Comparing NVMe PCIe Gen 4 SSD. Watch Before You Buy

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thinking about buying a gen 4 nvme drive well before you do watch this video and if you've already bought one and you're having issues watch this video i'm going to walk you through some real case scenarios and explain why you might have slow write speeds and why you might want to buy one over the other depending on the scenario you're in welcome back to another video my name is nicos and today i'm taking you down the rabbit hole with me that i went on the journey was legendary i spent over a week hours upon hours doing tests i'm going to show you all these tests so you can make an informed decision before you go buy one of these drives now you're probably asking why did i spend money to buy all these drives and and what ended up happening so i'm going to get into that story in a sec first things first for those of you who are just starting to get into the research these are gen 4 drives i have a western digital black sn850 this is the samsung 980 pro and the sabrin rocket plus not the regular one the plus these drives are hitting speeds of up to 7 000 megabytes per second in the read and then of course in the right it's five to six thousand depending on the size these are the sequential speeds okay let's really put this in perspective sequential not the random it's not the uh idea of hey it's all that fast so you got to be aware of that when you're moving to one of these drives that being said i am coming from the evil 970 and i had a 960 pro which conveniently died on me and i had to spend more money and this was a crucial that i've had as a backup and i've used it on and off so a slower drive but this one gets a speeds of up to 3 500 megabytes per second for the read and about 2300 uh on the um on the right so these are pretty good drives and it's great now if you have a new pc that can support these drives which would probably be that you are on an amd ryzen uh newer chip then yes these would be great for you and with your motherboard with your m2 slot you are going to be able to achieve these speeds if you are not achieving these speeds then you got to check out your hardware make sure it's all good but with the new system with 128 gigabytes of ram on there i was looking at everything i go why not upgrade it's going to be beneficial and of course from the stats i got in the comparison of the gen 3 to the gen 4 and with the speed of everything it's definitely worth it uh the upgrade is awesome however what is the rabbit hole and how did i get here this is the sabrin rocket plus originally i am a samsung guy i'm committed to them i love these guys however they didn't have a two terabyte i was looking at the four terabyte i saw the one terabyte um and i was like oh okay let me check this thing out more the four terabyte is the regular speed of the gen four which is only up to five thousand megabytes right and then i saw these ones and i go why not just try these out let's try these guys out see how they go and there were so many good reviews i never checked the battery reviews i only checked the good reviews and then primarily because i saw these reviewers going oh my god this is like the fastest thing ever and it's great and i was like oh my god yes let's do it and i got all hyped and i didn't do my due diligence now i got this drive awesome drive when you get it it's great now if you go and look at the negative reviews that's usually that they slow down especially on the right speed when you've used it for about two three months and the idea on this i will go into a deeper story about the company and how everything was handled and how annoying it was and how i will never use sabrin again that being said i purchased this it was working fine it was great i did see some issues it was slowing down it was having some instabilities and i was like and then the 960 crash i i thought maybe the 960 was the issue however i went and purchased one of these two terabytes there was on sale 100 bucks off i was like sold and i mean samsung helped me out with the warranty on the 960 which was great and um yeah everything is awesome because you get this two terabyte and this is awesome and i was like i don't need anything else this is great and then i install both and i realize this has issues and the issues are caching i attempted to look at temperatures i attempted to do different tests on it and i realized that this drive there's something wrong with it let me do more testing and i did some testing on both of these and as i was talking to the company and a long story short i was like this is not going to be sticking around with me i can't trust this and i can't trust the company i can't trust anything about this and long behold i will show you the stats on what happened with this in a sec the next thing i did was i looked at this drive and i didn't have any caching issues with this and i go what if it's because it's two terabytes and that's where the caching issues are occurring so i went out and bought two of these two tests because i'm not gonna sit around and uh play around with uh which one to buy i was gonna go right for the samsung but then i thought and i saw some reviews and i thought what am i doing let's uh double check and see our testing and see what happens beforehand and long behold uh the results are in as you can see i've done many tests here and uh they are plentiful there were different scenarios that came into play and i added more and more different type of real world scenarios i also did a gen 3 comparison with the gen 4s just so i can see what is going on and those file sizes were the 4k shoot with 45 gigabytes 4k shoot with 90 gigabytes and these are all 4k videos and of course b-roll clips about 20 seconds each 85 gigabytes worth photos and video with no 4k and then photos of video with 4k and these were the bigger file uh folders that i was transferring and of course the random files that exist in there there's about 5 700 files in there now you can see from the older tests i just did a simple run through and by the time i had purchased the other drives to test them out i was doing many tests here simple reason for this is the fact that i did some tests and the issue occurred where uh the the drives when they were in the top spot versus the bottom spot they would uh in in a slots on my motherboard i would see some inconsistency here and that