Make Your Own Miles Morales Costume From Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse! (DIY)

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hey guys and welcome back I'm Dave okay the costume kid and today we're going to be making a Miles Morales spider-man costume alright guys so a little background here if you're new to my channel I've made spider-man in the past I've done multiple Spidey suits including the stark suit from spider-man homecoming and the iron spider suit from Avengers infinity war both of which turned out awesome you guys gave great feedback in there to this day some of the most popular videos on my channel so anytime I upload a new video whether it be superhero or something else all the requests are to make another spy suit all kinds of Spidey seeds maybe it's because I look a bit like Peter Parker but nonetheless I typically don't like repeating myself multiple times making the same costume unless there's something new and in the new movie is spider-man into the spider verse there are all kinds of Spidey people each with their own unique look and interesting costumes so I'm really excited and the one you guys really want to see and I'm really excited to make is Miles Morales is costume he's the main character of the movie and his suits is pretty cool-looking so I'm excited to tackle it now spoiler alert here if you haven't seen the movie yet please do yourself a favor and go watch it it's phenomenal you you're gonna love it but then come back here is okay final spoiler warning you wanna stay best one here we go in the movie we actually see how miles makes this costume it's a brilliant sequence that involves him taking Peter Parker's classic red and blue suit and spray painting over it to give it this cool black look now coming from me the guy who's attached many things cardboard hot blue foam duct tape and yes spray paint to costumes in the past this is just really impractical it looks cool but if you spray paint and higher costume head-to-toe it would just become really stiff and not nearly flexible enough for you to you know flip around swing fight and do all those different spider-man things so I'm gonna take some liberties with this one and make it the way I would do it not quite the way miles did in the movie so yeah now as always our first step is just the base clothes now I've shown on my other spider-man videos how to make a suit out of just a red shirt and blue pants that works really really well and it's a great DIY approach to it but I think it's time to try something new a little more advanced in this way you might call it cheating in terms of a homemade costume but I'm gonna use a morphsuit now I'll shine away from these in the past mostly because I need two of them and they'd be pretty expensive to you know buy a red one and the blue one instead of just a shirt and pants but since miles of soup is all one color black I figured it's the perfect excuse to try it out now here's the morph suit that I bought this will work really really nice to give the whole costume the same cohesive you know fabric look and Sheen instead of this being on being a different black shirt and black pants II wouldn't quite match right but now we're ready to actually you know decorate it hang it up and make it into the Miles Morales spider-man costume now I'm sure you're getting tired of these by now but if you're a callback to my last spider-man costume to add the webbing on it I tried out a new technique with puffy paint here it is tulip puffy paint I had to get some more because I ran out on my previous costume but it worked really really well it's flexible enough it has not cracked and I did all the webbing with it it took forever of what it looked great and so if it ain't broke don't fix it so I figured we could use this again on the new costume and that it'll turn out great but before we get to that of course miles has some red still showing through from underneath you know the suit that he spray-painted right on his shoulders their little bodice fingers - so to add that I have some red huffing pains I haven't actually used this in multiple colors yet but uh hopefully it shows up on the black fabric and this'll they're not going to fill the shirts of course you can't just paint the lines on when it's flat because then you're going to put it on it'll stretch oddly and the whole thing will just look weird so I'm gonna be using my duct tape dummy here this is a mannequin replica of my exact body my torso here I have a video linked right here if you want to go click and see how I made this turned out great I use it on my previous costume Aquaman where he had to glue all those scales on really came in handy and I'm gonna use it again here now you don't exactly need this first say because on my previous costume I did just stop the shirt with pillows to you know fill it to approximately the right dimensions but uh have this this will work even better so let's get started well since this has a zipper it'll be a lot easier to put on and take off and my Aquaman costume was alright guys so what I'm worried about now is how well this red paint is actually going to show up on the black fabric so uh start by squirting it out wow that actually looks really literally great right now I'll bring a camera over to an HD close-up now to smooth