DJI MINI 2 Range Test - How Far Will it Go? (Hidden Features Tested!)

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No idea, but since this is the Reddit entitled MavicPro, I certainly trust the RTH function of my MavicProPlatimun. (For the record I also trust the RTH of my MavicMini.)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KC_experience 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
scanning the ground here the battery level is low the aircraft will go to the home point in 10 seconds okay it wants to go home i'm going to cancel it like i normally do hey guys thanks for tuning in here we go it's the mini 2 drone from dji and today we're going to do the range test now this is where i normally do my range test here on maui and we're just going to kind of hug it towards the side of the mountain there so we're not going too high if you guys have missed the other videos i've done i also did a unboxing really in-depth unboxing i've done a normal flight test in-depth flight test go ahead and check that pop up here and also down the description you'll find all those videos so you can catch up on what this thing can do guess what the mini one batteries they're a bigger capacity they're heavier and they do fit in the mini two so i'm not sure i'm going to do that in this flight test we're going to do a separate video i think for this one see if we get any more range see how it works out the batteries that come with the mini 2 are a little less capacity but they're way lighter my mini 2 all up weight now with the battery and the sd card in right now is 241 grams with the mini one battery it's 260 so this battery gets you over that 249 gram weight so pretty interesting huh but these batteries do work i guess we're going to do that in another video i really want to see how those do in a range test we've got about a five mile per hour wind coming from in front of me right now maybe the front left so that'll be kind of good coming back although it's pretty variable out here in the uh in the hawaii sky so it's it's really i mean you could go 100 feet up and 100 feet out and it might be blowing in a different direction so let's cross our fingers and hopefully everything goes well now this does have the aki sink too so we're going to be testing all that out and they claim 10 kilometers so really gonna see as long as it's not too windy out there just depends on how long the battery lasts right so let's get this thing going and up in the air and start a range test [Music] okay guys so we are set to to go i have my screen recording on my android oneplus 6t phone this is an android phone and let's just launch as soon as possible right so i'm going to record in 4k i know it uses some power but what the heck i'm going to do it so i'm going to start recording here we're going to lift off asap because the battery is already a few percentage down so we're going to go straight up and straight out and i'm just going to be doing this flight in normal mode okay so just straight out just like this i'll have my phone screen up and also have the mini screen up on occasion my height i think i'm only going to go a couple hundred feet i don't want to go too high to kind of getting all that wind up there so i may just go well it's already saying rc signal interference that was weird maybe from somebody's wifi in their house down there i think i'm gonna go about 150 feet for this one maybe just because i don't want to get too high when the mountain is kind of dropping away you can see it there dropping away to the right so again we're in normal mode we're recording in 4k 30 on the drone recording my phone screen so you guys can see that all up here and i'm just going to be basically walking up to this wall just in this specific area not going any further down this should be a pretty good line of sight to the drone there's just a couple of telephone lines right there in the front so you can see we're in normal mode on the top left we're going only 16 17. wow it just got going a lot faster so you can see how there's some wind up there because i'm just full stick forward it's fluctuating between on the bottom left of this my phone stream there you can see between 15 it's already going down to 14 and at times it's going all the way up to about 18 miles per hour so just going to go as long as we can you can see on the top right there there's the time it thinks it can fly for and that's really going to be influenced kind of randomly by the wind gusts hitting it because it's drying more amperage right and then we can see our battery power in that small circle your circular green little icon up there by the time so still have full on rc uh signal up there on the top right as well and i think that says 18 satellites so we've got good satellites uh we are approaching over half a mile so we're doing good and i want to bring this gimbal down just a little bit so i'm taking my left pointer finger and i'm rolling left on the top roller on the controller and we're just going to see how this ground looks okay we're just flying over vacant pasture line there's a little bit of lens flare there and remember this thing can zoom in right so if we if we squeeze our fingers on the phone screen and we pull spread them we can kind of zoom in a little kind of cool huh you have that two-time zoom in 4k and then you have a four-time zoom in 1080p so pretty cool um you know what i want to do is try this some of you guys have been saying on the left roller if you hold down the function button on the left of my controller here and then you also roll your left roller you can do the zooming in yeah there we go wow that's way more precise too so thanks guys for letting me know about that i totally forgot about that in my initial flight test but see what i'm doing i'm just holding in the function button with my thumb and then i'm rolling this left