Do NOT Buy a Miyoo Mini V4! (here’s why)

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whenever I reach for my Miu Mini Plus I can't help but think about the Miss opportunity that I had to get my hands on a miu Mini at least the original one or the V2 I just missed the boat and when I finally got ready to actually buy that it was sold out because of issues with the manufactur and the screen and all this and that and my only option was to go with scalpers and the last thing that I want to do is to pay scalpers for a product so I said you know what screw it I'll just go with the Mi Mini Plus and I have loved it ever since I randomly stumbled onto miu's official store on AliExpress I was just curious just to see what was on sale and I saw that the Miu mini V2 wasn't on sale but actually the V4 and I pulled the trigger I didn't waste any time it was $61 free shipping and after a couple of weeks I finally got my hands on it this was the rare novelty handheld that everybody had boasted about saying that this was an awesome handheld to have and that this was the go-to for a lot of people so I had high expectations I had things that I had imagined myself experiencing while playing this handheld and there were some things that I really loved with my experience with it but it just didn't live up to the expectations this video is brought to you by our partner mint mobile have you ever looked at your wireless cell phone bill and just thought to yourself why the heck am I paying so much money for this well you might want to go and consider switching over to Mint mobile see they're built on the nation's largest 5G Network but because they don't have any retail stores or they don't have any salese they can cut down costs and pass those savings on to you on top of that they also have family plans that start with just two lines and they currently have a special promotion that ends on October 31st where you can get 50% off their unlimited plan on top of that you can manage your family lines through the application and it only takes about 15 minutes to switch over using an eim so go ahead and scan the QR code that's right over here or click the link in the description below to learn more about this offer from mint mobile and thanks to mmobile for partnering with us on this video now I do want to go ahead and let you know a bit of a disclaimer so to speak that I am looking at the Miu mini V2 as someone that has played on the RG 35xx and the Miu Mini Plus before playing the Miu mini now the Miu mini V1 and V2 those originally came out before the Miu Mini Plus so a lot of people they kind of grew into the handheld whereas in this instance it's kind of like the equivalent of getting a DMG Game Boy and then going uh into a Game Boy micro it's just the difference is so vast in size and comfort that it kind of left an impression on me that I just didn't expect I originally thought that this was going to be an awesome experience in terms of gaming on a handheld form but the more that I tried the game on the Miu mini V4 the more I realized that I just preferred the Miu Mini Plus overall or the RG 35xx the size of that just feels better in my hands I mean I have larger hands so overall it just felt better by comparison now my Miu mini V4 came in this cute little tiny case and inside of that you do get a usba to USBC then there is a Micro SD card reader that's here as well as a 64 GB micro SD card that uh is not the fastest I always recommend going with either a SanDisk or Samsung A2 uh SD card that way you get the fastest read and write speeds on there and things just overall perform better over the longevity of your gaming time and then obviously ly the handheld itself with a little bit of documentation as of right now the Miu mini V4 is currently sold out on miu's official page on AliExpress and yeah you could probably find it through scalpers on who knows what websites and they're going to charge 2030 or even $40 if not more to get your hands on this handheld personally if you have the Miu Mini Plus or the RG 35xx I don't think that it's worth it and I'll get into a little bit more why but overall I would just go through official channels if you're interested in it just keep an eye on the page and you'll get your hands on it for 61 bucks instead of 100 now the Miu mini V4 is actually very similar in terms of the face button layout to the Miu Mini Plus and this is something that you've seen across all of the Miu mini uh models that are out there but uh in terms of everything else the iio is very similar you have your USBC Port you have your SD card slot 3.5 mimet Jack over on the side instead of a volume rocker you have this actual dial that's very reminiscent to the original Game Boy and then on top you have your power button LED indicators on the back you have your shoulder buttons and there is a removable battery that you can go ahead and change out this is obviously smaller than the uh one the battery in the Miu Mini Plus is 2,000 milliamp hours and then in the front you have your d-pad that feels great then you have your menu button your face buttons Y xba and then start and select overall this feels great it just you can tell in in terms of like holding it that the Miu Mini Plus it just feels feels nicer at least for me I have rather large Hands by comparison to some people and uh this just I don't know it feels a little uncomfortable I there really isn't too much of an ergonomic feel to these shoulder buttons themselves whereas with the Miu mini plus there's a little bit of a lip here to kind of go ahead and run and then there's also the uh the whole curve that's here that I prefer especially over the RG 35xx this just feels much more comfortable to hold in comparison to the Miu mini V4 I've touched on the whole screen issue in my comparison between the RG 35xx and the Miu Mini Plus and it turns out the same issue is also here with the Miu mini V4 as you can see the colors are a little bit washed out and there are some settings that I did find looking at Russ from retro game cor's uh video there were some