DJ Drama, Cassidy & Michael Blackson On Lil Uzi Vert, The 'Gangsta Grillz' Era & More | Drink Champs

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[Music] hey what up mr thanksgiving has made it to drink champs yours truly dj drama yeah yeah yeah this cassidy bars is back i'm on the drink jam what's up mother suckers this is your african king of comedy michael blackson i got on drink champ and i'm drunk that [ __ ] kiss my ass when i saw guys [Music] drink chips what's good dj efn and this is drink champs yeah i would make something [Applause] now i mean you know we're a fan of putting you know things together that makes sense that don't make sense at the same time yes one brother we had is a legend he's a dj he's broke mixtape grounds he's the first raid ever fans came and got in when i listened to two chains to it i'll be fresh as hell when the friends watch it like you always think about you i don't know why um went on to put on a guy who has a diamond ring in his head his forehead and he put on a whole bunch of other people he's a legend and he's in the middle of a controversy beef they're going to get to the bottom with the dream chat today there's a couple of them we're gonna get to in case you all know we talking about dj now the other other one is a legendary rapper signed to the homeboy swiss beast went through a lot of things you know still in the game you know what i mean uh a lot of things that's happened that hasn't been answered in his career as well but he's also a legendary fully uh he's a bar lord lyricist to the lyricist and he's very in tune with god in case you don't know what i'm talking about somebody legendary [Applause] now the other one is a comedic genius i actually thought that he was not from africa but when i like googled he is from africa and then he moved people started claiming him as haitian earlier i don't know but i went watch this man this man and he's surviving through the pandymic man a lot of people are hurting man a lot of people you know what i mean they can't get today people that can't get today fans this man is a genius and and and his stand up a genius in his uh uh instagram a genius just overall any role he played man you know from having beef with pinky and all that you know what i'm saying in case you don't know what i'm talking about so let's break down philadelphia right now all of your brothers are philadelphia right philadelphia is the city of brotherly love that seem to not have brotherly love is that stigma is that accurate yes i mean it's been accurate ever since you know i was born and raised there like i don't know if it's if it's like the gift and the curse of us having the name the city of brotherly love but you know one thing about philly is like we've always had so much talent but you know me moving out i guess i was able to see i think a lot of it is just the facts that there's not as many outlets as other places you know what i'm saying so you know there's been a thing through the years of people saying like you got to leave philly to kind of get on or you know this mentality of philly having this like a uh uh crab in a barrel type of which are a lot of cities you live in l.a and you live in atlanta yeah you still live in philly um cass are you in jersey now i'm in atlanta now you wanna look at this guy nigga's gonna leave philly to be somebody that's [ __ ] up let's make some noise was when you was [ __ ] up if you used to be a certain way if you used to be dirty or if a [ __ ] beat you up before something they know about your history so when they see you accomplish it and then you become successful that love that they used to have for you could it could start off they excited like oh my [ __ ] doing something but then they see you really winning you running around the world you getting money jealousy [ __ ] then they get mad cause they don't got no plan some [ __ ] with plans get inspired and encouraged but some [ __ ] that don't got no plan to know don't know where they gonna turn and they see other [ __ ] doing it they get discouraged so that's why you got to leave your city because when [ __ ] see you in different cities they only know you from the [ __ ] that you is now they don't know your history or what you used to do so sometimes you'll be having a clean slate and it'd be easier to do it like that like you reborn like born again even go back to the stirs in the bible jesus had to leave where he was from to get recognition and all that man our ancestors was telling us about their sins back in the day so ain't [ __ ] changed michael blacks do you feel the same i mean that's i think that's for every city right i mean ain't nobody most rappers die in their own city right like well yeah it's not possible but um i mean i think well besides like you going to like a place like new york new york is a great place for entertainment atlanta and l.a i mean there's only three places entertainers go to wow so you know ain't no you never heard a [ __ ] that's popping in god's in jackson mississippi [ __ ] if you eat jackson you gotta get the [ __ ] out of the jackets every city you gotta leave i think the city brother you love i guess it just means you know i never really did a research on why it's called brotherly love i know for a fact if i never moved to philly i would not be where i am today right so i all the love to philly sometimes it's all about where you're where you're from that raise you let me make sure you are and philadelphia made me the great comedian that i am you know coming from africa and moving to philly definitely changed my life so i do say cup i got that same story but okay kind of the opposite like put this on philly is what made me like i wouldn't be who i am wasn't for being born and raised and growing up and feeling having you know the hustler's mentality like you know the city the arts that we have coming from the city but then coming to atlanta and being able to accomplish what i did you know it's kind of a historic book too like this kid from philly comes and you know i asked for one cup not the whole cops [ __ ] you know that kind of changes like you know southern southern rap history you know what i'm saying [ __ ] philly you know some similar story but just in a different way so let's be clear man what's going on with you on uzbert man because um it just feels i just felt like he um yeah y'all not on the same level you ain't got nothing to do with the 24 karat [ __ ] in his forehead he's definitely gonna hold another level he's on a whole nother level twenty four off there's a lot of [ __ ] when you saw the 24 carat diamonds like how much of that did i make happen like what what did you say what did you think i thought it was genius thought it was genius yeah i think like like uzi has been doing since the beginning of his career he's just like you know he's he's a master at um of attracting attention what i'm saying and like you know i saw him say like you know when he saw the diamond he was like i'm a little uzi like i can't just put that on my finger i gotta put that on my [ __ ] head so and that's just the type of that's the type of like individual he's always been like you know he was he was a rock star from the beginning so to see where he's at now and you know to watch him put a diamond in his ears like what that old [ __ ] right there well maybe you ain't exactly understanding my question the rumor is he got lit and he left is that i mean you got to keep it real drama at some point you got to address this [ __ ] you got to stop being light-skinned and like i've been talking about it recently like you know i mean the thing with us is that you know me and cannon and lake and you know generation now like when a lot of it was going on we kind of would sat silent you know and never really like was public and you know we didn't really want to get in anything like a public situation and honestly like you know like to this day i still got really public about it remember he wasn't you know i know what i'm talking about absolutely like yeah he put the tweets on everything so you know he created a certain narrative you know i'm saying in a situation like that when you know uzi is you know one of the biggest artists in the world like it wasn't even a space or a place for me to really for us to feel like we had to defend ourselves like we know where we come from we know we do good business you know what i'm saying and like if there's any is there's a personal situation i can't help that like you know i can't help how the guy might feel about me personally but i know when it comes to business or i think it was like they they said y'all was holding his music yeah we're in the business of putting music out right so you know holding the music up would not help us and no no no i always wondered that like cash like i always wanted that like sometimes when a rumor is not true about you right why wouldn't you just address the rumor just immediately but people train you not to right i don't i know i have publicly i mean but but i feel like discussing it then would it wouldn't have been in the space because again his successes are success right we're still in business with a little uzi verb so that's what i'm saying come to death row records so it's black on champagne right there make some noise for jay-z and that deal that's just happened man i'm so proud man i'm so proud that we could take our coaching and and the people outside our culture has to recognize and buy into our culture and be a part of our culture because that's saying this for real if they can't beat us they got to join us goddammit but um you're still getting money money with them but is this your first time an artist was just was was you know um scrumptious um well i mean it's a different situation it's always gonna happen because yeah i mean i think that happens all the time but you know uzi was literally our our first artist that was signed to our label so i mean we came out of the gate like with a super win like you know with success so you know obviously we i would have wanted to go a different way you know what i mean like with our quote-unquote first artist per se you know what i'm saying and you know putting the label on his back and you know champion generation now but it didn't go that way but it's fine because like you know the the thing about it in the the reason i can speak positively about it is because you know since that situation you know we've went on and and created another superstar and you know what i'm saying like who jack holder yeah jack harlow and you know put it in perspective like you know what i mean like um i've been here a long time like this is what i do i'm cut from the cloth so but you know we're to keep going make some noise for that i'm gonna bring you up because you even went through a discrepancy with swiss at one point how did that start and how did y'all end there correct that no me and swiss never went through a discrepancy that's a misunderstanding that the world got okay i guess they think when people separate you know i'm saying they had to go through some misunderstanding or some type of problem right but me and swiss we never even argued before we never had no misunderstanding never beefed with swiss before we never had no confrontations you know i'm saying so that was definitely in the public's eye we just yeah we just parted ways as businessman i wanted to go in a different direction and he was going in we didn't agree in the direction that we wanted to go in for my career so we just decided to part ways and just go in different directions but it's all love it was never i think that's called discrepancy though but i'm gonna let you get away with it though yeah like differences that's what the discrepancies are like in the business i learned how you got to separate the two when i first got in it i was a young boy i was 17 so i used to look at it the same i looked at all of the rappers that i looked up to as street [ __ ] so when they were saying all of the [ __ ] that they were saying i believed it so when i got in the business and [ __ ] was calling you they brothers saying they love you and [ __ ] with you cause you in the limelight i thought that [ __ ] was true i really actually believed it i i looked at it like it was a street [ __ ] telling me the same [ __ ] right but i learned how the business go and i learned it's a complete separation from the business and what [ __ ] say to you and sometimes [ __ ] say whatever they got to say to you to continue to do good business so once i learned that i learned i had to do what was best for me and my brand and all of the time was best for me and my brand don't coincide with what swiss trying to do at the time and that's the reason why we partnered with that and i ain't no not michael blacksman one time this is one time one time only i thought you went too far okay what did i do my [ __ ] this [ __ ] is called drink chicken you know what you didn't need a lot of what you want to kill you you do say [ __ ] no no let it do with me personally okay um i'm watching you on the breakfast club right and this is when kevin o'hara this is the first time i felt sorry for kevin hart even though i know he'd know he's rich as rich as [ __ ] but this is the first time because you know as a married man i i know that this they can be slip-ups or something like that i haven't had one but i know that it can be slip-ups i know that none of us is perfect right i know that come on y'all [ __ ] i'm walking a very thin line listen i know that none of my head put that back in here gotta stay on ice so i know that none of us is perfect so i felt like comedians should have gave kevin hart the benefit of the doubt [ __ ] that nobody gets a break [ __ ] snitching on himself like oh okay kev when it happened nobody knew yet but you know he tried to tell us in the head in advance so i said [ __ ] you're snitching yourself don't snowman you had to pull out the tape huh because it hasn't put out he admitted to it before i guess he knew the tape was coming out so he tried to you know tell us in advance and i it just the way he did it was funny to me right and nobody gets a break with me is it ever too soon of a joke like like um i mean if somebody dies in yeah okay you know but besides that man i don't okay so knocked out and this is your homie okay um are you supposed to call him and be like yo you know i'm about to make a joke on you or you just go in i you know it depends if you guys communicate on the regular me and kev yeah we're cool but we don't like we don't like talk on the regular at that moment at that point wasn't talking on the regular so i mean i probably if i was it was somebody i was talking about a regular you know i probably did that caller you know i might have liked your ass up be prepared but we don't really communicate on the regular so i just said you know i just went in and just but did kev call you and be like damn bro you couldn't give me the pass no no he didn't yeah if you don't call me i'd probably give him a pass because this is like it's fair game i didn't think he had a problem with it i saw it on the breakfast club okay you know i just thought he i'm just you know i'm just being a comedian yeah i saw it on the bumper club too yeah yeah yeah i thought you went too far i thought his reaction too was like oh [ __ ] damn cause i you know i think comedians like battle rappers like battle rappers have no feelings right or do y'all have feelings like when y'all going and you're spitting against each other like you know what i mean like the thing about everybody make fun of him maybe his own friends did they just have a bigger platform so when i make fun of him millions people see it and that's probably what really hey come on comedian man you can't be sensitive i'm not saying nothing could hurt my feelings [ __ ] all right god damn god damn so now drama we're going to get into it right now boomerang drake smashed your girl jesus well which other way i was supposed to say drake had sexual relations with a girl that was affiliated with you all of a sudden meek philadelphia artist winds up in mean street studios and he hears these references of these other songs discrepancies was it my man name ain't been around since quentin miller now all roles led to dj drama at that time all roads they didn't lead to meek mill no i said meek mill huh say how meek mill got it gotcha all roles led to that to you so now for lack of a better term he was kind of quiet you didn't really want to address it i i'd lightly touched on it at times we didn't hear it i didn't come to you it never happened if it never happened yeah never happened if it never happened here explain to the people how something like that goes because let me just tell you something all right let me let me shut up no first of all i'm off top the way you started saying drake smashed my girl your ex girl my ex me and drake have shared women okay yeah your life's good i know y'all [ __ ] get down i'll be sure they're going to be showing up that's a better way of saying it we have women in common right now i put a train on here the conversation was about a particular female at the time you know um is a great woman honestly and you know he knew where years prior to me you know me and her hooked up and everything but there was never any overlapping she's light-skinned too right she actually is okay but me and him that was never any discrepancy based upon like that situation had nothing to do with what wound up happening with me quentin drake but it did happen to me street studios what you mean um where where me heard it he did he did it so you can see how one could have sued because everything well that's the way i was coming by that became because it wasn't it wasn't overlapping situations but that was a narrative that like as if i had some ill intentions i never had any ill intentions right you know honestly like looking back on the situation i think all of us myself included could have handled it in a different manner you know i think there were all of us as individuals myself me quentin drake it you know under the it wasn't handled properly you know what i mean for it to even get into that that outcome per se you know so but yeah me did here at mean street studios i mean street studio which is your studios you own my studio and we were working with quentin miller at the time okay yeah and quentin was quit and played it for me we didn't hear this part of the story they quit and play it for me i ain't know that no question the way you just said it you gotta wait for that like we were working together quentin honestly took a you know out of everybody in this scenario i mean yeah he took the loss he took the law so you know i mean i know he's seen meek and draken like what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah you know out of everybody you know he was i mean the kids that wasn't funny the kid was honestly you know trying to make a living for himself and you know doing dope work and you know what i'm saying and and through it all you know even through the narrative like i never you know drake's literally you know it's one and two conversation between him and hove to me personally so you know even with the quentin miller references that doesn't take away from any of his greatness per se my eyes so but you was being petty at that time no i wasn't i mean you know honestly some of the the way it really happened some shots going man we're still being light skinned i was trying to i was trying to clarify something for me at the time and you know he thought something and you know i i went against my better judgment by by telling him something that honestly yeah like explaining to him listen it's not what you think it is so you know and then me went and handled it the way he chose to handle it but that wasn't that wasn't my handling but i i caught a lot of rap for it you know and i stayed quiet because i did catch a lot of rap for it and i felt like i had caught a lot of bad rap but you know i definitely played a a role in it you know what i'm saying i'm not i'm not innocent of the situation but it's part of the petty side like it's cool to be petty i'm not honestly i if it wasn't i would tell you but it really wasn't like i never wanted none of that to go down you know i mean in hindsight it was an incredible battle for hip-hop so you know i guess you know and those guys have have since you know become friends again and great you know what i mean we can look at it as part of hip-hop history but you know so get them to do some shots too they get these shots too bro they don't drink chance man give them there you are give them daily young god damn it so uh the famous battle with you uh cassidy was with free ray right you don't got to get it right talk to that [ __ ] cassidy yeah you have to be a writer to be a dope emcee did you say it it don't matter like he is dead with jay-z and uh specs even if he don't write so you could be a dope rapper without these i mean i think that's what we're talking about somebody who doesn't literally write raps but that's not a discussion when it comes to him i don't think can the comedian be a dope comedian if you don't write no jokes uh it's possible i mean there's a lot of great guys out there that even look at don't write no jokes at all no i mean you gotta write some jokes at the end of the day you still have to deliver that joke okay you have to make it into your own way right you know so it's probably telling them you could be i mean i was watching one of my favorite community of all time is eddie and uh and i watch brawl at deliveries and i see ken and ivy wayne's right written by those guys so right and eddie to me is like great yeah i've seen keaney arma reigns and and robert down not robert robertson thompson yeah but i thought there's like directors but directed it i think kenan did some writing okay all right cool yeah i'm 100 sure eddie eddie when you become you get a certain part of your career we're just extremely busy you got to get you know there's nothing wrong with hiring writers i mean i'm yet to do it i write my own [ __ ] right you know um but you know if i was throwing out specials every two three years then you got it right because as a comedian we don't you could write a material is good for three years right you go circle around the country for three of the same material and then you know every three but if you're always putting [ __ ] out every year every two years then you gotta you gotta get some help well let's take this shot let's take a shot what if it was some like alien type of comedian right that could put in more work than that that all that work you talking about right to do more all of that [ __ ] than you talking about and still write his own [ __ ] and don't need no writers all right that's dude i mean it should be he should be like he should get some type of acknowledgement definitely to write for mc that you was like what the [ __ ] get out of here yeah early on in my career went to kali with swiss the first time i seen holly berry too he was waiting outside the hotel holly berry is involved yeah i've never had a harley berry story on drink chaps goddammit let's make this let's do let's let's let's round for that i need to hear how did she have on cherries just felt like she just came out with cherries in her hair no i can't remember man i was always a holly berry fan and when i first seen him sorry you got to remember every moment when you've seen harley berry she was like this is not keisha from war bounds this is holly berry also remember come on i don't remember where exactly oh this is blasphemy okay but remember what you remember tell us what happened you've seen hottie bear right switch like in the passenger side i'm in the back of the truck behind the driver and machanda like in the other side like behind source i think and i just remember holly barry walking past and it just caught everybody off guard so when swiss looked over and see her he like what the [ __ ] i think he said something like what the [ __ ] oh who was that something crazy like that he said in front of michonde and then once he said that the driver seen and he just jumped out the car he just ran upstairs to his room to get his caramel i don't know where he went it was like a crazy situation and i'm just like [ __ ] up but i was a young boy i wasn't even established yet i wasn't even dressed yet i was he was right down i wasn't even and i was a young boy i ain't wanted to meet me i'm like first impression is everything so i was looking at it but i didn't want to meet her was it hollywood monster ball or the harry berry in babs [ __ ] what time when this happened that's that's what was the first one that's when she won the globe yeah baptist when she was coming i was on the ball it wasn't a baptist holly barry she was like at a baddest point she looked like like how she be looking when she had a baddest point in one of the movies she came out there looking crazy and she was walking i remember she had them some pants and she was by so too and she like walked to the edge of the hotel and the car pulled down and then she ran into the car and jumped in and wow hold up make some noise for holly berry now one of the legendary battles i said earlier i think i think you cut yourself off was you went freeway yeah like what was that what was that rockefeller versus rough riders there was always that type of energy between them so one day i was in the studio with swiss it was a mary j blige song and um did the beat and jay-z was rapping on it but they had did it like a minute ago so she wanted them to update the song so it's the update the beat jay-z to change the verse around a little bit so she set up a session for them to come through and do that me and swiss get there first and while we in there he [ __ ] with the beat i get hungry so i tell swish driver to take me to mcdonald's and [ __ ] and why why i'm going to mcdonald's um the whole rockefeller on nine seven it's that legendary freestyle they had when they was going crazy on the radio they talk about they want to battle [ __ ] and all that and i felt like they was talking about me because i was active at that time even though they wasn't i just felt like they was and jay-z like yo [ __ ] said they want to call up and battle guess how much they said they wanted to bet a thousand dollars holler he talking crazy the [ __ ] that want best small money