DJI FPV Drone Flight Test Review IN DEPTH + Motion Control & Fly More Kit [How Does It REALLY Work?]

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but just look at this thing turn [Music] man that's quick hey guys thanks for tuning in here it is the dji race drone fpv race drone got this uh dji backpack here anyway today is all about the dji fpv drone everything fits great in this backpack we're gonna boot it up i went ahead and just have the helipad here since this thing does have a return to home right where you can just click a button or if it loses connection or whatever it will come back and try to land where it took off so i think that'll be kind of cool to see what the accuracy is now remember i got three batteries this is the fly more kit so this is probably going to be a long review so sit back and relax because this is probably going to be about an hour while we initially see how it flies in the air get used to it with the initial controller and then also try the motion controller too so we're gonna do all that stuff in this review so let's get started with dji fpv let's do it we got this whole front section too so i got like all the power brick and the main wall charging cable in there and then um if we start doing some maybe manual mode fpv i got the two arm braces just kind of sticking in there if we want to get really crazy with doing some crazy manual fpv which usually entitles crashing right unzip in this front piece and we got a whole bunch of extra stuff so i got all the propellers right here i got the um charging strip right here for all the batteries if i do wanted to connect my ipad i have my ipad right there i've got all my cables in here i did go ahead and just bring an allen wrench since they only give you one really thin one but you need a thicker one to put on the leg braces if you do get those extra braces you do need a different allen wrench which they don't include goggles battery and cable right here i like to keep my little desiccant packs in the pack just just to keep everything you know moisture free because i am in hawaii here so this will be like a kind of a real real-time setup it's going to be a little longer than normal because i'm talking and showing you guys everything but give you an idea of how long it kind of takes this thing to set up if you're maybe just starting and it's your first time because this actually is my maiden flight after just updating if you did miss my unboxing video i will have it pop up here in a card it's also down in the description down below so make sure you check that if you just wanted to see how it comes out of the box all the updating and really inspecting it super close up anyway we're going to save the motion controller for a little bit later we're going to initially just use the regular controller so this is really everything i need i'm going to take off the gimbal cover first throw that in the bag and there you go so i got the battery already in here just need to put the propellers on and of course the propellers go on to uh the ones with no red circle in the middle go on to the black motors with no red on the motors so i got two of these real easy dji's infamous twist lock propellers super easy you can't really screw these up as long as you when you do twist them on and they pop back up just double check them so they don't fly off right so putting these buggers on sorry about the overcast today it's usually really sunny here in hawaii but today it is a sunday and man that sun just didn't want to come out today but who knows maybe it'll rain on it maybe it'll get sunny okay so the drone basically is ready to go i just need to quickly set up the controller so we're putting on the sticks now remember these sticks are a little smaller than usual so these ones are going to be possibly easy to get lost so be careful putting these on sticks on flip the antenna up and this thing's also ready to power on and ready to go the initial flight i'm just going to be kind of showing you how the thing performs without putting my goggles on so i'm going to go through that just a little bit later so we're going to save that for the second battery i believe make sure your batteries in there good remember it clips in just like that tug on it make sure it's not going to fly out plug in your power here and then all we got to do is turn this thing on so just a really quick click click and hold powers it up [Music] pretty cool yeah how that thing turns on the camera goes up and down does this interesting vibration and let's see if i have to relink this controller after i had that motion controller on remember this initial flight is just going to be like line of sight really getting close up and seeing how this thing performs great so the controller did link up so i don't have to re-link them i guess they just both can't link up at the same time but if you initially link one or the other they'll always relink if they're powered on individually right so here we go with the controller uh you want to do both sticks down and in and then once this thing powers up you can see the propellers are powered on i think in my unboxing i kind of showed it going and it it wouldn't even turn off so it's kind of like you have to just pull the throttle down so maybe a little safety issue for beginners motors aren't turning off i'm just going to push up just like you would like a normal drone and you see those green lights they flash really quick so that kind of means that um i was in sport mode when i took off let me go into normal mode was switching into normal so basically normal enables the front obstacle not really avoidance but it slows down at obstacles s is sport and then