Breaking‼️Prophet Uebert Angel Hands The Pulpit To His Son Prophet Jerome Fernando And This Happens

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my family hello greet you welcome to another one here on Truth and Love the church with your brother Joseph where will promote honor love and unity in the body of Christ so you remember the prophet Prophet Jerome Fernando for those who do not know him is the prophet who was detained like in jail for around 33 days for preaching the gospel in Sri Lanka over there and his Prophet Angel's Son and you know what really happened here as he was introduced how he ministers and the way that were SP letter it really touched my heart and I just want you to listen to it tell me what you think in the comments below so I just going toting off with how Prophet Angel introduced him in a few minutes God's choice Prophet will be [Applause] [Music] here W oh [Applause] yeah Jesus he is a bossome son of the prophet and one of the few that I can vouch for and say this man is upright before God very few [Music] men used by God mightly he your brother but he's also your prophet and before he comes here I want you to prepare your heart prepare your heart to receive you see these are moments that you are given only a few times remember this in every allotment of time there is an assortment of possibilities a conglomeration of opportunities but they are all relying on deliberations of spirits that means every moment you are given this moment this very moment you you been given an opportunity to hear him to talk to him to request whatever you need a portal is already open an open Heaven is already here but in that open Heaven There are opportunities a grouping of opportunities but they rely on one thing Spirits are talking they see if you're giving attention they see if you're acting lazy they see if you're grabbing it and they say this one will not get anything we will make sure this is a wickling So In This Moment you're already here don't waste it raise your hands and begin to begin to pray as the prophet comes begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray [Applause] in Jesus mighty name what an honor it is for me to stand where my father stands and where my mother stands what an honor it is honor goes Beyond money yes honor is more powerful than money the spirit of the Lord is already talking those of you who came for Solutions it begins where honor begins glory to God we honor God in this house we honor the man and the woman of God Amen I traveled 20 hours to get here to beautiful Zimbabwe each each time I come here I'm true to my word I to be very honest with you each time I come here Zimbabwe looks much more beautiful than when I left [Music] [Applause] before and the prophet and the prophetess keeps beautifying Zimbabwe and the nations of the world thank you Lord so to my father and to my mother in the Lord I want to thank you for trusting me with this opportunity thank you it is a great honor it is a great honor I would love to pray for you father in the name of Jesus under the unction of prophet ubert Angel and this beautiful church with those watching on TV I decree and declare a night of solutions powerful unexplainable miracles to take place speak to those who are hungry let none miss their solution tonight let wisdom be imparted to their spirit in a powerful and mistakable way here near and those who are watching by TV in the name of Jesus we seal tonight as a night of Solutions in Jesus name amen so he then went on to give a powerful teaching you know remember this is not uh the official Prophet Angel YouTube channel right so we can only share what we want you to watch but when it comes to the message you can just go to Pro Angel page the official page and you watch it over there I'm just sharing things that I feel you know the body of Christ needs to to watch all right so I'll just focus on uh maybe one or two of the prophetic words that were given and the demonstration of power and then we move on to the key lessons we have to learn here when we listen to what prophet angel said about his son and how prophet Jerome H as his father let's get into it Mama come [Applause] [Music] here mama just stand [Music] there the Lord will not just use my shadow even will use my mouth also mama your life is about to change amen I receive okay amen your life is about to change amen Your solution is already here amen because what I see the Lord doing for you as I stood in the presence of God oh yes can I prophesy as I stood in the presence of God I saw the angel of God raising you up amen as a generational leader amen amen because what has been missing in your generation is someone to say Lord here I am send me use me I want to be the battle axe of my generation because everybody in your generation is just living their lives amen people are here people are there they are scattered everywhere amen and when you want to look for a father who has led your generation the father is missing but the spirit of the Lord is ministering to me now even even though the fathers are missing you have found a spiritual father here in this location amen and by reason of your connection to this ministry and to the prophet of God and the prophets amen you are being raised as a generational leader for as I stood in the presence of God listen Mama listen I saw the blessing leing the hand of God and as it attached itself to your bloodline it kept moving it kept moving it kept moving it kept moving it kept moving it kept moving it kept moving and it kept moving he's