Do FASTER SSDs Make Your Editing SMOOTHER on Premiere Pro? [Bottlenecks in Premiere PRO]

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this one over here is a box standard hard drive as we'd call in the uk this one over here is a sata ssd it's about five times faster as this hard drive now this nvme drive over here is a pcie 3.0 drive and is about three times as fast as this ssd and this one over here is a pcie 4.0 ssd and is about twice as fast as this pci 3.0 so how do ssd speeds affect real world premiere pro performance and which ssd should you get are you bottlenecking your system well hopefully this video is going to help you understand that if you're looking for a cheap windows 10 oem license then look no further is a website where you can purchase all sorts of keys and licenses for very affordable prices with a tech notice discount you'll be able to get the windows 10 pro license 25 off to purchase the license click on the link in the description or search for windows 10 license on then add the product to the cart and press proceed checkout remember to add the 25 discount code and complete the order once you have the license key click here here paste in the license and you're all done check out in the description below [Music] so let's talk about what's going to happen in this video so i've done a several tests on all of these ssds and hard drives on premiere pro and seeing what would be the actual real world performance difference can you feel the difference so first of all we've got to say which are the actual specs of these ssds now you can see that the hard drive over here the read speed is 105 megabytes per second and write speed 97 so basically around 100 both read and write speed 100 megabytes per second then this tforce vulcan uh one terabyte ssd which is a sata ssd now is much faster about five times faster the read speed is 552 and write speed 478 we're getting quite fast now what about this ssd over here now i actually didn't use this ssd but this is representative of the ssd because the other ssd i left in the actual computer because it was too hard to get out i'm just a little bit lazy but basically what we used is a samsung 950 pro it's a pcie 3.0 nvme drive and the read speed is 2579 megabytes per second and write speed is 1521 megabytes per second so basically we're about three times of three to five times faster speeds than a sata ssd then the pca 4.0 drive over here that i tested which is exactly the same one tested over here and the speed for that is the right read speed is 5 000 megabytes per second 5005 to be exact and the write speed is 4 253 megabytes per second insane speeds the system i tested it in is my personal editing rig which is um the mac pro killer if you haven't seen this on the channel but i've slightly modified it ever since making the video so now i'm running the 16 car ryzen 3950x over there by the way to get pca 4.0 speeds you need a ryzen system at this point of making the video i think until 11th gen coming out this year should have pca 4.0 as well but ryzen system has had it for quite a while now i'm running the msi creator x570 motherboard and the 3070 founders edition which i ripped out from the owl build if you know you know the pc him i'll build i put it in their personal editing station because the l build is just kind of sitting around at the moment waiting to be bought so that's uh the system i've been using these all with so first of all the file import speed so the premiere pro is running on a separate pcie 4.0 speed so that the actual program or system isn't the bottleneck and i've put some of the like about 35 gigabytes worth of just video footage onto that drive and then i'm pulling them all into separate all of these drives all of the projects on these drives i've separated so all the files and everything that's with it are included inside this drive nothing is stored on any other drive so it's purely testing the drive's speed the project i'm actually testing on this is the black and white build the 5900x build the best you know pro create this pc for 2021 and the second part of it which is uh what i'm going through all the parts of which why i did this but in there there's a lot of different b-roll and things like that so that's why i'm using that project which is quite complicated project and it takes quite a lot of resources to run it so i'm pulling the files the imported files from the operating system pci 4.0 drive which is you know one of those saving rocket uh drives very fast drive as well in terms of the import speed the pci 4.0 3.0 and the sata ssd they all do it literally the same speed like i'm talking about three milliseconds difference 2.14 seconds was this one and then these are 2.17 seconds so very very fast import speed whereas this hard drive over here does it much much lower at 24.22 seconds which is 11 times as slow as the rest of them now what about opening the project so the project is stored on there everything is off nothing else is running on the computer double click on the project and then start the timer see which one like opens the project faster and loads all the previews of the actual you know files like all the video and you know footage that is included in the project now this is a bit more interesting okay this pca 4.0 has quite a big win over the rest of them and it does it in one minute and seven seconds the second place is actually interestingly enough not the pca 3.0 but actually this ssd over here which is one minute and 19 seconds so 12 seconds slower as this pc 4.0 and then after that comes the pca 3.0 at one minute and 27 seconds and then miles later comes this hard drive at one minute and 45 seconds we're kind of proving the point that the nvme drives are faster but let's keep going now what about the export speed so what i basically did was the same project that i had over there the first 10 minutes of it and then exported from the same drive to the same drive as well to see if that somehow caps the system now i did two tests because i tested it with premiere pro 2020 and then the premiere pro 2021 which is the new version you know version 15.0 first of all the 2020 version the interesting thing is the fastest export was on the actual pci 3.0 drive which is 7 minutes and 25 seconds which is still very very impressive compared to the 10 minute 4k timeline exporting it to 4k at one pass so