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hey guys it's haps and in today's video we are back with goobies now the first video got such an amazing reception I actually wanted to just jump straight back in and get some more content out for you guys so offline I've actually played one game I've unlocked a new character and we're gonna check that character out today so let's hit play these are the artifacts oh yeah we've also unlocked a new artifact too so mutated Gene twice as many enemies will spawn now we could look at some of these other ones so I think there's some that are potentially doable I don't know what tweak is um someone might be able to tell me down in the comments but if we have a quick look here so defeat guy a hundred times some of these are going to take a real grind to get um sacrifice yourself to mums or while having three capsules equipped survive for more than 30 minutes in one run maybe we could do blood moon maybe we try and aim to get this one let's see if we can go 30 minutes but if we hit next here's our character dizzy wizzy now dizzy wizzy enemies killed by Dizzy wizzy's attack will it generate an explosion dealing 50 of the damage dealt so what I've done is because we have this explosion if we go back here I've actually gone to the upgrades and I've increased our AOE I'm hoping that's just going to help with the explosion just to try and take out as many of the incoming blobs as we possibly can now just a quick little check here you can see here HP of Wiggle Wiggle last times eight we actually have a greater HP but we are slightly slower we have a greater damage dealt but our fire rate is actually much slower as well but we do have a greater range so there's some differences on this left hand side but most importantly we're going to be looking to try and capitalize on this explosion dealing 50 of the damage dealt so I think we're just going to try and increase our aoes wherever possible so let's jump in with dizzy wizzy and see oh look at dizzy wizzy go look at that okay absolutely love dizzy wizzy's movement check this out I mean dizzy wizzy okay goo AOE I think we're gonna go down the AOE route again yeah I think we're going to go down the AOE group that seems to be the I think that's going to play I mean we have a much slower attack but if we deal the AOE damage I think that's going to help and we could speed up our attack let's do this let's get you over here oh it feels so much slower two seconds between each attack so attacks have a 10 chance to conjure a hail storm or we I think we take more goo we did the guru last time but I think it makes a lot of sense with this character especially especially with the attack speed okay we could take more AOE if we're gonna scale AOE remember we've added that additional AOE scaling at the beginning we've put our I don't even know what it's called The Experience into AOE so I think we want to try and push this as much as possible so we have a 10 chance to implode upon impact displacing and stunning enemies for one second and dealing I think everything AOE we take I think we push AOE here clear you guys out let's go around here nice gosh dizzy wizzy's movement is hilarious okay we could take some more increase the radius of AOE we could go even further or we could improve our implode so the attacks have a great chance I mean this is the one downside I guess of having the the higher cooldown is that because these kind of uh abilities work off your attack rate so attacks have a 10 if we're attacking much slower then we're gonna have a smaller chance of actually this triggering so we could increase the radio size I think we're gonna take this yeah I think we're going to take this for now we're just gonna try and build up the radius for this as much as possible because if that if the AOE is hitting less then we want it to kill more when it hits so that's where the radius comes in dizzy wizzy flowing around here get it get in the middle here I mean we can increase the radius again that's what we're gonna do okay the radius is increased one more time nice that's fit through this Gap dizzy wizzy weaving carving up these blobs foreign again do we go for the experience I think it's early enough to go for the experience I think we'll take this for now okay if you could attack down here this is the I guess this is one thing where you've got the auto attack on you can't actually when your attacks are less frequent it feels like you want to be able to kind of direct them attacks have a 10 chance to conjure a frostbolt that slows and hits enemies by 20 and deals to damage we could Splinter attacks have a 20 chance to spin to three times or we could take thick hide maybe we take Splinter here or we could take the hide regenerate I think we'll take the hide you know what we'll be defensive we'll be defensive we give ourselves a chance to heal as well anything that increases our attack speed will definitely take let's take down the big bombs because they'll have a little little chain reaction we attack slow but we clear big that's the aim with Dizzy wizzy here okay so enemies have a 10 chance to explode on death dealing this is what we're gonna take we're gonna take more AOE okay we just trimmed the edge of that blob and took point one we should get that back with our height though let's rotate around here I'm gonna take down one of these dudes and then it should explode the rest and then what about down here there we go nice okay so dealing damage to enemies above 95 has a 20 chance to deal 25 of that damage again we'll take this the obliteration we'll play the odds we're just gonna keep circling these blobs dizzy wizzy I mean I'm I'm not gonna lie I'm a little distracted by just dizzy wizzy's movement um okay projectiles deal more