and all that so i just feel like i just feel personal about it so when i get back to the front of mcdonald's i tell swiss about it and he like oh what's cool jay-z coming to the studio tonight anyway to redo this verse so i started just sitting on the couch thinking i'm about to meet jay-z for the first time my ben was a fan so i'm just happy coming through but also i'm thinking about these young boys he got and when he come through the studio he come by himself with no state property you know what i'm saying you don't know each other's state property i just feel like everybody can really know each other like i go to a big conversation at some point like you don't say no that's another bit of spirit conversation like everybody's got to be here at some point i was [ __ ] up i thought all state property was like a team like a team but you know they put them [ __ ] together so they barely knew each other right so i ran into a few [ __ ] in state property yeah i'm saying that before that actually i ran into beans one time he was gonna put me on the record he was a fan cause i was like running this radio show with my city and he was a fan so when he met me he wanted to put me on the record that i pissed on your grave i [ __ ] on your tune consider your doom but that's how i knew being so i met him before that time but jay-z didn't tell him it was me he didn't say i got the ball b from philly the ball cassidy he just said i got this [ __ ] in the studio talking crazy i need y'all to come to the studio and do this [ __ ] dirty like that he didn't explain to him who it was so they know it's philly on philly crime nah okay no sorry no swiss pick up the phone he start calling [ __ ] rough riders right down the street at the other studio so they start showing up that's how [ __ ] come with the cameras and all that and then a little bit after that the dog kick get kicked open boom and i hear it's matt [ __ ] and matt come in the room and and and [ __ ] is behind them mosquito chris freeway they all with him and that [ __ ] start coming in the room and he looking around like this and you know looking around that [ __ ] and then he see me on the couch and he like oh [ __ ] be from philly cause you know how i give it up he's like oh [ __ ] beat from philly and he shake my hand and yeah i'm saying that's how that [ __ ] went and then jay-z like now who you say you want to battle i'm like man i ain't saying i want to battle none of these [ __ ] i kill any of these [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] who you pick like that [ __ ] start saying free go ahead free free go ahead free that's all i remember [ __ ] saying i think free was like put on the beat and now that was the afterwards i'm like why they pick free i thought they was gonna pick a different [ __ ] and you knew free you knew him no but i heard him like from the city they like state property they was already like down with jay-z and already putting out [ __ ] so i heard his music and i heard that he had that like ride the beat type of flow and the in-n-out rhyme pattern and the [ __ ] sound dope on beat but in battle rap i know it wasn't going to register right so i don't think they should have picked them but they did and that's how that [ __ ] went down i just was representing my team rough riders at the time because that's what you were signing in that's what got you some brand because jay-z was super disrespecting me like i didn't give it up so that's uh that's how you was already signing or this got you signed now i was signed i was assigned to swiss that's why i was in the studio with swiss while he was working on the song could have lost you yeah just think about it like yeah like you could have lost your deal if you would have lost that that's kind of crazy yeah for sure that's crazy man well god bless you for winning that one um you ever received slack from that from freeway like if we were ever one of the uh part two yeah he ever seen you late night in south street and was like [ __ ] what's going on part two man free we actually did records after that um ran into each other a lot of times after that like i [ __ ] with free free was just ryan for his team at the time they called out his name they put him in a position they ain't know what type of [ __ ] i was or what they was dealing with it was like a misunderstanding that they put him in and you know i'm saying he know how that [ __ ] go he just wasn't prepared plus he just was on the radio giving it up spitting all them versus so you know i'm saying that take him right off the radio and put him in front of a [ __ ] like me it wasn't a good scenario so um i seen freaking he said [ __ ] still remind him about it to this day like down let it die they keep bringing it up everywhere he go he constantly hear about it but you know free of good [ __ ] so him oh no grudges and [ __ ] i actually ran in the dame i was [ __ ] with dame and dane was telling me like yo if i was there you know i'm saying that [ __ ] would have never went down we had budgets opened up for this [ __ ] we was working on this album why would y'all put him in the battle at that time man after that i told that [ __ ] yo you wanna want me to be for real you guys i told that [ __ ] gotta come at you i told that [ __ ] man [ __ ] that you gotta go at this [ __ ] now you gotta kill me and free i mean i ain't never had free do it so i guess friend wanna do it he like that's the reason why we stopped [ __ ] with him the same way so the same way you said i could get i could have got drunk it probably affected a lot of [ __ ] that could have happened in freeway career but that's how battle rap used to be back in the day that she used to be real right is comedy like that do you guys like have a comedy offs in the backstage oh yeah yeah like you know like i remember you know um philly i mean of course me kev i mean whenever comics get together man just be ready because you don't know who's gonna go at who just start just just pick a [ __ ] and just go on him because if not you might be the [ __ ] that won't pick right you know i mean so it's like that but it ain't nothing i mean that was prior to social media right like for wookies like if those are rookies and like uh that know each other you know like i mean philly was not a really a big platform for comedy so a lot of us took a lot of trip to new york so you know so we'll go there and we'll you know in comics we just we see each other we just start roasting i mean back in the day with comedians like talent they're like rob stapleton you know camp we all get together and we just just like start lighting each other up so just be ready because you never know but it wasn't nothing to going to [ __ ] up your career not like these guys you know rap yeah the stage is you get food on stage that's funny you had jokes about me during the drake show oh yeah yeah i get everybody man nobody's safe you posted a joke about me with me in the picture what's up yeah that did some like shelters no no that one was a big mistake okay all right my ex that was my ex no no no and i i never talked about it because i never want to blame blame blessing on my girl at that time you know but it was the my ex did that dumb [ __ ] that time like me and and i knew what he was going through and i mean i mean i'll do certain jokes but no i'm the type would do a joke but not a joke that [ __ ] i want to shoot you over right i'll do a joke if my goal is if i clown somebody my goal is to make that person laugh right that person yeah the person i'm climbing like i make jokes about i make gay jokes about my engagement will make a gay person laugh i'm not gonna you know i mean make him want to go and try to cancel michael blackson about making that movie be there connie montana that whole scene you did with the cops about me and all that you did and connie you gotta watch your own movie man so let me tell you this story right um so we just we did our benefit me meek uh we did a benefit and then why was we i took a picture together so while i was going home i'm driving i told my girl i said look there's a picture put this caption on this picture i said put on damn i forgot exactly what the [ __ ] caption i say but it was something like um me uh nikki's boyfriend something something light nothing's crazy like i didn't want to call her meek i would come like nikki's boyfriend or something right i said put that and put that in the caption this i think you said world tour girl or something like that no no what's this mo nah my granddad time was a savage okay you know what i mean this is she a writer she was singer-songwriter this chick was a real savage and for some reason she [ __ ] she never for some reason never liked me okay i don't know why but she wrote the most savage thing on there and i had no clue i'm driving right next thing you know i'm getting texts from like mixed goons like yo what the [ __ ] is that about i know what you're talking about i looked i'm like [ __ ] what you post she went real hard so you know what i mean and we had to squash all that but yeah but that one didn't come from me i like i said i'll go hard but i'll go hard enough with not hard enough i go hard that the person i joke about laugh nick if making laughing what i'm saying about him then i'm not gonna do it especially if it's my homie well now drama i was just hanging out with gilly gilly said it was a time where cash money you know where i'm going i'll give you the tough questions don't worry i'm getting easier i never thought that was remotely true he said it on the show that they were blackballing them yeah i told him i ain't believing in myself and he said you guys dj drama dj drama just did my show he said we accidentally do uh something you said yo you know what i'll stand by it but he said that wayne called you and said you could leave him on there leave him on the show but just know you'll never have another wayne verse ever in your life you know i love you nori but out of respect i i just had this convo with gilly yes yes we got it you know it's like an ex it's like a mixtape so it's exclusive you can't give your exclusives twice that's right yeah cause once more but hey i already got it man i already got it i don't know what gilly's got don't worry that is crazy though so i actually existed but i can't call that black ball yeah that's a former black belt no if i call with the label if i call with the management if i call with the higher ups that could just be an artist being sensitive we're sensitive motherflippers thanks it could be just be an artist sensitive that artist might not necessarily have that power that was a one-on-one conversation i will say that right so it wasn't it but you know gilly has his own take on the black ball i was not part of the black ball per se right yeah me and wayne talked let me fix this all right you ever been blackboard because this [ __ ] is rare you got everybody black ball [ __ ] that they don't like it's just all about the power how much you don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] how much you're getting on your nerves and how much you willing to move forward with it and deal with it but everybody black ball [ __ ] do it down drama drama drama [ __ ] with this artist i don't [ __ ] with this artist i tell drama i don't want to be on that side of the tape i don't look at that as black ball yeah i don't necessarily look at that as black ball per se but now if i say i'm never giving you nothing ever again yeah say i could say skip that tape and catch me on the next tape no as simple as this man if you more powerful than whoever you said you ain't knowing that take but if you put this [ __ ] on there and you got more leverage more fan base and more control over what's going on and you say that then you blackballing that [ __ ] now if he just is powerful or more powerful than you and you say that then you can't do it a [ __ ] gonna be like he probably gonna side with that [ __ ] more than you you're gonna have to fight and yell and scream and it still might not get done if the [ __ ] more powerful than you so you can't blackball a [ __ ] that got just as much leverage and more powerful than you but a little [ __ ] and you got all this leveraging [ __ ] and i say i ain't [ __ ] with that tape if he's on there then i'm wrong actually that is called violin this is called hating but what if the dude actually did something and then drama calls me and says yo yo norrie i know um you and your orange light is going through it you know what i'm saying i say well drama you know that's between me and him you know i'm saying i ain't gonna [ __ ] with that now if drama says now that's on drama to say you know what this might affect me and norway's relationship moving forward norway's not hating but i'll tell you like this like i said one time i had somebody uh foxy brown had this puff on my record so i went to see puff because i wanted to keep my relationship yeah and puff screams on me like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i'm like it's totally total opposite of what i thought so i said all right cool so i'm not supposed to put out the record he said nah get money [ __ ] and i said oh [ __ ] he expressed his opinion but he