Do All Christians Think the Same?

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do all Christians think the same suggested by we Connick probably not but let's find out stick around till yen enjoy the episode you're like well I want to love who I want to love there's that attraction it's like where do you draw the line I'm a grown man I like little boys but those I Hallie you know those I know you don't agree with that and I know that it is the same [Music] [Music] [Applause] some Christian music is good and some of it is lame but that's the same with any kind of genre is this the same way I have to be like in a certain setting or certain mind stage to listen to it I kind of agree that some is good and some is bad but I kind of feel like 60 to 70% of it is not good or like exciting but maybe I'm kind of traumatized cuz I could only listen to Christian music when I was a kid yeah so now like yeah that might be a part of it [Music] [Music] I mean I'm gay I'm from like a little town in Texas it's difficult to not question your faith because you're told that gay people can't be Christians or Christians can only follow these certain rules that are set out so for me when I started to grow and to get a relationship with Christianity myself is whenever my faith became stronger but it was definitely difficult and I'm still really going through that right now there were things that I felt like I was born knowing that God loved me and that guy was good and then when I came into the church a little bit later there were some beliefs because I'm queer so that people were just like this is what it is and you can't be this and like this is not dead edited but the reason I'm in this line is because I never felt that from God I still felt like he loves me when we mentioned support it means to accept and I don't accept the lifestyles within the community but do I love them do I want the best for them I absolutely do do I think that we should be mean to them in church do I think that we should shun them from church no and I'm sorry that you guys had that experience because that is awful that is horrible no one should go to a church and feel like you need to run away from it it's interesting though because the thing that has hurt me the most is actually the language with which you're speaking which is not more confusing I think no one actually shunned me it was more like this more like I love you but like God kind of wants to like send you to hell I do have Christian friends who are queer or gay they're struggling they're abstaining from the lifestyle but the LGBTQ community says there's nothing wrong with our lifestyle they're proud of that status not remorseful or trying to be aligned with what the Bible says about you are literally picking one part of the Bible that you believe and throwing away everything else there's like certain materials that were not supposed to wear there's certain foods that were not supposed to eat but we don't discriminate against people who do that but we do discriminate against people who literally just love someone different if you're gonna disagree with it you also have to understand like the weight of what you are asking a queer person to do when you look at someone and you feel like they're attractive and you have to disagree with that part of yourself every second of the day you have to tell yourself that's freakin wrong that's freakin wrong at like every second like you don't think that I should I should not marry a woman that I love I'm not saying you should be alone I'm saying at the basis of anything I want you to be who God created you to be and I know that for you you're believing that I was created this way to love this way but I would actually wonder because you're like well I want to love who I want to love there's that attraction but when I is like where do you draw the line when there's I'm attract I'm a grown man I like little boys I am personally and I know there are line oh you don't agree with that and I know that it is the same I think the LGBT is like a huge topic within the Christian community but this isn't making any worse than like I drink and stuff and sometimes I drink in excess which is the sin but it just doesn't get that's normalized you know I mean like that doesn't get attacked as frequently it's like a LGBT would the community would you know what I mean I just define support differently I think you can completely support somebody's right to love and feel love without supporting homosexual activity homosexual activity is sinful raping a child is sinful we can argue about what's worse or what's more acceptable or what our society has normalized but the end of the day we all sin we all sin in different ways and none of those sins should be celebrated none of those sins should be condoned and all of us should be working not to change who we are but to become more like Christ [Music] it got some explaining to do over there it sounds great to say God loves everybody at guns at God does love everybody but I don't believe equally he loves his own children more than the others in the world he would not send someone that he loves truly to hell he is loved that's what his embodiment is so I think it's impossible for him to not show love towards his children I don't think it's there's varying degrees I think it's all standardized against everyone like everyone is loved equally [Music] sir hug on this one now I am married I've been married for almost 10 years to a Christian man for me what I feel in the Bible that God describes as a Christian family is two people husband and wife who are devoted to serving the Lord together and we need somebody to come alongside us who is helping us to pursue our purpose and our calling in Christ it's totally possible and often happens that people of different religions are someone as a Christian and that doesn't have a religion at all are able to still work together and are able to still help people grow in their faith I totally agree that I could learn from non-christians even benefit from relationships with Muslims Buddhists or other non-christians but the Bible is specific about not being yoked in marriage to unbelievers whether you're a Muslim Christian or a Buddhist you find someone who doesn't share that I think you're missing something core in that relationship which won't work for any marriage but the thing is when you break down so many of the major religions a lot of the tenants are the same and we kind of believe the same thing inherently but that's where I disagree I think we're very different in terms of what we believe that we may have similar activities like going to church or a mosque but what I personally believe about Jesus is not shared with no one else agrees with that [Music] I wish I could be over there but I can't unfortunately made some bad decisions when I was younger the people that I've been with prior there's always a piece of me with them you know what I mean like it's something I can never get back it kind of bums me out a lot because it's like I wish I could have saved myself all the way until marriage and all aspects of physical relations as far as sex goes I mean that's your party sold but I do think that as a Christian I should be dating to find someone to be with long-term or finding someone to marry and so part of that does involve sometimes waiting a little bit longer waiting longer to like have sex and to like really be intimate so I personally actually not even kissing until I get engaged which a lot of people don't believe me about but I had a two-year relationship and I promise it happened and I didn't particularly like it but I just find so much strength and closeness to God in reserving my physical expression of love for people even though it's very very far from easy it's something I'm so excited for to be able to tell it person I saved this the most intimate part of myself for you because God was the only one who had a key to my heart before this yeah I'm not saying that I'm a good person I'm saved by faith in Jesus Christ who forgives me of my sin I know where I placed my faith that's why I know where I'm gonna go I don't know it's hard to know exactly what specifically is considered the biggest sins that will keep someone from 1 to heaven especially for me when I haven't put as much thought into it as I should Christianity is not about just making sure you're checking off all the boxes to go to heaven I feel like that robs us of the heaven that's present here on earth all I'm responsible for is doing my best every day and I pray that I do that every day and I think that's true for everybody everybody is just responsible for their best [Music] dude I feel like I could probably step on every one of these lines at a different point in my life because I grew up a Christian but like change so much every time if you want to grow and evolve with us make sure you like and subscribe let us know what you thought in the comments below about all the prompts we love when you guys are answering them and we love to interact with you guys and as always make sure you follow us on Instagram as well hide you we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,668,286
Rating: 4.8356276 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, jubilee spectrum, do all christians think the same, christians spectrum, christians debate, christianity, christians different opinions, gay christian, christian stereotypes, waspy, christians react, christians argue, what do christians believe, what do christians think, christians, christians believe, christian beliefs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
Reddit Comments