roller in and out and that's a real nice and smooth zoom that's pretty awesome of course you can't pitch up and down unless you let off the function and then i'm just rolling that left roller back up so pretty darn cool man still have just about full we lost one bar on our rc connection let's bring this back up see how it does pointing kind of in the sun this is kind of in the evening here on maui so we have a sun that's you know maybe what what time is it it's uh it's about 4 30 right now p.m so we're getting some rc signal dropping in and out got red for a second but it came back that's the gimbal all the way up and forward so we've passed a mile guys a mile should be five thousand two hundred eighty feet we're at seven thousand four hundred feet now so i'll have that popping up on the screen when we did pass that those mile markers so we're about a mile and a half now and uh let's try that zooming while we have the camera facing straight oh we're already at 1.7 so let's pull it back so i'm trying that function then i'm going to zoom in slowly with my roller that's pretty cool you can get it pretty precise and you can possibly do some kind of neat footage or just if you just wanted to have that zoom ability without touching the screen thanks you guys for mentioning that in the in the comments on my last flight test video that's pretty awesome i'm just trying to keep the top of the controller here these are the antennas right here above the phone pointing that way so i'm kind of trying to keep it as perpendicular to the drone as possible where these flat surfaces on the top are just facing the drone on top of the phone here and it seems like if i accidentally go um let my controller go down a little bit and they're facing up i get red but then if i bring them back down directly where that thing's flying you see that how the rc signal on the top right is fluctuating between red and white so we're having a little bit of uh of signal fluctuation there but i like to do the gimbal because we can see just how quality our connection is right well we're going at 20 miles per hour now going out so uh so we may have actually hit like some wind shear here and now the wind's blowing the other way towards the ocean so gosh i hope we don't lose this one we're at 65 power i remember this is a lipo battery so it's lighter smaller doesn't have the capacity as that lithium ion that the mini one had so this will be interesting this is the first range flight i believe on this battery i don't think i've taken this battery down so we're approaching two miles what i was saying is i think this is the first flight let's just check that real quick if we go into our settings and we go should be in the safety or we can look at our battery okay times charge one so it looks like i did fly with this one yeah i think i used them all in my flight test but you can really cool with this drone you can see all the smart battery information if you wanted to and then just click back on the main screen to get that out of the way so resumed all the way out we're just looking at the camera 4k ability scanning the ground the here will go to the home point in 10 seconds okay it wants to go home i'm going to cancel it like i normally do and that's at 60 percent so they leave you a little bit of leeway but again depending on the wind out there where you're flying you got to be really careful of this i am going to bring it down to 50 like i normally do and see what we can do so we are over um two miles we're twelve thousand four hundred feet now and uh yeah there must be some wind out there guys but look at that clean clear video in my phone no hiccups whatsoever so you're gonna get remember with the mini one this was the same spot i tested it in you're getting hiccups at this distance just a little bit and then it comes back in just you know very minor ones i think at one point i really lost signal for a while with the mini one but then it came back and then i had to turn around because of battery but here we go 13 000 feet um yeah so we're we're just approaching three miles here so not bad for a tiny little under 249 gram drone huh so far as long as it comes back um 10 kilometers i don't even think we're going to be able to make that with this battery but at least we have a really super good signal i'm just going to rotate the gimbal back down so we can see how this is working in all of its glory and what you're going this is what you're gonna see on your phone when you're flying this i see that little compass on the bottom center of the screen that's actually saying where you're pointing towards the drone see if i move it slightly left and right a little arrow that's that's where the drone is so you want to keep that right in front of you when you uh want the best signal so we're at 50 percent actually 49 i'm gonna pick the camera back up uh you know what let's just get to 15 000 feet and then i'm going to do a return to home boom 15 000 stopping and i'm pressing holding in the actual physical button look how perfect that signal is now remember with most drones when it turns around it has even a worse problem with signal but look at this doing just great look how fast we're going back we're coming back at 24 miles per hour so i am confident we're gonna make it back man we took this thing down to like 48 it's gonna be another nail biter on this this one but um i'm pretty confident this remember in the flight test guys in the park if you missed that video you should probably watch it because i took the battery down all the way until i couldn't push up anymore with the controller and this thing held up man it just kept going until it reached like seven volts so at least i know i can get it to about seven volts before it starts to force absolutely forced landing i'm hoping hopefully that's not just because it was near me in the park flight you know what