damage or we can have one dizzy ball that shoots enemies dealing through you know what we're just gonna take we're just going to take more damage from the projectiles do this find the gaps okay now we're starting to now we get some of these some of these bigger enemies coming in the spiders I believe they're called could be wrong I should probably learn each one of the enemy types I'm gonna call this one the blob this one the bomb and this one the spider for now the spirit of mumzer attacks have 1.5 chance to make you enter a frenzy for three seconds during this period of time all damage dealt is increased by three movement oh and the movement speed is increased by 10. I think we're gonna take this um any kind of friends he's good for us get around here nice there's a magnet there we go get the experience we take a little bit of a hit oh it's getting a little tight in here let's find the Gap out of here dizzy wizzy finds the gap okay we're gonna take more experience I think we just pushed the experience for now we really need to we need to get some more um we need to get the attack speed up if we could just reduce it from two seconds that would be so great like if we were constantly shooting oh we could do so much damage but I guess this character isn't about that okay gained 0.5 extra damage per HP lost increase the damage of all AOA this is pretty nice or we could take your attacks fire one additional projectile I think this is pretty good as well I think I'm going to take this extra projectiles considering our attack speed is pretty low I'll take the extra projectiles let's go down here we need to hit one of these bombs and then they'll trigger and you there's the chain reaction on the bombs oh an income ziggrid oh I'm a bit trapped let's get out of here we can rotate around you foreign s have 25 chance to chain up to one enemy dealing I mean we could take this would take we'll just keep going down the obliteration for now not much damage on zigrid let's try and get in here see what we can do the attack speed is so slow we're gonna have to do something about this I think this may not be the most optimal way to play dizzy wizzy oh rotate around here we can't do we're not doing my RK you take it you've you've hit me we'll keep rotating busy was he making making hard work of this I tell you I think what we can do is we can take this and these will actually we can just get this little dude just keep popping away at zigrid just chipping away bit by bit okay that was pretty big one bit at a time this actually this actually solves the um the attack speed so maybe we pick up a few more of these doesn't do a huge amount of damage though we're nearly there though we should have zigrid done now there it is and now we just kind of okay something good here AOE damage would be nice if we get the crit damage four times though four times ten percent that's pretty nice I'm gonna pick up some last minute experience here before this grows too much nice we'll go over here get these last little bits and then on to the next Island okay okay bit of AOE damage kind of kite the group now we want to hit the bomb first there you get the explosions nice [Music] all damage dealt has an additional 10 chance to crit I mean we could take this or we could take these balls I think I quite I think we just keep going down the Dizzy balls route we've opened the Gap we found a gap okay Disney Ball's doing work let's see if we can hit the bomb get the chain yeah let's rotate I mean there's a big root beer we don't want to get trapped in so I don't know the layer of the land I don't know where let's try that okay so the coast is here I don't know if this is I think that's safe to go up there if we have to I think we can push down okay big group back it up back it up increase the damage of all AOE items yeah we'll do that okay we were oh that's big more AOE please all the runners they're they're too quick okay these things explode into lots of little ones I think this is where we rotate around these are the little trees so we'll scoot our way through oh we got good range on that that was good we should be able to work our way through this little group okay enemies have a 50 chance to explode we're gonna push that increasing the chance of enemies exploding is gonna be really nice reflect up some of this experience I think we can get a good amount here they're just multiplying we need to take out the bombs there's a Magna so I think we can deal with these and then we go for the Magna there it is increase the damage from okay we can increase the damage here deal more damage the faster you move 0.2 bonus damage for current movement speed all damage that has an additional okay we're gonna take this rotate the magnet and we need to get a path so the best way to get a path here is to take down a bomb and then that kind of has a chain reaction can we hit one of these we can there we go so we had a good group there's another bomb there take down you okay so more AOE release a small Sonic howl every one second dealing 1.2 damage okay that's not a lot I think I'm gonna take the orb I think I'm gonna push the experience I think I think we're okay at the moment we're surviving I don't think we I think it's okay to take to take the orbs gain the experience okay that noise always seems to signify something bad's about to happen see that was a little close my friend okay so there's you here I could do it not getting trapped okay we're gonna rotate around we go through this Gap this Gap pretty good I need some of this experience there's so much to gather up fire enemies have 15 chance to ignite an Airy fire upon death dealing 0.64 damage every okay I don't think we'll take this all damaged out has I mean this is more AOE but I think I'm just gonna