Yikes so in a way the support lady still discriminates and called homosexual activity sinful. I'm glad I left this disgusting religion

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/inception2010 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

“Do you support LGBT” is softball phrasing.

I don’t consider myself a supporter of the LGBT community.

I just consider myself a person who chooses not to discriminate against them. I can get married, they can get married. I can go to the bathroom I want they can go to the bathroom they want. I am referred to by the normal pronoun that I feel comfortable with it they should be able to go out and be affected by the normal pronouns are comfortable with.

Asking if you support them is making out like it’s a question of enjoying a band. It isn’t. It is s question of basic civil rights.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/indoninja 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

They keep arguing that god loves them, but then equate their homosexual relationships to raping children. Wtf??? I hate that "love the sinner, not the sin" shit too. If you're telling someone that they shouldn't be able to spend their life with the person they love and are deserving of hell because of it, than you don't really love them at all.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Zoey1914 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

No they dont.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lax714 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I am a gay man and I don’t need support from religious nutcases. It would be nice if I was supported, but in the end it’s pretty irrelevant to me. If those religious morons think they can interfere in my love life I will destroy them. I won’t tolerate religious dogma towards me. None of it. Then again, it’s pretty easy for me because I live in The Netherlands, I understand that people in other counties are less fortunate.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/theflush1980 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Help! I think I rolled my eyes too far and I need to go to the hospital.

Wow! There logic is altogether missing. “I don’t think you should change who you are, I just think we should all try to be like Christ.” Lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
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