i mean but we'll see hopefully it's smart enough to know don't land where where if it's far away so i think we went 15 000 feet again at that milestone i'll have had that pop up i'll go ahead and pop it up again just so you guys know in mileage in footage and in kilometers for you guys like in the uk how far this thing actually went maximum and this again this is the second charge on the stock lipo battery that the mini 2 has which is a smaller battery but lighter than the mini one and a different technology remember the mini one has the lithium ion cylindrical hard cells in there and the mini 2 has these lithium polymer bag flat cells with a little bit higher voltage so we're going to see how this does and don't forget i'm going to do that range test on the mini 1 batteries in the mini 2 also so we can really see what this thing is all about so 39 i'm feeling confident because it is coming back faster so i'm not too stressed at this point i mean if it's miles out and we've got like 10 15 that's where i'm gonna be really stressing let's try the gimbal moving it down of course i know you guys are gonna be like don't record and don't move your gimbal because it's using power i know but how fun of a video would that be right and it's also nice to see how these things work if you're trying to get a distant shot and you need to get out there and do some recording as long as you have this thing pointed at the drone look at this fluid motion here i'm all the way down the gimbal gonna do the zoom function on the controller function and zoom in here boom that's two times now that's such a cool feature and then let's leave it at two times zoom and start pulling it up pull the gimbal up while it's going forward there we go so i'm pushing up pushing to the right actually on that roller so we can kind of just scan the ground here this is all farm ranching land and this part of maui is usually really really dry so there we go that's zoomed in let's gimble all the way horizontal keep in mind guys gimbal straight mountain sloping down to the left and it was sloping down to the right when we're going out so i do like how this controller is not beeping so loud like the other controller you hear that just like that really kind of light beep so not too annoying i mean i do wish you could cancel it let's just try i'm gonna hit power one time that didn't do it um yeah that's all i want to do i don't want to hit anything else i mean i could cancel all rth and it would stop it but then i i would be manually flying it back straight which you can do but i really just wanted to see if for some reason whatever the heck happened to your controller maybe you your battery went bad on your controller and it had to come back on its own in this situation if it really could and if it could make it back on its own battery power even though i cancelled it out the return to home right until 48 so we're kind of really giving you a good idea on extremes this thing can do in this test okay it says we can fly for six more minutes and we're 28 on the battery 27 and our signal came back in white and we have 19 satellites up there on the top right of the screen of course our gimbal is going to be working fine because we have great signal um but this is a little bit brighter than i normally do my range test so you guys can see how that sun the low sun in the sky is is lighting up the ground there i'm just rotating the gimbal down again still zoomed in so let's zoom out just doing that function and left roller to the left to zoom out remember you can also just touch your screen and pinch to zoom and zoom out okay well so far so good man just a beautiful day what a great day for a range test i was a little worried about the rain the wind today um because that wind right that'll really affect your range tests uh the the mini two can actually fight wind better than the mini one so you guys that were that um maybe didn't buy the mini one because it was lacking in more wind resistance i mean i flew it in extreme winds you can also see that video i'll have that pop up too here in here on maui i threw it flew it in some like 30 mile per hour winds probably almost and it did it but it wanted to start pulling away when that wind got the mini one the mini 2 has a higher wind tolerance i think by about 5 or 10 miles per hour even though it's just as light if even lighter so i think because they gave it a little bit more power in the motors here we go guys we're at 21 percent that's interesting because it flashed the 20 is flashing between um red and green so now it thinks it's gonna make it home okay i guess the red up there on the right a little circle would have been like it's it's thinking it might not make it home but now it's at 19 it's green so it thinks it's gonna make it home man this was no problem i could have gone down to like 40 percent look at this so we got 15 000 feet on um this battery but look at that we could have gone a lot more so i guess i have a lot of wind coming at me going out and it was just draining that battery but you know let's rotate the gimbal down again so this isn't really going to be a range test to zero percent but let's just see if it can land on this bench this will be a good deal let's see how it does that and maybe i'll go up and show you guys what i missed in my quick shots test on my flight test remember i was looking at for the resolution i was having some trouble finding that in quick shots i wanted to change that so it's coming down now i'm just going to stand here and let's just see how accurate it is at trying to land at the bench where i took off i have no landing pad so it's hopefully he's possibly using the camera on the bottom to see oh it's way over there okay so you see that so i mean that's like a good six feet away so i'm gonna cancel this out and there we go guys so we've got 13 left now we're starting