Guide to PRO Storage Workflow for CREATORS | Professionals like Video, Photo, Design, Animation...

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welcome my friends and all the talking about storage isn't as exciting as PC builds and you know cameras lenses and things like that but knowing the right storage solution for your workflow can actually make you money because you're saving a lot of time and time is money but it can also save you from a very very awkward conversation with your client and you don't have to tell them oops I lost the footage so there's a lot to talk about and I hope you're gonna learn something new in this video so let's jump right into it [Music] first of all let's establish some terms now you might know this already well done to you but if you don't here it goes so two of the main mainstream ways of storing things is SSD and hard drive okay and they both have pros and cons with each of them now there's also like hybrid versions of each of them like a hybrid drive drive when it is like a little SSD and hard drive put together but this is kind of two main ways of storing things so hard drives might look something like that you know full-size 3.5 inch drive or small 2.5 inch laptop size drive or like a nice external hard drive they both have moving components inside and for that reason that is one of the biggest weakness of the hard drives they're very fragile they're not very durable in that way not very portable not very good for portable hard drives because they can be damaged inside like shocks or drops can damage them another bad side of the hard drives is that it's much louder than SSD because there's moving components they also make noise it's not as fast as an SSD so you're wondering why do you even recommend hard drives if there's so many bad sides about them they have one very good side going for them which actually makes this a very good reason for storing your things or using the hard drives as an archive is that it's very cheap the cheapest way of storing archived footage is hard drives and there's ways of making the hard drives more reliable and redundant we're going to talk into that in a moment the other way of storing is SSD now the good size about SSDs is that there is no moving compartment it can look like that so the good side is that it's super fast it's much much much faster than the hard drives can be even ten times faster or even more times faster than the hard drives and they can be very portable because obviously there's no moving compartments they can be very small they're very good for portable another thing is they're very very quiet in fact completely silent when you plug this one in all that one in they make no sound one of the only bad signs about the SSDs is that it's much more expensive than the hard drives okay just to clarify if you didn't know that already so before we're gonna talk about different workflows and the best workflows for your storage needs and there are different factors that you might need to consider redundancy and reliability how important is that for you portability how important is the speed of the storage device how important is the capacity of the storage device and last of all how important are the functionalities of the storage device meaning connecting to the internet and sending different things on it and acting as a private cloud so these are like the different aspects of the storage workflow now I'd like to introduce you what I think is the best workflow for storing or for creatives so the best professional storage workflow what I think is possible is of having your operating system and program drives or whether you're editing on a laptop PC Mac anything like that where your editing program sets on and then next to it is a nas storage I've got one example over here so basically if you don't know what nan storage is is network attached storage system so basically you're gonna have like a little box or a bigger box inside the box there are hard drives okay so in here there's four base as you can see so if I take one of these out boom inside there is a hard drive this can be as big or as small as you want so how that would work is your editing straight of the NASS drive you're gonna connect the mass to your computer basically the good thing is it's fast it is reliable because it's constantly backed up you've got the functionalities of if you project this file or you exporting your you know photos video designs things like that you can straight away from the NASS because it's connected to the internet as well send the private link to your client and say here you go download it you don't have to use any third-party services to send it to your client so now this way we're gonna have it's reliable it's redundant it makes backups itself it's very safe it's fast this I think is the best way of working or the most professional way and not being afraid that you're going to lose any files while having all the speeds possible so there are some things that you need to know about this workflow if you're not familiar with announced right so what are the bad sides of having this is that the NASS Drive or this system of announce can be very expensive all the hard drives cost a lot inside and if you have you know cash drive with SSDs inside to make it fast as well it can be even faster and another thing is it's not very portable and also your computer needs to have the hardware to connect to the Nash Drive very fast in order to read the files of the nostril very fast I'm gonna leave few videos in the description and where you can check out max your eaves and Matthew monitors video of some of the more budget-friendly NAS Drive options or if you want to go more higher-end where as max yuryev it's absolutely amazing how he explains some of the things and if you look at in turn a stripes and which one to buy definitely check these out in the description as well I'm gonna leave some of the links also for which ones to buy and things like that in the description if you want to check them out one of the biggest things that I've thought about Nash drivers you have to buy the whole wats up in front and it's gonna be very expensive but the thing is because it's an ass drive and it's using it rain and things like that what you can do what I've done in here as well actually is that I've got only two hard drives occupied over here and the other two are empty as you can see there is nothing inside and the reason for that is that it's still backing up and the minimum you should start