m is manual mode so we're just going to go between normal and sport for this view right here but you can see how it's just like a gps dji drone super stable the sensors on the bottom here you know they're looking at the ground you see how it goes up as i'm putting my hand up i'm not even touching the controller let's bring it back down here real quick so remember normal mode is like beginner right so leave it in the end mode if you want that and let's just do like a full yaw to the left and you can kind of see how that thing is spinning cool so we've got the gimbal right here you see that so i can move the camera up and down if i want to and then any position you put it if i press forward or back you see how that camera is being stabilized it's kind of going up and down and keeping what's keeping its level while the drone fluctuates up and down i'm not going to do that for side side so you're going to get that in the video the side to side but this is electronically stabilized uh video so kind of cool so that was our yaw speed of normal not too quick nice and slow [Music] and you can just see how it's locking in solid i got about five mile per hour coming from my back right now so let's do a punch up and just see how quick it is after i kind of pull down let's see what it's doing with the sensors as i pull down you see how it gets about a foot off the ground and it's not going to land unless i hold it that's pretty cool so let's punch up full speed yeah it's pretty quick but it's gonna be faster in sport mode you know that so pulling down all the way sorry about the overcast guys and same kind of thing it like gets to like 10 feet as other dji drones and then those sensors come into play and slow it down a little bit so kind of neat and then of course you can't go all the way down immediately and tell you let's try to hold it and see if we can cancel that landing so holding it down pushing up right away to cancel and yeah it does so you see that it went into its landing sequence and i just pushed up the cancel so that would be really cool for like flying super low to the ground see that because it has those bottom sensors let's just see how it's kind of doing make sure there's nobody around me here wow yeah it feels really smooth just taking it nice and slow so you can get these kind of cool like ground shots and it's not going to hit the ground it doesn't look like it almost looked like the propeller was going to hit the ground when i was cornering hard but you see how it kind of stabilizes itself with those sensors pretty awesome let's see if it'll hit this chair if i um kind of come back here and kind of run into it let me get over by the chair here it should just slow down i don't think it stops but say we're booking it as fast as this normal mode can go yeah i already saw the chair look at that i'm pushing forward and it slowed way down it gets right up next to it but at least it slows down so it looks like the obstacle avoidance is working great on the front or i want to call it obstacle slow let's try that again so i can line it up i'm going to go right into here right into the chair boom full stick forward yeah ooh and there goes it hit the chair so there you go that's what you can expect it's going to slow but man i didn't i didn't pull up quite fast enough or pull back and that hit the chair no damage to the chair looking at the propellers of the drone see how that camera is working kind of cool huh how it goes up and down that's like the maximum whoa it can go all the way down can't go all the way out maybe like 45 degrees as you can see though the propellers did turn off that's great checking all the wingtips no kinks and no damage whatsoever so as soon as it like hits something i guess hard enough and it creates enough resistance it's just gonna turn off that's awesome okay let's launch again so remember both sticks in again and no problem powering right back up lifting off just pushing up and blinking lights again took its gps point cool man so we know kind of how fast this thing can go it's not super quick in normal mode you know this is mainly for beginners or maybe getting cinematic when you turn it slows down a little so you can get that kind of cinematic but really easy to control and smooth letting off you can see it just took about five feet to stop remember this is 6s high-powered voltage let's switch this thing down to um sport mode so sport mode takes off the front obstacle avoidance so no more front optical avoidance see that it's not going to stop for me i don't want to cut my hands off so let's see how fast this thing goes now i want to do a punch up again come on back right above the landing pad and let's punch up oh yeah it's way faster but it did you hear that limitation on the throttle pulling down holding down still and even in sport mode those bottom sensors are working great though and i don't think it wants to land same way yeah it's not going to go more than like a foot down unless you hold it so that's great but look how much power that has isn't that awesome goes up real quick but it's going slower down it's not going to be um because it can see the ground right so listen to that again when i punch it up listen to the high throttle and then it maxes out at a certain speed listen to this did you hear that maybe at about like 20 feet and it's not even going any higher i think what it is it knows it's in full stick down again [Applause] and so this is going to be really hard to crash so it's like it knows it's in controller only mode there might be a geo fence on out of the box so when i get the goggles on we'll figure all that out [Music] but here it is so you can see how much