to get the low battery beep right i'm going to keep recording and i want to try this quick shot real quick i've got two things i want to try first i want to try to change the resolution hey guys thanks for tuning in as usual appreciate you watching my videos um so i'm going to stop the recording here we're going to go into quick shots real quick and then you see how it changed on the bottom right to 1080 so supposedly if you click up here on the right three dots top of the screen let me just click on myself first critically low battery okay now it's really screaming at me let's see if it'll let me still do this [Music] yeah so you have to still go in camera there it is you see that there so you can change it to the resolution in quick shots i just wish they would have made that better let's just go ahead and do let's just go ahead and start this see if it even does it with this low battery annoying beep wow still able to do it so i guess we'll fly to zero percent again all right the aircraft will go to the home point in 10 seconds boy that beeping is so annoying hold it away from the mic here so you guys don't have to hear that go home is much better so it's going to go up to your designated height i'm going to tilt the camera down again so i have it set at 100 feet to go up and it's going to come it's going into its low battery landing so it's going through all kinds of stuff right now let's build this bring this camera down so guys we could have probably gone about 16 17 18 000 feet if i just would have pushed it a little more but you know what i don't want to make this video too long so i'll do that in another maybe try another flight test i also want to try and remember that mini one video i mean battery so can i stop it yeah i can still push up so pretty awesome yeah stop recording but i'll have the phone screen up see how i can still push this thing up and it's only at three percent this thing's so great at just taking care of its batteries even though you run them down to zero it's not gonna damage the battery because it's still at like 3.6 volts per cell so really don't think that's gonna damage it they just put a lot of safety in here in these guys so i'm going to land this and you know what i'm going to do pop in one more battery and i just want to show you guys we'll actually see if we can track other objects a lot of you guys have been asking that on my videos you go right over here if you can like put a box around something and do quick shots other than people and vehicles so let's try that just before we wrap this up so it's asking me do you want to land some precautions i'm going to press ok see how it went down to zero percent so it'll keep flying guys until um the voltage drops to seven volts let's look at that real quick so on my screen here we're going in the battery you see how it see how it's still three point over 3.6 so you can really bring this thing down without uh damaging your battery it's just the precautions like i was saying that dji really wants you to come back before um before it gets too low of course and then it just lands out in the wilderness somewhere so anyway i'm gonna pop the new battery in and let's just try that one thing before we wrap this up and we'll go through a pros and cons of that whole range test okay guys got a new battery in here and don't forget this is the flamboyant combo i recommend i mean this is a great deal for these drones to get the fly mark combo because you're getting two extra batteries so a total of three batteries you get the multi charger you get this awesome bag it's just a really good deal so if you can spend the extra like a hundred dollars or i think there might be a sale going on right now before christmas but definitely i'll have the links in the description down below get the flamware comma if you can afford it because if you're to buy all this stuff extra you'd be spending like probably around double that just to buy everything individual so if you can just go ahead and do that and you'll be set don't really have to buy anything else and uh let's just fly out here recording my screen again let's get the sun give it the benefit of the doubt get the sun behind it so it's lighting up this bench okay let's see how if it can do something like this let's go up and out a bit there we go so we go into quick shots you see how it detects humans with that crosshair i don't want it to do that i want to maybe track this bench look at that so i'm drawing a box i'm just drawing it on the screen and i don't want to do a droney how about a how about a circle just so i can kind of circle around that okay so let's make sure it's on there there it is it's still there so you can pick your different dronies while you have things highlighted let's see how it does this bench one of the reason recent comments where i want to use this to do a circle and track a roof for a roof inspection here you go say that's a house draw your box when you're in quick shots pick which quick shot you want all you can do is basically pick which direction you want to go so get your drone out there where you want it first and then which direction you want to go and then hit start three two we get a countdown boom and let's see how well it tracks this so it's going kind of slow i'm wondering if i can roll faster if it'll speed it up nope see that it just glitched out and it exited the whole thing so hopefully maybe it saved that let's go back around okay let's see how maybe far we can even get let's do that test since our range test was so short let's just try this so there's the bench again go up a little higher you see how it's moving the gimbal down on its own all i'm doing is pushing up on the um throttle stick on the left so let's hit start again we'll just do this first see if it can keep it in track this is a reasonable distance you know or what 76 feet away and 56 