with is true so basically it's backing each other up but then as your storage gets more full you just add another Drive and add another Drive and add the drug another drive good thing is with this unit you can even data chain these together yet another one of these put them on top of each other connect them up and then the whole thing becomes one pool of storage so that way it's not as big of a cash out up front where you want to buy the nasty so another thing you need to look out for is the speed of the NASS Taurus so I would you know label it into two categories like archive where you don't need the speed but a lot of storage and then where you need to speed and you can edit off the now strap so this one over here is not meant to be edited on but just more like the storage and archive but it's like a safe backed up archive of the things over here so depending what you need if you need to edit on this might have to opt to some more expensive ones or if you just need the archive then you can spend less obviously your computer also needs to be able to transfer the speeds very fast so one of the most common ways of connecting to Nesterov is 10 Gigabit LAN port or Ethernet pod so if your computer doesn't have that you're gonna need a 10 gigabit both on your PC or computer or macro things like that which the new Mac Pro has and more professional workstations have but also if you have just running a PC you can easily buy a PCIe expansion card for the King 10 Gigabit Ethernet board which I'm gonna leave in the description and you can easily get that transfer speed another way of connecting is a Thunderbolt 3 port and then you can connect your now straight to your computer if you're using Mac's or things like that just make sure that your nas has a fundable 3 port or has an expansion slot where you can put the Thunderbolt 3 cards in the last downside of this nas is that it can be loud and big because there's moving parts inside here it's obviously gonna make noise plus the fan of this computer inside running all these hard drives it's all gonna add up and make some noise now some of the good sides about this which are already slightly mentioned before is it's very reliable it backs itself up and it's very fast if you want it to be another good thing is that there's a lot of different functionalities about the Nance drives it basically works like as your private cloud and you can access this even in a hotel room somewhere where you need to download these files or upload your project and back it up you can just use a hotel Wi-Fi and then with a password you can pack it up in your home office where this master is which is absolutely also more send your client some files private link the functionalities of the NAS storage solution is absolutely amazing and it can actually save you money if you're using a lot of third-party service for sending your files to like MIDI cellar or cloud services you might not have to have these if you have this now I mentioned that one of the bad side is that it can be loud but this is also very easy both easily fixable because you can just put this now storage in a cupboard or just somewhere hide it away in a different room where it doesn't bother you and then just run the cables to your needed computer and it's completely silent now don't forget it's very easily upgradable you can just add hard drives or bigger hard drives and it's just basically plug in and play so this should cover the best professional storage workflow now let's talk some of the alternatives now I am still working towards the best storage workflow because and you know it can cost quite a lot up front but if you don't have that money upfront what is the best what you can do in the meantime to not spend that much money so how my workflow works is it's all-in-one PC on a different hard drives SSDs but this is how its laid out so first of all I've got my OS Drive where the program and the operating system is on and that is on an SSD in fact it's a sacred rocket one terabyte PCI 4.0 which is super fast drive I'm gonna leave it in the description below if you want to check that out and the other dry hard drives were talking about as well that runs the program superfast next of all I have the project files where there's the project files you know video audio whatever files you have over there pictures all of this stay on one of those files then there's a cache drive where basically they scratch disks of that program are thoughts or any temporary files that the program might need to use are on a separate SSD and then last of all there's a hard drive of the storage so once the program is completed I'm gonna move it off the project file and delete the cache files and then put it on a storage over there so if I need to access it I can still access it but I don't need the speed so it's stored on a much more affordable hard drive ok which is a Seagate 4 terabyte hard drive now these are the best bang for buck hard drives if you're looking for per terabyte hard drives to store this with also recently found out that there's a burn rocket qm2 nvme SSDs which almost the same price as a normal 2.5 inch SSD which is connected through SATA but having almost five times faster transfer speeds if you want to check it out the link is in the description basically I've got a project you know for example this video over here I'm moving all the files into the project folder you know copying it off the SD card putting it on the project folder then making the project and then the scratch disks I'm either putting on the same tribe as you know they always strive sometimes I'm leaving them same on the project drive but the ideal way would be to have them on a separate SSD all the temporary files go over there you editing your files things like that the project is complete then I'm moving the whole project files including the exports boom onto the hard drive where it's slower storage solution but I don't need it to be fast because I might not even need to access it over there and then that kind of circles around then new ones over there sometimes the hard drive gets full obviously what you're gonna do another cheap way of expanding that storage is external hard drives just buy one of the terabyte two terabyte 4 terabyte hard drives loads of cheap ones available on Amazon you can see some links in the description as well and then just store them over there if you need them projects to start that way obviously that's not ideal because you're gonna have these pile up everywhere and it's quite