it out bring a paintbrush action never tried using a paintbrush on the puffy paint before know it's meant for this [Music] the edge of it you can kind of dab in there because it's supposed to be spray-painted right I just realized I'm kind of doing this in Reverse but if you want to take our red suit and painted everything black be my guest good luck all right so I didn't show you all of that but it took many many coats I spent a lot of time waiting for it to dry but I tried to keep them as thin and smooth as possible so that it didn't you know build up super thick when the ton of brushstrokes and stuff I think it turned out pretty good no it's not perfect but what is you know so I'm ready to move on now if you were doing the comic book miles costume you could just continue with this red paint for the rest of the webbing and that would look great but of course we are doing the animated movie version and so for that I'm going to be using this black puffy paint now I know what a lot of you guys are thinking you're like wait Dave you're gonna use black paint on a black shirt what well yes and I have reasons to do that because in the movie yes she spray paints over the entire costume including the webbing but it doesn't totally just disappear it's still there because it is kind of raised like physically the weapon is there on the shirt you know what I'm saying and so after it's covered it still has kind of a different Sheen and texture to it then the rest of the costume does which I want that so I figure if I use this paint just for the webbing on the shirt you'll still be able to see it after it'll be the same color black but because of the texture and the way it shines I'll just show you guys this I keep talking here alright so I just looked at the pictures and tried to draw it out as best as I could since I've done this before it really gets easier with every time I do it but I guess I could explain the basic webbing pattern to you if you don't already know it's just a bunch of vertical lines and then some arches like little rainbows connecting in between them all it makes that iconic webbing texture and really looks cool now I know it's pretty cold in my shop as I was doing this and my hands were getting a little shaky but I think it turned out okay and I'm definitely happy with it [Music] you know something I really like about having it on a mannequin like this is what I'm done with a certain section of it I can just flip it to the other side and do some more you know what I'm saying my last one when I just stopped it with pillows it took so much longer because I have to you know it stops the right position do the front side wait a while for it to dry completely and then flip it over do the other side wait for it to dry and then the arms took just a million sessions of painting because I I had to do them all like that but with a mannequin give it all pretty much done in a couple sessions and then I just continued with that same webbing pattern going across the back of the shirt but uh oh wow that's really a great camera angle there Dave I can totally see what's going on you know behind the light Wow oh thanks autofocus I'm really glad that my hair is the subject of the frame there and not the actual costume I'm trying to work on oh now that's a good camera angle really shows the side of the costume that you're not working on oh I'll just cut in some clips from my old video so you guys can get a sense of what it looks like but it's not black on black [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so I just continued with more painting down the arms there but I'll take the second to mention something that I neglected to in the video and that's this black puffy paint is actually like a special metallic black puffy paint I know you can obviously see that but when it was in the bottle I didn't mention it for whatever reason because I didn't know how much you would show up as being metallic but as it's pretty obvious here it's definitely more of a gunmetal like a dark silver but I kind of dig it you know it definitely shows up better on the black shirt so uh yeah alright so now that I've got most of the web lines on the shirt here done and dry we are now ready to move on to the gloves so miles gloves have the unique look of being black but just with red fingers on them it's very cool design that I noticed they're even carrying over into the spider-man far from home movie this summer and so my first original idea for this was to just use some more of that red fabric paint I use it on the shoulders here and just cover the fingers in it paint them up and they all look good but this took a lot of coats and it's still a relatively flat surface doing it on the intricate you know ins and outs and then fingers there it'll just take way too long and probably not cover it and look as well as I like it too so I've got a new idea here that comes in the form of these red Spidey gloves from my previous Spider in costumes they're just red with some lines over them actually have web-shooters on the back pretty cool but I figure if we I think you can see where I'm going with this if we cut the fingers off of the black gloves on here and then stick these through I might be able to work no paint required [Music] Stew's kind of a sad moment of truth here when I cut the