quicker i remember this has a spring-loaded throttle so it's just going to stay like a regular camera gps drone unless you open this up take out the throttle spring loosen the throttle spring and that's mainly for manual flight if you're using it in s or normal mode you want it to be in uh with this throttle spring so you can have all that safety hovering features and everything anyway that's the yaw speed a little faster you see that then with it um little faster than with it being in normal mode almost twice as fast let's fly around a little bit wow it corners quick though look at this [Music] nice so it's really quick in punching and turning and stopping in sport so man so don't go into this until you're really comfortable with the normal mode okay again no obstacle sensor in the front but just look how that thing's hovering this one is kind of loud it's like a race drone loud kind of whiny you know so it's gonna draw some attention that's for sure look at that thing looking great all the lights are you can kind of see them good because it's kind of overcast but just look at this thing turn [Music] man that's quick let's do a um kind of full throttle forward in sport and then a stop okay just a short little run i'm gonna stop it like when it's right here let's see how long it takes to stop so full forward letting off that's going to take a little longer and guess what guys i'm getting some red beeping on the lights so good initial test i'm going to fly it out here just a bit and we're going to do a return to home okay it doesn't even want to go further than that i'm pushing full stick forward so it isn't some kind of geofence since there's no goggles which is good because you can't really see it much farther than that so i'm gonna hit the return to home you just hold this in the left stick there and it's gonna fly back let's see how accurate accurate it is it landing on that h even though it's a little low power just see what happens you know kind of cool to have a super quick race drone and a gps return to home drone at the same time when you need it so you can go exploring like you know through valleys and stuff and even if it loses connection uh it will come back even if it drops connection not only pushing the return to home so it apparently looks like it's not using the bottom sensors for um you know precision landing like some of the other dji drones so i'm getting that's two feet about maybe a little less maybe a foot and a half about two feet i would say to the landing pad so just keep that in mind it's going to land within a few feet and they say that in the directions too and the instructions for this guy you can hear that fan going on let me get that close to the mic you hear that so there is a fan right here on top and it's just sucking the air through to keep it cool because as you can hear this thing is really pumping out some apps to those motor wind motors when needed battery is blinking at one um light here so that means we're low can't see your percentages right now because we don't have the goggles on oh i kind of am seeing a little bit of damage from that chair i didn't even see before you see that so these little guys just the tips just slightly bent up but nothing broke i can bend these back down so that was probably creating some drag on the battery too this one bent up just a little bit and that's it that was all the damage for that flight anyway let's get these goggles booted up and see what we can do with the goggles and then we'll throw on that motion control and really have some fun all right guys so back at the bag i just want to show you the whole process of just switching on a battery put that in another pocket grab a brand new battery this is the first charge on all of these so just double check in can do a quick check putting a new battery in clicking it in plugging it in they hit this chair right here the propeller bent down and it like marked the arm just with some red paint off of the propeller and i think that's what bent the wing ticks tips up a little bit is just by hitting its own arm kind of bent these up just a tad you know what i mean so um i do have an extra set it comes with an extra set but definitely man get some more propellers right because you will be hitting things even this one a little bit of paint rubbed off on that arm and this arm the two rights and we want to pop in these goggles we'll power them up and get going so the way we do this is they come with this little power cable and this is just like a 9 volt battery that comes with you can press it and you can check your power and then same thing like you power on all the other stuff press press and hold until you see all the lights come up and that power is on on that battery not sure if that'll turn off automatically if it senses nothing's going on but as soon as you plug this in and turn that on you can hear the fan goggles kick on you can hear that in the mic um so the goggles are on so i'm getting recording hopefully on the goggles and on the drone so hey uh where are you there you are by the way thanks for tuning in if this is the first time you're seeing video i couldn't even tell if it was recording when um when i was just flying line of sight what we'll do here is we'll start in normal mode i have normal switch on the switch and i can see on the bottom left of my screen you guys won't be able to see this but it does say end mode so i'm gonna go ahead and take off before we stop burning too much battery power you can see that the motors do spin up there in the front so you i'm not sure if you guys can see them in the view but i can in my goggles so home point updated cool remember that switch on the right