YouTuber @hacksmith shows off his Iron Man helmet, Captain America Shield & more | Your Morning

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superheroes can save the world but if it wasn't for their high-tech armor many would just be mere mortals our next guest actually brings these superhero gadgets to life so here to show us some of his creations is youtuber James Hobson who goal also goes by hack Smith great to see you miss madman I've been watching your videos for a while now I'm so impressed with what you do let's start over here you've got three versions of Mjolnir of Thor's mighty hammer what is the difference between the three they all look fantastic so they're they're all all replicas but one of them is the real deal okay so why don't we do a little exertion we're gonna see if you're worthy okay so read down on the floor okay then you get to try and pick them up oh well you're picking them up so clearly worthy and no problem okay all right all right so start a right to left all right here we go oh that's got some heft to it this is beautiful how long does it take you to make something like this so we didn't actually make this one those actual and this is actual replica oh these are the replicas okay all right this one is a 73 pounds oh my god it's filled with lead that's of course okay now this one so yeah I lift straight up okay do I not yep okay oh I got it look at that that's amazing this is beautiful oh yeah all right there we go me and Captain America Captain America I guess I am worthy thank you so much so this is the one you made yeah and this one takes how long to so this one has an electromagnet and it actually takes 500 pounds of force to pick up when you're saying I feel table well when you're standing on you pick oh geez okay okay it wasn't on it first okay okay bye maybe I reconsidered look at that it's beautiful okay I want to Kate we got a few more things to get to here the Iron Man I've been in love with this tech I love seeing the new iterations over to how the heck so this is a this is essentially a mark 2 helmet with a heads-up display inside how did you do this so again this is actually a a replica helmet yeah that's full metal but what I've done on the inside is I've added my own heads-up display this is a night-vision camera and like a real heads-up display in there yep do people ever ask you to build stuff for them now sometimes yeah and what do you say um usually we're too busy oh that's good that's good all right this is probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen on this show this beautiful capture America original shield yeah but it goes with this right here doesn't it it does tell everyone with what we're looking at here alright so in both Civil War and age of Ultron Captain America's suit yeah we were time some extra tech yeah Tony Stark hooked him up and his arm actually had some electromagnets in it right thank you track the shield from distances as opposed to having to put his hand through that through a sheath so why don't you pick that up okay and this is this a real shield this is really this has made a real metal okay so I know toss it to me toss it up and this is gonna get you're gonna catch it I hope so is this heavy alright ready yep that is dope that's amazing cuz you're warmer faster okay ready that's awesome okay then if you follow the storyline through the MCU you know that at the end of Civil War Robert Downey jr. --zz iron man says to Captain America that's not your shield my dad in the Dead Sea lebreton belong to you and he just ditches it he leaves it walks away and then in infinity war in Wakanda he is given a wakandan vibranium shield and this is what you have here yeah so this one's really cool because I built this before infinity war came out before I was working off of the trailer really there is only a few seconds shown of this in the trailer let me see oh jeez that's good-looking [Music] so it's actually co2 power that's a batch of me oh I look that's so what are you working on next one of our biggest projects not actually Marvel themed now in fan of aliens yeah remember the power loader you bet you a billion power we're building the power loader well I can't wait to see for anyone who's not too sure with power loader is it's the giant walking yellow forklift that Ripley used to fight the xenomorph so we built one arm so far that one arm can curl 15,000 pounds oh my god this thing is gonna be able to flip cars crush cars I can't wait to see thanks so much for joining us tonight
Channel: CTV Your Morning
Views: 13,353,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: your morning, anne-marie mediwake, ben mulroney, Lindsey Deluce, YM, CTV, IRON MAN, iron man, avengers, endgame, avengers: endgame, captain america, shield, james hobson, cap, thor, Mjölnir, hammer, hemlet, the hacksmith
Id: dsB1syWAAF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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