Making CIA black powder. Educational video only.

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and what I'm doing now I'm opening the the powder kit the black powder kit inside there is the three components that you need in their actual measured amounts [Applause] right there's our potassium nitrate there is um this is enough to make one kg batch uh sulfur that's the binder to the starch to to glue it all together o this stuff is so flipping Dusty Dusty do that um let me put two cups of filter water in there uh 2x 250 ml so that's 2 cups 500 mL in total I start warming that up oops that one mix it down to a saturated solution and then after that is all dissolved in the 2 cups of water then we can start adding the other components the sulfur the charcoal and the dein we're going to leave it there and we'll come back to you a little bit later right now we've got our potassium nitrate in our two cups of water and we're just um stirring it trying to stir it a little gently I don't want uh things to go crazy on me sorry um sometimes it goes out of screen but uh [ __ ] happens anyway that will dissolve into a saturated solution and then we add our charcoal we add our sulfur and we add our Dex Strand and then we'll come back to you once that has all been boiling away for a little bit so it is now at the point where it's all sort of getting wet just keep it going slow it will start blobbing and like boiling very slowly I I sort of call it like swamp mud you know um but all done very slowly guys please I'm not taking any responsibility for any mistakes or injuries or don't forget the stuff is volatile um I'm not saying it'll go up as it is wet now but the stuff um if if your flame hits a dry spot on the pot on the sides anything like that it's just it's going to be a big problem because it will it will actually burn like this it won't burn effectively but it will it will burn so you're going to have very little time to take this outside um if you look at it it looks quite glossy you can still see the actual um potassium nitrate I'm sort of crystallizing on the surface that indicates to me that there exactly the right amount of water in you you need a saturated solution you don't want it you don't want more water otherwise when you um when you ring it out you're going to lose too much water uh too much chemicals so we don't want to lose anything if at all possible so you can see it's starting to blob just keep mixing for about 10 minutes or so we just want to get everything nicely combined you don't see any little sulfur blobs or or anything in you um just like to slow it down a slight bit more okay The Next Step um what we going to do after we've done this for about oh 10 minutes or so um just get the whole lot boiling then we're going to take it out and to this we're going to add exactly the same amount of icy icy icy alcohol I use acetone um alcohol that's been in a deep freeze 2 cups no more exactly the same amount as the Water 2 cups of acetone Frozen - 20° and then you'll see the reaction it makes and um I'm just guessing that it's because of that reaction that you you know the sudden cooling of this lot that it actually becomes very very volatile it makes very very good black powder actually cleaner and faster than than any that I've ever used um you put these side by side with others and you'll actually see what black powder should be like um nowadays with all the wars and stuff in in Europe it's um getting more and more difficult to get any sort of reloading components um we found we had to even um manufacture our own caps percussion caps with the compound that we worked on it's also on YouTube so nothing is hidden but I'm just going to stop this here um because I think it's had enough heat and then um I'm going to um I'm going to just give it like 2 minutes just to stop boiling and then I'm going to come back to you when I add the cold alcohol okay now I add two cups of alcohol um the same amount of of as the water that we added previously but look at what happens here it immediately there's a as you cool it so instantly it immediately causes a reaction and the stuff goes like I don't know popcorn I suppose it just flares up and I think it's this that the shock of of cooling down this boiling mixture so instantly that um I think it's it that causes it to actually be effective I honestly do now I seem to think this has been shocked into into what should be a good black powder okay it's lost its heat so we are where we need to be now we just um strain this through a piece of muslin uh it shouldn't be much that comes out of it but mostly it's um it's really just um I'd say acetone um you don't get much water out of it which is a good thing because your your chemicals are dissolved into the water so you want to retain as much of that Ina as you can you wouldn't say that's a kilo of black powder hey thank you I'm going to come back to you now okay now this is a consistency of the stuff you can see it's quite thick and and gloopy so we just pour it out in here I wouldn't say poor I don't think so there's no pouring there yeah it's more like more like porridge mud mud yeah like the stuff you use on your face a face mask yeah come on get out there flipping marble in the middle of this thing look at it check it out okay successful indeed now what we do with this I don't know how so we um you been [Music] sick what we do with this we dry it um even if we've got to dry it under warm light or in a very very slow cooker on um a piece of oven paper and um after we've done that after it's totally dry we put it in the ball mill again with lead balls for overnight more than 24 hours and then after that um we Puck it into pucks and we try and and push it to about between 15 and 20 tons we never actually reach that pressure but definitely 10 11 tons and we Puck it and then we leave it again to dry and then after that we'll grind it in a a coffee M to um and obviously screen it to its different sizes but as you can see there's not a lot of alcohol coming out and the good thing is it isn't crystallizing so it shows that this is just alcohol there's no there's no um uh chemicals in there that we put in so we just ringing out the the alcohol and once we've done that that's about it um we'll try and get back to you maybe another video with regard to the packing of it but I I have done a video there and um that's what it turns out to thank you very much
Channel: Antony Wilson
Views: 35,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CX1nbl7QcvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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