Do This for 5 Seconds Before You Swing a Golf Club

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all right I'm going to spend all my time convincing you today to do this one thing for just a couple seconds before you hit every shot right it's the waggle you need to be doing a waggle not only is it something that's going to help you strike the ball better and farther but it's going to be something that you can really rely upon to help you under pressure when you're facing tough shots right let's take a look at Mr Ben Hogan first right one of the best swingers probably the best swing of all time watch him just waggling the club back and forth okay how about Sam sne here amazing golf swing amazing power does it before every full golf shot right and I know a lot of you go well it's a little bit old school players you know so much nowadays don't always do it let's listen here on Tiger Woods talking about what he does before every golf shot I line that up I take one look another waggle then off I go it's the same routine the same Rhythm it's the same Cadence so you can see in all those examples the waggle is an integral part of what starts their golf swing okay and the person that wrote about it the best right and the modern fundamentals of golf Ben Hogan he really described it in detail and this is going to be the part that convinces you that like I really need to consider doing this before every golf shot okay he talked about how when he goes to waggle the club club that it's not just something that you do just willy-nilly just to get loose before you hit the ball like some nervous tick that I've just got to kind of stay moving it really has a very defined purpose because it's going to help your ball strike and get better so he talked about in detail how when he Waggles the club his hands actually move in front of the ball okay and at one in the same time his Trail elbow moves in to touch his rib cage or he called his watch pocket right so you see how my right arm is moving in as I go to waggle um at that same time the lead forearm is rotating right to get the club kind of set on Plain so right in this position right here if you guys could get into my body and feel this I've actually got all the right pressure points all the right stretches all the right muscles in my arms perfectly set okay so just to kind of explain that my trail elbow has gone external that's exactly how I want to feel as I initiate my down swing right there I feel this little external stretch to this Trail elbow I'm feeling that right in the waggle right away okay when I get to the top of the waggle I'm also feeling the back of my left hand okay that's super important because that's part of where I get shaft lean and I deliver the the face of the club Square to the ball I get this sensation in the outer part of my left arm in the back of my my hand that I feel right as I waggle the golf club like oh yeah that's the sensation of hitting a pure compressed iron shot right when it comes to say lag right lag is the angle formed between the shaft and my lead arm I can feel this lag angle as I'm waggling the club back and forth and then I also can feel how I'm going to be able to deliver a shaft that's leaning forward you can see as soon as I go like this I've got all those Sensations just straight off right my trail wrist is bending back as I go to waggle the club which is really important for being able to feel some delofting of that face in the golf ball right gives us more power makes our seven iron into a six iron so all these Sensations these golfers are feeling just before they go to take the club back watch it from this view you can kind of see my trail elbow moving in my lead arm kind of rotating out and then a little window between both arms that's all you need to do and you know you could spice it up a little bit you could put a little bit of body movement you know you could do it just alone with the waggle you could do it a lot like Jason duffner does there's a lot of different things going on there that are really important but they're really previewing exactly what you're going to do just seconds away so as Hogan talked about in his book he actually felt the shot was almost already hit and hit well just based on how he was waggling the club it was already a foregone conclusion that he was going to hit the ball well he literally wrote about three pages just about the waggle in his book so take it from him right best ball striker in my opinion of all time that that waggle is really really important and I would definitely try it out in your next practice session at the very least and if you're feeling it and you're feeling some success which I think you will take it out on the golf of course and make that part of your pre-shot kind of ritual pre-shot routine just before you go off and hit your balls so you know when you're waggling just kind of specifically right we're going to feel a couple different Sensations you can see here that as I go to move my feet are kind of moving in rhythm with that waggle and you might do a bigger waggle right you might do just a little one like this but there's definitely some commonalities of great ball Strikers being able to deliver the club at impact with a lot of Leverage and a lot of just good positioning in generals so all the sensations my hands my arms my forearms it's all perfectly previewed before I go off and swing so give that a shot it only takes a couple seconds it's not a very technical thought you know maybe just when you first do it there might be a little bit of like what am I really doing here am I doing it right once you've done it enough times you'll start to feel wow this is just second nature if there was one thing I would say remember this is not a waggle this is I'm actually taking the club back see how my hands are swinging and moving a waggle is the hands literally go forward if anything they go this Direction They Don't Go backwards because as soon as it goes backwards I'm not feeling any of those downswing Sensations hey it's your coach Zach Allen here and I hope you're enjoying today's lesson in all of my years of coaching and studying the golf swing I've discovered there's only one thing that separates the best ball Strikers in the world from the rest of us I call it the magic move and you can use it to generate effortless power and consistency in your game since I don't have the time in this short video I've put together a three-part web class where I show you everything you need to know nothing held back I call it my magic move training series and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link in the description below you won't find these videos anywhere else so click the link right right now and join the over 100,000 golfers who have already gone through this incredible training and now let's jump back into today's lesson one of the best golf instructors I ever worked with right worked with them for a long time Greg mcen before we did every golf lesson we would do this so the beauty of that secret handshake right is it bends the trail wrist back which in turn bends the trail arm into an external position and that's exactly the position that we get into on the down swing right at least all the good ball Strikers do people that are struggling they're in this position where things are back here and we're pushing on the back end of the club in some form or fashion okay so just getting that sensation to start of that trail wrist bending Greg literally did that with me and I if I still go see him today that's the first thing that he does and it's always stuck out in my mind and I really relate it mostly to the waggle because every time I hit a ball it's just a great reminder on exactly the position that my hands and arms need to be in the positions and the pressure points I feel in my wrist and arms every time to hit a good shot so just two seconds once or twice you feel it you're going to start to associate wow look at that trail elbow look at my trail wrist look at the muscles along the outside of my lead arm I'm feeling everything and I'm not saying that's going to make you hit a good shot but the more we can associate positive things I've got a positive feeling here in my muscles right I've got positive imagery of the ball going where I want that's really going to up our chances of hitting those great shots okay so take it for me right I don't ever hit a full shot without a little waggle just gives me a good positive belief in the outcome that's about ready to happen right and most of the times it works out and I think it will for you too if you like this video please go down there and subscribe give me a thumbs up I'm working hard to produce content for you guys and then if you want another video that you can do just before you go to hit a ball similar to this one take a look at this one up here this one might help your game out also till I see you next time
Channel: Zach Allen Golf
Views: 105,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zach allen golf, zach allen, golf instruction, golf lesson, golf tip, how to golf, golf swing, golf tips, ben hogan, golf waggle, pre-shot routine, sam snead, tiger woods, simple golf tip
Id: Ponyqh8Aaoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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