now i'm clicking it the three way and i'm getting these quick camera views and then on the left roller i can roll down just nice and easy you know what i mean so if you forget where like your mid camera is you can always just click this button here up and down and it'll take you right to the center so let's fly around just pushing forward again got my goggles on and i'll have both screens up so you guys can see what my goggles are seeing and also uh what i'm seeing in the video so remember normal mode kind of has that oh cool there's an h on the screen too so it knows where it's home is i forgot about that this does have so i'm full stick forward now i'm just cruising around um i don't want to get too low because i don't want to you know run into any people let's go out of ways get above these power lines i don't want to go over any people or houses here especially with this one you know this is this thing is it seems like it weighs almost two pounds there i just let off and i will have that video up so you guys can see what's going on and now since i have the goggles connected oh look at those jacarandas down there so let's try this this button so the right clicker see that jack nice jacaranda and i'm just pushing forward again so you can see that kind of roll in the screen so that's for me kind of rolling the craft left and right with the right stick and also with the left stick while i'm going forward i'm moving it left and right so it just kind of flies like an airplane sort of in this mode let off the sticks and just completely stop that's the way the camera is working i'm gonna pull the camera back up to horizontal position hit forward again and let me tell you how fast i'm going 20 30 wow going faster than i thought it would 30 30 miles per hour so basically you can get 30. with normal mode 132 now with some wind i guess letting off and you can see how fast that slowed down and stopped it says height 40 feet and it tells you the distance in the goggles is 85 feet i can move the camera around how i want once you get the camera to your position see that and then you move forward or back the camera just stays in that position so a really good at least pitch really good at least pitch stabilization now the side to side let's see how it is i'm i'm moving the roll like real fast left and right so you guys will see that in the video and my goggles and also hopefully the drone is also recording let me go out of ways i'm going to switch into sport mode so gimbal pitch access endpoint reached when i stopped there's a little message so just kind of maxed out i can see on the bottom right how many minutes i have left to fly my battery power is 69 you guys won't be able to see this it says 11 minutes left to fly rc signals max hd signals max 24 satellites and 93 percent in the goggles and on the top right it says i've been recording for five minutes and 20 seconds switching into sport as we're flying boom sport mode obstacle avoidance is off you'll be able to hear this coming up whoa so i just let right off and did you see that it like rocked a little left to right so kind of strange maybe they can work on a few things but you know you're going to have that kind of problems with the race drone if you're just there we go let's fly back out this way 55 50 60 miles per hour screaming 61. cool so you'll be able to kind of see the side to side guys oh it just stopped on its own max flight distance reached okay uh 1620 feet fyi guys if you um probably don't mess with any of the settings i'm gonna kind of get over just this area right here i got 56 percent power remaining and what i want to do is i want to go into my goggle menu i'm just hitting the the top of my goggles here let me spin this around so you guys can see a nice view of west maui mountains you can see it's fighting a little wind to the left you see how it's tilting to the left a little there's a little wind coming from that front left um let's see settings safety altitude okay it's 1640. that's the max you can go it doesn't let you turn that off flight distance i'm gonna hit no limit there we go okay so it was at a limit by default but there is a no limit option and return to home altitude is at 300 excuse me 328 feet and you can adjust that between 66 and boy so i guess i'll just leave it uh well i want to bring it down 328's a bit high so i'm going to go to 131 there's there's just options you can't like punch in anything okay here we go so i'm gonna go back and now our distance shouldn't be limited i'm still in s mode i see on the bottom left of my goggles i'm not gonna go over these houses and i'm gonna go straight out a bit more see if we can get up to 60 yep going 60 still hd just dropped to 3 bars this isn't really a range test but i just wanted to check it out yeah and i'm i can go way further so you know if you want to do some exploring take that uh range limit off again not going over any houses here and let me just do a slow roll on the gimbal down nice so while you're exploring easily pitching the gimbal i'm going way the heck out here and as you turn you can see where a big h on the screen where your home is that's awesome i love that coming in don't want to hit the power lines but i just want to come in and do a flyby hey guys whoa did you hear that don't go over the houses gimbal pitch maxed out issue again pretty amazing let's get up a little higher so we're not this thing's noisy as you can hear you're going really fast so you see these valleys here man this is gonna be fun to like maybe explore some of these valleys right look at this 25 power low battery r2h in one second okay check that out it stopped it knows it centered its camera it knows