DO NOT DO THIS TO YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE | Facebook Algorithm 2021 Top Mistakes

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hello everyone this is teacher k and welcome or welcome back to my channel in this channel we talk about tips and tricks on how to bring warmth fun and light in every season of your life so why don't you join us in this growing community by hitting the subscribe button and the notification bell right beside it biggest shout out to the 15 of my youtube subscribers who are here mainly because of the facebook algorithm well this channel is about giving tips and tricks on every season of your life and for this season we are going to talk about the top mistakes that i did to my facebook page that were hurting my organic reach there's no denying that organic facebook reach is at an all-time low therefore we need to be strategic in what we do and what we should not do for our facebook page in this video i will be talking about the top mistakes that i did that definitely pulled down my organic reach well i told you in my previous videos that my page blew up really fast from 3 000 to 20 000 followers in less than two months but a few months later my growth became really really slow and my reach became really really low [Music] well there are a lot of factors that contributed to that and these things that i will be sharing with you in this video is based on my experience mixed with a bit of research and quick disclaimer let me just tell you that what works on my page or what did not work on my page may or may not apply to yours but i hope that this experience of mine will help you strategize your facebook even better so without further ado here are my top five facebook mistakes that were hurting my organic reach number one is posting external and promotional links as what i told you in my previous video i was actually prioritizing my youtube channel over my facebook page so what i did to promote my channel is i deliberately shared my youtube links in my facebook page when i knew from the start that these types of posts will not have a lot of reach but what i did not know was that it will actually hurt my reach i hope it makes sense like having less reach is much different from hurting or killing my reach and that's what happened as a result after a couple of months of doing that my reach became super duper low that i felt like i have been injecting toxic things in my facebook page and i need to stop what i'm doing well the main reason for that is facebook doesn't really favor posts that will bring users outside their platform as much as possible facebook would like you to stay with them the longest time possible and posting links won't help them achieve that goal so the remedy for that if you really need to promote something in your page well you may repurpose your content into a short clip or provide a poster or have a poster providing the details of the things that you would like to promote but please do not put a link on your description or even your pinned comments second mistake is asking facebook like you hates cheaters and that's exactly what they think is happening when you start asking so one of the ways the facebook algorithm works is that the more engagement your facebook post receives the more people facebook will show it to organically because their algorithm believes it to be high quality and engaging however if you ask for engagement facebook will restrict your reach organically because they think you're trying to cheat their algorithm thus if you've been posting things like please like and share the post write a comment if you agree share this post to be entered into our competition or tag the person that you think about facebook will actually reduce the organic reach of your posts almost to zero just like what i did in my previous posts into this example this is we bear bears right and whenever post we bear bears i usually gather a lot of engagements and you can never go wrong with wee bear bears but look at my engagement it's so low even the line that i posted in my own opinion is catchy but because i stated a phrase that is asking for engagement then that is the result let me show you more this is a post that i created for international women's day and i think it's beautiful but yeah i was asking for engagement and facebook algorithm does not favor that another example right here and i know you already get my point number three mistake that i did is wrong timing as what i told you i did not prioritize my facebook page which means that i was plainly sharing my content in facebook at any time of the day whenever i think so or specifically i would choose a time that worked for me for a long time which is 8 p.m or around that time i was too accustomed to that time because it worked for me and when i had the time to check my facebook analytics 8 p.m was one of the optimum time for me to post but i did not update myself on when is the optimum time at the moment when i say optimum time it means that it is the time when most of your followers are online and that only means that when you post at around that time it will give you higher chances for your post to appear on your followers timeline this is actually very easy to do but i was too preoccupied and i really did not prioritize it so how to do that let me show you first is you should open your facebook page using a computer or laptop so once you're on your facebook page go to insights insights will help you a lot in analyzing your data on how you can improve and strategize your facebook page once you're inside page insights go to posts and this should appear on your screen so as you could see here times of the day and days of the week so based on my analytics it means that most of my followers are online at on thursday and the time of the day where most of them are online is around 5 a.m to 6 a.m and then you see a large dip 10 a.m to 2 p.m and then it would rise and it would be back up high at 8 pm going up to 11 p.m so for me i would most likely post my content on facebook at around seven or eight p.m knowing that my exposure on facebook is just around 6 p.m so i have a bit of an allowance so if not most of them are online by 7 pm maybe they can see it at 8 00 or 9 or 10 or 11. so that's how it works again let me emphasize that you should open your insights using a computer or laptop because this will not work on your cell phone's typical facebook app number four is posting what i want rather than what my followers want to put it simple you actually have to be in the know and catch up with the trends that most of our followers are most likely engaged with and jump on that but because i did not prioritize my facebook that time i would seldomly hop into trends i wouldn't research or prepare in advance but when i did hop into a trend this is what happened amazing one way to solve this type of problem is actually by having your own content calendar if you don't know what content calendar is how it works or how you can utilize one comment down below and maybe one of these days i will create my video about that number five is acting like a robot i actually have a ritual whenever i post something on my facebook page because it works before posting i would have to interact or engage in my facebook which means that i would like those who shared my posts i would comment or reply to those who commented on my posts simply interact with them right before i post my content it's my way to heat up the algorithm and it actually worked for me many times however i did not know this for quite a long time that i was actually making that as a ritual meaning i act as a ritual it it became very robotic it has been very much patterned wherein i would like or heart or click care and then after that i would comment or reply to those who commented on my post and that's it it it it sounds like it's kind of robotic for the facebook algorithm it appeared like it's no longer run by a human and as a result it hurt my facebook reach so having a sort of warm-up ritual is fine it it still works however make sure to change things up a bit from time to time so that you can actually improve your reach and number six is inconsistency i actually came to a point that i would just simply post on my facebook page once a week or even none at all facebook algorithm favors consistency and if you want success we know that consistency really matters facebook algorithm favors consistency in posting and engaging with people or your followers therefore be consistent again a content calendar or having your own social media manager can definitely help you in your consistency actually there are a lot of things that we can still talk about when it comes to the facebook algorithm january this year i got into an online course powered by facebook and i really learned a lot from it and i would love to share it to all of you if you want and if you are one of those people who don't have a lot of time in doing their own research or doing trial and error for your own facebook page or businesses facebook page and you would like it to be managed professionally then i'd be more happy to help you may send me a message in my instagram at carol underscore and and we'll see if we can work on a project together if you like this video don't forget to like and subscribe and comment down below what are the things that you want me to cover in my future videos once again this is teacher k have a great day bye
Channel: Teacher Kaye
Views: 10,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook algorithm 2021, how facebook algorithm works, how to increase facebook reach, facebook algorithm for business, how to get more reach on facebook page, social media management tips and tricks, social media management facebook, social media manager tips and tricks, facebook algorithm explained, top mistakes in facebook, things that you should not do for your facebook page, do not do this facebook, teacher kaye, social media marketing, facebook organic marketing strategy
Id: zopwpMEaz88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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