DIY High Performance Smoke Device

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e fog oil smokes rely on vaporization of mineral oil  into the atmosphere and subsequent condensation   of the oil particles to form very small  droplets suspended in air as a result   creating Thick Smoke traditional techniques  of vaporizing the oil with a heater as in fog   pots go back decades as used in the military  for screening troops the effectiveness of a   fog pot can be captured in the form of a portable  handheld cartridge or canister described in this [Applause] video the fog oil smoke composition Works  in a similar manner as that of a fog machine   creating heat gas and a vaporized fluid  that condenses after being exposed to the   cooler atmosphere configured in the form of a  portable canister the operation is similar to   that of a conventional colored smoke grenade  the Heat and gas are generated from a pyrogen   mixture composed of potassium nitrate and sugar  creating hot water vapor in carbon dioxide the   fluid vapor is mineral oil which vaporizes  from the heat of combustion of the pyrogen   and then condenses after being injected  from the vent holes above the canister the   composition once initiated sustains a steady  burn rate and creates very dense oil-based fog [Music] [Applause] it all starts with a Ticky torch can the wide  mouth or the tiki brand is a lot easier to use   it has a wide mouth which makes things this one  has already been used but I am for demonstration   purposes uh using it again first step is to coat  the inside of this with a plaster based compound   whether it is Plaster reparis fast patch durhams  whatever doesn't matter uh as long as it's fire retardant all right load it up you want it a little thin this is thick for the purpose  I'm using it for but I have a trick   up my sleeve and you can laugh but don't  knock it until you try it a vibrator for   liquefaction one of the most useful  chemistry tools laboratory tools and   kitchen tools in existence however  see you couldn't do this without a vibrator let me just drain out the excess see I'm G to get this out of camera view  because that looks weird and here we have   it this will provide enough um fire  dampening thermal dampening whatever   you want to call it to uh make it a little  bit safer it also seals the rim of the can   against the potentially permeable mineral  oil that we will be using in our mixture while that is curing I have it on a space heater  right now we can trim this lid this cap down to size we want to cut off this flare this flange it's definitely hot enough see maybe that was a little  bit too hot but whatever now grinder there we go six parts potassium nitrate four  parts sucrose powdered uh powdered   sugar three parts mineral oil by weight  we're going to do 240 gam of potassium nitrate this sh the yield for  this is going to be excessive   but whatever obviously you can scale it scale it down now you're definitely going  to want to grind this potassium   nitrate down for any clumps uh coffee  grinder ball mill whatever you got um   I have a ball mill and that's obviously  ideal but it takes a long time and it's   unlikely that my viewers will have  one of them uh so I got to plug this in put it into a one gallon bag I grind it until my coffee grinder gets real sad all right close this up and put it  aside until we've measured the [Music] sugar so we're going to do 160 G of wait a minute  four parts four uh 40 * 4 40 * 4 yeah 160 all right so I also tested lactose um I ordered some  from skylighter and it I I tested it at the   same ratio now I don't know if it has the same  stochiometric ratio however it under I would say   it was a significantly less well it underperform  the powdered sugar given the design of the grenade   that it's in right and so you know I have I've  tried 30 different iterations of this um to like   try and hone in this pottassium nitrate based  um smoke smoke grenade uh I'm not even messing   with potassium chlorate yet because that's going  to probably be awesome I mean it's it burns at a   cooler temperature but anyway long story short um  yeah you want to mix this longer than you think is necessary um like I was saying the yeah I've done a  number of tests number of formulas number   of ratios um I found that uh I'm going  to give a shout out to Tech ingredients   uh the guy is absolutely awesome I wish  that by the time I reach his age I can   have acquired as much knowledge as he has um  however when I made his formula which was uh   using paraffin wax um I found that the  performance was extremely inconsistent   for the use that I need well I the Tactical  use I'm going to say obviously this is not a   military grenade but I believe it is the most  effective homemade smoke grenade that you can make all I should say the most effective  I I made so we're going to do 120 g   of mineral oil okay so they say to  use heavy mineral oil and I ordered this uh mineral oil heavy lab grade uh it's  for culturing cells and such however um it   appears to have the the same viscosity as  Target mineral oil a lubricant laxative   or CVS you can buy it anywhere it's it's  commonly used as a laxative I don't know   if this is light or heavy but I'll tell you  it appears that they have the same viscosity   um I didn't do whatever that trest is it  a Ford funnel test oops or is it a Troy I   don't know what the there's a viscosity test  um with a funny little cup but yeah anyway   the mineral oil is perfectly adequate and I'll  say in terms of the lactose versus sucrose or   powdered sugar or granulated um the lactose  burned a lot cooler and slower and in given   the design that this of the canister right  of the delivery system so I tried a number   of different things I would strongly recommend  not vent outside of my directions here because   safety is a concern fires are a concern you do  not want to burn yourself start a fire um make a   rocket make a bomb this is a very uh I mean you  saw it that's how it performs um and so I tried to I I wanted to increase the delivery the  rate of the initial smoke FL plume and I was   like okay I'll granulate it so I granulated it  in a fine cheese grater and it [ __ ] exploded   like bad not bad but it exploded it was wildly  dangerous Sparks flew everywhere or you know   flaming uh smoke composition flew everywhere  cuz once it's exposed