didn't let it get in the way of business holy moly guacamole that wasn't that he expressed to me i didn't like that i didn't appreciate you let somebody dissing me on your record but at the same token this [ __ ] is a great record man but you also knew you knew you knew what that was about because no one else the man told me that to my face you also said yourself you had to you had to talk to foxy about going back in and like doing no she did down home she like she actually dumbed down her verse on her own he was there right here and i believe she had her first couple of verses was was even worse so i appreciate it they do that with everybody concerning foxy every situation that foxy was in and puffy say give money to everybody or did he just do that only to you no i stepped to him i didn't i didn't wait for you to accept me but now everybody has the luxury to have those relationships he might have told you to get money but there might have been 10 20 other [ __ ] that could have affected my relationship with him he might have said get money but that might have been a trap for me to be like yo i ain't never going to [ __ ] with him again because i know he'll you know what i'm saying so but i felt like a man about it like i felt like a man when i stepped to him i was just like yo bro you know what i'm saying like mob deep because really it's a mob deep and cmn and we're just putting the girls like the girls the girls beefing that ain't got nothing to do with us so let kim and foxy beef and that [ __ ] ain't gonna do with us but it threw in the the dude but i didn't okay i feel like you know i feel like people in the rep like [ __ ] always feel the type of way if it's they have a certain relationship and then you allow somebody to get somebody on your record like you know so now i understand that yeah now i understand is that like that in comedy if you bring somebody in your comedy show and then there's somebody you got people doing that you cannot give nobody the power to end your career man and comedy or anything in any way i mean comedy is to be a successful comedian you have to be likable right once you become likable man it's so hard for one person to have the whole world shut you down especially the era we're in where we control our own i have 5 million followers honestly i don't need no [ __ ] body you know i mean everywhere i go to tell jokes i sell out if i want to shoot a movie i got 5 million people to buy it you know so in a whole different era right now i mean okay look at cat williams right get on for the 10 year old kid smoke crack just everything and if you anybody will be black boys catback cat is so likeable and so lovable cat could go out and do a movie do whatever he wants you can't you know i think with comedy it's a little different and i can understand with music because you guys you know i don't know how much you need each other to put you on or whatever that whole thing work but during the pandemic you and your girl been having the most fun i ain't gonna front your apartment looks like it's no not downgrading you know what um pride of my girl prior to us getting together you know when i broke up my ex the crazy [ __ ] i almost got me people to throw my [ __ ] head off but when i broke up with her i said to myself you know what i'm done no more relationship i want to be free do what the [ __ ] i want and when i met her you know my new girl she was definitely down with what i was doing she's here to support me and like hey mike i know what you're about you know i'll compromise with you and she's we like the best friends right now you know so hey check us out have a show on vh1 coming out called couples retreat oh yeah with the v8 [ __ ] with the um hippopotamus when it brought me in there for some comic relief you know i mean so the show's coming out know the coach 29.99 a check not jared which one me popping y'all we going to gold or we're going to go we're going to go to big boy which one are we popping um we're going to big boy i don't know which one rose oh do you want to go go let's keep this drama boys you know i thought dj clue was getting some help and then k slay and envy but they never quite had what you had like i didn't realize how much against the grill meant let me let me take it from there okay you take it from there okay i ain't know how much against the grill meant because i never had one slight shot slight shot that's okay that's black excellence baby how did it feel because i mean it's a i'm going to keep it a one-part question how did it feel to just control the game and not only control the game but there's people from new york yeah yeah yeah there's people in new york they first time hearing jeezy stu you right their first time hearing t.i is through you that first time getting acquainted with cheesy man is still you and your work how crazy was the gangster girls i mean just to put into perspective how did you come up with it originally like that concept little john just screaming to your mic he was like let's go simply i mean even before that like you know again like i think to put in a perspective like i'm i'm a [ __ ] from philly who who came up on sns and ranji and dua whew clue whoa you're talking dj [ __ ] now i'm saying like so if it's backing his hair's jumping one of my early influences so when i when i got to atlanta not when i got to atlanta but after i was in atlanta for some years and i i was um you know i used to um who were the atlanta guys doing the mixtapes out there there was jelly it was dj jelly it was uh mate um was mars doing yeah mars was doing tapes um uh uh edward j he was the you know he was he's like the og the legend in atlanta per se so when i when i got there like big one jelly and mate was was killing [ __ ] and the style that i was really using to make gangster girls because basically i mean i was i used to sell the cds myself so i'd have up north tape i had like an eclectic r b tape i had a reggae mix tape i had anything you needed i had mercy tape long emergency oh this is [ __ ] that know me from just doing reggae parties wow back in the day like yeah you should do reggae parties too so i don't like [ __ ] doing reggae parties so gangster girls as a concept was like you know it was just it was a soft cd that i you know i mean i needed to have something for everybody as i was paying attention to the mixtape game and the direction that it was going in my influences was coming pretty much from what was happening up top you know what i'm saying so and people weren't applying south music to that formula and [ __ ] told me that's not when [ __ ] in the sophomore to hear they want to hear talking on the tape they don't want to hear exclusives they don't want to hear new [ __ ] and everything and i went totally against the grain and did all that they said [ __ ] didn't want to hear and that's how gangster girls was pretty much created little john being the voice was the first host because i was paying attention to people doing hosting what what have you so around a time when you know i linked with tip and you know tip is tia t.i you know literally he's the first you know gangster girls became a street album because of t.i us linking up and you know that being the first one say that trust in this is a controversy he was talking about day one and from the first time i met him he told me he was the king of the south day one you know what i'm saying god bless him he knew what you said there is what made gangster girls different they became street albums that changed mixtape game right there i think it did that and you know i i'm i'm from the gangster girls is the the the post 50 and dip set era per se you know right so i was i was following that formula in a sense you know what i mean and you know like with all due respect to all the legends that you name i think when it's when it's all said and done there can be conversations about who the best mixtape dj of all time is i'm still probably that guy okay but that could be argued people you know i know new york city like y'all [ __ ] gonna argue that to the to the death and i get that i know my fans gonna argue it and that's fine we can we i'm i'm open to the conversation and you said what you said before your best mixtape that's mixed dj that's the next dj of all time i ain't gonna lie according to the feds you are a philly dj and the way i was terrorizing the city man no we needed one man gangster grills though beyond that is the the most important and impactful mixtape series of all time that can't be argued i could say that that can't be true and you can't tell me it's the same series i think it's the biggest even before that and then it became because even though it was broken i mean people was doubling back and coming back around and i was doing them with some of the biggest names in the game like i mean don't you got one for real i do wow i have one with pharrell that's crazy she's louise papa cheeks he said i do but that is that is i mean so so because i don't want to circle back to this so let's just get it all out what was you think and let's just be clear did you think the the label snitched on you no i don't think the labels snitched on me but the labels just sticking money i respect that the anar's used to leak us the records but the higher-ups and the lawyers used to send the season decision yeah no no he's right about that they definitely did that i mean i think it was i think the labels weren't all on the same page they were because the legal department and wasn't in tune with the marketing department per se because that was the actual problem was there were certain people that was buying more against the grills than they would buy actual artists albums right i mean i was it wasn't i didn't see it as a problem i didn't look at it they would see it as a problem the legal department you're saying the money we were seeing you just had suits looking at it as copyright infringement it was talking to the people at the a r's that were at the street level that that's how they were breaking all the artists that were making them their money but you know i always was i felt like i was in cahoots with the labels like it was literally yeah yeah so i was like you know i'm i'm not you know there were people out there that were leaking music and putting tapes out there like that wasn't my repertoire so um but yeah i don't you know i looked at it like so so when the feds came you thought there was a joke yeah i didn't i didn't think that this is your homies like massed up playing around halloween you didn't know what happened to the dude out here in miami years before that i heard you talk about that on the show yeah he was the first one but yeah he was a mixtape distributor got you you probably might have dealt with him at some point but he was one of the biggest ones so yeah and that's a little bit that's a little different that's other like people that probably went down for like bootlegging and stuff but that was just me i was there seeing that clue seeing case ladies seeing mv's seeing yours but not knowing the impact of it as if that like what did you think when when what was it they they don't because the feds don't give you a warning right they don't see you exactly they just come and what happened they came you know with the the [ __ ] m16 treated like al-qaeda yeah they they came like we had some [ __ ] they wasn't looking for mixtapes wow first thing they said that when they went in that studio with a cocaine where is it at tell us where it's at it's gonna be easier on all y'all they thought you was thinking cocaine this was your friend man they thought i had no all right where are the guns in the drugs wow let us know wow they didn't find nothing bro wow not a joint not a 9 millimeter and all you say i'm a mixtape dj they're like you you know [ __ ] you're illegal well when i when they first looking back on it i'm shocked at how calm i was because i think they had m16s pointed at me i walked outside and moved my car and i remember because you know somebody called me and was like yo just let you know that they're coming over you're about to say you didn't have an idea that had a right nobody had a warning like maybe 30 minutes oh this is a law enforcement guy somebody had a relative in law enforcement they said yo we just got word because that was tia's old studio so you know the guns yet or no um you set him up with a gun it's not just playing come on man that was later that year that that since that hadn't happened yet i think it's atlanta's look this [ __ ] is hot out there they can't so they came i remember just you know getting on the ground thinking okay once we figure this out everything okay they're gonna realize you dj's gonna let you get yeah they ask for my id and then i hear them go over to you know the the thing we got one of the perps and i'm like what like they tell me my name stand me up they say simmons you're you're under arrest for bootlegging and racketeering under the rico law yeah rico yeah and the fans don't come home did they freeze your assets because that's what they did out here what i would check my band i ain't know about the rico at the time yeah i didn't know that well there's a typo when i read that with the