Conservatives and Progressives Debate Feminism, #MeToo, and Donald Trump

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for me I can't think of the me to movement and not have to face the fact that I have to look at Trump and he said the grab the thing like I cannot get over that I cannot get over some said that in privacy all right so by a show of hands who here identifies as a feminist okay cool diamond I don't consider myself a feminist just the modern-day feminist movement I don't agree with it it depends like what you define a feminist if we're talking about like equal rights and of course I don't think there's a single person who would not want your rights between the sexes but if we're talking about feminism today where it's become so radicalized then I don't want to be associated with that movement so I am a pro-life feminist which I guess is something that has to be said these days since it's become so synonymous with abortion rights but I'm a FEMINIST because I believe in equality for women and that through our rights and Liberation's we have a job to stand up for the weaker and more vulnerable and more marginalized which also includes unborn women and men yes actually struggle with identifying that the feminists for a lot of different reasons and when I think about when I met intersecting identities as it pertains to being black as it pertains to being also trans as it pertains to this movement it I struggle with saying oh I'm a feminist but also support women's rights at the same time I wouldn't identify as a modern feminist because I don't really feel any affinity for third wave feminism any way shape or form but I support new social and legal equality for men and women and so I think that if you know I think the term feminism has been co-opted by the left in some pernicious ways do you feel that women still need to fight for equality yes yeah why just look at the GOP I mean where is the representation I think that's the thing coming from Texas being surrounded by a lot of conservatives and knowing representation is important knowing that people don't know what they don't know and if there's not a female voice there or a woman of color or a trans person to bring these issues up to the table it's not gonna get dealt with Arielle just raised her hand so I just want to get her and take on this yeah he's gonna say that even though there was like this robot you know there was this awakening on the Democrat side in terms of having more women I wouldn't say that any a lot of the women on in with that came into the Democratic Party or were representing the Democrats we're not women that I felt like I could really connect with by a show of hands who here voted for Trump I don't publicize my votes actually I just really did not like Hillary Clinton you know I actually also did a lot of community work for Bernie Sanders as well and I don't know I was in this I literally sat in the voting booth for like oh it was a long time I honestly didn't even think he was gonna win so part of it was a kind of a joke but but again I again I don't know but well I before speak to the privilege that that holds for that election to be a joke for you right I wasn't really a joke I was like you just said it well I mean let me ring let me recant when I met by a joke you know I didn't like either party you know I think it was like I if Bernie Sanders was on the ticket I would have voted for Bernie Sanders's I really did at the time really loved what he said what he stood for because you know he really did a lot of grassroots and I related to him as a Jewish American I thought that socialism was the answer and then you know but then when Hillary what happened with Hillary Clinton when she stole the election from him you know I just couldn't vote for for her she was a woman so I did vote for Trump because that's not that's wasting a vote me I support Trump simply because he a businessman and I come from a business family I was raised my dad was a single dad he owned his own business so you know who wouldn't want to vote for Trump Billy indeed it was handy Jesus sorry being there just cuz his dad gave him a million dollars out the words what does that mean you have to keep up with that do you consider yourself Republican no I'm a conservative but you like Trump yeah yeah and I'm gonna like recant my statement I think that voting is important and what I said it was a joke I think that was kind of an appropriate thing to say by a show of hands do you use a point than me to move me I used to okay and why did you use me to movement have been hijacked by liberals I understand I'm a victim of molestation and stuff so I understand that I understand what you're going through but to sit there and say Oh believe all women and just to demonize a man I don't agree with that so let me add on to that you know I think that they need to movement did a lot of good but with that being said I think the whole idea believe all women unequivocally is also a problem because you know there are instances where women do lie and you know we need to be very careful how we go about this I want to speak to that a little bit because I very much do you believe in due process but I don't think that believe women are when they say believe survivors I don't think they mean believe them in the face of all evidence that points to the opposite I think it's more like if someone comes and tells you hey my car got stolen you don't tell them to me that your car got stolen knowing I won't believe it until you can prove it I think it's more you believe that their car was stolen and then you investigate it as if it were stolen for me I can't think of the me to movement and not have to face the fact that like okay like these people are suffering major repercussions in their career like Louie CK Harvey Weinstein and I'm so glad that's wonderful but that I have to look at Trump and he said the grab the thing like I cannot get over that I cannot get over some said that in privacy this is a free speech you could say whatever you want to say private and he recorded him he violated Trump Trump can say whatever he want to say women talk nasty about men and they own privacy integrity is what happens in private and if that like I don't want a politician in the white like you know unfortunately that's the case that does like messed up in private because because that's a party so I mean I think the different legal in some places yeah I