Community adjustments that I could go ahead and put into place on this screen itself in order to make the colors seem a little bit more apparent and less blue and less washed out but I I still think that the screen on the RG 35xx is just simply better in comparison to everything else that being said looking at the screen here of the Miu mini V4 it leaves a lot to be desired and there are some issues overall with the pixel count on the screen itself see the problem with the screen is the actual Hardware itself the game will go ahead and render it at 480p and we'll go ahead and try to push it out at 480p but the screen itself is at 750x 56 the resolution now obviously there are ways to go ahead and get this set up but it's locked behind firmware and we don't have access to that uh Community uh modders don't have access to that unfortunately hopefully Miu will allow us to go ahead and be able to go ahead and get access to that in the future but as of right now this is just the issue that we run into now I personally prefer the way that things look on the Miu Min plus overall in comparison to everything else but when it comes to color and the way that uh it looks over all it just it looks better on the RG 35xx in comparison to the Miu mini V4 now after implementing the community settings that uh were put online it seems like the colors overall seem a little bit nicer but I still think that the overall look of the RG 35xx in comparison to the Miu mini V4 is just it's night and day like I said in my comparison between the Miu Mini Plus and the RG 35xx when it comes to screens like this there's only so much that you can go ahead and do the hardware is is really just there for what it is and whenever you push one sort of color spectrum or one aspect of the screen itself you're going to have to give something else so there it's a give and take whenever you're adjusting any of the settings for any of these screens at all so there's no way that you can get a perfect representation of the screen if it just didn't ship or doesn't have the physical capabilities of providing that look that you want in the game itself now when it comes to the stock OS on the Miu mini V4 it does the job it pretty much has everything that you would expect you have your recent games favorite games uh you have your retro Arc which is readily available to you apps on here uh as well as settings in apps you can find a couple of things that are here uh as well as Super Mario 64 um it isn't the best running thing in the world but it does the job when it comes down to it uh one of the things that I do miss in the settings and this is me coming from the Miu Mini Plus to the Miu mini V4 is Wi-Fi there is no Wi-fi here at all whatsoever which leaves a lot to be desired at least for me because I do like the functionality that's there and being able to go ahead and connect to uh retro achievements get everything connected over the air doing Pokemon trading things like that so um it's it's one of the things that uh that I miss overall but it isn't a deal breaker if you are planning on playing by yourself and and you know just experiencing these games on the go then this is uh not going to be a deal breaker for you obviously you can adjust the Hue luminous uh saturation and contrast on the screen itself um and overall it just has everything here that you would want now now you don't need to install onion OS on this piece of Hardware though if you do it does unlock a lot of potential and a lot of uh extra features that are readily available for this that just I don't know just adds a nice layer of paint to it obviously if you want to go ahead and go into your individual games you can go ahead and do that and it's all separated by platform once you go ahead and go in everything is listed here um and then you can start the game up uh and uh if you wanted to go ahead and play that you can if you push the menu button you have your save states you have your load States and your native menu um as well as your um the way to exit the game when you go into your native menu this looks a little bit more like retro Arc uh so you're going to have a lot of things that are really available for you here including cheats as well as uh different options and managing core and so on and so forth but uh it's pretty straightforward when it comes down to it you don't have to mess with any of this stuff by the way if if you just want something that works right out of the box uh this is a great piece of software on a great piece of of of Hardware that just does the job now I prefer to go ahead and have onion OS on this piece of Hardware it's just something that unlocks a lot of extra features that are readily available to you and you can go ahead and use them however you want of course you have your favorites you have your games as well as apps and in apps there's a quick guide that you're going to run into when you first boot up onion OS and it'll kind of guide you through all of the shortcuts and the different features that are there as well as a package manager and from here you can toggle on different ROMs you can go ahead and toggle on different applications and so on and so forth there is an activity tracker that I have set up here retro Arc is readily available there's this search function that is awesome if you have a bunch of games which uh you are going to get a bunch of games with uh that's shipped with this that you just if you want to find something it just makes it a lot easier uh for example if uh you wanted to go ahead and find uh let's see uh Metroid for instance you can just go ahead and type that out and from there it'll go ahead and search and it'll find all of the games that are there that are Metroid and it'll uh divide it up by the different uh pieces of software or ROMs that are there and from there it just goes ahead and uh you know you go in you start playing the game boom it just works and it's readily available now there are a ton of features that are here one of the things that I did want to go ahead and mention is the game switcher so