take the thick hide for now I think we've already got a few AOE I kind of want to just kind of focus on those make them stronger I don't want to spread myself too thin on the AOE I think what we've got is good I think we just need more of them okay can we rotate around here is it is the is the gap there for us I think it is the Gap is there the experience is there okay increase your attack speed 100 we're taking this that's gonna be just attack speed increase is just going to be very big for us or there is a gap there we found it we found it nice okay this might be pushing it coming down here but we're gonna give it a go whoa did you see the damage that was kind of cool I'm not gonna like right we're gonna take implode and we're gonna pick up as much of this as we can and get out of here oh there's going to be some explosions here I can see it the spirit of mumza the spirit of mums is back I think we take we take you again that's so cool to see you know what I think I'm gonna take this increase your movement speed increase although do we take I think we take movement speed this is nice but I think I'm gonna take the movement speed here a little trap we're gonna get out of here I will do more damage nice okay give us something good okay it's another one of the implodes oh no it's fire okay I guess if we're getting it for free we're getting it for free fine um has entered the building oh there's our man what does amam do I've forgotten okay does this with little balls okay and then sends out these little pulses I remember now very whale like let's pick up all this experience I can avoid you don't wanna don't wanna get taken down by you all the while we are actually we are actually gaining some health back which is pretty nice there's some more Health there's a magnet how did we not gain enough experience there to go up another level we gotta be close Dodge this nice we're nearly back to full HP okay salvaged energy Upon finishing a combo streak explosion of energy erupts from within dealing damage equal to the combo streak wow that's kind of crazy but do we take this more experience when picking up an XP or there's a chance that it duplicates I'm gonna take this and I've gone all out on XP whoa the speed's gonna help us we want to pick up all of these XP orbs level 27. honestly I don't know when it comes to levels I really don't know what is what is sort of the the level that we should be aiming to get to so like if if 27 is like if we don't go much further than say 30 then obviously big enough picking up XP doesn't really matter too much run away from these nice I want to come down here and I want to get some experience I'm not I don't mind about taking down amam right now I want to get the experience when taking out these oh I'm am's down come on give us some AOE oh so close but attack speed four times thirty percent attack speed that is huge for us so that actually is probably better than the AOE honestly now our attack speed is kind of kind of crazy let's get some of this experience it's gonna be good for us okay come on dizzy wizzy let's do this where the blob's coming from here they come let's see this increase that attack speed now if we hit one of those bombs or the explosion The Chain Reaction there's a huge we'll find the Gap find the Gap there it is okay that was pretty nice I mean I we're at the max right I don't think we take this anymore we can't go any higher so I think I'm gonna take or we could take spikes I'm gonna take this chain your initial attack has 25 chance to chain up to one enemy dealing 14 damage I think we'll just take the extra chain okay so oh you're you shift you're a Shifty fella let's run we'll kite you are these These are the dudes that are actually kind of annoying they're the ones that kind of fire the projectiles down on us okay we're gonna run around here George these oh wait these guys are big take all of this experience there's a lot of things exploding right now there's a lot of experience for us oh these are armored rotate around dizzy wizzy doing some work I tell you what do we got we've killed 9 000 so far I mean our DPS is not that high it's not bad when we send in the uh sending the blobs I'm not gonna find that Gap we're gonna we're gonna rotate around the top through here and then down here nice these guys are nice and slow so like we can we can dodge them we'll kite these guys down we'll bring we'll bring the horde down wait a second didn't it didn't anticipate you guys spawning here you kind of closed out my little uh Escape Route and you're quick I can't get away from you run we need the bomb guys back we need them they help us out big time armor runners okay we could take you out and then actually we'd get something from taking you out so let's focus you you're so close okay we got you let's get something good here more attack speed oh yes and more attack speed is good for us 25 chance to spawn a chain lightning AOE more damage I guess we'll take the chain lightning um okay how are we finding the Gap here we go up here and rotate round big explosions there's a lot of experience in there we can't actually get at it just yet so much experience over here we come around the top we should be able to rotate all the way around the bottom here that's help that I don't need so I'm going to leave that there for now keep blowing these up it's pretty good there's so much over there look how many how look how many experienced orbs there are just like hey can we take down this dude they're really annoying okay we've got you and then we've got two up here then look at all of this experience I actually don't think we saw anything quite like this with wiggle Woogie wiggle wiggle I can't remember the name wiggle Woogie wiggle wiggle so increase the damage of all