the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob but in your generation as the blessing left the hand of God and it kept moving and kept moving and kept moving it came to people in your bloodline that got married but couldn't have children I saw many around you who are married but who do not have children in your bloodline it's true it's true it's true a prophet am I telling the truth yes you're telling the truth so God is Raising you up as a generational Force to stand in the Gap as an intercessor I receive to break this curse in the name of the Lord and in a moment I'm going to tell you where your money [Music] is thank you prophets so that you stop wasting time amen one person's prophecy is another person's prophecy receive it now in the name of Jesus receive it just to prove what I'm saying is true let me get a piece of paper and [Music] Pen can can you can you can you come just just stand here just stand there one step two steps three steps just stand there stand there put this on the screen put this on the screen put this on the screen and hold this you are going to break that pattern that couldn't get through this bloodline amen just to prove what I'm saying is true an angel stood before you with an alphabet in its hand and I saw the hand of that angel moving from a b CDE e f g h i j k l m n o and it stopped at the letter P Hold on hold on what is what is your name my name is Patrick S what is who is Patrick Patrick is my [Applause] father Holy Ghost Fire w holy go fire one person's prophecy is another person's Prophecy in the name of Jesus on the solution Thursday receive your own I said receive your own I said receive your own by fire and by Power by prophetic Antion receive your own Mama as of tonight by reason of you being in this solution Thursday thanks prophet that generational move has started amen that generational move has started amen because you're going to pray today amen God's going to hear you and open wombs in your bloodline amen you're going to be like a nurse like a midwife in your bloodline so much so let me tell you something let me tell you something let me tell you something don't look for money anywhere else your money is in the medical field receive your money is in the medical field so even if if you do real estate make sure it's connected to something to do with the medical industry in the name of the Lord I do re real estate [Music] Prophet yes Prophet she's confirming that she's doing real estate no as you say but what I said is the medical thing amen okay amen it's the medical thing amen Prophet that's where your money is I receive re it that's where your money is receive that's why he said even if you do real estate you connect it to what to the medical that's where your money is amen because I'm like my father I know where the money is amen amen I receive it I just know I just know how to tell you which fish to catch yes some of you have caught the wrong fish Jesus said to Peter catch the first fish some of you went to catch the big fish without catching the first fish some of you caught the small fish without catching the first fish some of you caught the fish that you like instead of catching the first fish some of you caught the fish that someone else caught instead of catching the first fish first means timing timing on this solution Thursday the timing is right I said the timing is Right lift up your hands praying the Holy Ghost for one minute the Lord is about to use my shadow even those watching on TV even those watching on TV now receive your own every problem that began from the womb is broken now in the name of Jesus stand stand stand broken broken now broken now quick broken now broken now broken in the name of Jesus [Music] in thees anointing breaks the Yoke the anointing breaks the Y the anointing every isve sing sing my brother sing fire on the altar sing [Music] in the name of the Lord every cycle broken today in the name of Jesus broken today broken today fire of the Holy GH broken today ghost [Music] fire fire fire fire the fire on the old come on fire fire on the altar Fire Let's s it on lift up your hands I see fire fire fire on the altar fire I the I fire I See Fire fire fire on thear fire fire on the altar fire fire on the fire on the altar Let the Fire speak for you good news everywhere I receive your healing the fire of the Lord is here I see fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire I and the fire speak for you good news everywhere fire of Lord is here receive your praise receive receive your receive your money receive I decree and declare your Miracle you are coming up Beau sanctify I fire fire on the altar fire fire on the altar I see fire fire I see Let the Fire speak for you good news everywhere in Jesus mighty name fire of the thank you Lord I'm going to walk around and in these next few moments we're going to deal with your prayer requests I said we're going to deal with your prayer requests so whatever it is that you want to stretch out it could be a picture on your phone it could be something Financial whatever it may be as a contact point I want you to do that now the solution Thursday saluan Thursday your family is waiting for you I said your family is waiting for you I receive and you know what I mean your family is waiting for you yes I know your family is waiting for you amen your family is waiting for you amen it's true take it in the name of Jesus is The God Who Answers by fire anday my I said he's The God Who answers so father in the name of Jesus even to those watching by means of TV and those here in the iconic Hippodrome