if you push this menu button that's right here in the middle it'll go ahead and vibrate and then it'll go into this game switcher option that's here and it'll just allow you to switch in between the games that you have um running and if you want to goad and jump back in all you have to do is hit a and it it creates a safe state which is awesome because if I was in the middle of something and you know I was like you know what I don't feel like playing this right now let me go back to whatever it was then you can go ahead and do that and it just makes the game switching uh experience very very seamless if you hold the menu button it'll go ahead and it'll take you back to the game menu and uh it's pretty straightforward in that sense all of your games are going to be listed and separated by platform but if you have something that doesn't have anything like this pokem mini for instance it'll just show it as empty uh obviously if you go into the settings if you go into the apps you go into the package manager you can toggle on or off a different uh emulators or different platforms and then from there you don't have to have this there just to declutter things if you wanted to but if you do have stuff there you can hit a and it'll go ahead and have everything listed and readily available for you to go ahead and play Let's talk about our likes and gripes I love the fact that it is I mean I can literally hold it in one hand I can Palm it in one hand and I can just kind of like have that there it's nice I like the fact and because of the size it's easily pocketable I mean I can pretty much fit this into any pocket that I have and it just is easy to take around there is a case that it came with which is nice I didn't get that with the Miu Mini Plus it just came in a box which is I mean it's nice it does the job but I would rather have a protective case that I can take with me to go ahead and take my handheld wherever it is that I want to go ahead and play I love onion OS on here the original OS that does come on this handheld is fine but if you want to go and and take it up a step further I would recommend getting onion OS very easy instructions they're down in the description below let's talk about our gripes so because of the form factor because of the size it feels like it's very delicate and yeah it came with a case but I feel like even with that like taking it out into the wild I feel like I'm accidentally going to drop it or whatever it may be and that it's going to break and if it breaks it's nearly impossible to find so there's supply issues to also take into consideration I'm not going to be able to go ahead and find this you know in a random store or even in miu's official store online on AliExpress it's sold out they are having supply issues Galore when it comes to this stuff so I don't think that I'm going to be able to go ahead and take this out and feel confident in doing so so I might just put this on a shelf or whatever and just kind of like stare at it and maybe play with it from time to time but overall you know I'm not confident in that sense I don't like the battery life on it in fact going from the Miu Mini Plus to this it just it leaves a lot to be a desired the battery dies relatively quickly there are audio issues with the speaker that's there if I can upgrade it uh I might go ahead and do that but the speaker that comes with the Miu mini V4 just leaves a lot to be desired the screen my goodness the screen looking at the colors even with the community guidelines with getting everything up to par it just leaves a lot to be desired in comparison to the RG 35xx even in comparison to the Miu Mini plus it just I don't know especially looking at what I saw from retro gamecore looking at Russ's video and seeing that this screen resolution is uh not on par with the games and how they're supposed to go ahead and run so you're getting uh what should be a 480 signal and you're putting that into a 520 uh screen which just doesn't or 560 excuse me which just doesn't do the job I would rather go ahead and make sure that uh my game's run run the way that they should and they're nice and crisp and the pixels are just really beautiful so it leaves a lot to be desired on in terms of like the screen there's no Wi-fi there's only one SD card slot it just there's just so many things that it makes it very difficult for me to recommend the Miu mini V4 in contrast to the Miu Mini Plus I just I don't know and overall like my hands are big I like sorry guys my hands are big it doesn't feel comfortable to play the Miu mini V4 and it actually kind of reminds me of the RG Nano a little bit it's doable you can make things happen with it but it just it isn't something that I want to play for long extended periods of time in contrast to the Miu Mini Plus or the RG 35xx so if you want to go ahead and get this if there's anyone that I would recommend it to it would be to somebody that's getting into emulation but um that has smaller hands than me and doesn't care for Wi-Fi doesn't care for retro achievements doesn't care for HDMI out things like that it just I've naturally been gravitating towards the Miu Mini Plus over everything else so if you want to go ahead and see the differences between the RG 35xx and the Miu Mini Plus then click this video over here to get an overall View and comparison between the two and I personally I would always recommend the Miu Mini Plus over anything else so click this video over here to see my overall review of that and until next time guys I'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: Baldly Rudy
Views: 28,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miyoo mini, onion os, retro gaming, retro handheld, retro games, emulation handheld, ps1 emulation, miyoo mini v2, onion os 4.2, miyoo mini v3, miyoo mini onionos v4 install, miyoo mini plus v4, retro gaming pc, retro gaming handheld, retro gaming music, retro games console, miyoo mini onion os v4 install, miyoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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