we have Skype we have everything is so easy in life but at the same time our spirituality is being stripped away many people have got depression now more than they ever had before why because they are following their desires they have given up following allah subhanaw taala they have given up knowing their purpose in life allah subhanho wa taala mentions ya for me in namaha d hiya to dunya Matta and yn and are here at Ahijah daruka rod o my people this is Allah is addressing us o my people this dunya is like a mere pleasure pastime a passing pleasure passing enjoyment a brief enjoyment the real place to be is the ephyra Janna is the real place to be where you will have everything that you want why have you become preoccupied with the delights of the dunya so this is something that we must understand and address how do we live in this dunya the 50 60 70 years that we have maybe 30 40 each one of us death has already been decreed to us how do we live in this dunya without succumbing to our desires so let us look firstly at the creation the origin of man you and I Allah says that we are the best in creation better than the angels and the jinn because when allah subhanaw taala created us he gave us the best attributes we have logic and reasoning the Angels don't have logic and reasoning they just follow allah subhana wa ta'ala but for us we have this Faculty of reasoning and logic we can make decisions this is why allah subhanho wa taala said bani adam is the best of my creation but the same creation which is the most superior of creation can become the most low of creation were than the animals and you must be thinking why his brother would seem saying this well you can testify to the fact that on the weekends the same bani adam' you and i who a lot deemed as being the best in creation you will find people intoxicated falling on the floor from left and right drinking standing up and urinating vomiting on the streets behavior which not even animals do open signs of affection with the opposite gender publicly in the middle in in the open this is because the best in creation when he follows his desires can become the worst of creation and that's why Allah says in lomatin zero manatee body kuraha She'arim honorable vibe for Bashir who be McPhee rotten Rajan Kareem that indeed Allah has sent down the Quran as a reminder the Quran as a reminder the religion as a reminder to the people the ones who believe in the hype and glad tidings are those to the ones who followed the advice who follow what the messenger sallallahu alayhe wassallam mentioned because none of us can see the hype if Heaven and Hell was brought to us then even on a platter then even the non-muslims they would follow but we have to believe in the hey no one of us has seen Allah none of us have seen the angels none of us have seen heaven and hell none of us have seen the Day of Judgment but we have to believe in this and this is believing in the rape and this is an attribute of a Muslim who believes in the rain and he believes in those things that are going to hit us in the future so Islam is not a restrictive religion I want to get this point across where you might think that we have to become like monks you know go away in a monastery and just Allahu Allah who like certain people have done like certain Sufis this is how they made the religion where you have to abandon yourself from the dunya go away and just say Allahu Allahu and abstain from the dunya know Islam is a way of life you have the who dude of Allah the laws of Allah that you cannot transgress you have a way a system you get married you have a family you procreate you work you do business you eat you sleep sleep you exercise you participate in society politics etc so Islam is a way that shows us everything that we have natural desires a desire to have food and drink a desire to get married a desire to be loved all these are natural desires that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has put inside each and every one of us but if we go overboard in following our desires and we go against the Hoodoo love allah then this will be a source of destruction so we have to put these in front of us the objective about what life is all about that we have these natural desires that when you go outside your mind will take over you will what you will see things that you don't want to see you'll hear things that you don't want to hear but how do you overcome these desires and this is something that insha Allah as the duration of the tour goes through I will try and give you some information something to make it easy for you to inshallah follow the Haddad of Allah subhana wa ta'ala many of you and i prepared this talk for youngsters and it seems subhanAllah that our elders it create more than our youngsters but anyway I'll just follow the script that I had for the talk and one thing that many of our youngsters living in today's day and age the problem that they have is that they want to mix with the opposite gender this is again something that comes within our desires you have many youngsters who cannot control their gaze and they surrender themselves to their lusts and desires and remember less than desires is something that surrounds Jahannam and I want to refer back to the opening hadith that allah subhanaw taala he surah with all sorts of things and this was one of them the lusts and desires not lowering your gaze one being attracted to the opposite gender maybe music maybe hip-hop maybe gangster lifestyle all these things are a means of your destruction they will take you to the fire of Hell so the first thing that we need to understand is for people youngsters who live in the 21st century where segregation is becoming very limited that you want to satisfy your desire and living in the 21st century when you are being bombarded with subliminal messages from everywhere you're driving the car you have billboard posters you're driving the car you see things that you're not supposed to see women are dressing less and less they are exposing more and more you go home you put on the TV and again you see things that you're not supposed to see you have your phones again you see things that you're not supposed to see how do you overcome this and again we go back to the prophetic narration when somebody came to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he mentioned that he cannot suppress his desires and he cannot afford to get married either then the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa Senna mentioned you must fast this has a