Out of Warranty Issues With My Tesla (3 Years later!)

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we got our Tesla m y in 2021 coming from a gas car it was our first all electric car also being Asian and only driving Hondas Toyotas and lexuses I was always taught by my Asian parents that American and German cars were just unreliable and had the worst maintenance so you can see how hesitant I was to buy an American car like Tesla however what pushed us over the edge was the range the autopilot software the Cool Tech features as well as the model y being an SUV and all electric so no more needing to go to service for oil changes at the time we locked in our model y order in 2020 for $62,000 that included the free white paint the free 19-in Wheels the white interior and full self-driving there's also electric vehicle discounts as well as owning electric vehicle discount in California making the cost of the car much cheaper however now the cost of the Modi has decreased significantly and starts at $47,900 with 260 Mi that starts at $42,900 Mi basic warranty that covers all of the basic stuff however things like the drivetrain as well as the high voltage battery have an 8year or 120,000 Mi warrranty which is pretty good for an all electric vehicle I thought to myself I'd never utilize any of these warranty because it's a Tesla it's an all electric vehicle right boy was I wrong now when we first got our car during Co I was happy overall there are some issues with the interior trim alignments when we got it whoever had our car didn't wash their hands so there were grease smudges on the seats and headliner my trunk hinges would sink in a little after opening it my bumper was all Jagged but overall the build quality was good it was really a weird experience coming from Alexus and Toyota where I had to have a checklist sheet to make sure everything was okay with the car before picking it up at the test of service center now while Tesla did fix the majority of the issues a lot of the issues they just didn't fix and their explanation was that it's within spec or we checked out five of their testas on the lot and they had the exact same problem so so sorry we're not going to fix it and there's nothing we can do so began the process of learning to deal with these issues with a $60,000 car within the first few months of driving one of my autopilot cameras on the side died it just gave out and went completely black this prevented my autopilot system from working at all they came to my house to fix this for free so the only thing I lost was time now if you're new to the channel around the time we got our model y was the same time we found out that our first son Simba was diagnosed with thyroid cancer one of the main reasons why we got the model y was we could take him in all these road trips wherever there's water and it was so awesome because we didn't have to worry about engine maintenance and we didn't have to worry about expensive gas prices because of the cheap supercharging costs and of course it helps that the allite system was so good so essentially it weren't really just driving it was driving us to our destination we also wanted to get another dog so that he can learn as much from Simba as possible so a little piece of Simba would carry on in our new dog however peanut butter learned nothing from Simba he learned how to dig his teeth into my door trim put his paws on the door and break the door button so these occur due to my negligence and I never had Tesla fix it overall in the beginning of our Tesla Journey we had a great experience we drove it to Oregon and didn't have any issues charging was amazing and with Tesla's vast supercharging Network I was able to charge up quickly by the time I finished walking the dogs however I feel around the 15 to 20,000 mile Mark was when issues started arising for instance we heavily rely on Tesla's autopilot and self-driving we go on so many road trips like to Arizona Mammoth Lakes Oregon Utah and having the hands fee driving is a game changer however there are multiple times that our cameras would fail and autopilot would be unavailable for the entire trip it was so annoying I mean I reset the cameras I went into the Secret Service menu I reset the dasks and nothing another big issue I had with my Tesla Model why was the air vents with the ventless design there's an actuator inside that goes up and down to provide good air flow however for some reason with our model the air never liked to go up and was never strong even on Max I put it in order and they came to my house to fix it and they told me that it was fixed but it still did the same thing and that's what kind of sucks when they say that they fix it but it's still the same however you guys didn't know if you go and put an order in for something and they fix it but it's not fixed or it comes back again they'll fix it for you for free under warranty and I just learned to deal with the fact that my air vs aren't that strong we also had a lot of good friends with issues that their steering wheel leather was coming off but luckily for us it was still good now here's the scary part that happened around the 30,000 mile Mark with my teso y I finished my lunch it was just like any other day when I went to go into my Tesla however it said something weird I Got a notification on my screen that said maximum battery charge level reduced okay to drive schedule service I didn't really get it and I thought it would go away if I restarted the car however it stayed on but the the biggest issue was it wouldn't even let me charge the car at all not with the regular outlet not with the supercharger nothing so pretty much I was driving an electric car with the inability to charge the battery I tried to schedule a service appointment for this major issue but they were booked at least for a week out and I told them about the issue they said there was really nothing they can do so I did some researching online and I found out that if you are having major issues like your high voltage battery dying just call Tesla roadside assistant once I did that they told me just to go into the service center walk in and they'll take care of it I did do a dedicated video on that so check that out if you want to see the whole story and remember this isn't the small 12volt battery in the front of your car this is actually the huge battery pack under your car that cost like $20,000 however luckily when I did take it in for service they said they could fix it no problem but the battery wasn't in