so this does also have a low battery rth so awesome so you have all this ability let's see yeah we can move our camera up and down let's see if i do try to turn the drone nope i can't do any rolling or yawing but i can pitch the camera up and down let me try that notching pitch yep see that oh i can see the arms in my goggle a little bit i guess we'll see if you can see that in the hd video as well so this battery's at uh 19 guys it's been recording for 10 minutes and there's my spot so i have the gimbal pitched all the way down you can go a little bit more than if you just do this i'm just clicking this notching button on the right the three way but look at this even though that's maxed out on the bottom with that button it's gonna start landing now see that i just pulled it down a little more so nice so it's going to return the home and let's see how close i can't see directly below me so fyi see i can't see my landing pad but i can tell you right now i'm just looking up at it i'm turning see the landing pads over there i'll have that up in the video i just pulled the camera up myself and i can tell you right now that that landing pad is one two about four feet away so it seems like maybe the harder you fly it around the farther you go you're gonna have less accurate landing here's where you can see where it landed so technically one two technically about five feet away for that flight remember the first line of sight flight around the park a lot closer maybe two feet this time five feet so it gives you a little indication of how off this thing's gonna be but um yeah the thing it does sound like a race drone it's in the air blinking yellow because the controller is now disconnected so power this down and let's put on this motion controller put in another battery again guys i just like to show really how it is in real time doing things there's the two spent batteries of course these are awesome because they have little battery checkers you don't have to guess how how much your batteries charge or get like another little charge indicator so there we go that new battery in there this is the motion controller i did link it in my house so remember if you guys caught that um unboxing you'll see how to do all that basically it's just hold the power in when this thing's uh on and it starts blinking fast on the battery and do the same thing with this when this thing's on hold the power and it syncs the two up so let's just do a normal power up this thing comes with a lanyard if you think you're going to be flying it around so you don't drop it and it linked right up so awesome no need to do anything else that's great that you don't have to go through that whole linking process over and over again when you're switching between the two controllers okay guys so you should be able to hear me and see me in the drone camera and for this one i'm just gonna stand up so i'm gonna put this battery in my pocket with my keys here put this guy on and let's try to fly with this motion controller okay so double press the lock button to start so on the top that red button i'm going to double click it there we go the propellers are now spinning you can probably hear that and i want to push it again hold it down to launch so here we go holding down that red button and it's just going right up oh cool so i'm hearing beeping in my goggles i guess that is because it's detecting something's in front of it yeah so it's showing me in my goggles i have like orange at the top to be cautious and even on the bottom of the goggle screen i'm seeing four feet so there's something in four feet in front of it so watch this as i push the controller down and up let me get where you can see this this is kind of strange but i just wanted to show you this so you can see me in the picture and if i just push down like twist it down and up look at that camera going cool huh this is normal mode i can go through the modes just by pushing the button over here the m button okay and then as i kind of tilt my controller left to right you see how it's turning or i can go like this too i can just move my whole body left to right and keep the controller facing up so i have those two options that's cool how i'm hearing beeping in the controller so as i pull the trigger i'm pulling it slowly see that and it's just flying here you can see the controller a little better now now this is kind of weird but it's really beeping at me and telling me there's an obstacle and you can kind of see how i'm moving the controller up and down so kind of awesome you can't back up you can't roll left to right it's just gonna turn the head and you can just go forward okay so be very careful flying next to people so i'm gonna start flying i'm just pulling the trigger harder and harder and i'm seeing my home button show up on the left so i i can rotate my whole body around i just like twisted my whole body around or all i got to do is remember tilt my hand left and right um i don't i can just be facing forward and do that so this thing's going to fly wherever i kind of point this thing up or down don't want to go over any houses remember pulling the trigger hard oh this is so neat it's like a whole nother experience i want to watch out for power lines because there's a jacaranda down there see if i would down it will fly down to it and it almost seems like it lost range right there that was interesting let's see if we can change the range let me go up whoo you hear that thing screaming oh wow so i just pointed up at the sky and went up let me just go into the goggles real quick like well i got you guys here go into settings safety yeah flight distance low no limit so it's still saved the same