direct link to your desires within sisters I tell you this now that if you're finding it difficult to lower your gaze today and you're following your desires start to fast because as your body weakens you will not want to look at the opposite gender things like this will not appeal to you but as you eat more and you stuff your belly then more this generates more of your desires especially your carnal desires when it with regards to the opposite gender so the first and foremost the first thing that you must understand living in a society where you have women walking around and and all the subliminal messages that you have billboards pose songs TV and he's thinking you know what I'm going to do something knowledgeable are really bad start fasting the second thing that you need to do is you need to understand that if you cannot lower your gaze and you feel that one thing will lead to another then follow the example of the messenger sallallahu alayhi Salaam when a man came to him and he said look I cannot control my desires I just want to commit adultery with the next woman that I see I'm just attracted to women I can't help it I remember this was 1,400 years ago not in a time like this it was a bit more conservative in those days and the promise of Lhasa I'm said how would you like it that the woman that you want to commit adultery with was your mother was your sister was your daughter was your wife and again this really put the brakes on his thinking his thought process and this again is the way you have to understand this that this woman that you're looking at and he's saying you know subhanAllah she's pretty I want to get imagine this was your mother and somebody's looking at your mother like this or is this is your sister somebody else is going to be looking at your sister like this your wife because people don't know somebody's married they'll see a woman walking on the street they'll say look she looks attractive to me again this could be your wife so again this is something that you have to understand that this woman person that you're looking at is somebody else's mother daughter sister how would you like it if somebody was glaring at your mother your daughter your sister in this way and again this would make somebody stop doing this thing which obviously again feeds the desires something else that Allah mentions in surah lu is about lowering the gaze your eyes this is the window to the world around us brothers and sisters well lie here this is the window around they we can see everything we take in everything from these two here eyes but these eyes can be a source of destruction for you and I if you do not lower your gaze and don't look at those things that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has forbidden because Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has mentioned on the day of judgment a time will come when allah subhana wa ta'ala he will seal our mouths you know we can be the best barrister on the day of judgement that's what we think I'll be just gonna say o Allah yes this wasn't no no I think you know the Angels must have made a mistake I wasn't doing this I was doing that I meant this I meant that no Allah will seal our mouths and our hands will speak and our hands will testify against this oh Allah he used to take me and he used to go to the shop and he's to pick up the cigarettes put him on the counter and he used to smoke with these hands or not this was the hand that used to pick up a bottle of vodka and drink it knock it back the eyes will testify oh Allah these eyes were seeing things that you made forbidden our love and he thought that there was nobody else looking he was locked away in his room he was looking at things that he wasn't supposed to be looking at the ears will testify and the ears will say oh Allah he was listening to music the Quran of Shaitaan the lyrics of Shaitaan he wasn't supposed to be listening to this oh allah the feet will testify oh allah he used to walk with me to the nightclub the feet will say oh Allah he's to walk with me to the College and we used to be talking to girls everybody part of yours will testify and your mouth will be quiet because you will naturally want to defend yourself and lie and this again my brothers and sisters is something that is Huck this is something that will take place on the day of judgement in front of everybody imagine whoever's watching this oscar pistorius one of his name is the trial knife that's taking place you must be feeling sorry for the guy many of us know perhaps he didn't do what he did but the way he's getting grilled and interrogated in front of the world and it begins to cry but imagine when we are laid open and dissected in the court of Allah hanno attala in front of everybody and our buddies will testify against us imagine the feeling on that day brothers and sisters so we can stop that from happening by making sure that we lower our gaze and that we look at those things don't look at those things that Allah has made forbidden don't listen to music again music has a direct and relevant link to your desires they play about in your subconscious mind over and over again the lyrics they sink into your mind and as you're walking you're talking you keep thinking back about those lyrics which are generally based about the other gender doing this to the woman being with this woman loving that woman and again this is a way that Shaitaan is working on all of us so we have to make sure that we control ourselves we can either be the best in creation or we can be lower than animals the choice is between you and us the choice is between you and us and there's a narration that's mentioned about a time when the Muslims were expanding and the Muslims were expanding the lands and they were going out to do jihad and there was a man who was fighting with the Muslims and he went out to do jihad and they came across a country a territory that they had never come across before the skin complexion of these people was different to the Arab skin and this man because he couldn't lower his gaze and as they got closer to the village in town where they were going to conquer he became infatuated with a woman as he was fighting he saw a woman from a distant of the on the opposite side the enemy and he became infatuated with her so he would long to try and fight and get into the thick of the battle so he could get closer to the enemy lines so he can see this woman and this is what he would do he would fight with passion he would fight with conviction until he got closer to