fingers off it's pretty hard to add them back if you make mistakes [Music] [Music] and we'll look at that red fingered Spidy gloves no added painter at wasted time we're hitting for it to dry hey these look really really awesome very happy with I like your know if to crouch down on the table for you to see me in the video dream alright so I even did the boots the same way just with more puffy paint and now I believe all the webbing at least on the suit itself is done and there's just one more thing to complete this entire morphsuit think you can guess it goes right in the center of his chest and on the back as of course the iconic spider logo now miles has kind of a unique one it's not the printed spider logo that's you know always on a suit it's once again spray-painted spray-painted red onto the black over the red I think but once again I'm going to be using the same red puffy paint just you know do it on the heat freehand that it ironed I'm sure with the spray paint making a logo so if it's a little messy it doesn't even matter I just look at the picture and do it on the front and on the back [Music] okay so this is just the first coat here don't worry but are we totally gonna gloss over the fact that miles just spray-painted a perfect circle onto this costume like what [Music] all righty and Here I am with the full suit on this is looking pretty cool that R it's really reflective in my light there but we got this logo here yes I know it's too small and really messy but whatever it's okay man it worked for my size and the back logo kind of cuts through the zipper there but still turned out pretty cool and there's another thing we're still need to work on of course I'm gonna look like Miles Morales yet we need the mask so let's do that now all right so the next step in this costume and probably the most iconic piece of any Spidey costume is of course the mass you can't be spider-man unless you have that iconic mask of course cool eyes you don't know now I know some morph Supes actually come with the mask you know attached built-in but I opted to buy one that was separate just because in pretty much every spider-man version you can take it off so that's you know the costume not the mass current but nonetheless we've got this here it's the same spandex material just made into a mask and well fits my head quite perfectly here and now we just need to detail it up of course that's gonna include some webbing going across it and the eyes I can actually see through this pretty well and you know I know what's going on all right so first things first the eyes on the spider-man mask they are ever so iconic and they kind of look like this right here my iron spider costume I made some pretty crazy eyes they actually had LEDs built in so that you could turn them on and they'd actually light up a glow blue which is pretty cool so this will be pretty easy comparatively but basically to make these pretty easily we're going to be using some white see-through fabric here this is so at least if you layer it up a couple of times you guys can't see me but I can still see through it fairly well and so we'll use that for the eyes and then to make a border and then yes the border is usually black right here but since the mask is black the boar is actually red so to make that we're gonna just be using some red colored duct tape here you can pretty much use whatever you want you got you know colored paper or some craft foam that has thin enough whatever works okay I just drew and cut out a little paper template there and then trace that down on to the duct tape like I said you could pretty much use any red material that you want but the duct tape it did end up giving a pretty cool glossy Sheen that matched the same look as the rent paint I have on the suit so ended up looking pretty nice and then I doubled up two layers of the white fabric so that I could still see through it a little bit but you couldn't see my eye there and then I hot glued it to the duct tape well actually here I wanted to flatten down the duct tape so it wouldn't be as raised up off the mask but I didn't have anything within arm's reach and I already poured the glue oh no cringe alert ooh I used my hand yeah not the best idea kids be safe at home worth it though because it looks like this peel off my hand of course and then miles eyes also have a little blue line down the middle of the red border there and that's pretty much it to complete these pretty easy spider eyes all right so I cut out the area I need you know to glue the eyes on down and you can still see through I know it looks like too much space but I promise you I did trace these down it's you know when it's glued together and will kind of stretch it shrink it to the right shape at least hopefully I mean that's plan all right I am really really happy with how these eyes turned out and now there's just one more step to complete this mask you can guess what it is right more puffy painted webs oh boy I've been doing this seam webbing pattern for hours paint bottle cosplay is fun all right so I just took the rest of that puppy paint bottle and did more webbing on the mask yeah a voiceover it's not really necessary here but make sure you pay close attention to the picture that you're copying because the web it kind of wraps interestingly around his head