ricoh yeah man the next day when i went to i would i got out the next day drug dealer charges my [ __ ] i went to my bank account that [ __ ] said 0.00 wow yeah oh but they let you out the next day let me out the next day yeah jesus i mean but you know in hindsight like you know the game was changing i think i think looking back on it like the the um the music industry was taking a hit you know what i'm saying you made labels now charge for a mixtape yeah i was charging labels no no i mean like official now which i mean no not labels is actually oh yeah i mean look where it's at now i mean it's bigger it became bigger business than ever even after that you know and and and speaking on that too like you know one of the things for me like was that you know i felt a little guilty after that you know just in a sense of like you know not even you know not even in the conference like there were conversations about how much money i was getting or if i was doing it right or wrong or you know those beyond that like this is a culture that i grew up loving and like you know like had a passion to listen in the clue like play everywhere in the streets of philly and what have you so for me to become the the top of the food chain and for this to happen and you know at the time you know if and i'll tell you like people the mixtape game was like oh [ __ ] we got to chill out they came for drum like nobody's safe you know what i'm saying i was like damn i can't i can't let this cause you realize how big yeah to the top he was how much of a shark or whale you were but in hindsight i mean it made me even bigger but you felt you were like a scapegoat because that's what you were like saying right i felt like i didn't want i couldn't a lot i didn't want to see a culture die on my shoulders and i'd be the blame for it like there was one and the you know the streaming [ __ ] like napster and all that's just happening at the same time yeah so they use ringtones mixtape dj's now oh this is a scapegoat this is why we're losing money when it's not the case we're helping at least within the world of hip-hop we're helping and then you know it's the ir double-a like this is the same [ __ ] that send me plaques like what y'all y'all in cahoots with them to lock me up like saying i'm doing something wrong i'm helping you make millions and billions wow she's the least part of jesus cassidy you had a controversial thing yeah a couple controversy things but one of the things is um in the middle of your you know highlight of your career this murder case happens what was that about you talk about the parts that you can talk about you know what i mean you don't have to talk about anything um you can't talk about what like what was your mind like at that you got a record deal you know what i mean unless this happens yeah it came right before my second album drop i'm a hustler the single was out the video was out but the album ain't dropped yet that's when i realized i had a warrant i had to turn myself in here with my lawyers turn myself into [ __ ] but i'm thinking i'm gonna be able to bail out like i had a lot of support at that time had the machine behind me they was ready to push me so i'm thinking i'm a bailout but um i actually went to my first court date i have a preliminary yet they push the preliminary back but the judge gave me a bell for 500 000 and i thought i was gonna bail out that time but the d.a like they went and appealed this [ __ ] and said yo you can't do that it's illegal to do that he ain't even have a preliminary hearing yet to determine what he's charging them with so how can you give him bail so they had to peel that bail and i had to wait till i had my preliminary hearing once i had my preliminary hearing they gave me a bell they gave me um a two million dollar bill for the murder and two hundred thousand for each attempt so it came to like two point oh no 2.5 million for the murder and two hundred thousand a piece for the attempts so i think it came at 2.9 or something like that but they said they got 30 day i got 30 days the wait i got to wait the d.a got 30 days to appeal it before i could pay it and get out so my label and the people behind me was ready to pay it you know what i'm saying but on the 30th day that's when the d.a appealed it then we went back to court and they said they was charging me with the general murder and then philly you can't bail out for that so i had to sit in court until trial and that's the reason why i was locked up i couldn't promote the i'm a hustler album it was the first platinum ringtone and [ __ ] was going crazy and they had like a nice crazy promo run for me to make it even more of a movie but i wasn't really there to execute and um this was before like the social media days like nowadays if that would have happened it probably would have been more beneficial for the song it's full surface right yeah but back then no social media it was hard for people to understand what was going on they ain't fully understand the story and that kind of affected how big that project would have been that's crazy make some noise for that dope man because most rappers that get murdered it's over you know what i'm saying these people try to invade your crib like pop smoke this is something like that um nah um well the situation actually happened with the murder i was with some other friends some other people you you know ar in them they was with me you know i'm saying and um a situation happened when i went in the store one of the homies got into a conversation with another [ __ ] another [ __ ] start choking the [ __ ] right i never seen no [ __ ] like this neither like i seen [ __ ] go up punch [ __ ] i seen [ __ ] go up and kick [ __ ] i seen even [ __ ] run up and and dropkick [ __ ] before but i never seen a [ __ ] like run up to a [ __ ] and just start choking me like in my whole [ __ ] entire life [Music] like i was having a private party for my album release in philly right and it was a hotel party so one of the [ __ ] sneaked upstairs like we had security blocking [ __ ] from even coming on that floor because it was so crazy [ __ ] get upstairs and one of my homies like yo what the [ __ ] you doing up here get the [ __ ] out what the [ __ ] you doing so everybody else you know zoning out on them but he like what the [ __ ] is you doing in here [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out it's only real [ __ ] in this room get the [ __ ] out right so he played the [ __ ] that [ __ ] feel embarrassed he don't really want to get out but he got to you know what i'm saying then my big brother is too much commotion so he jumped out man what the [ __ ] man get that i mean like y'all gotta stop this [ __ ] so the next time we see the [ __ ] is at this store like at this uh walmart or whatever the next time we see the [ __ ] that had to get out and i'm with the [ __ ] that told him to get out so i guess he got so much emotions from being embarrassed at that time that he just come up to the [ __ ] and he just start choking the [ __ ] like you know i'm saying so he choking him and he like choking them with his hands but the [ __ ] are in them they wasn't at the party they don't know the [ __ ] they don't know what's going on they just with the [ __ ] that he choking so they get them up off of them you know i'm saying they ain't really beat him up cuz i told him not to i know the [ __ ] you know i'm saying but they got him up off the [ __ ] or whatever and when we get back around that when we drive off that's when the conversation happened [ __ ] start calling my phone thinking we rolled on a man when i really saved a man life and that's how the issue happened but people think it was like somebody trying to run down on me like i was trying to get robbed or somebody was about to come kill me and ar saved my life no that was the issue that they was going through they was in a situation and i gave them the guns because they was acting like they were shooters so if y'all got guns then and y'all shooters everybody comfortable and when i gave them guns that's how the whole situation went wrong and [ __ ] got shot and all that and i got snitched on it too like i was a shooter you know i'm saying so that's how i went to jail for a murder but it was nobody defending me it wasn't nothing happened to me it wasn't even an issue with me i was doing music about to go to new york and record and the [ __ ] that i was with got in the situation and then when they got locked up they toed on me and that's how i got a warrant issued out for my arrest they said i was a shooter and just that statement alone was enough to lock the wrapper up because that's what they really want me so the [ __ ] that got choked in never die no he never died nothing never happened to him he's still you know in the world he's making it to the hotel party how was it working with r kelly let's just be clear i mean what did he do you know what he was back then i ain't talking about how was your discrepancy with swiss because i remember we as on the phone before you know we we we're friends man we went way back in the day before i don't know how many discoveries my brother have many discrepancies we virgo so um you know i clash i you know um it's been brilliant it's virgo on virgo viral crime happens a lot um yeah it's been a couple of times [ __ ] i had a discrepancy she was switched recently uh swiss was on here and um we spoke about his his problem with drake and he edited me he told me he wanted me to edit him and i i we don't edit at all and i edited him and i was mad at [ __ ] because i felt like he had spoke articulate i felt like he he didn't do what he did on the on his instagram live when he went at drake yeah and i wouldn't have put swiss in um harm's way because drake had just called us and was like yo we coming down like i'm coming down so i was ready to do drinks he was ready to do a drink chance so i wouldn't let swiss go crazy you know what i'm saying i actually would have you know for lack of a better term tamed him like i wouldn't edit it but i changed him so i did and then he's like nah he called me he was like yo you know edit that [ __ ] man you know what i'm saying and i was like all right because i don't like editing i'm like editing myself i say something stupid like i'm like [ __ ] just let me let me let me just go little stupid all right yeah he looks stupid all the time so i don't i don't mind at all but i was kind of mad like that's that's that's a reason but um you know that's what i i notice in this game if you're going to be around people you're going to find things that you love with them you're going to find things that you you know i don't want to use the word hate but you dislike of them you know what i mean but that doesn't make you just friends it's just been a whole bunch of [ __ ] same thing with pharrell like i know for real 22 years pharrell at one point was doing country music and he told me i'm doing country music and i said what [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] put another super dog what do you mean like i need another oh boy like you know but it happens man and um you know through the grace of i want to say god and do the grace of you know just yeah i know what happened because there's been times when you called me you know already on some real [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah times when i was well tell me one of the times i don't mind let's go i was going through it with me i was about to go crazy on me i'm in my crib like i can't believe this [ __ ] i think crazy on this [ __ ] and you calling me you checking in you like yo what's up man you checking my temperature you trying to see if it's just rap if it's something serious yeah yeah yeah i feel your feelings always serious to me you're giving me all the advice that you knew me you were o.g i needed to relax i don't need to take it past this level you always been giving me good advice to calm down well one time i talked to you when you was talking about swiss and it was in reverse i was trying to calm you down the [ __ ] that's reaching out tapping in i'm not i'm not talking to him so i feel where you're coming from but is that happening it's like damn like i'm between a rock and a hard place and i'm trying to calm you down you're like man yes [Applause] i respect that man i respect me being mad though and i ain't denying you at all listening drink champs man we're almost the best like i wasn't even on that tip like how you was with him i never got to that it's just over business like you know i'm saying it's a miscommunication and a lot of [ __ ] that's that came out around my time or even before me we got regular argument going through [ __ ] about them being locked in contracts and then predicaments and they only getting a little bit of money publishing every year they wish they could get out of contracts that they'd been signed when they was kids so [ __ ] is trying to get out of these contracts because they know they're not right and they stuck in them and because i was able to [ __ ] think it's a discrepancy i did something wrong i did the what was best for my brand at the time that's what's up and that's why i've been moving and depending like