her and then one day he got so close that she realized that he liked him he liked so he went over and he professed how much he adored her she said that you are finally very attractive and her knowing that this man had succumbed to his desire she said you can marry me you can have me but only on one condition that you stop fighting against my people rather you fight against my against your own people who are fighting my people and this is exactly what he did because he didn't lower his gaze and he became infatuated with the other woman he went and he began to fight against the Muslims until he died and he died the death of a nun Muslim why because he was fighting against his own Muslim brothers and sisters why because he couldn't control his gaze and I asked you the same question how many times have you been walking the streets or driving the cars and you see somebody and say I'd do anything for her why because Shaytan has shut the arrows straight into your heart and he has made you follow your desires that slippery slope that will lead us to Jahannam so this is a very important thing that we need to understand about Shaitaan because Allah mentions Alam had alaikum ya bani adama' and let us go to Shaitaan in Naju lucuma do one Mubeen all children of Adam on the day of judgment another saying o Bani Adam did I not tell you that Shaitaan is an open enemy did I not tell you that he's going to miss leave you all and on that day we're gonna have no we're gonna have no excuses oh I like yes but but but and Shaytan will also say himself and say oh Allah I didn't do anything I didn't point a gun to anybody's head I didn't grab them by the air and pull them and said go here I just whispered I just tempted them and they followed they followed oh Allah I have nothing to do with these people on that day and then and I would say go and join Shaitaan in Jahannam because I told you I told you that it believes is your open enemy don't follow him don't follow your whims and desires it will ruin your life the life of those people around you so this is one very important thing we have to understand that Shaitaan is your open enemy and we have that Corrine who is accompanied with us a Shaitaan we have a companion from the jinn and when the messenger sallallaahu I said I mentioned this too I shared the Elan her shoes amazed so a message of Allah have you also got one and in similar ation of the Prophet SAW some said yes I have one but mine has become a Muslim and in another narration the messenger sallallaahu Allah said instead of said yes but mine only encourages me to do good he doesn't make me do bad things go on message her go on Facebook to her have a look at that woman when you're driving put that track on go on nobody's listening who's gonna know press that button watch that no - tells me to do good so again I ask you in order to combat our desires how much on top of this Shaitaan are you the one that's whispering to you as you leave the Masjid making you lazy making you look at things that you're not supposed to this is a companion from the shayateen that's with you you can make you can control this what's resolve Shaitaan by being strong having strong willpower or you can let him take you for a ride a very dangerous ride a ride which has destroyed the lives of many people many houses have been destroyed many men and women have chosen to follow the desires and the Wasco soft shade on and they have done things that I cannot even explain sitting here things which have shattered people's lives so again I tell you that we all have a Kareem a jinn with us the one that's constantly giving what's bizarre to us but we have to control the jinn imagine what a beautiful religion this is that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has not even left any stone unturned he's told us complete comprehensive from A to Z how to live your life beware of this be careful of this stay away from this abstain from this you will be successful if you follow this we have all the answers but it's up to us how we live our life so again Shaitaan is somebody that we have to stay away from because Shaitaan knows our weaknesses he knows our weaknesses one of the salafi had a dream and Shaitaan came to him in a dream and he had all these ropes around a man and he was pulling at different ropes and this one of the Salaf they asked they said what is this he said these are the ropes these are the weaknesses of man I know every weakness of each and every one of you and I pull on the weakness of the man so if the man is weakness is music I pull on that weakness chain and I'm making follow weak music if he wants power and money I pull on that power and money everyone has these chains and ropes that I pull and the son of said the scholar said he said what about my weakness he said your weakness is that you eat too much and when you eat too much you become lethargic you become tired you become demotivated and then you lose your potential to be a person who can excel and he said well llahi from that day on I made sure that I act 1/3 I never add to my heart's content subhanAllah and don't we all see this brothers and sisters in Ramadan we fast all the way through and then we eat to our hearts content and then Ravi prayer we can't make it I need it's too difficult I want to sleep Shaitaan knows all our weaknesses he knows that if we eat too much we have a chance of missing out on that bonus all the reward that Allah will give us so we'll say eat what's going to happen then you eat and then he become tired you become sleepy become lethargic you find it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings so what's your weaknesses you know each and every one of your weaknesses what part of your lifestyle is it that you find difficult to overcome once you know this then you must address this and be proactive in making sure that you follow those steps you stick to your Salah you stick to you as God you follow the sunnah of the prophet salallahu alaihe salam you see Jenna and Jahannam in front of you and you're striving to attain Jenna you're striving to stay away from Jahannam and then be th'only not everything will be made easy because Shaitaan is very patient he will take his time he will take his time do you know how long he took on our parents are the Malays Salam and hawa he didn't just come overnight one day and said look take from the tree and they said no and he said ok see you later it took him many years Allah said you can have the whole of Jannah everything you want things which no eye has seen