there and unless you've done this three times it's hard to remember but yeah oh sorry my camera is having such a weird time focusing in this clip has a problem I guess I'm just noticing now [Music] alright Here I am once more back in the completed costume here well just kidding this is actually like the same clip as the other tape is editing and stuff you know but nonetheless here is my mask all finished up and looking very nice and now if I take this even with my gloves I can still hopefully put it on too well there we go gonna have to tuck it into the collar of this thing here can do that later this but as a test fit itself this is looking very nice and it completes the costume the whole thing is looking pretty cool I don't you don't see my legs right now but you will later and now you're done unless you want to do one more thing that last thing is something very unique to spider-verse and the miles character in it when he makes this costume he isn't just you know full right where the costume itself he puts some regular street clothes over it which i think is really cool and so I'll show you here how to just get some of the street clothes to kind of match that same style so here we go some mild clothes first of all he's got a red hoodie maybe you have a red hoodie maybe you don't maybe find at a thrift store or your friend's house closet you can borrow something I don't know just make sure it's a zip up and it doesn't have any logos or anything over top of it you know looks very nice and of course it's gonna put very important Mouse's character and then over top of the hoodie he also has a jacket it's kind of a dark greenish color and some lighting it looks a little bluer but this is what I found I got this at a thrift store for like 10 or 12 bucks or something now I know it is a little bit big what kind of smells like my grandpa but it every is like 10 bucks ok it's gonna work just fine there you go if you want to cosplay you know in the winter like I'm doing this is a great option you throw these clothes top and if it gets hot can always take it off you know I'm saying and then mean last thing miles wears is probably the most iconic piece from the spider-verse costume everyone's been loaded he wears some Jordans based on the red sole there you can actually tell they're Chicago ones I just googled that I'm not a shoe guy but you can look online for these somewhere I was trying to find some type of Nike high-tops obviously I'm not gonna buy some Jordans just with this costumes this this is DIY okay unless you got that exact cash lying around or you happen to have them on your own good for you but let me take you back a few weeks ago when I was looking for these shoes and you see hey guys so I'm currently looking online here for some type of cheap nike high tops preferably in the same style of miles as Jordans just so that I can maybe repaint them and get him as close as possible to his shoes here but I'll keep you updated okay I swear I did not plant this I happen to come across on the internet some seller some use shoes here those are pretty darn close I might have to buy them there I mean they're that similar and for that price man all right nice here they are now and they're looking pretty good now I know they're not the exact replicas I'll pop up of comparison picture for you guys you can see they're actually kind of the reverse like opposite color scheme there but that's okay with me I mean I'm not gonna be super picky these are just the shoes of your costume if you don't want to wear them that's just fine but I have no need to you know repaint them to make them the exact way it's fine with me however if you want to repaint your shoes or you're not as lucky to find these exact versions link a tutorial video here that will show you how to paint over any Nike high-tops that are in a similar style to kind of make them look exactly like Miles Jordans yeah but for me these are just fine i'ma leave them as is in my costume and yeah I'm not a shoe guy okay I'm so white I had to google what Jordans were so yeah okay I lied I did end up swapping the laces over from white to black but then this costume is complete [Music] hey guys thank you so much for watching I want to give a quick shout out here to the Lincoln Street Art Park they had all this amazing graffiti there which made for one pretty cool montage you just saw but if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button and share it with your friends if you've any questions on this build as well as your requests for future costumes or props make sure to leave them in the comment section down below until next time I'm Dave aka the costumed kid and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Costume Kid
Views: 855,755
Rating: 4.6882229 out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider-man, cosplay, costume, prop, prop making, costume making, filmmaking, how to, tutorial, paint, diy, kid, puffy paint, tulip puffy paint, on a budget, spider-verse, spiderverse, movie, new movie, movie costume, spiderman costume, spider-man costume, spider-man: into the spider-verse, into the spider-verse, jake johnson, shameik moore, animated, animated movie, the costume kid
Id: 0-eYuhuN41c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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