Airy items by okay decent amount or attack have a 12.5 chance to implode upon impact displacing and stunning enemies 4.5 seconds and dealing some damage I think we'll take more of this more implosion okay that's pretty good I think we're gonna take this and note we're increasing attack speed honestly I think we just push attack speed when it's there okay we're gonna get trapped if we're not careful because we'll have a big horde come around the top here so we're just going to make sure we find this Gap early clear the route out of here there should be a good amount of experience waiting for us down here there is and some help which we'll take there's a lot so many there are so look at the horde dizzy wizzy you've got some work to do my friend enemies have a 30 chance to explode on death dealing I think we take this for sure exploding fire pool no we're taking I'm just gonna keep increasing my attack speed I said that's what I'm gonna do and that is what I'm gonna do we found the Gap we want we want more all that was close there was a lot of damage coming my way then okay I don't actually think that this route is all that free but we're gonna try and find there's some bombs if we can explode those then we'll get a chain reaction hopefully okay don't like the look of this we're gonna have to draw those in and then we're gonna have to run around the outside and we're gonna have to try and okay we're okay here our clear rate's not great though so well they're quick they're quick I think we take more lightning what what is going on I don't know what is going on oh no it's you I remember you from last time let's get down here let's let's Hoover up all of this okay Dodge I'm just gonna keep going around and collecting up all of this experience I think it's pretty good for us I'm hoping this way is a little bit clear Dodge those collect up this little bit it all counts you know we can't leave much behind they come in we'll rotate around do as much as we can in terms of damage on you okay we got a good amount of experience down here too before it's coming in so we'll try and make a break for it Dodge these this is where I want to get as much damage onto Gaia while we're there while we're here like while we're close not bad Dodge D's incoming okay we managed to get the horde under control it's much thinner I do fit I do fear a little bit because my wave clear is not great I do fear for let's say the next Island I think that could be where things kind of come and stuck a little bit but enemies have a 15 chance to explode on death dealing 11.7 AOE damage and leaving a pool of fire dealing 1.2 damage every second each strike each Critical Strike has 20 chance of causing okay we're not really doing critical I mean we can increase our critical I guess we'll just take the fire here it's not really ideal but we'll take it anyway it is AOE and we are pushing AOE so I guess it makes sense in that regard to find the gaps here the two tentacles come slapping down nice what's the bombs rotate around the things that come together okay you come down on here and there up here for some experience I wonder if there's any experience that I've kind of Left Behind there's not much up here let's go down here there might be a little bit taking out U is going to be important good one tentacle okay guys nearly down nearly nearly got you done defeated so good okay come on give us something good give us that times four times two okay we get the times two keep rotating pick up all of this experience and then we're going to the next Island and this is where I kind of fear I think this is where we're gonna dizzy wizzy could come under the Kosh a little bit we're gonna do our best though oh we need to take down these guys ASAP okay we're in trouble already already I can see this is going to be difficult we need to find the gap we do find a gap but yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting come into here dizzy wizzy weaving draw them in and then rotate around oh dizzy okay we're still alive um that's not good that does not look like a way out that does not look good for us we're stuck what no no we ran into a rock and we came to an explosive end oh what a shame what a shame to end it there dizzy wizzy was doing so well but then got trapped we didn't check out the map enough we did not check out the map enough but there we have it dizzy wizzy our intro to dizzy wizzy next time I think what we're trying to do is we'll unlock the next character and we'll give them a go but let's just um in fact let's tell you what let's let's quick out quit out of here let's hit play and let's see what we need to do to unlock the next character okay so spinky winky we need to defeat a total of 7 500 runners and then who's he woozy we need to achieve 825 000 in score and then with bingas bungus we actually have to we have to defeat mums or which we didn't get to I think that might have been the level that mum's always on but unfortunately unfortunately we trapped ourselves in a corner and then there was no getting out hopefully you guys enjoyed this one there will be more goobies on its way maybe next time we'll do just a little bit better thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one thank you foreign
Channel: Haps
Views: 3,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goobies Preview, Let's Play, Goobies Alpha, Goobies Beta, Goobies Demo, Goobies English, Goobies, Goobies Quick Look, Goobies Review, Goobies Letsplay, Goobies Part 1, Goobies Playthrough, Goobies Walkthrough, Goobies Guide, Goobies Early Access, tryout, goobies update, roguelike, brotato, vampire survivors, bullet heaven, bullet hell
Id: 8BDajRcVVhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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