no ear has heard go to places that you cannot even comprehend but just that one tree one tree stay away from that one tree every time Shaitaan would come and give what so saw to adam alayhis-salam god take from the tree maybe you'll become immortal and he would say ultimately Shaitaan had him leave leave leave no but slowly over time he was very patient he laid out the trap until one day slack he caught them in the trap and what happened because of this you and I are in the dunya because of this Allah said Adam alayhi Salam and huar to the dunya as a punishment that leave Jenna the place which no eye has seen the most amazing of places and go and live in the dunya suffer hardship grief and sorrow anxiety fear loss of life pains aches going to the doctors going to relieve yourself all these things but look what's happened we've become in love with the dunya a place that Allah has sent our demand Islam as a punishment a brief respite here enjoy yourselves 5060 years follow me but don't get too caught up in the dunya be like a stranger and we've become engrossed in the dunya so we must understand that Shaitaan is a person who will take as long as the lot he likes to make sure that he traps you and even Cathy drinks our wonderful rewired from the Israeli lira Biot about a man who was named basura who is a monk who is a Christian monk who was the best manifest person on tour he that was living at the time thousands of years ago he was well known and respected in his village as a person who was allah fearing and one day that village had to defend itself from an enemy so they had to go out and do jihad so there too there were two brothers and they said o Becerra we have a sister and we're going to leave our sister with you because we can't trust anybody else and we're going to fight in the way of allah and we're going to come back and want you to look after her and remember bashira was a person who was proper pious he said how dare you leave your sister with me do you not fear Allah go don't leave your sister with me how dare you say this but then Shaitaan came and he whispered he said o Becerra if you don't look after that poor girl are you going to leave that lady in the company of men in a village where is it God consciousness gone where's your fear of Allah enjoying the right forbid the enjoying the right forbid the evil just take her so then he said ok I have a house next to my house over there keep her there I will look after her so they say thank you very much of a serie they leave the sister a few days pass but Syria would normally leave food just by the doorstep Shaitaan came o Becerra you're leaving the food by the doorstep she's coming out picking up the food the people around will see the and they will see that she's living by herself why don't you take the food and place it inside make sure she doesn't have to come outside bashira goes and he takes the food and it puts it on the table he comes back out many more weeks passed by Shaytan is playing he's chipping away at Messina Oba sirrah you need to talk to her about though he'd she's got no knowledge you need to educate her about Allah so he would go and from behind a veil he would talk to her about allah shaitaan would come but see that she can't see what you're doing she wants to see who you are better body language better communication so Becerra went and he began to talk to her without any segregation without any third person being there and we know what the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said when two people of the opposite gender are by themselves the third one is Shaitaan one thing leads to another until she becomes pregnant she becomes pregnant nine months later she has a baby Shaytan comes back to bashira over Syria your reputation is at stake you did adultery zina with a woman all this time all these years of hard work is gonna go down the pan and people will kill you meseta do something so he goes he takes the baby from her hands he kills the baby and he goes and puts the baby in the grave the woman begins to cry he also gets worse worse off from Satan saying listen if you make if you keep her alive she's gonna go and tell the whole community but see that deal with her - so he kills her - and he puts her in a grave then he goes outside and he digs an artificial grave he digs an artificial grave Patsey Allah makes it look proper like a grave and then he waits and he goes back a few months pass and the brothers they come back Massena how is our sister and basura comes and he says I'm sorry to say your sister she became ill there was nothing that I could do and she died and here look there's a grave and they go and they see this raised grave and they begin to cry for their sister they don't know what's happened to assist their sister they begin to cry and then they thank Pacita Thank You basura for doing what you could but I'm not give you more you're such a pious man but then shade on being shaved on he came to both of them in their dream he came to both of them in their dream showing them exactly in Bucyrus house where he had made the real grave under his bed and where the body of the woman their sister and the baby was so they woke up in the morning scratching their head and they asking you that I had a really weird dream today yes tell me I also had a weird dream what do you have he said I had a dream that our sister was buried in the Sierra's house he says surprisingly I also had the same dream there must be more to it let's go so they went to the Sierra's house and they said we had a dream that our sister was buried here and he said no no no I think you got it all wrong they moved him out the way they went to the bed they moved the bed and down below and they started digging they found the body of their sister and the baby they grabbed Becerra they started to beat and hit Becerra they took him to the village council they said this is what he's done to our sister he impregnated her and he killed her and the baby and they said this is this is punishment is death we have to kill you so they get bashira ready for death the serie a man who lived a life of piety worshipped our only Allah stayed away from society is now going to die by doing adultery but Shaitan wasn't happy here he came again vicita you know it was me that came to you and I gave you what's worse ah I made he go to their house I made he do these things I made you get a pregnant and you know that it was me who did this and I can take everything away all you have to do bashira it's just not to mean approval just not