hard to make sure which ones are which and plug in them in and out you know oh what's it on this drive was it on that drive that's why announced is much better but it still works if you need to save the money so the good sides about this workflow is most of all it's much more affordable can be much more affordable than the NASS drive workflow secondly is that there's also no bottlenecks of like one single thing if you have them all on one drive you know that one drive is probably gonna run out and it's gonna be bottlenecking because you can't read the files all from there because we're in the program and reading the project files it's reading the everything off that and it might not be as fast so this way is not a single drive that's been bottlenecks it's all like spread out over the different drives and also it's a little bit more safer this way because the programs can be spread out because if you don't need to delete the project of the SSD drive you can leave it over there and then also store it on there so you've got two separate copies of that project it's also fairly cheap because you can just find the cheapest hardware you know and what's the best bang for buck drives and there's laws of compability is available if you're looking for hard drives or and the two SSDs things like that and very easily upgradeable and last the good thing about this is it keeps the system clean so you certainly know where your files are it's not mad it's just backed on one single Drive and the files are all over the place but you know that okay I'm moving everything on this Drive and then moving it off their Drive and then you can delete the cache files just keeps your files organized so the bad size of this workflow is that it can easily run out of space okay because often I'm copying the files everywhere so the same file might be copied on a different drives and then the drives can fill up very fast if you need to keep the project files and keep it safe so it just fills up very very fast probably the major big downside is is not as safe or reliable as the Nass drive obviously because all the drives are on a single PC so if anything happens to the PC on you know where your PC is let's say someone steals it or it's burns down you're gonna lose the whole workflow over there so now let's move into more specific workflow which is a portable workflow so if you need a professional portable workflow let's say you're moving around a lot and you're doing a roll of you know on the road run and gun shooting and then you have to edit them and upload them and do them how do you store your files then the most professional way how I would do it is you have obviously let's say laptop you're editing the Sun next of all you've got the fast SSD that you're gonna be editing on because often the laptops can't provide you that much space so what you have is like a portable SSD drive it might look like that or it might look this size but obviously this is hard drive but you know 2.5 inch SSD drive but if you're wondering what this is basically this one is an Ender to drive inside this enclosure over here and you can get ridiculously fast speeds of this and know that your drive is never gonna be bottlenecks because it's very very very fast so inside here there is an nvme drive and as you can see it just connects through USB see over here too laptop whether you're using math book or any other laptop and then you can just edit off this drive links for some of these enclosures in the description as well then once the editing is done what you can then do is obviously upload it or if you have already some cloud storage upload it to the cloud but sometimes you don't you don't have that then what I would recommend is also having a hard drive external hard drive so the project goes over here and then the storage goes over here ok that way you can keep the project file empty and then if you can you can have both copies on both and you have two separate copies of the same project and obviously you can be a little bit more creative with this is that you know you might have this one project drive where you only store the projects but then have two hard drives where you're going to keep you know will duplicate basically them over each other so you've got the project later on storage on both of these if you can't access internet or can't back it up on the cloud this is how you would work this is what I would consider like the most professional way of storage workflow and how you would use it now what I would add is that for all of these workflows what you can do is add a cloud-based backup so you know however you have set up your workflow with this portable you know like my workflow or mass storage workflow you can also back your files off in the cloud so you can get you know cloud services where you can just back up your whole nice Drive or your whole archives or your whole drives or your computer things like that so you can add that to all of these workflows which is probably gonna be like the most ideal way of doing it but obviously not everyone can afford it which I understand so I hope this made sense to you and was helpful for you if you have anything to add I'd always like to hear from you guys so leave me a comment in the comment section below if you have anything to add or any other angles of a workflow where something else needs to be considered that I just couldn't think of I'd love to know from you guys always learning more tips and tricks from the comments section below remember hit that like button it actually makes a difference subscribe if you haven't already check out the description for some useful links and drives that I'm using and what I think are probably the best bang for box drives things like that and I'll see you next time thank you very much guys for watching see you soon a bye bye
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 34,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, lauri pesur, external hard drive, best external hard drive for video editing, best hard drives for video editing, guide to professional storage workflow, video editing workflow premiere pro, video editing workflow, video editing storage workflow, video editing storage, photo editing storage, online creative storage workflow, professional storage workflow, storage workflow for creatives, editing storage workflow, storage tips for creators, file storage workflow
Id: JnfpVtfkHaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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