it was kind of constant it was 62 100 instead of 68 6900 um and you can see here this is on the top and you're seeing these massive speeds so um the idea now becomes well what's the issue i call samsung they're telling me that uh they're minor differences and uh at first they were telling me they were working on it and now they're still working on it and blah blah blah blah so i had to take into account that inconsistency of course and um i had to look at everything face value so i know that i'm making the right decision so i did way more tests now what were the results well we see the results here in the writing to the sn850 so this is really testing the reading to the sn850 from each drive and i'm seeing that the 4k shoots at 45 90 gigabytes these are all pretty much equivalent in in speed however um i i do see the western digital picking up on the speed here that's great if you're working with these size folders when you're transferring and of course then we look at the b-roll we look at the random and you can see that they're pretty much equivalent so if you're going to go with one drive or the other and you're and what is this really testing i'm moving these folders over they got random files and they're 46 gigabytes worth 46.6 or whatever it was so the thought would be that the samsung is performing better by very few seconds but it's performing better on the random which means that if you're using any software this is like where you want to be at and the idea now becomes well what's happening with the sebring and the sabre's just increasing its uh time to move stuff when it's in bigger folders that being said this is reading and i just don't see why this is occurring um with the sabrine because it's supposed to be the fastest of the bunch however um you know that's and that's what people say i'm not sure where they're getting that from uh you do have and maybe it's just per cost right because it's a cheaper drive by about 20 30 bucks now you have the the the saber compared to the western digital and then you have the samsung just pulling through on the read however the important stuff is the right of course and um on the right we can see that it is outperforming on the smaller by one second it's not a big deal on the b-roll we could see that the and i tested this several times and this was just killing it it killing it and it was killing it in random on rights okay so this is really telling us that the rate speed on the one terabyte is doing a phenomenal job so if you're a professional this is what you're looking at especially when you look at it on the bigger sizes and you're probably wondering because you're probably looking at this why is this 111 seconds guess what i ran this test several times and i got the same results and i did it in different sequences so i can see hey maybe it's a caching issue maybe it's a memory thing and it's you know and i was like i was trying a whole bunch of different stuff and the idea now becomes what's happening here well before we get into that i also did some comparisons with the gen 3 drives i'll be uh linking the video below on this and the idea here is that these gen 3 drives so what's the point of upgrading is the question in your case scenario this chart tells you a lot because you're not seeing much of a difference down here but you do see it in the random and this is where you're affected when you're using software you're using any small files transfers this that so you do see the speed pickup is it significant no when you get into the bigger sizes yes uh let's look over at the other side where we're now looking at a bigger jump and this would be the idea where you're you're looking at it and you're saying what is my need that's it now if you're using this drive as a windows drive you probably won't notice a big difference you will notice it in the bigger software but only for certain tasks so if you're using premiere pro or anything like that just wait for that video uh check it out in the link below and like i'm telling you if you have one of these drives just buy buy the two terabyte if you're going to be a professional now if you're a gamer and you're looking at these drives um loading is not going to make that big of a difference and you're really not going to find such a big increment with the gen 3s going back to this a caching issue and i want to show you a few things that i was looking at and with sabrin you know i looked at the temperature i really did and i looked at the temperature and i said to myself maybe is something happening with the temperature and you can see i did a lot of tests on this and 91 honestly wasn't the temperature then i started looking at uh some other aspects of it like um what's happening with the response time so i started monitoring that so it did go down to 0.2 milliseconds however we would see this occur and this was an issue that was happening where the right speed would just drop the response time just dropped and did i see this in the western digital yes now did i have a caching issue with the western digital i noticed that there was some caching issues however it wasn't like you know it it it it kind of bottomed out and never came back the issue here is that it would stay like this for the saber and it would stay like this for the samsung now with the sabrin this would happen almost instantaneously like i would do like maybe 150 to 200 gigabytes of transfers and at first i thought maybe like i was going overboard so i was over 50 60 of the drive 70 and i know you know we were told not to write over 75 on these drives um which then begs the question you know what's the point um of getting a terabyte because you're gonna need more than that so uh yay now when you're looking at this though this was happening and we're literally seeing the slowdown and then it doesn't come back period i had to format this drive to make it come back i left it in there for quite some time too a couple days i didn't see anything uh occur now with the samsung on the other hand uh it did happen and when it did happen um the idea now becomes well how long is it gonna stay like this and some people are saying these samsung drives will be cleared out by six hours some couple days i had a format so i i didn't see uh that occur for me um if you're wondering how fast this drive uh can go on a typical setup uh like again you're you're looking at it and you're saying um the speed can go up to 6500 