because that tied him up no such that just not to me like this affirm me just not that you believe in me and I will make everything go away but see that I go back to worshiping Allah everything will be rosy caseta a man who worshipped only Allah he falls for the trap of Shaitaan he nods in approval he does with Allah he associates partners with Allah and then basura goes thank you then Shaitaan goes to pasilla thank you I've done what I wanted to do with Sarah now you die and rightly so they go ahead and they kill meseta a man who lived a life of piety dies on this my brothers and sisters is how Shaitaan is chipping away at each and every one of us Shaitaan has no time constraints he doesn't have to go to work in the morning he doesn't have to do a shift where he gets tired his work is working on you and me that's his job he doesn't get tired so we have to understand that this is how Shaitaan is capitalizing on our desires and he's making us follow him so how do you youngsters stay away from the straps of Shaitaan and one of the most important things for you to do is to be proactive with your time when a person is by themselves they're lazy Shaitaan will come and he will make you procrastinate lazy you have something that you're going to do now you'll say no I'll do it five minutes later five minutes later no 1 hour later one hour later no two hours later two hours later no you know tomorrow morning I'm gonna get up in the morning I want to be the most energetic person I'll do it tomorrow tomorrow comes a little bit tidy put it off and off enough Shaitaan is working on you guys you need to be proactive you need to be spending your time wisely get off the Facebook get off the YouTube get off watching things that you're not supposed to be watching and delay the things that you're supposed to be doing is supposed to be coming to the house of Allah you're supposed to be opening the Quran but Shaitaan is making us do other things so you need to make sure that you're spending your time in useful pursuits not in Haram activities because if this is happening Shaitaan is working his web on you Shaitaan is working with rub on you the second thing again I mentioned this before excessive eating if you start to eat excessively you've had it if you start to eat excessively you've had it again this restricts and puts limitations on a person you gain you feel lethargic you want to sleep a lot you're not as healthy as you could be you find that you lack the energy and the motivation especially these days when we live in the 21st century when we have been deprived of pure sustenance pure food pure fresh home-cooked meals we don't have them anymore where the real vitamins and the minerals were we have everybody who's open takeaways and chip shops and we're being loaded with donek kabobs and all these fattening things which are having a direct impact on us making us fact proact less active making us really tired depressed scientists have linked depression with manufactured foods that we eat all these things like crisps and chocolates and biscuits and fast food this has a direct link with depression so if you feel that you eat in the junk food and then you feel tired and he feels sad all the time then you feel this is because you're eating the wrong foods you're not eating the healthy food that Allah has given us the fruit the meat the chicken that we have to cook but we rather go and eat doner kebab you know what Donna kebabs made from all the remnants of fats all glued together put together and then they heat it all up and they send it to us and we think oh it's the most tastiest thing ever all the fat the remanence you know when your parents go and they go to the the butchers and they say we'll have five fine shoulder meat the guy begins to choppin in the white bit the revenants of the fat they take to the side and then start chopping the quality the good meat and they put in the bag and they give it to you all the waste this bit it's put into a processor it's put of herbs and a bit of onions added in and then they process it they're making into a donor and they freeze it up and they sell it to you and I and we say this is the most delicious thing ever especially when you knock you back with chilli sauce and mayonnaise but you don't know the damage that is doing to you and I the once upon a time active healthy kid the one who's to remember being top in football running around energetic lively clever intelligent he's become a zombie he can't get out of bed in the mornings he was to stay up all night why because you are you are a reflection of what you eat if you eat bad if you eat junk you become junk so we have to again make sure that we don't eat excessively also avoiding bad company is very important there's an amazing passage in surah as-saffat after surah yaseen from verse 50 to 60 where Allah talks about an an incident that takes place when a group of men are sitting in Jannah and like you know friends who are spent an amazing time in the dunya they used to practice and they used to go to the Druze all together and they live together there's so good times together they saw bad times together and now they're reunited in Jannah and one of the men asks the group of them he said he's looking around he said what what happened to so-and-so I can't see him amongst us what's happened to him and then because jenna is jeanna allah makes the bottom the floor opened up there's like a window that opens up and the man who asked the question he looks down and he sees the same guy he was asking about the same guy and his hands are up and he's burning in Jannah and he's saying help help and the man is shocked to see that person who's asking about being punished in Jannah and you know the question he asks you know the thing that he says he doesn't say ah Allah please give him a chance I want to help him he said he said subhanAllah you nearly took me with you he points to him and he said you nearly took me with you I was so close to chilling out with you on those days you know who needs to drive around in your mercedes-benz and your cars and hired out and just going around with the music on and he said come on jump in what's wrong with you I was so close I was so close to going to the nightclubs with you and then he's gonna see the punishment and then Allah is gonna close that window and it's gonna turn to his friends and he's gonna say subhanAllah he's almost like he's at a reintroduction into Jinnah he's gonna say there's gonna be no punishment because he's actually seen punishment and he's