DJI MINI 2 Range Test with MINI 1 Battery - How Far Will It Go? (Bonus Search & Rescue!)

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so we're at two percent power geez we still have almost a mile to go holy crap hey guys thanks for tuning in check it out it's another evening range test with the mavic mini 2. i've been mentioning i wanted to test this thing with the mini one battery now this is a different type of technology this is the hard cell lithium ion the mini 2 does have lithium polymer batteries now to make it underweight under 250 grams so this is actually over 250 with this old battery but one thing i noticed is this battery could drain way lower so somehow the software in here knows this is a lithium ion hard cell battery and i could take the voltage way down like 2.5 volts even compared to uh the stock battery which this thing will only let you go down to about 3.6 3.5 ish until it has to try to land so we're gonna just see how this goes i mean it might be a little bit risky here and we might who knows we might lose it today i haven't tried this yet with the old mini one battery but um didn't want to keep you guys waiting too long i know i said i'd do it it's a pretty nice day here on maui in hawaii um same spot i always do my range test we're getting some breeze maybe about five variable coming from this direction so we're gonna fly into the wind anyway let's get started with mini two range test with the mini one battery let's do it okay guys i just got this guy booted up now you'll notice i'm on a little bit of a more precarious rock wall here and it's really unstable so i'm just going to try to launch this thing from my like memory card tupperware and it seems to be pretty stable it's already booted up so let's just see how this goes again recording the android screen here so this is the latest update um as of the time you're seeing this video so you should have no problems there wow that's a really white video isn't it what i want to do there it is okay down on the bottom right i'm hitting that manually manual button turning it to auto and let's start recording and quickly start our flight okay without any more power being burnt let's go for it so kind of precarious here what we're going to try to lift off on this tupperware seem to lift off fine and i just want to immediately fly that way as you can see getting a little washed out with that auto camera i'm going to try to pull it up a little bit it's wanting to kind of go down and we're going to keep going up slowly just kind of hugging the side of the mountain here you can see on the android it does still have that little compass over there on the bottom and wow it's really yeah the sun's just shining right into the camera i guess let's bring this down a little bit so we can not be so washed out i think what's happening is yeah my ev is way high so let me turn this down that was the problem see how i'm turning this down to zero so there we go so just flying over the countryside we're gonna get really country and just a couple of minutes here kind of hug in the side of the mountain here so that we don't fly too high i want to keep it you know as much under 400 feet as we can i think i went around 200 feet in my last flight so i'm going to try to get up there right around 200 so it's kind of a comparison flight so just slowly go up to 200 feet there we go keep it at 200 through this whole flight and i'm just trying to really um point the controller right at the drone you can see we're already at 90 percent power 89 power so um who knows this may get less range with these old batteries and i'm thinking it probably will because this drone is tuned um for those newer batteries right so it's a little bit heavier with these older batteries let's just see how it goes who knows maybe it'll push through the wind a little better on the way out there again guys i'm just in normal mode we're not in sports mode so we're just going to a pretty slow 22 miles per hour you can see there on the bottom left there you know so i'm not going too fast but you know welcome aboard here we are with the flight test rangeflight with the mavic mini 2 and the mini one battery inside reaching one mile so we're at one mile already and i'll have that up on the screen so that's 5280 feet is one mile and then um i'll have that up in kilometers and also miles for you guys up on the screen when i do hit those milestones for each mile so i like to just move my gimbal a little bit again guys we're recording in 4k so it's using a little bit of power and i'm also moving the gimbal just to see how much in control i am at this distance a lot of people say no that's not a good range flight because you're using more power but it's like you know what why would you even want to go far out if you can't do anything there's no sense to that to me you want to be able to go and take some video move your camera around and so this really gives you a real world situation range test yeah you may squeeze out a little bit more you know just by not recording video and not moving your gimbal at all but what's the point of that so that's basically my justification for how i do my range tests let's see if we can go up oh yeah so i do have the gimbal set to um you can see how it's going about 9 10 degrees higher than horizon that's kahoot lava out there and there's a little molokini there in the center of the screen out in the water and this is the island of maui so we are getting a breeze i mean i'm not sure if you guys can hear that in the mic but there is a bit of breeze coming in um towards us now so we're just gonna barely nip the edge of this um subdivision here that's like the last subdivision way out there so yes as you can see i'm moving the gimbal a little bit just to give us an idea of how good of control we have and all the while i'm looking down at the center of my screen on the bottom and if you notice i move the controller left and right you see where the drone is in that arc so i want to make sure the drone is right in front