DIY Infinity Stones! (Avengers)

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here it is after a long time waiting the Avengers infinity war video you guys have been excited for it I have been waiting for this and the big question what am I making well without further ado using the title you've seen the thumbnail today I am making the Infinity stones wait what those little gem things no no I'm making what they're encased in from all the different MCU movies if you're still not following what I'm saying I'm not just gonna be making the little blue space gem I'm instead making in the full tesseract from the first Avengers movie I'm making the power orb from the first guardians of the galaxy the eye of agamotto from Doctor Strange the ether from Thor the dark world and the mind stone you'll have to wait and see but without further ado let's get started with prop number 1 alright starting it off it's the first infant to be someone introduced in the MCU and that is the tesseract it's this awesome glowy blue cube and I am very excited to make it the first thing I bought was this clear display cube actually it's just a plastic cube I think it's to display like a softball or something but I'm not gonna use that the funniest part of this whole thing was the puzzle of how to open it see I thought outside would pop up but now look it opens up into to use look at that but the next step is how to light this because I want this one to glow as well as some of the other Infinity stones were making in this video so I had bought this pack of candle light things they're not real candles but they're just little LED and a battery pack all really self-contained like that which is really ideal for this unfortunately they do flicker a little bit so it's that's not perfect for everything but I think it'll work alright remember that pole candle tealight idea I'm scrapping it we don't mean it I got a new LED situation courtesy of my dad who works for a light company basically he gave me this strip of faux gas okay I'll just insert a focus clip but it's just a strip of LEDs and it's gonna work really well for this purpose but of course this long strip of LEDs is way too long for a cube so our idea is to cut them up into little self-contained LEDs make a little ball together to get a big bright light source coming from the middle and then hook it up to the battery of maybe one of those candle lights also I'm gonna use the can of tea lights for some other props later in the video so I said there wasn't a ton of waste all right so we cut up a couple of LEDs scraped away the paint to get at the copper inside and then just for a test hooked it up to the candle battery and let there be light this is soldering two of those LEDs back-to-back so we'll get light omnidirectional I guess but wait my arms are nearly those hairy this is the work of the costume dad okay so we cut out two of the LEDs out of the strip and we stripped away enough so we can connect to both ends one sides positive one sides negative I took two of them and put them back to back and wears them in parallel so the two positives connect to one wire the negatives connect to another wire and when we hook it up to one of these three volt batteries from here to there they will both light up now they can go a lot brighter than that so it's time to crank it up we use another one of these batteries we're gonna hook them cut the LED off and connect them together in series then we'll have you know almost six volts and we'll probably have to use a resistor to cut down the current because they'll be they'll be brighter oh yeah we soldered with both the battery packs and then just for a test for later in the video I put it in a ball of stuffing all right I think the electronics portion of this video is done I've got my little bundle of light here but next I need to diffuse it make that cool swirly cloudy looking effect and I'm gonna be doing that with stuffing this is the kind of stuff that's in your pillow and stuffed animals I'm just gonna kind of make it into thinner pieces so the light I'll shine through it and sporadically place it throughout the cube first though I have to cover the light in a light blue filter now I'm trying to make this so that it's not glued in entirely I'm just kind of setting everything together in there building up the inside and hopefully it'll look pretty good all right this painting looks awesome all right on to our second infinity stone and that is the orb from guardians of the galaxy if you remember star-lord finds this orb on an abandoned planet and then it's been tossed around between Ronan and the Guardians when it eventually ends up in the hands of the Nova Corps but this isn't a history lesson on the Infinity stones this is a prop making episode so I'm assuring that making my original plan was to use one of those styrofoam balls you can get this at any local craft store and then give it a cool textures of paint it would be good to go however in the movie the collector actually opens it up and reveals the power Infinity stone inside and I think that's a really cool effect and I want to do that original idea for doing that was cutting a line down the middle and then we could open it up but that's gonna make a huge mess and not be a straight cut so instead I found this is actually two domes of a ball and it's pretty cool because it's a perfectly per-student cut so now we can do some work hollowing out the inside maybe putting some lights and then we'll be good to go all right so I didn't really come over the plan to hollow this house so I guess I'm just gonna try No trying to maybe cut some off me and said this is difficult cuz you don't want to go all the way through that's a big no-no guys so and I'm gonna make a huge mess alrighty number two rotary tool [Music] this isn't working much better and it's making an even bigger mess hey idea number three here back to the basics I'm using a spoon you know this might it's gonna make a huge mess but this might actually work alright I made a huge mess but it is pretty sufficiently hollowed out on the inside so we can put stuff in there later I'm realizing a better way to make this would have been one of those do-it-yourself Christmas ornaments that open up actually that would have been nice because it's already hollow on the inside and you can take it apart and it's alright it's fear but I wanted foam especially this type of styrofoam for the texture that we're gonna be doing in a minute but right now I'm more interested on how I'm gonna make them connect for the most time until we want to open them and that's going to be magnets but magnets there's nothing too special with this I bought some little magnets we're gonna put a couple of them on here and we're gonna snap them together alright I just totally forgot the film to that but y'all know how magnets work I just put two of them on either side and snap them together and it works perfectly alright now it is time to texture the orb now I think I mentioned earlier that you could have used one of those make yourself Christmas ornaments that already opens up its artist vehicle and already hollow on the inside that would have saved some time on everything else but this step the texturing is the reason I use styrofoam because if you remember in the movie and has a really rough and cool texture just like this styrofoam but I think we're gonna amp it up a bit so as some of you guys know styrofoam dissolves when you spray-paint it so I was planning on