to oxygen this thing will   just Flame you know part of the smoke effect  is because um there's headp space right and   heads space is the area between basically where  the smoke so you'll see I'll show you once we   get there but anyway I tried granulating  it bad idea I tried granulating it at uh   Che fine mesh cheese grater and I granulated  it at for mesh which is like um you know for   match screen um those are pretty large chunks  those are like that big and then that exploded   then I tried to granulate it at a four match  screen and then gently reassemble it and it   exploded um so what and the other factor I  you know inadvertently created a rocket by um uh creating two ignition points right so anyway  the rate at which this combusts in the container   that it's in is part of the safety of being able  to throw a grenade a smoke grenade I'm sorry and   have it land on its side and not start a fire and  to create a ton of smoke and burn for 3 and a half minutes now the final grenade design that we're  going to use is going to be a different ignition   system slightly different um I realized  after the fact that that what you saw in   the video is a side mounted ignition right  and I it dawned on me that I should have it   top mounted because people want to put  those in their pouches you know what I   mean and these are very large smoke canisters  and they're already cumbersome enough so I put   the now we're going to be making the ignition  well it's a separate video with the ignition   system but you'll see top mounted I think is  going to be better all right this is good to go Tiki can lined with plaster apparis we're  just going to load this bad boy in this stuff in here uh we might need a stronger vibrator honestly  I'm going to use a um concrete vibrator okay   so I lost a bunch of footage and I'm going to  try and pick up where we left off off it was   basically I was looking for a concrete vibrator  to lower this I never found it so we filled it   up to about yay high we want to leave a little  bit of room for some head space above the next   layer of plaster we're going to do um so just bang  this down and going to mix some more plaster of Paras magic snap to now done this igniter  has its own video okay um I know this looks   kind of ghetto this is a derivation  of the pull pin ignition system which   is basically just this tube here um but this  is a stormproof match which is attached with   a Time fuse um between it so what we're  doing now is we're going to stick this through the cap and then we're going to  stick this igniter in the middle down until right about there okay and we're going to sneak in you know what we might could even go like  this we're going to sneak in this plaster apparis just a a thin layer but um thick enough  to support itself move this over like like this so this layer of plaster Paris is to  create a baffle um just going to bang it flat we're going to essentially have two  baffles on this one is through this   Blaster Paris once it cures and then one is  going to be in this lid and I'm just going   to lightly secure this lid um to keep  this ignition system oriented [Music] properly okay that's where we want it once this  cures all right I'll be back back all right we're   back this is the uh plaster Paris has firmed  up a bit and um what we're going to do now I'm   kind of winging this as we go because I have not  done a top um ignition system yet I've only done   it on the sides and now I'm kind of thinking  it's probably a better idea to keep it on the   side my my my concern was the uh pouch putting  it into a pouch but this is actually probably   worse because if you're reaching into the pouch  you're going to be hitting the ignition system   anyway so what what I'm doing here is I'm  taking a little strip of a cotton Rag and   tying it around this thing right this little  cylinder and so I'm going to tighten that up then slide it up here put this in hopefully it won't get  sucked up by the drill but actually   it most definitely will stand by all  right I got these cute little scissors   to cut off this excess right so this is  we're going to use this as as a [Music] key for the um C a glue that super glue um it'll absorb it as it runs down this  cylinder and then you'll see all right so we   got that there right that'll act kind  of as a stop we're going to screw this on don't want it to cross thread should click all right come some CA glue there and this is a activator you don't need  this but this this this is 2p1 if you watch   any of any of my other videos I [ __ ] love  this glue it's awesome all right so that'll cure and now we're going to drill the baffle  all right so I have a stepped drill bit [Music] here The Wider the better [Applause] all right so we have one baffle on the cap and now we're going to drill some vent holes  through the um plaster Paris yeah those are [Music] good and we're going to try  and angle it towards that igniter it'll pop it'll pop pop there we go so if this is going  to be stored for any length of time   um I would recommend plugging just  kind of softly or gently pushing in   uh some sort of either paper towel or  parchment paper or wax paper would be   better cuz it's actually combustible well so  is parchment but it just is a little tougher um you know just for storage because what  happens is is the mineral oil will pull uh   as it's trying to reach equal ibrium you  know it's just it's just shifting from   high concentration to low concentration  or whatever and it ends up pooling in   those little Wells so just if you put an  absorbent even even a little loose piece   of cotton is fine but then we can open  this cotter pin up later but um here it is we'll try and get a closeup of this we're going   to just test it real quick pull this  safety let's check the center all right so this is more of a fog it's not it does not  smell smoky it's essentially atomized um mineral oil it's really good for [Music] obscuration cuz it reflects a lot of light there goes my truck very consistent output no flaming up  which is great predictable duration   3 minutes well it's been four  minutes but there you have it
Channel: Invention Incarnate
Views: 567,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade, DIY
Id: nCfRFUwBYkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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