hardware acceleration is actually enabled and 45 megabits per second render at maximum bit depth and maximum render quality so the same rocker 3.0 is the fastest and quite a bit faster actually 7 minutes 25 seconds then comes the pci 4.0 drive at 8 minutes and 12 seconds another like half a minute later then comes the ssd at 9 minutes and 28 seconds and then comes the hard drive at 11 minutes and 6 seconds so interestingly on the older version of premiere pro like the first place is kind of swap over here and when moving to the newer version of premiere pro i couldn't get the xbox to be as fast as previously on the pcie 3.0 which makes me think that there's some kind of like an odd thing going on with that over there because i did the test on the p on the previous premiere pro a few times and then the times fluctuate quite a lot like how fast it is it's never like exactly in the same pool park like within few seconds it's like sometimes a bit this fast and sometimes a bit this fast which is a little bit odd but moving on to the newer version of premiere pro the point 15 version 15.0 version the result starts to become more stable and like the similar type of thing what's happening and there now on the latest premiere pro version the pca 4.0 is the fastest drive and we've actually improved the export setting since the last premiere pro version by about eight seconds now it's not much at 10 minute export but it could be a lot when you're exporting a one hour footage the 4.0 drive now on the new premiere pro is eight minutes and four seconds then the second place is exactly equal like by exactly the same time like a mean by millisecond exactly the same time this t-force and sabre rocket are both eight minutes and eight seconds so four second difference and then the hard drive is 10 minutes and 23 seconds which is quite a bit later you know over two minutes later than the rest of them but interestingly still faster than the previous version of premiere pro so definitely the either the exporting engine on the new premiere pro has been changed or some of the bugs have changed but it is faster and now the real world timeline performance what does it actually feel using these timelines can you feel the difference so here's the thing i tested the playback speed with the sony a7s ii footage which is about 100 to 150 or sometimes 200 megabits per second or something like that now if you're using a different code that has a higher bit rate of the video the actual difference will be even bigger because the bigger the bit rate the harder it is on the actual ssd or hard drive because there's bigger files to read back at the same time so at this time it's that but if you're using for example red or canon raw or something like that that's much higher bit rates maybe getting closer to a gigabit per second rate then it's going to be even bigger difference on these ssds and hard drives just so you know as you can see our hard drive over here is literally 100 usage definitely see that it's bottlenecking still loading the media it's very laggy definitely you can see that the hard drive is a bottleneck in here so let's have a look at the timeline performance now so like there is bits coming up but if you see look the hard drive is often 99 used 100 used so it's bottlenecking definitely and it's it's all right but it's nothing good yeah it's not like anything amazing you could do any work with it but it would be kind of a pain because it's just slow state ssd okay things are definitely happening the fastest i can see a preview over here already but it's probably actually reading them all from the ssd and writing them on the memory because a lot of ram has been used is loading all the previews and stuff on the ram for a second okay that's up that is much faster than our hard drive let's pull this back so we can see how fast all of these previews over here are linked up as well timeline performance i mean definitely better there's it does feel like there's more frames being produced just as i'm skimming over this timeline the fastest thing is like when you when you just click on the timeline somewhere and then how fast the picture appears because on the hard drive it was it was much slower it probably is about five times faster actually now that's not bad editing experience now it's quite all right and i don't expect it to like do the preview so faster than the timeline because it's 4k timeline lots of color grading multicam in there so it's playing back actually multiple 4k clips because each one of those is actually two clips plus anything on top it's it's getting complicated do not this is now quite not that bad actually okay it doesn't necessarily feel faster than the sata ssd at the moment so let's have a look at the timeline performance okay okay that does feel snappy and the timeline before and when you just click on a random place and how fast the actual picture follow the click is definitely you can you can feel it being faster than at the site ssd and the scrubbing through as well it does feel like it's producing more frames than the sata ssd actually yeah it does feel faster definitely compared to the sata ssd but the biggest difference is when you click on the timeline and then how fast the picture appears that is like what you can feel the difference so now let's have a look at the timeline performance at first i don't feel the difference in fact it's completely lagging on the first part let's have a look okay okay that is funny actually because if you click through the timeline that is definitely more more responsive it's almost instant which wasn't like on the 3.0 drive it was a slightly slower depends on the on the point of the timeline as well some of the bits come faster but it does feel like you it comes through faster on here okay let's just see how i'm scrubbing through you actually can kind of feel a little different it feels more snappier trying to give it like quick renders quick previews to render out so you can see what you're editing or where you are not like a major difference i think the bigger difference which was between pci 3.0 and sata now we've gone through quite a few tests so what is the conclusion first of all hard drive is a big bottleneck in your system if you're editing on your hard drive moving from hard drive to any ssd whether it's a ssd or 3.0 ssd or 4.0 ssd that is a big big jump of