settings as the regular controller so i have a white dot i should tell you i have a white dot in the screen like a white circle and i'm just pointing that circle wherever i want to look at and then if i pull the trigger watch this it'll just come right down at me a little bit squirrely there letting off full blast whew did you hear that so a radical experience man this is really neat but so i wouldn't i wouldn't recommend maybe close really close proximity let's go a little close to these trees here kind of neat i'm just in normal mode remember and uh yeah there's jacaranda going to go up oh neat this is so intuitive you can just get these cool like cinematic kind of flying shots you just got to be careful there's some cactus here so don't want to hit the trees right but let's just oh it detected them it's on my goggles let's see if he detects this yeah it started to slow down but it let me go past them oh that's so cool [Music] turning slowly letting off the trigger lit a little bit to go slower i'm just gonna kind of do this surrounding flight around me this is really neat guys i'm gonna switch into sport okay so letting off and just hovering you can also do there's this button here let me face me here see if that works and get closer i don't know if you'll be able to i don't have another camera on me but there we go let's go closer there's a button over here on the top it's that big gray button if i press it it see how nothing's happening it just goes pause say you want to pass the controller or you want to do something right and you don't want this thing to fly um you're good to go and then if we press pause again it gives me control back pretty cool huh so still recording awesome and um you know what let's try to take a picture real quick let me go up pointing up at the sky i don't want to go over these people's house so let's go over here i'm gonna go into sport in just a second okay guys uh but i just wanted to try some pictures so the bottom left i'm going to stop recording bottom left of the controller oh there's also a tilt for the camera but it's not going to really work um because i'm in this mode right now go up a little higher whoo that's like maximum height speed if you just point right up at the sky and then just pull the trigger fully okay here we go so i'm going to press record real quick it's gonna stop recording both goggles and the device click on that um button again on my left it starts recording but i actually wanted to take a picture sorry so this little red button by my thumb i'm going to click and hold changes it to photos don't think i've took any photos yet let's try it out photo of west maui i hear speeping in my goggles let's point this point down this way photo of that field and then west maui again but you see how the horizon is going to be off because it's fighting the wind so keep that in mind if you try to tilt it's just going to turn the drone let's try another one west maui picture and then let me go over here i'm just rocking my hand to the left and let's do like a poly-poly shot over here on maui boom see how good those pictures i'll have them popping up holding down that record button you're gonna hear two beeps it goes back into video recording pressing it once goes back into and starts recording awesome so here we go so i got this mode button two on just below that red button on the controller like i was showing you guys and uh let's turn this way and let press mode now i'm in sport mode so no obstacle avoidance let's see how this thing is maybe we'll go down in this valley a little bit i'm full trigger right now oh neat wow full trigger 62 miles per hour i will have this recording [Music] let's try to go in this valley what do you think don't crash wow this is cool oh video pixelated a little bit but look at this man i'm just like moving my hand around and flying right over this valley this is so cool watch as i kind of go in the valley oh totally shut off it pauses itself on its own i'm moving the controller around and nothing's happening see that take off pause oh it went into low battery rth okay good to know and it it's still recording is it oh it stopped goggle recording it does the same thing as a version one man that sucks so right now it's doing i can't move the camera around at all but i can i can press the brake button to cancel rth if i wanted to but i want to get the goggle recording back so i'm going to stop the drone recording and then restart there we go so it does that same stupid thing where um gosh it why is it going up so high holy smokes geez it went up oh it thinks it's only 65 feet oh yeah because it tapers down sorry so moving the controller around i can't do anything it's on its way back but what i was saying it does that same stupid thing that version one does where once you go out of range of the goggles it stops goggle recording but it keeps recording on the drone when it gets back in the range it doesn't start the goggle recording why can't they fix that that's kind of lame to me you know what i mean so if i wanted to stop this return to home i'm going to press that big gray button on the front there you go and i just canceled and now i can kind of fly like normal i'm gonna fly kind of towards us let's go down here there's a construction site right here okay i'm flying super quick oh this is awesome though man i got a little h over there i know where my home is i can just fly right towards it it's almost like you're flying an airplane wow it detected that but it of course it's not gonna stop oh neat okay let's come on back takes a while to get used to this what it is super cool so you guys keep an eye on that video the whole time i was flying so you