Do THIS Before Booting your Hackintosh | Validate your config.plist

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hello everybody this is just a quick video on how to use oc validate to check your config.plist before you boot oc validate will compare your config.p list to a sample plist and determine if there are any general issues please note that this does not detect all issues such as using the wrong sm bios for your system with that being said this process is very straightforward and simple i'll be using windows but this process works the same on mac os start by downloading the open core version that matches the version you used for your config.p list extract the folder then open it and navigate to utilities and then oc validate open a command prompt if you're in windows or terminal of your own mac os have your file explorer and command prompt right next to each other and drag oc validate.exe from the file explorer into the command prompt if you're on windows or the oc validate command of your own mac os add a space and then find your config.plist and do the same thing just drag the file into the command prompt press enter and oc validate will begin checking your config if there are no issues here are some things to check with the dartania guide before you boot check your boot arguments under the nvram section make sure you have the correct sm bios for your system under platform info and make sure that your bios settings are all configured correctly some users have reported that they can't see a boot option for mac os once they boot off the usb stick so make sure that you set hide auxiliary to false under the miscellaneous section if you do have errors check which values need to be modified and make the appropriate changes go back to the dritania guide for your config.plist and confirm that you have the correct value then repeat the oc validate process to check your config again if you've got a lot of errors or you can't figure out what to do i would recommend just starting over from scratch for example this user's errors indicate that they are missing the virtual smc text and that they should remove open usb keyboard dxe from the drivers folder that's all for using oc validate hopefully this was helpful and good luck with your hackintosh
Channel: Brandon Yen
Views: 37,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon yen
Id: nsY2D3mv6ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 7sec (127 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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