Hackintosh Fix igpu Graphics Opencore 2023

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okay guys it's me again and in today's video it's gonna be about how to fix your igpu in open core so today is gonna be a short video so let's answer this question from this subscriber so first of all you need to have the hacking tool in your machine so let me open my hacking tool and then you need to Mount Your EFI so just open your EFI so this is my EFI so let me minimize this one so first you need to let me minimize this one so what you need to do to fix your igp you just go here to patch and then select the type of CPU that you have for your machine whether it's IV Bridge Skylake cabinet so in this video I'll use an example of this machine cabinet since the Ventura does not support the Skylake Graphics so we just put this cubby leg so as you can see this platform ID so GPU name is Intel HD 630 and as you can see here my GPU is so as in in real sense this machine is Skylake intelligence D5 that since we need to Spook the cabinet CPU so that it can run on Mac OS Ventura you need to add a GPU that resemble your Skylake CPU so if it is Intel HD 530 you need to Spook the Intel HD 630 so I'll put a link in the description where you can read about all these so let's continue so here as if you choose your you need to choose the the real Intel HD so if you have Intel Graphics like 640 or 540 just choose and make sure if it is for a laptop you make sure the mobile part is yes and if it's a desktop just change the make sure the mobile is equal to no as you can see here so mine I know it's these 12 12 x 0 x 59 12 zero zero so and then come to the vram so yeah you can choose your you can decide to enable this one and then you can see from you can see the mobile no and all this and then come to the connectors and then here you can again choose and you can but I'll just make sure I leave it like that so the patch here is where you can just go to the advanced just leave the general tab alone and then go to Advanced and here you need to you can enable the display to HDMI you can use this for the audio or the HDMI and then you can if you if you can't allocate your DV empty on the BIOS just enable this one and then if you need to scoop to Spook the audio sorry you can just check this one and then generate the patch if you want your vram to be 2000 or 2GB you just enable here so as you can see mine is 2GB so if you want it to remain on the 15 36 just uncheck this one so and then click on generate patch so after generating the patch go up here and then export as bootloader config P list so and then save it somewhere you can save it at config.hd and then let's save it on the desktop and then click on Save okay so and you are done so here just open it with open call configurator and then yes cancel it and then come here to device property as you can see it has generated for you the the one for graphics and the one for audio so what you need to do is just copy this one and then just open your EFI config.plist opening and then go to device property and then you just paste it there and you are done since I've already set mine I will not tamper with it and then you need to copy for audio just again just copy it and then go to your here and then device property and then and then paste the audio and then save your save your config.plist and you're done restart your machine and then you are your Intel HD will be working just fine so that's it for this video guys please subscribe to the channel share and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: ikip
Views: 20,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hackintosh, Hackintosh 2022, Olarila, macOS Ventura, macOS Monterey, intel hd graphics, ikip hackintosh
Id: JLZc-ztGI0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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