feet high so if you're trying to get one of these circular point of interest shots you can do it so all you guys asking me that follow me asking if you can do individual objects you can it looks to be doing pretty good as you can see it started off slow really sped up there at the end a little bit and it's just going to stop where it left off it's going to save the video to the drone in this case 4k 30 frames per second and it's going to wait for the next command so that was really cool here's what i want to do i want to do another box around this guy and i want to see how far up and out i can go might as well try some other things right i know my videos are kind of long but man i just really like to just push things and see what they can do and what they can't you know so i'm going kind of up and out at a kind of a perfect 45 degree angle and we're pretty far up there we're 200 feet high just about let's see wow it's still tracking that thing so keep in mind guys you've got to have pretty good um lit sunlight to do these tracks from a distance i remember in my initial flight test it was a little overcast and it last kept losing me at like 80 90 feet but look at that it's still it still knows where that point is so i'm not gonna go any higher let's go 300 feet there we go and we're like 400 feet away i'm gonna hit start let's see what it does three two one wow it still knows what it's trying the track that's great still see that little box on the screen so i'll have you know showing you what my phone shows and i'll also be showing you um what the actual video is that it's taking on the drone remember higher resolution on the drone you have to offload that video onto your computer or your phone and then you can put it into your editing software so for my computer i just have a little um micro sd card reader attached to my editing computer at home and i just pop it in there and get that 4k video okay it looks like we have a little problem you see what happened there it didn't do a full revolution it just kind of did this okay there's some limitations we're finding it's doing like this maybe 40 degree weird round circle but it's staying out where it is yeah that's kind of weird so don't expect to get these far shots like that okay it's almost like it tried to do like a corkscrew but that's the limitation on these ones right it's not like a regular expensive mavic 2 or mavic 2 air just doesn't have the processing capacity i guess so that didn't work it did kind of a neat moving shot but it didn't really do a whole revolution at all it was like a 30 40 percent swath there so let's just try something else let's go a little closer then this time let's try to keep it at maybe 150 feet try that again get our bench our area and instead of a circle let's just try helix we'll go out a little further so it's going to go in it's going to go in out to 280 feet see how you can select all that and let's just start two one so we know what it will do when it's close to us it'll circle us close and then it'll go out and higher farther away but i just want to see if it will actually do any kind of complete revolutions at this height so it's going to the left and it's pulling up and is it going out yeah and it's going out slowly we'll see if it can do a full revolution so at least you know you can do these kind of automated super smooth point of interest even if it doesn't complete it at least you can get a portion of a point of interest right so that's how you can do these guys apparently uh track anything you want you're not gonna be able to do this uh moving because it doesn't even track a person moving out of its circular range so that didn't work so if you're wondering oh i wonder if you can do this on moving objects uh you really can't it's just gonna it might keep the camera pointed at it while it's doing this pre-designated circle but i had a rough time with that it doesn't just doesn't have the computing power i don't think to do all that stuff or the the engineers didn't didn't bake it in this looks like it's doing a full revolution guys that's great so whatever you want to shoot go ahead and draw a box around it and quit shots that's how you change your resolution that's how you do these quick shots with boxes drawn and it stopped now it's going to return with this one it'll return down to where you started because it kind of went up and out right so you see how it's just kind of coming in i'm going to move the gimbal down a little bit nope it's locking me out of the gimbal so we're getting a little a couple little tips and tricks after this range test there it goes it's doing that on its own with the camera and let's just kind of bring it in closer so we're not bugging anybody all right cool so you can do those things i'm trying to think if there's anything else if there's anything else you guys want me to test go ahead as usual and leave a comment down in the description down below and i will try to get to it in some of my other videos and do all that stuff just for giggles i'll show you one last thing let's go out a little bit see how it lost me there so it doesn't know what i am let's try to draw a box around the human you saw how it's losing it so yeah it has trouble with humans at distance for some reason let's just get a little closer maybe maybe it's just the way the sun is i don't know let's do a helix and then start to walk this way okay all right let's see how close it gets to following so see that so it lost me and then it kind it's trying to do still a point of interest but it really doesn't know where i am anymore i kind of saw how it jerked to the right a little bit so it's still doing it but it's just it's like doing it at the last known spot but you can still do pretty cool pretty cool vids man impressive all right i'll walk on back and let's wrap this thing up let's land it get this thing down here