improvement you might be even bottlenecking your cpu and gpu in the system because the actual system just can't read the files enough on the hard drive often when doing the test i could see that the hard drive or the other ssds where read and write speeds were sometimes 185 megabytes per second or close to 200 megabytes per second which is double the maximum speed of what this hard drive can actually reach in terms of the export speeds and import speeds and rest of their like kind of passive tasks the 3.0 isn't as big of an improvement over sata drive and you you don't really notice it you know when you're importing footage or when you're opening the project but when you do feel the difference is in the timeline performance the pca 3.0 does feel snappier in the timeline performance and between the 3.0 and 4.0 to be honest the difference is very hard to notice because they're both super super fast speeds of you know ssds but i do believe i did feel and notice the difference on the timeline speed on the pci 4.0 and 3.0 especially after a while when you've been using it some of the previews have been made it kind of loads them up faster and you can see that when you're just clicking around the timeline it does feel faster then the question is which one should you be getting because all of these drives are quite a big difference in price so this one over here costs around 45 or something like that this one over here costs 102 this one cost around 130 or something like that and i'm saying this saving rocket drive because the samsung 950 pro drives aren't available anymore because they're a little bit older and then these pcie 4.0 drives are about 170 dollars so basically for the spa same amount of space in your system you're paying quite a big difference and this is not even the fastest you could get like something like this which is a sabre rocket 4.0 drive and that is insanely fast that's like another two gigabytes faster read speeds than this one do you see the difference i doubt you will see but there is a faster option available if people want i'm gonna leave some suggestions in the description below which one should you be getting but this is what i would be getting now if you were a person who's like come on larry tell me the best ssd i could get for my system that i want to run my projects on or anything then what is the best you could get the ultimate ultimate best then there are two options that i would recommend either this segment rocket 4.0 plus drive and another option which is the fastest ssd in the world just slightly faster than this one is the western digital black sn850 i'm gonna leave both of these drives in the description if you want to pick the best ssd possible in the world second of all what is the very very good like without being a ridiculous amount of money now there are two ssds that you could be getting either this cardia zero over here which is a z440 which means you know pci 4.0 speeds or this sabrine rocket they're both very similar in terms of the speed but what you want to check out is the latest pricing because sometimes there's a deal on one and you can get it for 20 cheaper or something like that or one of the other and then you can get a 20 cheaper so definitely worth checking that out so that's like the second best you know you have to see what are the current pricing for both of these tries whether the pci 3.0 or 4.0 whether it's necessary i do think that it's more important to get an upgrade from sata ssd to pci 3.0 rather than from pca 3.0 to pcie 4.0 because there isn't that big of a difference over there but some people do want to know what is the best so there you go there is two drives over here that i would recommend for the pca 3.0 which is this segment rocket and more bang for your buck option would be the cardio0z 340 which is basically a pci 3.0 version of this ssd and that is a bit better breed and write speeds than the serend rocket and costs a bit less definitely worth it right absolutely but check out the links in the description below if the sabrint rocket is an offer you might get a better deal either way so i'll leave both of these in there if you want to check them out and then in terms of this sata ssd why using this t-force vulcan ssd because it's actually better in read and write speeds than a samsung drive and a bit cheaper so more bang for your buck but definitely worth checking this one out i've got a review of this on my channel as well and for hard drives only use it for storage and archive don't actually use active projects on your hard drive if you can because you will be better bottlenecking your system on the hard drive but i'll leave some hard drive good options for hard drives in the description as well if you want to check them out so guys let me know what do you think if you are another you know tech genius then please let me know in the comment section below if there's some other aspects that i should be testing or other aspects i've maybe overlooked in this test and maybe should be testing again let me know in the comment section below if you think you can add any more value to this video i'd love to hear from you if you enjoyed this video hit that like button it massively massively makes a difference believe it or not it does the algorithm you know robots in there they're thinking likes likes oh someone said like huh someone liked it yeah come on let's go and you know push this video that's how it works you have to feed the algorithm giant or dragon what's the word anyway thanks guys for watching i appreciate you thanks for being here subscribe if you haven't already or if you enjoy content like this for creators thank you and i'll see you soon bye
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 19,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro, ssd speeds, ssd speeds vs hdd, ssd speeds vs m.2, ssd speeds test, do ssd speeds matter, ssd speeds on premiere pro, edit faster, faster workflow, premiere pro tips and tricks, do ssd speed matter on premiere pro, how does storage affect computer performance, does faster storage matter, speed up premiere pro workflow, adobe premiere pro 2021, video editing tips premiere pro, premiere pro hardware, ssd vs hdd for premiere pro, edit faster in premiere pro
Id: zFnoZUjcHIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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