I pray in the name of Jesus and decree as a prophet that in this window of opportunity there are answers and solutions solutions from Heaven the signature of God the finger of God the hand of God the answer of God the solution of God to his people somebody here is going to Touch the Hem of His Garment and feel virtue some of you are going to place a sacrifice and sense God answering by fire amen a lifelong cycle of waiting for financial breakthrough will come to an end tonight I said we'll come to an end tonight I said will come to an end tonight even there's going to be an healing River that's about to flow in a moment healing River healing River healing River healing River healing River healing River I know you came for prophecy but this is a healing it for these are initial symptoms of arthritis like even this is like at times I have pain this is a this is like the cringing of nerves here this is prophetic MRI speaking amen amen it's true it's true prophet and there are times when it's like here you'll wonder why is this this is like a locking that comes and goes comes and goes it's true Prophet it's like a numbness it's true it's like a numbness these are the initial symptoms of arthritis amen but I rebuke that Spirit now in the name of Jesus be healed lift up your requests Lift It Up Lift It Up he answers by fire we can sing it I want to express your utmost gratitude to my father and mother for allowing me the privilege oh yeah oh yeah and the honor of ministering these are not things to take lightly are you listening how often do you see a son minister and our father and mother sit and watch how often do you see it and when you see it you have to take lessons from it and understand that there are levels and then there are levels [Applause] I so honored and very privileged and blessed to have been raised by the greatest I don't mix my words I've been raised by the greatest if you are raised you can never be erased [Music] [Applause] so together with my wife Pastor Melanie the entire glorious Church the family of the miracle dorm and almost 10,000 local pastors and of course Global pastors part of our family now are echoing through my voice all the honor and all the Gratitude to prophetess Beverly angel and Prophet Hubert Angel my spiritual father and mother for raising me up and for making me who I am today I preached a message in my country and they put me in jail for 33 nights I've come a long way since then it was tough times for a whole year almost I was out of my country misunderstood we've come through a lot and as I sat with my father I told him Prophet if you didn't raise me as I am today I don't think I would have made it so I feel sorry for you I'm not talking to you I'm talking to those watching on TV I feel sorry for you who do not believe in spiritual fatherhood you are being misled what our biological parents fail to do God's solution is to introduce spiritual parents biology taught us ABC pneumatology teaches us XYZ you are in the best location you came for the right service you are under the right unction I went all over the place today before I left Sri Lanka my heart's desire was to pray with my father in the good news City I didn't tell him this but you don't need to tell him anything you don't need to tell him anything so when I met him yesterday he said tomorrow we will go to the good news City and he didn't ask me he said come you're going to pray in certain locations with me and for many years I've been with the family but this is the first time he took me to some important places and in those very very important locations the way he prayed for me no one has ever prayed for me like that I'm telling you as a church you are very blessed when a prophet and prophetess can kneel and mention and remember your name There's Hope for for you I said there's hope for you I remember two men that spoke to me something greatly in a great way and also great things one of them was Archbishop Nicholas Dungan Williams another one was a multi-millionaire I saw and met few days ago he said whenever you are traveling to a certain location don't let your driver drive you I said what do you mean you you have millions he said because they don't see the vision you see you have churches to build people to serve so your driving is a driving of a person who has a vision but your driver only has a salary in his mind he said so some of the speeding you will do the the carelessness by which he drives is of a person with no vision his vision is only for a salary so it says this is the reason why men with money die on the road being driven they have a vision that is greater than their driver now you're missing the you're not hearing what I'm saying Archbishop Nicholas thenan Williams taught me something he said there is a reason why Christians are not called Gods not because gods are Wayward but Gods can lead themselves says we are called Sheep because only a sheep follows the Shepherd no no no no no no no he wasn't praising it he was saying this is the reason why I do not allow anyone on my pit because Christians are sheep they will follow anything anyone says on the pit then I looked at the life of my men of God no one preaches in his church not because there are no Great Men of God out there for you to see me minister in Pastor Christ Church my spiritual father it took 7 years being with with him knowing I'm a prophet I I never I in fact me and my wife the prayer we made before we met Pastor Chris was we don't want to be anything there except children we are not even planning to preach there so when he