can see what's up i'm gonna go into normal mode i'm just hitting that gray small button on the top back in the normal so there's not going to be any manual for this i hear kids around i just want to make sure they're not next to me and look at this so it's using those sensors right to keep itself off the ground let's see if it hits the ground full trigger whoa you can get some neat low shots oh okay now it's it's demanding i return to home so it just cut me out of control and it's gonna fly back so apparently if it's close to you it's not going to go to your rth height boy don't hit me uh otter auto rth interrupted by obstacle so it just stopped and gave me control back okay go around myself let's see if it keeps trying to do an auto rth this is so cool look how low you can go see what happens here oh it's at 10 okay good low battery a good low battery voltage check here is there a net in here i don't see one let's try to fly through it oh that's so easy just moving your controller around battery output insufficient what's it gonna do okay so if you're at a park make sure there's a guy walking over there don't want to hit him six percent whoa okay battery too low landing you see that it just jerked itself around i'm gonna go ahead and get back to my home point here i'm just controlling it still yeah you can still push forward and it cuts it stops it from going down until you let off the throttle let me show you that so i'm pushing the trigger letting off and then it's going to land that's so cool make sure under and press and hold the lock button to land okay so there's a red button right here in the controller i'm going to press and hold it [Music] super easy man guess what guys zero percent power we need a zero percent and it's still recording so super cool man that um that motion control is just so fun i think it's even more fun than the regular controller so anyway that's battery number three let's go ahead and do a um sit down do a pros and cons with this thing and i'll tell you what i i think that was just super fun so we really exhausted that battery i'll go ahead and have the flight times for all three flights pop up on the screen at the end of each flight keep in mind the harder you push this thing you're going to suck that battery down way faster it is going to get a little bit of lift and kind of gliding ability when you're moving with these like i was saying these teardrop arms that kind of give it a little bit of lift but this thing is heavy remember this is not meant to soar it's gosh it does honestly feels like two pounds so went through these three batteries and i gotta say man this is gonna be like the pros and cons i had such a more fun time flying with this motion controller than i did originally and i've been flying with a regular drone controller i mean if you're gonna do like manual mode you didn't get into manual mode on this flight so probably gonna do another review of just the manual mode i'm not the best manual mode flyer and it's it's kind of hard for a lot of people to fly a manual and it takes a lot of practice to get it right again if you did want to go into manual they give you that allen wrench in the box you just pop this open loosen these two f1 and f2 screws and it will take out your throttle spring so you can fly that full manual mode when you buy this thing you're gonna have to get it with this controller but i think this is like a hundred bucks if i if i'm not mistaking 100 or 150 or something this thing is just so neat to fly around with i honestly think i'm going to be flying with this and just enjoying the flight a lot better you could see me going through those valleys remember down not way down inside of it because when that happened since it was at distance you can see that the fpv hopefully the goggles got a little bit jittery and you can see that breakup in the goggles how that was happening and that's gonna happen when you're going a distance and you got earth between you and the drone because i was going down into the valley you know if you're behind a few trees and stuff and buildings you're going to get a little bit of a break up but not as bad as if you go into the earth so but i can't man i can't say enough how fun that is with the motion controller you're really going to need to experience it yourself hopefully my experience kind of shared that with you so you kind of know how it's going to be the goggle battery remember we only used it for two flights and it only has um one led gone this is definitely going to last you the three batteries if you get the flamewar kit with the three batteries the goggles pretty cool but man a con they still haven't fixed that problem where you drop connection it stops recording your goggles and it keeps recording the drone even when you get back into connection so they really gotta work on like the programming to make sure that this will just auto start recording again when it comes back in connection because that's a real hassle to have to stop recording the whole thing both the drone and the goggles and then re-record and then you can have both recording again so kind of a lame feature that they haven't fixed yet or a problem that they haven't fixed yet didn't do any range testing this time it kind of felt like this one's not going to give you as much range of course you have a flip up antenna on this controller no problems way the heck out there but when i i think it was one time when i started to turn at a distance out there um i had like one glitch where it seemed like it lost connection for a second so i would say that this one is going to get you way less range than this guy with its big antenna on here and we're going to