stock it's not like they just have these high voltage batteries lying around so they had to order and it was going to take at least a week to get here I thought they would give me a Tesla looner but they said no they're not going to give me a laner they would give me maybe a gas loaner but I would be responsible for any fees which kind of sucks not only that the battery pack that I got wasn't a brand new pack it was a refurbished pack so it had less miles than what I had when I got my car initially also unlike my old battery pack whenever I charge at superchargers now it makes these loud popping sounds and I know that is normal however I never had that issue with my factory battery pack but when I got that refurbished battery pack I definitely have popping every time I supercharge so now we're over 15,000 miles out of warranty how much money have I spent personally on my Tesla the only thing I bought was $13 windshield washer fluid Michelin tires for $1,400 which I love as well as unnecessary things like paint protection film ceramic coating and new rims if you guys are purchasing a Tesla Model y with the 20-in induction rims or the 21in Uber turbine wheels don't forget an accessory which I think is absolutely necessary for me one accessory I've been promoting because of the quality and how well it works is the magb rim case it's a case for your wheel Wheels it doesn't just stick with double-sided tape but it has physical mounts to grip your current Rim what's cool about the magb back rim case is it also hides any the old curve brush and when you put it on you can't even tell it's on there it not only protects the rims but because it's a modular design let's just say you damage one of them you can easily just replace that piece saving you money in the long run make sure you use my link in the description below for a discount shortly after my 50,000 M Mark I noticed that my driver door switches were peeling it was the matte film that was peeling so it looked kind of ghetto luckily there's a ton of Aftermarket accessories like stickers that you could put over it however it was a little disappointing seeing the quality after 50,000 mil also again around the 50,000 Mi mark my autopilot camera system suddenly went offline and it didn't work for us on our entire 5-hour long road trip I submitted a request hoping it would be replaced before my 50,000 Mi warranty ended I had proof I had videos everything however when I got home of course the issue fixed itself and when I took it to service they said because they couldn't reproduce the issue they they weren't going to fix it now what about my battery health now I did just do a video on how my battery health was 20,000 M ago and it showed that my battery health was 90% so I had about a 10% degradation loss which again isn't the best however at 100% state of charge I still get around 299 even 300 miles so overall it wasn't too bad but one thing I did notice was the range accuracy wasn't as accurate when I first got my car when we first got our car we would input a navigation we go to the trip Tab and it's very very accurate it tells you how much percentage you'll have when you get there I was never worried about that range anxiety however recently I noticed that when we still go on road trips it tells me I'll have this much left when I get there however when I arrive to the destination I have at least 10% less than what they estimated and I know what you're thinking it might be due to the fact that I was speeding and all that stuff but I was still doing all those things with my new battery pack when I first got my model Y and the range estimate was very accurate again they do a great job with their new trip Tab and they kind of break everything down for you they tell you why the range estimate wasn't accurate like elevation climate and speeding and all that stuff however it's still unsettling knowing that I won't get the percentage that they said when I leave so we always end up charging at least 10 to 20% more extra just in case now it's all about chemistry batteries age just like anything else just like your phone so of course it's natural for the full charge rate to be reduced Over time however only time will tell how much battery percentage will lose over time and we're already at 65 66 ,000 miles so we only have like 40,000 Mi to go until we hit that 100,000 mile Mark and we'll see what happens then now I know what you're thinking these are a lot of issues and who wants a Tesla well it's a rare case and if you check out my 50,000 M video you'll see that most of my friends who own Teslas don't have any major issues with their car and they love it and we definitely put the car through its Paces however my friend has a 111,000 mile m 3 and he's very happy with his it's still going strong he does complain just like me that the accuracy in the range isn't that accurate however it's not as bad as mine so again I'm thinking it's because I got that refurbished pack which is why mine isn't as accurate however things can go wrong randomly like our friend Iowa Tesla guy had his cabin climate control system die randomly and because it was out of warranty it cost him $2,600 to fix now it's been over 20,000 miles since I last did the battery health test since then I drained my battery past 0% until the car died completely completely we went on a ton more road trips we went to Austin and all that stuff so let's see how my battery health is now 89% battery health and at 100% I'm getting 292 mil that's not too bad for a 65,000 Mi battery pack and I depleted it completely killing it all the way down past 0% I can't complain overall I love my Tesla with all the technological features as well as the autopilot as well as the supercharging it's definitely made my everyday life easier and I definitely can't go back to a gas car if you guys are interested in a Tesla make sure you use my referral link also of course make sure to subscribe and like the video thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Everyday Chris
Views: 64,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: model 3, tesla model 3, tesla service, model y, tesla maintenance, tesla warranty, tesla service cost, electric car, model s, model x, model y tesla, new model y, tesla maintenance cost, tesla warranty explained, tesla cost of ownership, long range, tesla cost of ownership vs gas, tesla model 3 cost of ownership, tesla model y
Id: B9zTbO6xhVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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