this for the last 15 years [ __ ] can't really control me i don't really get caught up in the loop i don't really gotta please nobody i don't gotta laugh and smile i don't gotta do nothing if michael black's gonna call me for a movie i could do it like you know i'm saying i could call you be like yo i wanna put together a drink champs to get it popping it might not be in his best interest because i don't got the machine behind me but i can do whatever i want to do at any given time and that's why i appreciate coming on this platform because it's all for me and my brand not for nobody else and nothing those [ __ ] got going on that's all for what me and my team got going on and that's why i appreciate this situation more than ever it might take a longer i know you love the machines it's easy and money is easier [Music] to fight like this it's hard to fight like this but once you once you go through the fight and you get the knockout or you get the you win by decision and you go through that fight and then you win then you like untouchable there's nothing nobody could do to you and there's nothing nobody could compare to you and then the same amount of money gonna open up for you it's just gonna take a little longer time right so you know how that [ __ ] but you like being able to network or you like being on instagram i like doing my own thing the thing about it the industry didn't step up to me until every bit of what seven years ago mom you have been telling jokes for 25 years they only come to you when they know they could make money off you right you know so when i got to the point where i could make my own money i'm like [ __ ] i don't need them i do wakanda i why are you going to roll with my condom okay forget what connolly i'm in the biggest movie that's coming out next week [ __ ] coming to america too okay he said something about eddie murphy he pieced up the fact that he had a little writer he like but yo that's my [ __ ] he the most creative i love that [ __ ] yeah i'm saying i love her but train understand why he was doing that it was for later on because this this brings up to our segment y'all ready quick time with slime you all this is this is ready pick one and look if you want to pick both you got to take a shot so bring that bring the shot no rules yeah i haven't seen this so many times but slim thug was actually when i said if you're going to do both you got up you got to drink uh uh and then we said that'll be the rule that's the new rule right yeah grab one of the bottles of survival and everybody got this shot glass right all right cool this is let's go you take a shot of what happened take a shot if you want to if you wanted to say both he's going to give us a bullet he's going to give you two options to pick one of two if you want to say both you're going to take a shot all right cool because it's going to be like you know you ready um first [ __ ] yeah you first [ __ ] first i want to take a shot even without being asked the question let me just take this out anyway i just want to take a shot of me for me don't take a shot but get the shot ready for for these negroes all right cool hold on hold on hold on this is gonna be hard we start with michael blacksmith you ready let's go you say hold up are you in the box i just want a shot anyway i just want a shot anyway are you in you win too all right all right let's go baby all right let's go baby i'm taking a shot are you ready i'm ready i'm ready to take a shot richard bryant give me one ready i'm sorry oh eddie murphy oh definitely eddie murphy damn that i thought that i didn't think that would be lazy yeah too easy i'm gonna take that richard richie admitted to sucking a dick i couldn't roll with that [ __ ] oh man damn a little troll are you [ __ ] up for us man a little bit of do say beanie single or jaded kiss let me take a shot about jaded kiss okay wow that's not personal right this is like bars you asking me who i picked who i would pick yeah he's coming [Music] nas or jay-z i'm not gonna ask why this time nice i did wild songs with knives not sure while love to me came to the studio [ __ ] with me and he got etha out so i gotta go with knives kevin hart will smith what a combination name in the same category i think you're gonna say like kevin hart like mike or something that's what i was expecting okay you probably you might want to do that everybody you want your memory kevin hart mike has you start [ __ ] with these [ __ ] files ask questions i gotta go with apps because i made more money with apps and y'all did the fridays and [ __ ] they're friday we're gonna talk together right now we're on tour yeah we've been touring for like a few years together so it's what you know i mean he made the question easier for himself who a better comedian who's a better comedian i mean is more sillier to me you know i like silly [ __ ] kev's my [ __ ] he's talented and he's business-minded he's a great guy but i gotta i gotta go to silly [ __ ] okay you ready meek mill or pd crap meek mill petey crack i [ __ ] with petey he originated that style you gotta give him love but he just not active enough he not he's not working hard enough he's not he's not active enough for me like especially in the last 10 years like you know i'm saying the meat been too too active the last 10 years the you know what i'm saying for me to say pd so i got an opposite or colby that's hold up my son about to be 18. so sometimes you'll be around the crowd like my [ __ ] be playing all this music they get caught up in there so i'm thinking about like success and accomplishments and how many people been talking about them i'm in the same bag as like social media [ __ ] but i know petey originated that style i even did it this song telling me how he stole pd style and pd was super active when he was yeah i mean doing this thing so i'm gonna have to go with pd all right you gotta take a shot from rewind though just for the rewind isn't that mean come on no he got a shot oh no this is great by the way hey shout out for that and shout out for that oh i'm in i've been shot for that shot for y'all man shout out for y'all man coming through that's how that goes down okay i'm not sure this question is for you hold on i'm gonna come back to you i'm gonna stay on you cassidy now i'm giving this to all three of y'all black dog oh corrupt i'll take a shot for that though definitely will um that's it that's your answer that means you take a shot what i said black dog oh black dog black thought or corrupt yeah whichever way you want to go with it damn man i think you need to tell me you know clarify like back when i was a young boy like before rough riders and all that i was about to go signing corrupt he was in the city he was active and [ __ ] took me to him and i was about to sign someone way back in the day and he probably caught my phone like last week facetiming me let me know what's going on so i [ __ ] with corruption the same [ __ ] happened to me when i was like 15 he came to germantown and somebody was telling me like yo corrupt me as a dj this is before everything i mean one time black thought put me on stage with the roots and let me perform i think he was in atlanta somewhere he put me on stage like years ago but that was like one time corrupt more more active he [ __ ] with me hit me up so i i [ __ ] with crap i gotta go with corruption yeah i gotta go yeah i'm making quick time with slime a longer segment i gotta go to corrupt quick i'm gonna corrupt you so funny okay we're just playing together we're just playing it's really tough because i met uh foxy i met her like maybe i met kim a little late in her career like more recently you know and i met foxy maybe 10 years ago we love them both yeah yeah you got stupid man okay boxy cool but i [ __ ] with kim that's my homie i i really know kim like we did records together i [ __ ] with him so i i gotta go with him all day all right since you breaking up you even never talk about doing the record with r kelly but did we no yeah we didn't get into it kelly too yeah [ __ ] took me to chicago to record the record yeah this is the plug dog kelly let's be clear yes that's good is definitely the plug this is my first i had no singles out i had no records out i had a [ __ ] out they just opened up my budget i did a lot of the songs and they like yo you need a single with a big single on it like you know i'm saying some [ __ ] that we cuz i was on g records they like now need no def jam record they need a record that's top 40 that they can taboo club like where's that record like where is the where is that in chicago yeah so not not that first okay some other names came up some other ideas came up man that was so long ago man i can't remember man i ain't gonna lie i don't want to do that because i might i might be it's i don't remember but it was some whoever was whoever was big at that time like who was on that level like at the same time as on kelly definitely those names came up but you said jane records clive all of the davis singers right there came up right you could have got out the bars if you wanted and then i remember it was jamie kelly grady grady's like yo you want to do something with er kelly i think we go out there and fly in chicago do something i'm like what the [ __ ] are kelly hell yeah let's get it cause i know my older like my god brother died he's like 11 years older than me that's my old way i used to have a hood on smashers to take me around it used to be playing r kelly with a gun in the car that can boxing anything playing r kelly and the girls used to love it so i used to be like yo r kelly that [ __ ] is a young boy so when they suggested me to do something without kelly i'm like hell yeah let's get it so they flew me out there to chicago took me in the studio the [ __ ] come out in the studio you had a cape born nah yeah on some regular [ __ ] he came up though he came out right we explained to someone we like yo we got this song we want to do hotel like like ladies going to hotel all this [ __ ] and then we he like let me hear the beat as soon as the beat came on the [ __ ] started going crazy like he started doing all these different hoo hoo and started doing all these melodies and [ __ ] then he went in the booth and went crazy like the remix the hotel he did all that he did like wow more court like swiss got wild more choruses from r kelly from the same session that he did a lot of [ __ ] from the same session it's just we used that little piece for the hotel hook you know what i'm saying but he went crazy i'm like yo this nigga's a genius and then we went back to the hotel so it's like yo we got this [ __ ] our killing on this [ __ ] and then we wrote we wrote the [ __ ] right in the hotel i'm like we could go get the kraken but you know what that happened we'd be under the covers i came up right with that [ __ ] in the actual hotel with swiss and then you know i'm saying we went back and recorded it and then it was a hit and the second time i seen that man was when he showed up with the mask on at the video shoot you know i'm just gonna have a cape i'm thinking too like this is my video we're in chicago i'm super excited this is my first video it's like i mean i did big business but i'm some of my personal video like even though r kelly in it is my video like this is my budget my [ __ ] and we're in chicago it's ferraris it's all type of [ __ ] outside we got big ass mansions there's all these video girls running around i'm like i'm feeling like i'm on top of the world and then they like yo r kelly here i'm like yes cause i ain't think that nigga's gonna come [ __ ] show them like yes or kelly come in there with the mask on i'm like but i could tell it's our kelly so i'm like you wanted to take everybody know that i count this [ __ ] after that but this is my first single [ __ ] don't know that i'm i'm worth nothing this is r kelly like you know i'm saying like i'm accident like like i'm happy i got a budget open this is my first single i'm like damn i've been dying for this i was signing the rough riders for all these years ain't got no [ __ ] budget now i finally got one i'm shooting a video and they bringing this [ __ ] r kelly out so i'm excited i mean i'm i'm happy and then the [ __ ] show with the man so i was like yo my [ __ ] like but i gotta accept it i'm like yo [ __ ] it i don't give a [ __ ] i never took the best school six in the morning right next to the [ __ ] with the mat he's like look man checking out six thanks for coming out bro i appreciate this [ __ ] yo you know she's about to change my life i'm never going to stop performing hotel so if i would have had a discrepancy because he got on some masks and i would have tried to dispute then the man discrepancy you got a very [ __ ] breakthrough why would i come to your video i'm leaving and then the [ __ ] just leave now now you don't got no video now you said somebody told the [ __ ] to take the mat i don't give a [ __ ] at the [ __ ] with a cane with a a baboon costume on i don't give a [ __ ] or kelly would have showed up and i would have shot it i was a young boy let's get it i was excited let's make some noise for that i think that's hilarious so funny i actually went on 12. i