How To Pray Effectively | Prophet Uebert Angel

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so many people ask W how is God going to hear me we are in a church like this and all of us are praying how is going hearing all of us imagine on Sunday how many churches are praying how many Christians pray every hour do you realize that one in four atheists pray the ones that don't even believe in God one in four they pray just in case but I want you to understand turn to your neighbor say neighbor neighbor prayer is not for information pray is not it is for your formation for in prayer we are not giving God information we are being formed not informed so most of you think when I'm praying when I'm praying I'm informing God God already knows your prayer request he's not going to be informed When you pray it is you who is going to be formed when you [Music] pray why is it so because prayer is a protocol in the spirit it is a guard a security guard in the spirit it is a close second camera in the spirit it goes into the future remove every obstacle before you get there and then when you walk into the future it has already fixed the problems so it is possible for you to send prayer into your future it is not for answers to be given it is for your formation for your what for your what Your formation The Secret of Christianity is in your mouth this mouth is not for eating Greek rendering for this mouth is called sto the word sto means a knife you used to cut down people pieces the problem is when you are praying as you pray you just stand say father in the name of Jesus this this this my things your mind should be thinking I'm using a knife no no no no no no no no in the name of Jesus I don't like poverty that's okay but if your mind goes to a deep person say I don't like poverty I I where is your mind when you are praying begin to visualize stepping something stepping something cing something into I wish I could talk to somebody other the of my voice sto sit down some of you say you prophesy to me it has not happened yet another Prophet say this it has not happened yet prophecy does not bring you a miracle [Music] [Applause] the Bible says use these prophecies As Weapons ice War weapons artillery if I say you are going to be rich and you come out there and you see that there is a sickness in your bones that is about to kill you rise up from that bed and say hey I'm not rich yet I can't die now I'm not appreciate I cannot die now you don't know where came from it won't fall it will never go down I was preaching and God said you will not go down I say hey I was minding my own business and God said you will not go down said I never thought it he said you will not go down a few weeks later they were fighting me Helter Skelter back and forth front back everywhere way but there was a word that used as a weapon I will never go down you will never go down what were you thinking prophecy was there were not ways to make you get a miracle no we are supplying you with artillery you are holding weapons like this and then the enemy said you're going to die you said uh- uh-uh uhuh with this bazooka with this AK-47 with this inter Continental ballistic missile no I'm too Global to be local so if they say you are local tell them or what I'm too Global you not go anywhere H I'm not even going to work there uhuh I'm just going to visit and Shop there I don't work there I shop there I know some of you are looking for visas to go to another country to go and work there I have news for you you will go to shop there I wish you could understand that this is a weapon I'm giving you I'm giving you artillery power ped artillery intercontinental ballistic missiles this is why sometimes when people hear me pray you know you know you know prayer is a certain language I can't go to prophet and go like I love you she be like hey what's what's happening how is working like this you know you can't talk to your wife like that I love you now very fast there is a certain a certain uh [Applause] pizar it said level of romantic type of thing you can use but the reality is when you are being romantic you have a certain way of talk H I love you now ah you you you use tongues you use lyrics that will confuse the person like hey hey what I've been told today your personality is as fundamental as an aasis now even in the realm of the spirit create language language that can lure this so there is a time where I'm speaking with the Holy Spirit you know using the words of the Holy Spirit talking to God and I just [Music] go these are love words oh yes then when enemies strike if you get into that prayer section you hear the weapons that are now being used this is no longer applying lipstick in the spirit they are weapons you can use a bump in the spirit I'm here to use something now I'm just here to announce I've already used the intercontinental ballistic missile for you I used them I'm just here to to fulfill you're not hearing me I said I'm just here to fulfill all righteousness as the Lord said if I say you are going to be rich and you come out there and you see that there is a sickness in your bones that is about to kill you Rise Up from that bed and say hey I'm not rich yet I can't die now I'm not rich yet I cannot die [Applause] now it's already finished
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 61,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, Prophet, Africa, How to Hear the Voice of God, Miracle Money, Angel, Angels, GoodNewsworld, Goodnews, Spirit Embassy
Id: IhEkhLVwyxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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