of me or the the flyer the user which is that little dot right there so you want to make sure your drone is like right in that little you see that little radiation cone in front of the dot try to keep your drone right there and that's gonna be your best signal at range so just approaching two miles um we're at ten thousand four hundred feet so right around here we should be at two miles and i'll have that pop up there on the screen so you guys can see the footage and the kilometers for you guys in europe if you wanted to see how far we are up on the top right i was seeing the rc signal it's starting to flash red a little bit you see that so it's getting a little low i mean there's really nothing here um at 200 feet except for um there's a couple of telephone lines crossing me here other than that it's straight shot to the drone um so popping a little bit into the red if i just kind of move the controller slightly around you know i might be able to get that back to white that signal indicator up there at the top but um as you can see let's see what our video is like whoops the aircraft okay it wants to return to home i'm gonna press cancel okay um because we're still at what what percentage are we still at where's our percentage here it says we still have 14 minutes to fly um oh yeah 64. okay yeah it's it's in that circle so it's thinking it's drawing see that top circle by the flight time left it's thinking that it's drawing um too much power to return to home but i know we're going into the wind so i should be able to go down to like 50 to 40 percent before we sh really should have to turn around so we're approaching three miles here guys um wow was i able to get this far with the other one i think i thought it was around three uh but who knows we may lose this one because i'm pushing it too hard with these lithium ions moving the gimbal slightly so you guys can see the connection moving it up now cows over there this is all just kind of ranch land so nothing really to be in danger of here so we'll just keep it forward for a while wow it just turned to the right a bit on its own look at that it's turning maximum flight distance reached okay maximum flight distance what really do i need to go into my settings wow no limit okay quick oh man let's see if we can keep going out boy for some reason on that update it reset the flight distance sorry about that guys i'm gonna keep on going out if we lose this one we lose this one but see how it turned to the right a little bit on its own that was weird a little anomaly there i just turned it back to the left the tab but we still have there's our gimbal we still have fluid control fluid video man i'll have that video up on the screen so you guys can see that what i'm seeing on my phone it just looks fantastic so we're past three miles and it says we have 53 left we're going 22 miles per hour still so there's really just a tiny bit of wind guys look at this that's what we're flying over just really dry part of maui and with the cows there you can hear them really dry desert area we're flying over this is between kula and uh wailea and you can see that haze there's there's a volcano erupting on the big island of hawaii in kilauea not a huge eruption but it's making some volcanic haze that comes over to maui so 50 all right should we push it what do you think two 45 or 40. man let's just try to go to 45 maybe because this has occu sync 2 right so really there's there's um it's apparent that there's no problem with signal even at three to four miles i mean they do advertise this thing can go um the signal is solid at four miles but it's just the battery right so i think to be safe maybe i'll go still moving the gimbal yep still fine wow i'll go to like 45 percent man i'm getting nervous there's gonna be another gut wrencher um we'll go to 20 man let's try to get four miles what do you guys say boy those cows are making me nervous we're at 45 we're at two twenty thousand feet uh four miles would be 280 times four that would be like 21. let's go to 21 000 feet starting to get nervous 44 percent holy crap pardon my french moving the gimbal still have fluid control out at this distance no problem whatsoever 21 000 feet guys there we go we're 42 what do you think let's go ahead and bring it on home okay so i'm gonna let off the stick and immediately press and hold return to home so it should immediately just turn back 41 percent dude are we going to make this come on start getting some speed oh i am getting scared now but you can see how we're on the side of a mountain so it's tilted to the left you can see that cloud line is pretty level so that's the gimbal is fine if you guys were wondering still in perfect control um i am kind of nervous though because we're 38 power but look at this we're coming back at 23 almost 23 and a half miles per hour so that means we did have like a headwind of one to two miles per hour so coming back with the wind i do believe it will save some power because if you remember i'll have my first video guys pop up on the range test of the mini 2 with the stock battery and if you remember on that one i turned around too soon and i had like gosh what was it like 15 to 20 percent power left and i was just flying around testing some features so with this one um i'm pushing it a little more because of that headwind so it's basically just calculating you know roughly calculating it's going to be using less power on the way back so we can push it more into the wind so might be a real big risk but i'm willing to take it just to really see how far we can push this battery when i tested it at this at home in a hover test too this was actually before the latest update this is the latest latest update as of this video from dji but when i tested at home comparing the new mavic mini 2 batteries and the old mini 1 batteries like i was saying the mini one allowed me to go way the heck lower voltage than the mini two battery mini one battery was allowing me to go way lower so i think i'll be able to just kind