actually opened up for r kelly a few times yeah you really i'm saying i never look everybody did was old enough to drink alcohol nobody would drink a simmer like [ __ ] all right lori the third time i was about to meet r kelly was when he was on the tour with um jay-z he was performing that madison square garden sprayed that day yeah this was the first time he was gonna bring me out to perform hotel with him and that [ __ ] happened yeah and that [ __ ] happened what happened um oh the thing with you your case i was there to perform the song with r kelly and he got into a situation where somebody else got pepper sprayed the show got shut down he got rushed to the hospital it was on twitter i'm already lit i'm already performing this [ __ ] and i'm already super lit already so now i'm about to go on stage with our kelly at madison square garden i'm about to go out and go girl you want to come to my hotel i'm in the bathroom i'm smoking i'm ready but i was high-headed back then like this this like before they before like the cases and all that you know what i'm saying so [ __ ] are strapped up in the bathroom [ __ ] got all gats everywhere and all of a sudden i see sir uh r kelly cousins and his security all them people they run in the bathroom okay i'm like what the [ __ ] going on like they're like yo what's up hey they screaming all crazy so we take some guns and we give them some guns like oh kelly yeah [ __ ] i need to get on the stage and perform this [ __ ] i don't know what they're going through the [ __ ] screaming ain't saying what he's going through he's just like [ __ ] just trying to so we get them [ __ ] some guns and celeb [ __ ] go into business so we could get on the stage next thing i know it's a hell of a part of the madison square garden story all right i'm just saying like i'm going to call you the gun [ __ ] from here on yeah i'm not saying that it's like i want to perform and do business i want to get i want to do my song i want to go out there and go girl you want to come that's what i wanna do y'all come in there screaming and hollering like a [ __ ] dying or something i got guns on me i don't know what's going on so i give y'all something like i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on now it turned around it's with jay-z now i don't want he that's probably why i ain't getting as big as i was probably supposed to get in my career because of that and i know this is the platform i just want this man to know i didn't know he had nothing to do with it but they wouldn't say that one thing with jay-z i was looking like yeah i was like figuring that out but all kelly didn't play he made it seem like it was [ __ ] so i'm like but the homie that was next to the home yeah and [ __ ] that uh [ __ ] that i know that is his his peoples they ran in the bathroom chaotic like yo oh kelly oh my goodness someone's like you know what i'm saying so you envision you with a trench coat and they did this and then this is this i know i want to go on stage and perform i'm happy that they they on the best of both worlds i'm thinking they're friends i don't know the the com i don't know you know what i'm saying but that was the third time i was supposed to see him i didn't see him that day though like the other [ __ ] came in the bathroom when they got that we went to the hospital to go recover what we gave them our kelly was in the hospital so i ain't seen him that time i so i met him two times the time he went to go refill the joints get his guns back let me get my [ __ ] back so we went to the hospital got this [ __ ] back but i ain't seeing him like you know you see [ __ ] you get to go on stage super mad that's the moral of the story i'm happy you see tomorrow's the story everybody trying to think of ways like i'm a criminal oh and then that [ __ ] happened it's like come on man what the [ __ ] is going on [ __ ] crazy let's change it up for a second little uzi or little baby um little uzi little uzi a little baby you're gonna ask me the same thing you gotta answer brother i'll take a shot i see when i first came to atlanta right that's when i first moved out there i was in the mall i'm looking for some [ __ ] let's get away with this last one but this quick time with slime this one yes that's it we come back but we come back to the great story i love it i met little baby i shook his handy girl i'm from philly and i never met lil uzi he never tapped in so a little baby if you rewind we know we're not mad you think it's really 24 million anybody no is that on it come on i think it's 500 million 500 a goddamn i love it because you're gonna get a piece of that face worth saying nine minutes i don't get a piece of wood oh all right yeah be careful right now atlanta or miami atlanta atlanta or miami i don't know if that was a fair one for me no explanation this is quick let's give this [ __ ] a shot real fast come on or getting [ __ ] it's a difference don't say miami's no no i'm i'm every woman's for selling miami my [ __ ] don't be a hater please tell me [ __ ] well atlanta too but i gotta go atlanta because i make more money online okay all right are you going to the bathroom or you're taking a man this is one for all three all three of y'all loyalty or respect i'm gonna take a shot i need both of them all right i respect that i think a shot is a good shot loyalty or respect yo come on norah you can't keep doing it like once you get it [ __ ] you know it's effective you can't ask the next number because there's already [Laughter] respect me you should be loyal to me too not everybody that respects you is loyalty i'm gonna take a shower for you that's not the way to go yeah i don't got a ticket shot right cause i picked uh um it should be easy for a couple of people [Music] swiss pizza timberland swiss beets pizza god you just you know i i gotta go with swiss cause he put my [ __ ] on okay all right then now let me start with you real quick i'm gonna fire this up uh rockefeller cash money ah rockefeller they're right i'm gonna go cash money bj clue what jazzy jeff let's do some categories that's the reason why i should be that that's a hard one that's a different one and i got rolled up in it already um it's another one like this i mean nah i could see he's trying to set me up with the philly [ __ ] wait wait i i didn't even know i forgot the question dj include jazzy jeff yeah do you want me to answer it no i don't want you to answer this last one for y'all [ __ ] jill scott or jasmine sullivan scott jill scott jill scott of course i think jazzy still she's still got a little jasmine on she's yeah amazing will chamberlain julia irving really serving julia servant dr j my [ __ ] yeah all right we're gonna take a quick break [Music] let's go all right cool so drama real quick when you when you come when you're going from philly to atlanta how old are you at that point i was 18. and what was the reason for that i went i left to go to college so yeah i went to clark atlanta university and that was my reason i mean i went to college to go to atlanta i didn't even know nah so i had knew like you know atlanta was a was a a place of you know opportunity for young black people young people of color you know from all over the place you know i always thought i was going to wind up in new york honestly you know what i'm saying coming from philly like when i was you know wiggling and everything but atlanta is like you know i owe a lot to atlanta for my career and you know for for what i was able to accomplish there you were already djing yeah you said that 15 was already yeah i was dj i mean you know one of the reasons why i chose black dot is because the root you know i came up at a time when i literally watched the roots get on that was my first time seeing literally like like someone's philly somebody right in front of me is like getting a record deal you know making it you know on rap city you know what i'm saying even though there was prior cast from philly too that was right from right seeing it and knowing quests and knowing black dawn you know what i'm saying wrestling piece my brother mouth v2 um anyways the dj for bahama d i don't know yeah of course come on yeah so you know that was my early you know philly days and what happened but yeah i went for college i never came back are you was you already making mixtapes lightly i was i mean obviously not to the degree but i was you know i made this tape called ill adelph and i literally just copied uh doo-wops 95 live you know black dog bahamut what was it called it was okay no and um you know i just i copied doo-wops 95 live and just you know took the artists that were around me at the time and let them freeze we all wanted to do that any mixed safety she really wanted to do that he wanted to do that so that's what i did for the crib you know she passed og of course god damn philly [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] together all right i'm did you forget i was from philly hell yeah what up what i'm telling you you don't have gillian wallow here i was here right i come in here cause mike hit me last night so i'm gonna meet your drink champs i don't know he here right i don't know drum here uh yeah i definitely forgot i'm standing here and i'm like yo this just tell me michigan for some reason i said there's no way this [ __ ] know i'm fulfilling you keep having [ __ ] that i know and [ __ ] i definitely i definitely never say bad today yeah yeah yeah i definitely ain't put two or two together man man yeah yeah yeah i slept today i slept today but you're here [ __ ] hendricks okay generation now okay yeah yeah cool as [ __ ] that's the y'all right here cool [ __ ] right here oh [ __ ] and you sign the drum yeah that's our generation so how do y'all link up uh i snuck in the studio i got mine i just got my deal from nothing really florida boy i got that was how that was coming but john really came and wrapped hands around and took it to another level with it now we are really stuck in the studio i met with a joke with a joke his own what's the main street yeah well joe was at main street yeah at the flying arms so uh once i link up with him you know he put me in front of drum and when he was already hearing my music and john was off the rip so he finally just rough riders i signed the rough riders when i was 17. did you stow the ball b um yeah when i was the ball b um i met c.d the negotiator that swiss pop okay i met him in philly in a barber shop he was passing through he used to live in philly so he'd be passing through and then he was asking who's the hottest [ __ ] in the city and then barbara told him about me called me through the studio asked me to spit some [ __ ] so i came to the studio and started spitting i seen td he was down with um rough riders i didn't know him though he wasn't like dmx and nobody that i was familiar with but he had on the hat he had merchandise and [ __ ] like that so i sped for him made him made an impression on him he got my number and all that like two days later in school i got a page from my mom and he was telling me to come out new york to me why his brother that was the ceo of ruff rogers and that's how i got signed to roughriders when i was 17. and swiss was like one of the poppiness producers over there at the time when i first got signed he was elevating and when i when i got signed he started to blow started to go crazy he wanted to start his own production company so he needed an artist i was in the three-man group larceny family but he said he wanted me as a solo artist so that's how he partnered up and um started four silver's records the group was signing rough riders or just you now he just signed me as a solo artist like i was in the three-man group signing the rough riders that's what i'm saying the group will assign the rough ride okay okay and that's how we got free from that contract because i signed as a solo artist to swiss beats right well with swiss beats and we started fourth surface and then i got the artist there with jay records and clive davis and that's how he made that happen but he went the group i mean and at that time i was the one being active battling going crazy at the time and i was the youngest so i guess he found like i guess he felt like you know it was the best direction to go in so he talked it over with me and my management at the time was his dad and um i was signed to his uncle's dny so it was easy for me to get out that contract and get in a new situation and i knew it was probably not going to be you know me beneficial for us to stay with rough riders at that time because they had so much talent x the locks eve dragged they learned about so much other situations that we was like last on the list and we ain't even had no budget open so the best situation for me was to go with swiss because i was going to be his only artist and that's how i did it and made it happen i just go with mike uh why not i mean me and mike we're just comedians trying to we actually was in a um a competition together but we i mean comics were like one big family we always see each other during open mic night you know we've known each other for since the beginning of everything right uh we actually just really do get along we all know