acrylic painting it but it might if we do just a light enough coat give us a good look I'm thinking we can do a light wispy with the spray paint this is gonna be testing cuz I'm not sure how it's gonna work but if it dissolves just enough to give it a cool texture I think it'll work good [Music] all right as you can see here the black spray-paint has not eaten away at the foam at all I think so maybe it's this special type of green foam doesn't disintegrate or something weird this paint mixture slight coat okay guys so it has come to my attention that this is actually not styrofoam so I'm sorry I've been calling it that the entire video so far the white stuff but that makes the bees and stuff that styrofoam this green stuff also from the same craft store is actually a different type of foam that doesn't disintegrate when you spray paint it however for the first time I actually wanted it to disintegrate because now it doesn't have a school of a texture so I'm gonna do one last attempt at giving it a cool texture I'm just gonna try to mash it without off the end of a paintbrush or markers or whatever I find to try to give it a cooler texture before we paint it i [Applause] repainted a black here and made sure the paint went into all the deep purposes and then I just went over the top of it not trying to coat the entire thing with a gunmetal mixture and this will give it a really cool look as being silver on the top but black on the inside alright moving on to our third Infinity stone it's the green one the time stone as seen in the eye of agamotto from Doctor Strange so basically I'm going to be doing my best to homemade replicate the eye of agamotto that dr. strange wears pretty much entirely using foam and then I'm going to add a green LED on the inside you don't need this because there's actually kind of like two versions there's the way he has it where it's covered up and then there's the way showing the green infinity stone I'm gonna do the latter this is evey a floor mat foam that I'm gonna make at least the base out of I got my first basic piece done here I just kind of guess to the shape of it and then I cut a hole in the middle add another candle light and boom it already looks I have Okimoto II I made it two layers of floor mat foam thick which matched the depth of the light I cut a bunch of other pieces of foam some different details and stuff one is a piece of thin craft foam to go on the top that'll have the cool design going over the light another goes on the inside in between the two layers of foam just kind of another layer of coolness looking thing but this took me ten minutes and it looks pretty close to the screen accurate drop and I'm very happy with it [Music] so I have a lot of rough pieces here but now I'm ready to start sanding and gluing them all together I'm gonna be doing that mostly with some sandpaper but also with a dremel rotary tool [Music] all right all my pieces are in and gold and now we can glue them together all right final designs I drew some designs on with a black sharpie I added a green filter over the lens and lastly I attach a black cord so you can wear it as a necklace I am the sorcerer supreme oh yeah this is the eye of agamotto this thing looks like really really awesome and very accurate but it was incredibly simple to make it's really just a block of foam spray painted wait that's it all my props up but you guys should attempt this one you can make it in an afternoon at the most and it lights up and everything and it's pretty cool alright so you'll want to make the ether from Thor the dark world everyone's favorite movie basically you just plop your reality stone in the microwave let that thing sit in there for just too long and there you go it becomes a liquid mmm all right ethers ready our next infinity stone is the soul stone the orange one remember you all saw that in that movie um that was yeah that hasn't been seen in the MCU yet so here is the soul stone all finished up as seen in the MCU right yeah but until I see that in the next movie I don't know what I'm gonna make for it so yeah but the serious next one is the mind stone now this one is started off in the first Avengers movie as being part of Loki's scepter it was used to control minds and then in the second Avengers movie it was used to bring life to everyone's fate for Android Avenger vision and because of that it's currently lodged in his forehead there were just so many options what to make this ass do I make the top of Loki's scepter do I just make the little jammie do I not make it at all and then it hit me visions head so here it is is a little foam dummy head in the craft store and I'm just gonna paint it up to make it look like a little crappy vision head believe me this is way easier than making a vision costume or makeup or something like that I found the perfect metallic pink color to paint the head in now this one I definitely couldn't spray-paint because it actually is styrofoam oh if you're wondering why I have my phone filming all this that's because I'm currently live on Instagram and by the way shameless plug follow me on instagram at the costume kid all right the metallic red paint here is all dry he's starting to look much more like vision but the next step I'm going to mask off certain areas and paint those with the gunmetal paint mixture from earlier all right that silver paint worked out awesome it looks so much like vision now and we're ready for the future finishing touches I'm gonna give him some painted eyeballs [Music] I glued on one of those little yellow gems to be the mine stone on his forehead and then I yeah this video is done [Music] there I did it myself so thank you so much for watching this video guys I really hope you enjoyed watching me make all five of these Infinity stones it was a lot of fun I'm very excited for the premiere of Avengers infinity war so please don't spoil it down in the comments section below but if you have any questions on these builds make sure to leave them in the comments section down below as well as like this video share it with your friends subscribe join the notification squad all that stuff if you remember in my last video I started a giveaway where you can click the link in the description and you can win one of these three props the kylo Ren lightsaber the crew's bionic arm or the ghost trap down here but I'm going to extend that giveaway and now I'm going to do three more props you can still only read one but you have a wider choice you can now win vision's head the Power Stone or the I of automotive I'm not going to give away the tesseract because this thing the light could last several hours or several more seconds so that's too sketchy and um well I mean and I will see you all here next time here on the costume kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jen do I not make it at all and then it hit me like oh Jesus would you do
Channel: The Costume Kid
Views: 2,180,381
Rating: 4.4307494 out of 5
Keywords: avengers, infinity war, infinity stones, infinity gauntlet, avengers infinity war, tony stark, thanos, doctor strange, vision, paul bettany, tesseract, loki, nick fury, time stone, mind stone, power stone, reality stone, sould stone, space stone, orb, guardians of the galaxy, star-lord, chris pratt, homemade, diy, kid, youth, crafty, props, cosplay, costume, propmaking, fun, the costume kid
Id: fiqgxuDcU9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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