of push it home even if the word like zero percent we can still push forward i don't want to put it into sport because sport you know it's you're kind of gambling there you don't necessarily want to do that because it's going to just eat up so much more power and there's going to be way more wind resistance because the the drone tilts more right so i don't necessarily want to do that um i know we're already using power for recording and uh and all this stuff so again just to check the gimbal real quick yeah so no problem there you can see that we're going just on the edge of that subdivision i think that's the hawaiian home subdivision there up in kula all the way at the bottom so just below that in the pasture land nobody's in dire of this thing falling out of the sky for those of you who are wondering so i'm really not too worried about um those kinds of things as far as when you're flying in the boonies out in the middle of nowhere that sort of things if you know what i mean anyway um get a little nervous boy 26 oh crap so are we gonna make it man okay well we came we got back about a and we ate up like 10 in that mile so we you know we might just be able to do it i mean we went down to 42 right before we turned around right around there 43 42. again i will have had the the um the mileage popping up the maximum distance we flew out so you can double that as far as the total flight distance but just from the user out to the farthest point i'll have that pop up when we reach that point and i turned around and also just go ahead and have that pop up now just so you can remember how far this thing went i believe it was over four miles um 21 over 21 000 feet should just be about four miles if we times a 528 feet times four yeah we should have gone just about four miles and that was really honestly i i had to stop and in the air and then i had to go into my settings and remember i had to take off the limit for some reason that was set so i had to take that off 19 and we have two miles left to go about boy we already got two miles on the way back we already burned two miles that's good we might be okay as long as this thing doesn't start to land i'm looking at the height on the bottom left guys if you keep an eye on that as well as the distance and the speed still recording in 4k i'm just going to move the gimbal a little so you guys know i'm still in control moving down move it up nice so definitely a risky flight but our flight path there's really nothing it can drop on if it does some for some reason fall out of the sky it's so rural out here in the boonies that there's really no um risk of anything out here so we're just going to keep on going keeping an eye on 15 percent now i'm starting to get nervous can we do it at 15 it says we have three and a half minutes of flight time left we do have breeze to the back of the drone going with the drone so we have that in our favor it's not trying to drop yet we're going to be coming in hot and just landing it i'm just going to land it right here down here in the grass because i don't want to damage this battery anymore than i have to but did you see that man this ocusync 2 link technology is just unbelievable so it's really just the battery that's limiting us oh crap okay low battery i don't want to confirm the landing landing oh crap critically low battery i'm gonna push forward here and i'm gonna slowly push up did you see it going down really quick now we're down to like 150 i'm gonna hold it up just really slightly i'm pushing throttle up a little bit uh because it would have landed over there and it just dropped its mile per hour so it's only at 13 now so boy it looks like we got a ways to go still we got over a mile and nine percent maybe we can do it okay i gotta keep an eye on this height because i have to keep my thumb going up on the stick to make sure this thing doesn't just keep dropping and then land so seven percent power you see on the top right it's saying we only have a minute and 30 seconds left we'll see what happens when that happens i can kind of see i can kind of see the park i need to get out in the screen there turn to the right just a little bit mm-hmm uh but again man this is gonna be uh to the wire one again guys but i think the calculations were pretty darn close geez we still have over a mile to go what the hell 47 seconds left i'm gonna try to go like one foot per second up just so that if it does force land you know what i mean it has that time to come down because we are getting really close here we may need to land it on a street or road or something at least this thing has find my drone right so we're at two percent power jeez we still have almost a mile to go holy crap oh okay it's not letting me push up anymore i'm just pushing directly forward as far as i can so i'm gonna need to find an area scope an area to land oh man that's too bad not quite making it i really need to scope out an area here maybe we'll just land on the side of the highway so i know where i can get this thing come on baby keep going keep going i don't want to go into house that's for sure so i'm gonna go right over here in between these trees man we're like we're so close too just like maybe a half a mile away so we're gonna have to land in this field right guys and i'm losing signal because the mountain is basically blocking it so there we go our aircraft is not connected anymore so um i just let off the stick and it's going to land there so man we were like half a mile away so you got to be careful with these lithium-ion batteries so that's it lost it in the field hopefully i can get come off the highway and walk down in there right here find my drone and there it is missing duration so we can click here on the layers we can go into mix so we have a satellite and the roads so boy it wasn't as far up the highway as i thought so i'm going to have to go off the highway down my ale road and then i'm going to have to go into the field here and get it yes i know cows gosh i did not calculate that as perfect