gonna say we're not gonna die anymore we're gonna live here forever he's gonna thank Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so it's very important to understand who is your company because you don't want to be that person who is the one who's Jack the lad who wants to drive around look at me design aware I'm this I'm that bling-bling and the one who's burning in genom and the guys at the top saying wow we were that close to chilling out with this guy he always used to say come on enjoy your life for a bit more what you're doing and we should think yeah why not let's go and see but we didn't so this is very important to make sure who is the company that you're keeping this has another reflection on your desires are you going to control your desires and make sure that you hang around with the right crowd and again you have to make sure that you avoid free mixing avoid those places where there's no segregation because your eyes are the window to the dunya and Shaitaan is dead it's gonna make you see things and it's going to incite desire and love in your heart you got the listen what's happening these days you know these people who come up to me and they want to speak to you in private and you thinking okay everything okay please don't a word and you think okay maybe he's a young guy maybe he's passionate about the Deen may be saying look can you sort me out can you can you get me a reference to go to Medina University I want to study the religion maybe he's saying look I want to go and you know strive in the way of Allah or maybe saying look I want to go and join a charity and help out brothers and sisters or maybe you know he wants to talk to you about something and he's really passionate about the Deen so you take him to the room he said what's up what's up and he said oh she's broke my heart I wanted to go out with her and she's broken my heart I can't sleep you know a car congra with this woman subhanAllah this is the state of our youngsters these days why again no segregation no staying away from the opposite gender letting your eyes see what they weren't supposed to your feet follow you go and you make contact with somebody and there's no barakah in this there's no never from a life's all fit enough from Shaitaan six months one year later when you have feelings for the opposite gender and then it goes downhill and then it goes downhill and then you become depressed anxiety sorrow I want you to marry her but she's gone with somebody else or her reached out with somebody else or she's done this or she's done that subhanAllah again why were we not being segregated why did we not follow the commands of allah subhanaw taala so this is something that's happening quite frequently on their campuses universities again if we do not control our gaze and we do not stay away from these mixed gatherings then again we are going to be the victims of Shaitaan who's gonna make us follow and this is why I say brother and sisters weddings weddings weddings are getting worse and worse your sisters and my sisters are being exposed to people predators out there now if things weren't that worse before now it's music and DJs intoxicating the desires men and women dancing you know oblivious to what's going on know how I left and if you ask them what's this all this is who she this is the happiness what's wrong with you movies weren't people getting married at the time of the Prophet liliana weren't people getting married of course they were but the prophet salallahu alaihe salam he ensured that people did not come into an environment where they were let loose to their desires and we all know the famous narration of the blind companion when he came to the messengers of the loudest and I man he knocked on the door and the Prophet was with his two wives he was talking to them and he said who is it and he said it is me o Messenger of Allah and he said to his wives girl-next-door I said o Messenger of Allah why should we go next door he can't see he's blind we don't have to do partner from him but the Prophet said are you blind you can see can't you watch to say that nothing was generated desire in your heart and then we have our sisters watching Bollywood drama at home our mother's Star Plus Shahrukh Khan Salman Khan this is our downfall my brothers and sisters we let them go to the weddings and you think they're sitting there they are also glaring around in the same way you are glaring at the women they are also looking at men wow he's attractive Wow he's tall dark and handsome you are saying wow she's pretty they're also saying he's like this and to make it worse the music of Shaitaan the love songs the lyrics of man loves woman I love you I want to get married to you love love how everything is being bombarded and then we send them there why no need to try and abstain from these functions tell people you go to the nikah go later to see the bride in the groom take them a gift say we're not happy we're not upset that you're not getting married we're happy here but we don't like this social gathering where there's no segregation men and women sitting together music playing forget the Bradlee forget you know the rich the dari we love Allah and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there is no pleasing the creation over the Creator we please allah subhana wa ta'ala and we please the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam we never conformed to the creation over the Creator they start following a Lonny's messenger then we are happy to be partaking these because when they see you brothers with the beards sitting there they would say maybe it is guys it's halal because maulvis I was sitting there he didn't get up and say this is wrong he was sitting there eating smiling so it's joyous you have to stay away from these guardians brothers because they're getting worse and worse whatever they're watching on Star News Bollywood they are replicating in their daily lives they want to be like this dramas and we can see the disaster that's happening and another thing that I want to mention that these superstars and Bollywood film actors and Hollywood and Hollywood that we have well ie they have no peace and Sakura and Amin in their lives well I he they have no um and you know these people that you know women say wow he's handsome and our men say our she's pretty they have no umin divorce after divorce after divorce you know Tom Cruise you know how many divorces he's been through and the most recent divorce that he had you know when he got married to his recent