do those range tests in the videos to come so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss the series on all this stuff we're doing range tests i'm going to do more cinematic videos i live in hawaii on maui so i'm going to get some beach videos cliff cruising and i really want to test it with this because man that is just going to be so fun cruising through the cliffs in the ocean it is noisy it is a high-powered 6s drone so you're going to have that noise issue if you're around people it might be kind of annoying that front obstacle avoidance did work pretty well uh in normal mode that's when it will slow down in sport mode and manual it will show you the obstacles on the screen like it'll have like flashing and distance bar but it will not avoid them in sport and manual so you got to keep track of that when i was getting close some of these trees coming back those jackranos were just beautiful those purple leaf trees um when i was coming kind of close to the tree in sport mode i did see flashing and i heard beeping so it at least it tells you you're getting close to some stuff didn't put on those arm braces didn't really need to for this flight but you could see how easy i mean the the most proximity i really did was flying over the treetops a little and then coming under this non-net goal post and that was super simple man with that with the motion controller even though it was in normal mode you know detected some of the stuff glitched for a second because it was getting close but if you went into sport mode and did that it would just go right through and so we're going to get more into that in one of the other videos too we're going to try more close proximity even with the motion controller i can see how that's going to be really fun as well for kind of a new experience guys like more high speed cruising experience especially with the motion controller i know i keep saying that but it's just you gotta do it it's super fun and i had a good time with this initial review sorry it's a little bit overcast not the best views today but i think we really did kind of put it through its initial paces with all the controllers all the batteries we got to see video i took some pictures and you kind of got the um gist of how this whole thing works so again we'll get into it in videos to come and don't forget all the stuff i review is always down in the description down below so check those links support my channel and also have the card pop up too for the series on the dji fpv drone super fun different but i can see how i'm gonna have a lot more fun with this in the videos to come thanks for watching guys and see you in the next one [Music] hey got a visitor today hey doggy hi a little visitor oh i got plastic i don't have any treats you guys still here well why not see how this thing is to break down let's see how fast this is if you're kind of in a rush or if you're not i'm just going to do it as fast as i can so gimbal cover always protect that camera i'm just going to leave the memory card in here i'm going to leave this battery in and uh just undoing the propellers see how fast these things come off one two three even in the crash remember it crashed into this chair they didn't pop off so that's awesome and uh really minimal little lip damage to the propeller that i just bent back anyway the drone goes right here this is where i i'm putting this thing in the front top extra case right there and then i've got the goggles unplug this again there's an sd card in there i'm going to take out when i get home that's what you guys will be watching this footage from actually i want to go this way there we go so goggles nicely in there and uh by the way remember this is the dji fpv bag if you guys want to get one of these it seems perfect for this drone that's going to go in the front pocket this guy just goes like this this goes over it so you can have two controllers i'm gonna go ahead and take off these sticks because they seem to kind of get uh jammed up in this bag and they do give you an extra set of these sticks if you just so happen to lose one in the grass or something that fits there perfectly two other batteries boom boom easy in there and now all we got to do is put our propellers and stuff in the front so this is the main the main uh cavity here of the backpack flipping it up and where is it there it is this front thing kind of goes down and then doesn't really zip all the way down it just kind of folds over i have the propellers in here i know i had two sets but i'm not sure where my other set it's probably somewhere in this bag just forgot where i put it so set up propellers in there of course you can just throw them in the main bag if you wanted to like that and then i got my little allen wrench in this pocket with the fpv goggle battery and my other allen wrench set in case i want to put on those extra strong arm braces for when i try and manual mode that's it look at that zip it back up that's it ready to go all right guys thanks for watching
Channel: Dustin Dunnill
Views: 306,832
Rating: 4.8398161 out of 5
Keywords: dji fpv flight review, dustin dunnill dji fpv, dji fpv drone flight review, dustin dji, dji fpv drone, dji fpv flight test, dji fpv drone test, dji fpv drone review, Dji fpv drone racing, dji fpv quad, dji drone racing, How to dji fpv, drone racing, dji fpv, dji fpv drone flight time, dustin dunnill, dji motion controller, dji fpv flight tutorial, dji fpv drone crash, fpv drone, dji fpv combo, fpv, dji, dji drones, dji fpv goggles v2, v2 goggles, Dji fpv drone sport mode
Id: 5dJ_8YqAIT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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