talked about come and Minister I was like we went there and said I even said to my wife on that day I said pray that he doesn't say we should Minister we are not here for it we just here for our father to learn from here that's it so if he wasn't going to call me I wasn't going to be disappointed cuz my prayer was I don't want to be standing there so there was no disappointment for 7 years no disappointment whatsoever it was excitement because God was was was answering our prayers to not ever preach there but God disappointed us and God allowed me to minister there but I took it is a privilege not because it wasn't a privilege it was a great privilege something I never asked for see this is why the Bible says when you get to a location don't go to the high Chas there someone will take you from there and tell you that's not your position I remember the first meeting we had there one of the meetings and the whole place was full we're talking about 37,000 Pastors in one one location at that that day and me and my wife we set at the back it was in the middle of preaching he said where is Angel and from there I to run from there and he wasn't even asking for me to be there for him to do anything then the ash started saying okay you sit there you s but I thought of sitting at the back there because when I arrived I was doing something that he had sent me but when I I arrived he was already on the stage and I couldn't go to the front he had not started preaching he not said anything but I thought no no no I cannot do this just imagine these Great Men of God understand one thing not all congregations are the same so when you get to a certain location you also need to understand who am I putting behind the proit to minister that person should have been tried several times not with the intention to make them preach no your life should prove it your life should prove it not because if I call you to say something I've already proven you no maybe that's the test but to take someone and say here minister to my people the most difficult especially Spirit Embers Spirit Embers can just keep quiet this gu can just keep quiet while he say Hal Hallelujah they will just keep quiet you wonder why why why so I say I say this to say it takes God for me to say this one can Minister and it takes a great character in the person I say take this mic say whatever you I don't want to hear what you're going to say You're going to hear from God and you speak and it takes also great trust for me to say you can prophesy to them cuz I know my people are used to prophecy so the first two minutes they'll be measuring you trying to figure out if if this is the genuine article and the Bible says it this way in the Book of Revelation you have tried them that say they are Apostles and they are liars says I love you because you have tried them you have tried them that say they are prophets and they are lying but tonight you saw a son of a prophet I said tonight you saw a son of a [Applause] prophet and if you'd never believed in impartation now you believe it I can't hear you correctly is it is it getting in then one thing Arch Bishop said he said I said to him what is your greatest your greatest regret in Ministry he said to make a nobody a somebody then the somebody begins to think he was a somebody not a nobody then starts looking at you as if you a nobody he said but that's the work of ministry we are in the business of raising nobodies to become some bodies who actually look down on us and think we are nobody's because now they are somebodies that's our business after this solution you're going to have experiences spiritual experiences Visions this whole thing is about an atmosphere you're not getting me this whole thing is about atmospheres creating atmospheres now you have an atmosphere are you getting it stay here until Sunday remain here you're hearing yes you now you getting what I'm trying to say these are are atmospheres if a prophet comes in and moves there he's already infecting you with his atmosphere so when you get get home right when you get home don't just no no no no no no no know what is being said say I I was in the atmosphere of a prophet so my dream should be different the vision should be different when I wake up it should be different something should change it's all about how you respond to the Antion it's all about how you respond it's how you respond there is a lot this imagine 20 what 12 12 and in these years before 2018 he even came to one of the meetings I think I was in Birmingham or something many meetings my father many meetings and one time I just grabbed his shoulder like this and looked at him and moved and he's like how about this is my father he should just say it see but you have to endure you keep on doing it keep on doing it because God is trying God doesn't test nobody say no man should say after being tested he has been tested by God for God tests nobody that's scripture that's the New Testament I was tested by God no but you are tried in the fire there's a big difference in testing and trying God already know knows you will pass then he wants the gold to come out and the impurities to be left there's a big difference between being tried and being tested are you getting this are you getting it tonight was a different night tonight was a different night tonight was a different night and we we is coming again [Applause] in September he's hearing it for the first time now yes I'm coming see he realized there was this meeting at the airport that's true or he had no idea do you understand so you appeared