DO THIS... And Angels Will Visit You | Prophet Uebert Angel

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in the beginning God created the heavens I'm about to give you some spiritual things that I wish you could just understand notice he did not create the heaven if you look at it in the Hebrew it's actually plural Heavens meaning Realms amen amen that's why Paul comes and says I know of a man who went to the third heaven that means there are many mhm mhm so he created layers and layers of spiritual Dimensions thank you Lord and in those Dimensions he placed men get up now thy Lance like a man for I will demand of thee in other words God knows he has got Demand on men and answer me thou watch this where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth so we know God is talking about the beginning of it remember in the Book of Genesis he has already told us that he created the Heaven and the Earth and I told you the word Heaven is plural that means there are many Heavens that's why the great old preacher said he reached out into nowhere ha because there was no way he had created to reach out to and grabed something that was not there because there was no there he had [Music] created and kept something out of nothing because he had not created the raw materials to pull the something out of the nothing and then he formed the Earth with no point of reference because he had never created another Earth then he put it in a location called there and told it to stay there he had not created the there to stay my God my God who laid the Cornerstone you mean this all spherical thing is a corner read the book of Isaiah it tells you that the world is sperical even the Book of Job it tells you the word is sperical before the scientists got it when the morning starts meaning the Angels here is where we go now because I know you are not getting me at all let me try here bring it bring it says when the Angels sang together uhuh and all the sons of God shouted for Joy you did not hear it it means before we were created yes before the Earth was created God was forming the Earth and in the ground Angels were clipping he will create a mountain and angels will like what is that what is that the dexterity by which he touched the mountains and formed them was surprising the angels that they gave him a name which was not a name it wasn't even a title they said holy [Music] holy holy holy it was an exclamation point where they were so surprised by how he was doing things that one angel said holy another one said holy another one said holy and they've been saying holy until etern it future shocked by how he was doing things it says when the Angels CT for Joy here is my point on accessing the higher Realms Angelic being are moved by agendas the reason why you have not seen Angels is because they are moved by agendas what is the agenda that you are following that an angel can be pushed by an agenda the thing that more directs or rather the modalities of the operation of angels is by the control of agendas they are modest operandi the way they operate is they are controlled by agendas MH mhm when a man becomes consumed by the commission and the agenda or an assignment of God angels also flow that direction they don't come to you because you're are prayerful they don't come to you because you're tithe they don't come to you because you fast they don't manifest because you do anything they manifest when your agenda matches the agenda they have oh I wish you could understand Glory the promotion of agendas is the reason why Angels manifest demons manifest when you come here and say Prophet pray for me I have a problem in my family people can't do this can't do this I know what your family's agender is but your problem I can see getting quieter they're not coming to you because you just you just unlucky I don't know what's happening I'm just unlucky no you followed an agenda that looks like the devil's agenda and demons were attracted to the devil's agenda so they came to [Music] you you are an influencer in the realm of the devil so whatever you are influencing with your agenda matches the agenda of demons so demons are attracted to your environment why is it that financially you are struggling the agenda why is it that God would give one resource only to the Israelites when they are coming out of Egypt and there is no water there is no food that he planted for them he just give them gold where they can't buy with the gold in the desert because their agenda was poverty and their agenda was never to get to the promised land for God they were doing it for themselves so when they got in the desert and it became difficult they said hi what can we do they said now take the gold create a cal that will lead us back to Egypt when a man's agenda is not God's agenda he will use the money and the prosperity God gave him not to do anything but they will worship the money that God gave them instead of using the money to worship Him most of you worship money you can do anything for money you can die for it imagine right now you go to work you arrive on time church it's true it's true this guys understand this 1 hour before the bus arrives you already there asking where the chair is you are cleaning his [Applause] chair so your agenda is to use money not to worship God but to worship [Music] money some of you did not even some of you who are watching me right now you're watching me from work you are even stealing time sneaking out to go and watch because you Tau the boss I can come on Sunday just as long as there is ay higher you are literally worshiping money when people have an agenda that is different from God's agenda demons are attracted angels are also attracted to an agenda to do [Applause] with with God that's why Moses said if you don't go with me I will not go what is he saying he's saying the only safe environment is when God is involved if he's in the location I will go if he's in this place I will go because the environment that a man s is the environment where the presence of God is
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 101,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, Prophet, Africa, How to Hear the Voice of God, Miracle Money, Angel, Angels, GoodNewsworld, Goodnews, Spirit Embassy
Id: 9oCSbjlMkRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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