think the language is reprehensible I agree so I can agree that I also think that like when we talk about like behavior of people I think what happened with President Clinton and his intern is also a violation right I was a power position that was a position that he abused so I think there are a lot of men out there that make bad choices so if we want to talk about the me to movement I think we have to be really nuanced but I also think we should talk about you know what are the dynamics of dating and how do we navigate I mean this is kind of scary for men and women how do we navigate how to date in the workplace what do you say baby that's actually a question that I wanted to bring up do you feel that me too has affected dating so I am friends a lot of men and they think that they're scared of dating a lot of men are terrified of taking a girl home who's had any amount of alcohol because he doesn't want to get accused of sexual assault I think it's better to be uh worried about that than to do it and not worry join the club like girls and women and fans have been terrified to go on dates and go Hawkwind drink ever so join the club so my next question is how is abortion pro-life and pro-choice wrapped up into feminism I think for a lot of people feminism this wave of feminism has become synonymous with abortion and so it's something where if you don't subscribe to abortion then you don't belong in the feminist movement you know if you're pro-choice cool like legally you can have an abortion this in this country but let's talk about what these other choices are as well and how can we support women who are facing unplanned pregnancies like I had when I was 16 years old you know what was the support and honestly the privilege I had to be able to choose life for my son because so many women don't have that and I think personally I you know a very much agree when you see feminism that has this one axis that only talks about abortion like having gone to school in Louisiana I knew kids who knew abortion was before they knew what a pap smear was and you should be able to talk about all of sexual health not just you know the most sensational elements of sexual health all right for my next question by show of hands are trans women helping push forward women's movement and gender here okay so why so we wouldn't have the LGBTQ rights movement if it wasn't for Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P John I'm in a story let's go no but for real like if we didn't have so vo Barry Marsh P Johnson pushing the envelope and saying no we're saying no to police brutality we're saying no to respectability we're saying no to this idea that we have to fit into your straight box and then just check the gay box or check the trans box and still be okay you know we wouldn't have the advancements in the women's liberation movement if we hadn't had this conversation about LGBTQ rights movement happening simultaneously as well as you know black power having at the same time but at the same time those get whitewashed and straight wash and sis wash you've been like as a trans woman on this panel I often experience that women feel that trans women are not supported was it's like well trans women often get pushed to the corner like we don't want you in our spaces but yet we stand and fight even with like as trans women of color we started and supported black lives matter movement and then oftentimes we still see black trans women being murdered and there's no conversation around it for the people that disagree disagree and some people didn't meet they here you know I think it's interesting though right because when you have two you didn't raise your hand which is passive but when you have to actively deny someone like their humanity their agency to their face that's really something different I'm not denying anything I don't have that much knowledge on it so I'm listening and I'm learning exactly that's beautiful thank you ladies this is amazing you guys are you ladies are so amazing you're smart you're beautiful beautiful Souls and I'm so honored to be in your presence no he wants to get drinks it was weird how like simple everyone was that's like so [Music]
Channel: VICE
Views: 980,472
Rating: 4.1089172 out of 5
Keywords: vice, women, feminism, Panel Discussion, The VICE Guide To Right Now, journalism, documentary, videos, culture, interview, film, movies, underground, vice videos, lifestyle, independent, vice guide, exclusive, vice mag, vice magazine,, world, documentaries, short films, docs, yt:cc=on, politics, transgender, trans, progressive, conservative, feminist, #metoo, hillary clinton, donald trump, female, abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, gender, voting, women's rights, debate, conversation, women debate, identity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
Reddit Comments

’You know what’s funny? Somewhere... I don’t know why and I don’t know who. But somebody is probably jerking off to this’

  • Bill Burr
👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/pissening 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

For meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

👍︎︎ 157 👤︎︎ u/lcaot57 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Was the lady in Orange told this was the Mortal Kombat 3 audition?

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/lcaot57 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

TBH I was pretty disappointed the first two words weren't "zip.... recruitah!"

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/AndyMandalore 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuuuuurrrr miiiii

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Ozzy34567 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

so much bravery

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/jamaicansupply 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Living their best life.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/jakeinthesky 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Doooh JEeeeeeezus.....

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MotherRussia552 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Don't even have to to click the link, I just saw "two words" and my brain goes "fer MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/kimpsnhoes 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
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