and he appeared but the Lord has been great and moving him to Greater dimensions and I was telling him one time I was telling him just a few days back over 30 days in prison is not a joke how many people said a lot when he was in prison some said this this this cannot be God yet they are busy reading the New Testament with poor in there some of the books he wrote from jail and you know what he was saying while he's arrested he said I wish to be like I I wish you be like me except for these chains then he would write and say you are partakers of my anointing yet he was in prison saying all the Miracles you are enjoying outside day are mine but I'm in prison ah are you crazy [Applause] I remember when I called him from prison I told him when you come out could knew it would take years for him to announce you to your people into the world the way he wanted and he needed just 33 days to do it I was moving with him at the beach now you're thinking we were at the beach doing what we were just moving like that and praying moving I think it's like 200 M or 300 M moving up and down up and down and I was walking in the city and as I was walking there nobody greeted him I said this is not good like nobody knows you that's this is not good you have people in the church yes but people should be greeting you somehow I said this is not good that's true God will correct to this one now within 33 days the first day everyone was like there is a pastor who has been arrested they look at he's been arrested what is this before you knew it the whole world was sending letters what is happening you know and now everyone not only that over 10,000 pastors with their own churches and now saying we are submitting to you that's true they gathered in one location and say this is our Mentor he took one for the team for 33 days sometimes your first tracking will come is a problem you're not hearing what I'm saying thank you Jesus and today your solution will announce you ah you are not hearing what I just say Your solution will work will announce you as we were in the in the good news City we were talking and we came to a point where God began to speak and said there is something called alignment some of you have a calling so your your life is already tailor made by God to go a certain way that every time you go the wrong direction guess what begins to happen bed luck every day you wonder I'm a Christian but it's like bed luck every time it's it's not bad luck it's God saying no no you are different i p of beat you this way you can't survive here you survive here so any mistep no no no no you you're not so you will pray God please God please all the mistakes you are making you will be whooped God be like no no no no hit him hit him hard the moment you go this direction money is spent ahh but I'm a Christian the moment you go this direction divorce is ahh you go to a company and and guess what there are only five people you are the most qualified for the job you'll be you join a company you'll be fired go for an interview you wonder why and you're trying to pray against it no you have an alignment I said you have an alignment there are things that become your problem not because see I'm saying this so that when he leaves the solutions you have been provided you might go and get a solution and get a job wonder why am you being fired again isn't that the solution no it's a solution but inside the solution is also your calling that if you don't answer while is you're in that solution you need another solution alignment I said alignment alignment the prophet spoke now it's time to align it's time to what align it's time to what align raise your hands Wherever You Are father this solution that theyve been given viewers all over the world in this letter here write me this minute I decree and declare the same voice that was spoken here that spoke here the voice of a prophet Prophet Jerome Fernando I decree and declare that voice will go with you every time in your house you sit down that voice will be correcting things and aligning things in the name of Jesus my last Pastor Chris was in Israel he got into the grave of Lazarus in the town of lse or la which is as you have guessed it s for Lazarus and when they got in there they got into the cave with these scientists that understand how to measure sounds and they realized that there was an echo coming from that there was seems as would be voice in the cave and when they measure these things were going off the charts like a voice a sound is being made from that place so when they came out they went around the whole place to look for a solution to for a place like that cuz they were trying to this is a conundrum where is the solution so that we know what is happening around this no sound was ever like that and Pastor Chris was smiling and somebody asked my father Pastor Chris why do you think why is it like this he said they are looking for sound everywhere else yet God only spoke to this one here hear this so he's saying the the voice of God 2,000 years ago when he said Lazarus come forth is still in the [Applause] grave so when a prophetic utterance is made like tonight heavy utterances were made tonight correcting your life and shaping Destinies that voice is still moving with you
Channel: Truth n' Love - The Church
Views: 13,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uebert Angel, Pastor Chris, Jerome Fernando, pastor chris, Jesus, church, love, truth and love
Id: pBqO_pWj-is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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