wife that he just divorced after 810 years when she married him they said what made you attracted to a Tom Cruise she said when I was watching him growing up he was my ideal man he was just so he I would never want to be with anybody else than five or six years later why he divorced if success was marrying that man and he was the ideal man then why are you divorced again this is the trap of Shaitaan he wants you to look at the opposite gender have no higher have no modesty and again this is something that we understand and this is happening day in day out you want love stories you know how youngsters want love stories they love they have love if you want a love story there's a story in Arabic which has been translated about suheyla and Farook you know about suheyla and Farook they lived at the time of the messenger salah salem after the the time the message after the time of the falafel Raja Deen time of ma Malik Rahim Allah who was - hey Sohail and farouq farouq was a man who was an approaches muttaqi a pious guy god-fearing and he's passionate when he was growing up in Modena was to go and do jihad like Islam was expanding and he would want to be like the armies that have to go out and do jihad and he would long to do this when he was growing up and then his parents had other ideas they said look Farooq you're 20 years old we want to get you married off and he was like ah married look I'm gonna go in together go know get married off Sohail Farooq so who didn't marry him - they marry him - suheyla and who was - hailer suheyla was again a sister who was pious who believed in Allah and the messenger very much preserved her Hannah modesty and so Haines and Farooq got married and both of them were up righteousness and followed Islam properly and all the whole villages to talk about so Hyland Farouk wherever suheyla was there was Farooq they would get up together and they would pray they will recycle aren't together they even run against each other because this was the Sunnah of the Prophet Salla Solomon he ran with eyeshadow the anomaly and the race with her they would even do this together they would relive and reenact the Sunnah and then one day so Haley was very happy because she was pregnant and she was ready to break the news to Farouk that you're going to be a father and as she was about to break the news the people in Medina heard from the loud from their from the azan the Muslim hey an LG hug hey L&G had come to jihad we need troops we need people to go and do jihad we need the youngsters read the men and she saw the look of hesitancy in the eyes of Farouk he was loving being with his wife and now the call of jihad came and she saw the Farook who was passionate about jihad he became hesitant he stood there and she was Farouk what's wrong with you go out there take your sword go and fight in the way of Allah help our sisters and mothers and protect and conserve Aslam go out and push his land to the borders what are you doing standing here and they both embraced each other and they both began to cry I and he went with the expedition and he left us some money said here's some money and if I don't make it I'm gonna leave you something in a box only open the box if I never ever make it if I die then open from the box and they both hug and they cry and they go and she didn't have the chance to tell him that you're going to be a father father goes out and he fights so hailer she delivers the baby months later and she's always waiting for Farouk and whenever the expedition came back four months later should go and see Farouk was in the expedition and should ask the people where Faruk is he here they said no we haven't seen Farouk we don't know what's happening Faruk and then again she began to cry or something - Farouk six months passed another expedition came back to Medina and she run out with Farouk where's the father of my child and again Farouk he's not there until somebody said also Haila give up I'm sure I saw Faruk fall in battle I'm sure I saw him fall off his horse and he took a hit I think Farouk is no more suheyla give up your life and carry on and to this suheyla began to cry and she got her baby and she placed him next to her chest and she began to cry and then she went and she began to open the box exactly what Farouk said and then she began to take from the box there was money left in the box and she began to take from the box now many years later many years later on the outskirts on the borders of a country many many miles away there was a man who was looking at the stars in the sky on a clear dark night and he was reminiscing about the beauty of Allah how amazing a Las creation is and as he was reminiscing and he was looking at the Stars a thought came to his mind suheyla my wife my wife I have been in the passion of jihad the zealous the enthusiasm the motivation and I've been fighting and going with the armies forward forward forward and I've got to the border of China and I left my wife behind what's happened to Sailor has she got married again and she died has she moved on what's happened and then all these thoughts begin to come to his mind he goes to his commander he says I've left my wife he's been 20 30 years I've just been so focused on jihad staying with the army I forgot about her and please give me leave and he said of course get on your horse and go so he gets on his horse and it begins to gallop and gallop and gallop thinking in his mind is she dead is she alive what's happened what's happened until months later he arrives on the outskirts of Medina and then he goes into Medina and Faruk being Faruk he doesn't go straight home like you and I first he goes to the Masjid to give the Torah card when you come back from their travels and he decides to go to the Masjid and he praises to raka and as he enters the Masjid he sees how the mustard has expanded and when he finished he says subhanAllah having a Muslim turn well how big the mushroom has become much in love with Allah who lives on them how amazing it is and then he realizes at about half an hour left for the prayer so he said I'll stay and I'll pray the prayer and then I'll go home and as it's looking around he sees there are many gurus taking place and in particular he's amazed at this one scholar this one scholar who has so many people around him and he can just see the scholar from a distance but he's amazed at the way he's speaking he can't see his face he can just make I says what an amazing scholar how much knowledge is this guy got amazing he prays his prayer with the