each other right i mean we we work together you know actually first time not the first my mom one time um actually was in a competition that gave him it was a steve it was apollo an apollo competition yes me and my abs and the only reason why he won the reason why i lost because i went i did i went over my time that's what you told me that mike you went over your time that's why you lost but um yeah we got way back man inflection badge at one point was my road manager i met him i met him through tim thomas you know tim was my homie you know that my basketball player he's from philly also uh you boy he played at veda nova and uh he sounded like 80 man now you wanted one of the first 80 men up 65 25 million with milwaukee bucks 65 million nba contract 30 million dollar shoe deal yeah and then he's working with him that's how i met him i met him i met him through tim tim was my homie that's how i met you right yeah and then he wanted to roll with me for a few times being real manager he was just [ __ ] the [ __ ] that's all right though he was out we have more fun comedians are rappers fighting rappers that's so good right yeah rappers i think have more i've been on the road more groupies than comedians i actually um floyd was following me on instagram and i didn't know i didn't know i was on my uh actually i got a text from um from kichi his assistant kichi and i've been friends since i've been in miami and she texted me one day this was in february 2017 and she texted me and um and said that floyd wanted to invite me and my man rest in peace prime to uh to floyd's 40th birthday and she said and she said that floyd had been watching my instagram and one day i put up a post that really resonated with him personally it was about why do some dudes get mad if a chick just don't want to [ __ ] with them and want to [ __ ] with another dude and he always looking for explanation and i'm like [ __ ] you just ain't got it you ain't got that yeah i mean you ain't got that genesis choir so romeo's a cryptic he he he really that that post did it for him so he told kichi like yo i like that nick i want to meet him right and he didn't know she knew me and when he showed her the post she was like that's shabazz he was like you know him she's like yeah he said you like you know i'm normal she said yeah i know him she reached out to me i flew myself to la for his party put myself in the hotel and all that i met him met him that night the rest is history right now that's how floyd is though like he'll watch you if he [ __ ] with you he watch it for a few times he pay attention that's how i became my fan you know he been actually came through on my shows after that he's i posted a i made a post after the last show he's like man he said after the show i became a fan he started following me and next you know wherever i'm at he'll buy 20 30 tickets and bring his old crew yeah and he he pay attention yeah he's paying attention to everything because and the reason why he's so calculated like that is because when he [ __ ] with you he [ __ ] with you he not no funny style like if you notice he don't [ __ ] with he don't roll with nobody but his team like he cool with rappers and act like he cool with people but when he decide i want to [ __ ] with this person and he bring you in is that for life like only you can [ __ ] that up whatever i thought that's how he treated the show when he came on the show like no but that's how he completely i was like i'm with this situation right no he wouldn't have came if he didn't [ __ ] with it and trust me he probably don't watch the 100 episodes of this [ __ ] he decided to do it yeah yeah i see the other day at his party and he said that i'll give you my best interview i guess you did you know when he want to [ __ ] with somebody like he don't just dive in because you know people you know humans disappoint humans right you know what i'm saying so he he tried to be real meticulous about who he decided to hand pick and [ __ ] with and like man he [ __ ] me up like i ain't gonna hold you like i'm not gonna get into all the stories but like he called me he called me one day in april i met him in february i met him in february now i'll tell this story i met him in february i went to l.a i came back from la that monday that tuesday kichi called me she said i told you when floyd likes somebody he likes him she said i don't want to make you nervous she said but he told me to ask you for your bank account information all right i'm like [ __ ] he can have it i know he's like if he knows my cash and i'm not i don't know what to expect i don't have no expectations i'm just like i don't know where this is going i just met the man four days ago and that thursday he called me he texted me and he said check your account in 10 minutes and it was 10 000 in my account that was february my birthday was in april he came to miami he facetimed me and he said yo where you um where you at i said i'm in the house he said send me your location so um he said i'm he and i texted him where i live he said i'll be there in 10 minutes and i um i go downstairs so i'm looking for like i'm looking for the money team trucks i'm looking for a bugatti i'm looking for some [ __ ] but i don't see no cars so i see a a suv flash and they lights at me and it's him he drove just him his man out and uh and a lady friend he drove to my crib told me happy birthday gave me another team right oh no you'll never see him you know he gave me another ten thousand but when he gave me that ten thousand he said listen he said what you doing on social media is needed he said and he said i know you're a man he said i know you don't ask me for nothing he said but and i know what your background is he said but i don't want you to risk your freedom for money he said because we need you on this side of the wall not the other side of the wall he said all that game you got it need to be out here he said don't you worry about nothing i got you for life you good bye make some noise for that every week but he just wanted to be understood like i really [ __ ] with you when i got your back so if you should need me you understand you got a support system but thankfully i don't um i'm like yeah now his money in front of his pocket now you know it's like you know it just you know what it does it took it took me back to something that my mother taught me and that was always exude stellar behavior and good character because you never know who watching that's right just be great just be just because never in a million years because i have designed that right you know saying that type of relationship with friendship but to this day my man and that's his way of doing philanthropy for lack of a better word but a lot of people see people don't know the difference between money mayweather and floyd right it's two different people money mayweather is supposed to piss people off money mayweather is the one to get under people's skin like that's the one money mayweather made the money but floyd the person the man the human the the person that got his own flaws the man that's human that you don't make mistakes like everybody else his make his mistakes may be different he's different from money mayweather and that's the person that people don't know and that's the person that gets pissed off when people criticize floyd for what money mayweather might have did you know what i'm saying it's a difference so what's next real quick before we out of there right now i'm pushing for five i'm not just saying that neither all right so you know how to pick them right it's crazy i don't know if you know i'm just saluting to the to subvert for you know for this [ __ ] but generation now you know shot the cannon late you know jack harlow said he got some [ __ ] coming i'm working on some new music too okay i'm always working all right cass what what's next for you i just dropped three projects in the last five months the science the formula and the wise man so i've been working cooking up all right on our platforms go check it out everybody available three projects the science the formula and the wise man that's right hey march 2nd my my podcast come out caught no filter with michael blackson so you know i gotta warn you yes there's somebody named doggie diamonds right has a no filter there's a whole lot of milk filters oh yeah i saw the poster yeah there's a whole lot of no filters so i had to put no filter with michael blackson it's a horde it was you know he hit me up i said listen he's already been contrasting the sign already and my name is attitude so it it's a whole bunch of no filters you know i wasn't great my things are like so be glad you think it's good as me [ __ ] that's why i told you that so you add up with your name i had it with my name right so it's no filter michael blackson he's on uh shout out to charlotte amazon on black effects network and all that good stuff with black effect as well oh you all got great excellent so yeah it's march 2nd it starts of course march 5th um coming to america too evan was in that movie how come everybody got the bootleg besides me everybody got these people seen it already [Applause] i think that's even happening who got the bullets [Music] there man um yeah and then of course march 29th um couples retreat me and my girl and a bunch of loving hip-hop people and i'm on tour i'm back on the road you know [ __ ] corona we're back out there i'm doing my own thing i'm out with mike absent in this this fall so you got the vaccine just say it let's say that all right so you say that we got the applicant back z and this it came through that visayan says 97.5 percent accurate [ __ ] when he's 100 i'll get on it okay right now but yeah so check me on tour this fall with um martin lawrence and then right now i'm on going on the road mike app so we go getting this money wow yes that's the og what's next for me he's got more ten thousand dollars on his way please i wish they were flowing like that but you know i'm appreciative to when they came yeah you know what's you know that's not i don't know you ain't talking you talking to the people because of the people telling people what's that's going on okay okay okay you know when i got something in the can right that's right you know what when you talk about it you know nori you know man lauren got a funny story yeah you know i i never thought this would even be you know uh something that was even possible what was that like two three years ago at puff house so we gotta go so let them know what you got going on they're gonna get the new one yeah let's go let's go let's go before that before that i actually just had to publish this on friday because my book is done flip your life the book is done my life story is complete and so by the time she does the synopsis and everything in your life yeah flip your life is the name of my book interesting yeah flip your life is the name of the book um just high publicity team friday so probably within the next three weeks the book will be out and listen if y'all watch this show just count how many times my [ __ ] i said going crazy he said it about 37 times i count that just go crazy philly sir go you gotta take a shot every time he says it count it when the show comes on i said i counted 37 my [ __ ] 37 times maybe 36. how many times you think is that going for you i didn't even know i was saying it like that our show is about giving people they flowers it's about saluting people to their face you know um you know i thought it uh you know um we're not really together i totally forgot you know shabazz uh also in philly but glad that we made it happen at the end it go away you know what i mean but um i just want to thank you our brothers because um you know it's about us giving people off they flowers you know what i'm saying we want to big people up you know what i mean because our coaches are so stupid sometimes they want to beat you up and they you know god bless you know fred the god son you know just got a street named after him and it's dope or how dope would it have been if you've seen that you know what i mean so i want to change the narrative of that and that's what this all purpose is about what it wasn't about me it was about weak you know what i'm saying and um and so i just want to thank all you brothers individually you know i mean taking the time out and you know and you know i obviously want to get y'all individually as well you know um but this this is important to show some philly love i was gonna uh get uh gilly and wallow and uh freeway and whoever else pd crack whoever else is gonna facetime in which i was just so interested i didn't even want to take the i didn't want to bother them but just that's from the focus on this energy here so you know bottom line want to say thank you let's take some pictures
Channel: REVOLT TV
Views: 579,616
Rating: 4.797152 out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop, Drink Champs, N.O.R.E., DJ EFN, interview, podcast, DJ Drama, Lil Uzi Vert, Cassidy, Michael Blackson, Drake
Id: sdnkdCzBn20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 11sec (7211 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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