as i thought i did because we still have that far to go there's the park see that so anyways i'm gonna go try to drive over and find this thing anyway let's get there as soon as possible right so uh it doesn't get dark and it doesn't rain on it there's supposed to be some rain tonight we will turn in here is this it are we there come on maps yeah okay run ollie that was pretty close i always gotta carefully drive down here and this is you know i don't recommend this because you probably want to have somebody else in the car with you because you're kind of trying to look at the screen and drive at the same time so we'll just go real slow so i want to be getting to a point that um allows me access to that field i might have to go through a fence but oh well i've got my handy flip-flops on too that'll be fun right it's like rocking back back and forth i guess because uh oh it's keeping north that's why let's take the north off there we go it was like trying to keep my direction so i just took that arrow off to the right and now it's not so irritating going side to side okay we're almost there we just had an update man where do i want to hop the fence though i don't want to piss anybody off right i think it's gonna have to be right around this area well sorry i'm just kind of nervous right now guys because this is like the first time well this is i think this is the second time i've done this as far as kind of losing a drone and having to ditch it um the first time well maybe the third first time was way up in poly-poly and i had to remember it was the um sarafi that old like phantom one style drone and i had to um ditch it in the forest and man i had to hike through the crazy forest at least this is in like clear pasture land farmland so not too bad yeah i'm not gonna be able to park here i could probably ask those guys but i really need to find a place to pull over like right here you see now we're going too far down so oh maybe right here we do have 4x4 so maybe we can just pull right right behind here and just walk which way do i gotta go i have to go up i want let me go in that way just directly up the hill i guess okay well i'm gonna take i'm gonna park here and take this thing with me looks like we're getting closer it's gonna go this way make sure i can find my truck okay i can't see my truck easy from up the hill so we're not going to lose the truck we're in the right area see this here getting closer that's for sure this is kind of where i lost it and if the battery's dead it's not going to let me do the flashing it's not going to let the controller connect so i'm just going to have to hopefully see it yeah it's got to be somewhere around here guys because i remember i was going up still pushing forward after it disconnected a little bit it's got to be somewhere close come on where are you where are you mavic mini it must have turned off there it is is that it yeah check it out guys there she blows a little bit off of where the map says there see but that's how you do it it gets you in the vicinity if it had power it would have been super easy just to track it so you guys would have seen that whole search and rescue and recording the screen let me get down to the truck see the truck down there so not too bad of a hike and then we'll try to um we'll do a little pros and cons in the truck but man am i glad i found it thank goodness i'm not even a 10 minute walk that was like five minutes straight shot so works pretty good no harm no foul nobody um came to talk to me i don't think anybody cares i think they could see i that holding the drone on the way back so anyway there you have it guys the flight test of the mavic mini 2 with the mavic 1 battery definitely a little bit more risky i pushed it to like below 45 and if i would have done that with the original battery i would have made it back i have no doubt but we'll try that with the with the mavic mini 2 battery and see if we have the same problem so stay tuned for that video and don't forget to check out my other videos on the mavic mini 2 and also links in description of where you can get this bad boy and all the other gear i use in my videos so stay tuned i'll see you in the next reviews thanks for watching [Music] look at the propellers there are no scuffs whatsoever so even though the satellite imagery i could kind of see how i was in the field i had no idea where this thing was landing and there's no dirt or scuffs at all on it so apparently it chose where to land itself whether it be luck or it just kind of perfectly landed there's not even a tiny scuff on any of the propellers even indicating it hit like a branch of grass or anything so really lucked out on this one so for those of you who were wondering how that find my drone feature works i was able to get within it seemed like about 50 feet of it even though uh we were still pretty high when it was running out of power and the reason why that happened where my connection dropped was because i was going through the earth by the time it hit the ground so drone is perfectly fine so anyway i hope you guys really enjoyed that was kind of like a journey we went through for the range test and everything and i hope you enjoyed that and we checked off a lot of features you wanted to know about this drone and how far you could push it and how it worked on the mini one batteries
Channel: Dustin Dunnill
Views: 159,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mavic mini 2 range test, mavic mini dustin, mini 2 range test, dji mini 2 range test, mini 2 distance test, dustin dji mini 2, mini mavic 2 range test, mini 2 how far, dustin dunnill, mavic mini 2 long range, mini 2 range, mini 2, dji mini, mini 2 long range test, mavic range test, mavic mini, mini 2 test, dji mini 2 flight test, mavic mini 2 test, Mavic mini 2, mini 2 dji, dji mini 2, dji, mini 2 drone, dji mini 2 review, Find my drone dji, drone search & rescue, Uav
Id: 88kV8qBLKmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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