congregation and then he makes his way home his heart is heavy well suheyla remember me will she be dead has she got married again how am I gonna take the news of Sohail are getting married again and then he recognizes his house and he's about to go into his house he can see his door in front of him and as is about to go he ties up his horse he sees a man just about to enter or actually leave the house jealousy overcomes him how dare Matt he's just left my house who is this man how dare he go to my house and then he calls a man from the back and then he says who are you and the man says who are you and then become pushing and shoving each other and then they begin to argue with each other and until mayhem and people are coming in the trying to split these two up when he's shouting how dare you come out to my house and the man said what do you mean your house who are you and then inside the house is an old lady suheyla as she can hear the shouting and she can hear the men a and she's saying this sounds like Farouk my Farook and she gets up and she goes outside and she sees Farouk and she says to everybody stop stop this is my Farouk who went in the way of Allah he went for battle and he's been away for such a long time this is Farouk leave him he's come back and they separate the two men and they enable a Faruk to go in and everybody's shocked Farouk this is Farouk because his physical appearance have changed and they will begin to cry and they go inside and suheyla and Farouk they both begin to cry and they embrace each other and Farouk sits down and he said it's been such a long time it's been such a long time how are you being so hailer and she said I've been well al hamdulillah and he's then he said tell me I've been fighting and traveling for Allah so long I have no money left tell me where our lives are gonna start back up again tell me the money that I left for you what's happened to that money and she said forget about the money forget about the money tell me did you go to machinery salallahu alaihe wasalam because she knew that Farouk was a person who was upon the Sunnah that he must have gone to the Masjid he said yes so tell me what did you see he said the Masjid was just amazing it had grown so much its expansion taken place and I saw the scholars wow the scholars was something else they were amazing said yes tell me something else which scholar in particular did you like here there's a scholar he was just amazing his name was sheikh abdul-rahman and he was so amazing and he was just so good and Wow amazing and she said what would you give to be to be like shake up the rough man he said I would give anything because that guy was something else he was in a different level and she said what would you give to be the father of sheikh abdul-rahman and he said I'll give everything to be the father of sheikh abdallah man she said that person that you didn't get a glimpse of but you understood him to be a broth man who you were even fighting with outside because you didn't recognize him that is your son and the money that you gave me I spent each and every penny on him mr. BIA making sure that he was given education making sure that I made him a scholar that he would one day be proud of and he fell down and began to cry my son is shake up the rough man my son is Shaykh Abdul Rahman and he began to cry and the people began to cry and it is narrated that one of the youngsters who was pulling and dragging them away when they were fighting was none other than Imam Malik Rahim Allah why was the Imam Malik there because Shaykh Abdul Rahman was the teacher of Imam Malik so this my brother's assistance is about love you know we look at love from Hollywood and Bollywood know love is when you follow Islam based on Quran and Sunnah and you leave all your affairs to Allah and you follow Islam you pray 5 times a day you observe everything Allah is the one who puts the love into the heart of the other person and you became you become really firm and resolute in your relationship together so this is something that we must strive towards so I want to finish and conclude by saying the inclinations and the desires of this dunya are part of your fitrah the opposite gender music food all these are a part of our fitrah allah has places inside us but there is also a solution as to how we can control them and we must understand that as Muslims there is a leveled approach the way we live the way we conduct our lives that if we follow this approach and follow Islam based upon these parameters this framework that we have in place then know that success lies in following this and we will then indeed insha Allah by the permission of Allah be saved from Jahannam and like I began the talk I want to end the talk with that hadith but the messenger sallallahu aleyhi mentioned that when Allah created Jahannam he called upon the angel jibreel allah sallam and he said go and see what I have prepared for those who go against me and jubilation and he went and he saw the punishment of Jahannam one part of the flame enveloping another consuming another the horrors the horrific sight and he came back said o Allah by your glory there will be no one who will enter jahannum it's so scary than Allah surrounding Jahannam with all kinds of desires lusts role models bollywood hollywood music dance interests zina drinking things that make us run towards these things and then he said go and see Jibril Islam ghibli went and he saw all these desires surrounding janam surrounding Jahannam and he came back and he said oh allah by your glory there will be no one there will be no one who will be saved from jong-nam may Allah make us of those who understand the reality of the dunya that jahannum is surrounded by all those things that you and I find attractive the music the fashions the gangster lifestyle the hip-hop the women the drink the power the fame all going to lead us to join them and may Allah make us of those who really strive and follow the Quran and the Sunna and overcome the hardships and the difficulties of the dunya indeed success in noise in following this path well ro Darwin and l-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 22,496
Rating: 4.8424015 out of 5
Keywords: Desires Of The Dunya - Wasim Khan, Wasim Khan (Cricket Player), Wasim Khan, Desires Of The Dunya, Islam, Allah, hearafter, muslim, muslims
Id: vAm_xPErjBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 41sec (4001 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 29 2014
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