and let's do a pros and cons on this pretty amazing drone boy did a lot in this video just let it finish its revolution here yeah no problem you can do all these things on other objects that was something that was really on a lot of people's minds and i'm glad we got to touch base on that so you know look at the video too on how all that was doing when i was had that up and you decide for yourself if you like that video my videos are always raw i don't do any post processing enhancements nothing on these videos straight from my drone reviews reverse it sideways in here and we'll just pull down to land see how it picked up the gimbal on its own so the camera went up right at that last part of landing just so you don't scratch the camera like on some rocks so very good feature that kind of baked in there okay guys so that was amazing we did the range test uh you can see how it went uh 15 000 feet just under three miles i didn't want to push it more because as you can see we had a lot of wind resistance coming from that direction and it was drawing down the battery because we are getting about that five to ten uh coming towards it and these things are smart they can calculate how much draw amp drawage is on the battery and then they can kind of calculate how much power they're going to have back and you can see how it still went down to 49 48 percent and then we had the wind to the back so i could have been going even faster but hey you know why do you want to push it too much and then lose your drone maybe i'll do another one and we'll push it a little bit more but it's really hard to tell what the wind is you know a mile out two miles out three miles out so really hard to gauge that but i'm glad we got it back safe and sound technically we landed at zero percent just because we did a few things but i think we kind of probably could have gone close to like three and a half even maybe four miles with this one so it's gonna have range no problem with the range the hockey sync 2 is awesome on this i didn't have one tiny hiccup even going through these telephone and power lines right in front of me with the mini one since it has an enhanced wi-fi that did amazingly well in this area but that's just because it's like country booney area not much houses around so that's why you want the ocusync too where even if you're flying in congested areas with a lot of interference it'll do better than the mini one so if you're having those problems with the mini one you want to get the mini two for that also the 4k camera right and that's kind of mainly where it stops aside from a little more wind resistance like i was talking about so the quick shot i'm glad we did those because remember i was saying in the first video i kind of missed the resolution change and the quick shot so we saw how to do that you have seen that video all in 4k from those quick shots and we were also able to test drag tracking on other objects and that seemed to work pretty well i want to say like 70 percent satisfied with that even though it's just one revolution that's what this is limited to you know you can do multiple until you get the right shot it will track for a little while unless you get too far out or you start moving too much but you can get kind of some of those that tracking but it's not gonna be for you if you just need it to follow you riding a skateboard riding a bike driving your truck off road whatever it may be and just constantly follow you wherever you go this is not the one to do that this is just to get those nice little quick shots it showed um real briefly just for some cut-ins on a video that you might want to get some cinematics on so guys don't forget uh we are going to be testing this i just want to show you that it does fit with the mini one battery heavier gonna get you over 249 this is like 260 grams now with this in there but it fits just the same as the other battery just because the compartments a little larger for this one but i just wanted to show you that it will actually turn on also so press press and hold see how that's turning on no problem here see that so you can fly it with the original mini one battery so that's gonna be one of my next videos so don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned for the range test of the mini 2 with the mini one battery and just see how far we can fly with that and how long of course as usual if you're as impressed as i am in this drone go ahead and check the links down below i'll have all the gear i use in my videos and of course the mini 2 in there i think it'd be a great christmas present for anybody that's looking for a beginner drone i'm not a dji fanboy but i know quality when i see it and this just is pretty amazing for the price you can get i mean you can get like a 200 300 drone but man it's just there's a huge jump in performance when you just reach that 400 dollar realm right now with these kinds of drones and this is probably in in the range of what you want to get either the mini one or if you can spend a little more and get those uh extra options on the mini two i would go for this one alright hope you enjoyed that and i'll see you guys in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Dustin Dunnill
Views: 616,935
Rating: 4.8980365 out of 5
Keywords: dji mini 2 range test, mini 2 range test, mini 2 range, mini 2 how far, mini 2 distance test, mini mavic 2 range test, dustin dunnill, mini 2, Mini 2 hidden, dustin dji mini 2, mini 2 long range test, mini 2 test, mini 2 dji, mavic mini 2 long range, dji mini 2, dji mini 2 flight test, mavic mini 2 test, long range mavic mini 2, mavic range test, mavic mini dustin, dji, test, mavic mini, Mavic mini 2, dji mini, mini 2 drone, dji mini 2 review, mini 2 crash test, drone, uav
Id: 6eLMracmyng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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