is the fastest i saw it uh but you know this is like at 79 which is awesome so it was working at high levels it wasn't that it wasn't but once it once it like kind of dropped in speed and never gained it back where the um you know the sn 850 it was a beast and you know once it dropped i saw a couple drops where it came down to 3 000 both the one terabyte and the two terabyte this is you know going back and looking at this and you're saying to yourself well once it did this how long did it take to recover and uh here i am just like erasing everything trying to see if it's going to make a difference and then it does make a difference um when it had to um but the idea though also you know if you're looking at this and you're saying to yourself how does this fit the narrative well this is a 79 percent and this is the one gigabyte um it's it's running full speed i i like i like i said it would come back it wouldn't be an issue and we're off to the races no complaints whatsoever before we go into a final thoughts about what you should be buying what you shouldn't to help you along your way with your research there's some things that occur that you should know this drive from western digital does heat up you need a heatsink with it when i used the heatsink that came with asus and it was just a flat panel uh heatsink it did not do the job good enough i literally bought another sabran heatsink which by the way are awesome heatsinks they make some good heat sinks um and that worked and it did a great job uh and it kept it down it's been doing uh phenomenal both of these drives have been working well but you need to use a heatsink or else they do shoot up to like 80 90 degrees and the samsung 980 pro when i first used it it just shot up to like 95 almost 100 degrees i didn't know what was happening i'm like what's going on i've never seen this before and then i had to format it and reinstall and it was a back to normal so i'm not sure what happened with that something to think about and monitor as you're going with that that being said the two terabyte western digital did not need any updates the one terabyte did it did a firmware and then it was working properly when you're looking at it from a perspective of software there is a software with a game feature on turn it on when you're running this drive i'll be reviewing um and i'll leave the link below uh the more specifics of this drive the uh samsung i will also be doing a specifics of their software and uh what is um good to see with this drive and of course um i'll have a complete review on this one but uh this drive the support oh my god if something happens to this good luck that's all i got to say because it's not their fault it's not the drive's fault even if you go through all the emails i went through i'm telling you it's not their fault it's your fault it's your system's fault it's somebody else's but these guys do they make a good drive yes so my final recommendation here would i buy this maybe for a gaming rig that's just going to run the windows on it you can't transfer anything big there's nothing there if i got this for half price which i've seen them go on half price you know then yeah i would get one and i would just have it just for that only windows i would still have another hard drive that does the job this cannot do the job i don't trust it with my data i don't trust it with pretty much anything to do with importance but if you're just building something that you know you're going to get this cheaper half price why not you're good to go at the same time these prices are a little bit steeper by 30 or 40 bucks um i would definitely pick one of these two if you're just going to be gaming doing the bare you know every day day to day stuff you're not doing big file transfers i mean this does will work up to like what 400 500 600 gigabytes of transfer that i noticed it was still working when it was up to 79 gigabytes so i mean this does work you just run that risk if one day you need to move like five or six or 800 gigabytes over to this and max it out um and you're gonna have that issue and you're probably gonna have to format after so other than that this is a great drive i like it it was it was fast it was consistent we saw the results there but at the end of the day i would definitely be looking at western digital all the way right now as it stands that being said we know there's firmware coming out for all these drives for sure down the road we've seen this before with the other generations um and as of right now of the recording of this the idea here is western digital the two terabyte definitely uh the 980 pro will be coming out with their uh two terabytes so i'm assuming it'll compete with this and the cache will work on that um will i be keeping this right now i'm waiting for asus to get back to me to see if the issue is with this drive or if it is with the motherboard and what's occurring with that um being said um i'm probably gonna i'm probably gonna keep it hope this helped leave a comment below what were your findings if you have purchased one of these drives or what do you were your expectations were you happy not happy if you have questions before you buy this i'll leave your comment below leave your question below and of course don't forget to check out the rest of the videos on this channel where it comes to building a rig i'm really trying to focus on looking at it from perspective of investment into the rig and your workflow creative side of things not the gaming side because these are the questions i had when i was building my rig and i put a lot of hours into this stuff to figure out what's what and i i think it's beneficial for everybody
Channel: Nikos Rentas
Views: 63,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSD NVMe PCIe Gen 4 Review, Western Digital SN850 vs Samsung 980 Pro, 980 pro, pcie gen 4, nvme ssd, best ssd for video editing 2021, 980 pro vs 970 pro, 980 pro vs sabrent rocket 4 plus, pcie 4.0 vs 3.0 ssd, sn850 vs 980 pro, rocket 4 plus vs 980 pro, sabrent rocket 4 plus vs wd sn850, sabrent rocket plus vs 980 pro, 1TB Samsung 980 Pro vs 1TB Western Digital SN850 vs 1TB Sabrent Rocket 4, Samsung 980 Pro vs Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus, Western Digital SN850 vs Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus
Id: PctIKOOG40c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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