How to Get SSDTs for your Hackintosh | Prebuilt and SSDTTime

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hey everyone today i'm going to show you how you can get the ssdts for your hackintosh now i get a lot of comments and questions asking how do i obtain the ssdts it's confusing i don't really get it and the reason i don't cover it in my videos is because it's specific to each generation of cpu and it would just take a long time for me to explain it for every single person so in today's video i'm going to be showing you two methods for obtaining your sst's for your hackintosh so for ssdts go ahead and click on the link in the description that will take you to the ssdt page which is divided into three sections the first is for desktop ssdts the second is for high-end desktop ssdts and the last one is for laptop ssdts the ssdts that you'll need are in the same row as the generation of your cpu so for example if i have a ninth generation desktop coffee lake refresh chip then i would need ssdt dash plug ssdt dash ec usb x ssdt.awac and ssdt pmc once you've identified which ssdts that you need go ahead and open each one in a new tab make sure to read the section titled what this ssdt does as it does have some information for specific systems that need to be specifically configured to your hardware now depending on the ssdt you will see two to three options two of the options will always be there this is pre-built or manual the third option which is ssdt time is going to be there for some ssdts but not all ssdt time is a program that compiles ssdts based on your specific hardware so you do have to run it on the system that you want to have the ssdts now for each ssdt you can choose which method you want to use i like to use a combination of both so i use ssd time wherever i can and then i use the pre-built version for ssdts that are not obtainable through ssdt time so in that case why would you ever use ssd time right because pre-built versions is going to be a lot easier you can just simply download it well pre-built versions they take a lot longer to boot up because they have to encompass all hardware types versus ssdt time which compiles an ssdt specific to your hardware so there is a difference in boot times between the two versions in order to use ssdt time download it from the link in the description and run it the first thing that we'll want to do is dump our dsdt because sstt time builds all of the ssdts off of this dsdt next we have to choose which ssdt we actually want to compile say we're trying to compile ssdt plug well i would choose ssdt time from this menu and the option that we want to select is shown right here do note that the numbers on the guide don't always line up with the numbers and ssdt time so choose it according to the name of the option after you've gotten all of your ssdts whether it be through pre-built versions or through ssdt time move them into your efi slash oc acpi folder on your usb stick if you used ssdt time open the results folder in the ssdt time folder and drag only the dot aml files into the efi oc acpi folder moving any other file types will result in an error when you try to boot and that's all for obtaining your ssdts good luck with your hackintosh and don't forget to stay safe [Music] you
Channel: Brandon Yen
Views: 50,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon yen, ssdt, opencore ssdt, acpi, acpi patching, ssdt guide, opencore ssdt guide, hackintosh guide, hackintosh without mac, macos big sur, hackintosh, hackintosh no mac, big sur hackintosh, big sur, hackintosh vs mac, how to install hackintosh, how to install hackintosh on pc, how to build a hackintosh, how to hackintosh, budget hackintosh, opencore hackintosh, custom hackintosh, hackintosh tutorial, hackintosh beginners guide, hackintosh for sale
Id: i_AaZjYL0No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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