Low Cost Tips to Help Bulletproof Your Home for SHTF

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hey you all this is Brian and you're watching the motherland channel so today Jen and I were thinking how can we beef up our homes a bit let's be real most homes can't take a bullet and hey not every survival Enthusiast is rolling in De right not everyone can splurge on steel or those fancy coverer curtains to beef up their crib in this video we'll share some lowbudget tips to bulletproof your home now just some quick disclaimers first when it comes to prepping you shouldn't talk about it other than your family nobody should have a clue that you're stocked up with grub water and supplies once the word gets out that your place is the go-to spot when stuff hits the fan you better believe everyone in their mama will be on your doorstep let's face it hungry can make the sweetest person go Rogue they totally swipe your last can of beans without a second thought so either keep it on the down low or deal with the drama up to you second you and your home should blend in aside from keeping things Hush Hush make sure you and your place don't stick out you want to be like everyone else in your hood no red flags right so to keep your fam and your stash safe dress like everyone else around don't make a show of what you buy got curtains or blinds use them to keep nosy folks out trash a receipt tear it up first Chill on the personal posts on social media getting crafty with your Landscaping think about window boxes and Planters and I know it might sound Bonkers but bear with me ever noticed those huge Planters with flowers at military bases or government buildings you think those are just for the Aesthetics consider this if you built a seemingly standard window box from the ground up to your window sill on the first floor you could actually be setting up a pretty slick defensive barrier under each window and nobody would even notice it might even add a cool Decorative Touch to your home whether you pick wood or brick to build it's your call none is bulletproof so go with what Vibes with your house but fill them with sand not dirt Sand's way better at stopping bullets 7 in of sand can bust a bullet even from a high power rifle but dirt would need triple of that thickness to do the same so avoid it I'd recommend building the boxes with an interior thickness of 14 to 21 in which is more than enough to ha a bullet every 7 in inside place a thin steel sheet 11/16th will do to reduce the sand leakage from multiple shots if you've got the budget add some steel sheets to the back part facing the house for some some extra security if thick steel is Out Of Reach layering thin sheets is equally cool often it's even more effective and if you've got some yard space pop in some large Planters built the same way around the house they look like mere decorations but double as a solid defense line for your crib plus since they're outside no worries about weighing down your floors now you've got a sneaky protective spot under every window and around your Turf beefing up your perimeter defense the main game is keeping any troublemakers out of your yard if someone's gutsy enough to try and break in you want to keep them Way Out Of Reach big fences think twice some folks swear by a towering 7-ft fence around the yard to keep away nosy folks sure it's harder for peeps to Snoop but it's also like waving a big flag that's says hey I've got cool stuff here if you're thinking fences go for something that doesn't Scream Fortress a solid chain link or a good old wooden fence works wonders and if things get wild slap some barb wire or spikes up top that'll make folks think twice before trying to hop over signs speak louder than actions another Nifty trick is hanging up some intimidating signs around your space some like quarantine Zone No Trespassing or step on my lawn and your toast might make someone nope right out of there and the classic beware of dog always a winner even if your dog is a goldfish though if things get crazy out there advertising you've got a furry friend might not be too wise you don't want someone eyeing your Pooch as a snack get techie with cameras and lights just peeping through the blinds ain't going to cut it when you're on high alert consider getting some security cameras and solar powered motion lights spread them around your property no sneaky person can get past you those cameras perfect for catching live footage of anyone trying to pull a fast one on you they're like having a bunch of nosy neighbors but without the gossip as for the motion lights they'll light up anyone trying to be all stealthy after dark they pop on when someone enters their Zone own and to make sure they're not just lighting up for a curious raccoon or something I'll give you some more tips gearing up for protection if you have guns great but if you don't it's okay a few reliable nonlethal tools that you and your family might have will work in a pinch it's a good idea to have these tools in different parts of your house don't stress if you've got curious little ones there are tons of sneaky spots like behind a painting inside a fake Outlet or under the kitchen table to hide your gear and if you're ever caught in a tight spot don't forget that regular stuff around your house like fire extinguishers golf clubs baseball bats crowbars hammers those fold up shovels can come in handy toughening up your entry spots so what if someone's bat enough to Breeze past your defenses let's say they roll their eyes at your signs climb over your fence shrug off your cameras and lights and then try to waltz through your door or window that's when you need to step up your game on home defense getting sturdy doors and windows could be the game changer and keeping unwanted guests out and keeping your family safe bump up that door security when stuff goes south Intruders especially the real desperate ones are not going to bother with sneaky entries like chimneys or basement to get to your goods now ah they'll just strut up to your front door and try to bash it in don't make it easy for them here are things you can do to buff up your door security get yourself some top-notch deadbolt locks opt for single cylinder 1-in deadbolts skip the double cylinder ones they can backfire in cases like fires even the best locks won't do much if your doors are those flimsy Hollow core ones a kid could kick those in swap them out for metal insulated or solid wood doors upgrade the set screws on your door hinges and strike plates get some door Jammers they can give you those crucial extra moments during a break-in attempt in a lawless end of the world scenario a determined Intruder won't let any lock stop them you'll need to stack up on extra defenses like barricades door stops and flip locks to really seal up your place sprucing up those window sides let's get real about those window shutters most houses have most are just for show right they don't really function they're often flimsy pieces of vinyl or cheap wood just there for Aesthetics but what if we could turn that decorative piece into something more protective yep for all the windows in your house first off pinpoint where the studs are behind the shutters considering most shutters are decorative they're probably just casually screwed onto your home sighting even if you don't have shutters you'll need to know where these studs are for what we're planning here's the game plan get some 11/16th steel plates the same size is your current shutters or the ones you're going to buy you'll want between four to eight sheets of these plates why layered up they do a better job stopping bullets than a solid chunk of seal but don't go overboard more than eight layers might get too heavy for your studs or make the shutters stick out in a weird noticeable way as for attaching these beefed up shutters to your home bolting them through the studs from outside might be best it might mean a little indoor DIY to access the studs but trust me it'll be worth it just take your time go window by window as for size while typical shutters run the full length of a window and vary in width aim for at least 2 feet wide for solid coverage but don't go overboard you don't want them looking out of place stealth is the name of the game here after you've got your armored shutters up give them a paint job ensuring you cover any exposed steel bits you want this upgrade to be our little secret after all getting tricky with booby traps quick disclaimer safety should always be your first priority you never know when you or a loved one might accidentally stumble into one of your own traps so it's always best to keep things on the safer side that being said there are plenty of ways to deter or delay Intruders without causing harm trep wires these are great for alerting you when someone's approaching attached bells are can to a thin wire when someone trips the wire the noise will alert you you can also connect them to flares or bright lights to not only alert but also blind and disorient the Intruder momentarily perimeter alarms similar to trip wires these are simply battery operated devices that you can set up around your property they usually come with two components a transmitter and a receiver when someone or something interrupts the beam between them it sets off a loud alarm alerting you to the presence of an intruder pit traps while they sound medieval pit traps can be effective deterence dier shallow hole in the ground and cover it with a thin layer of leaves or grass Intruders will unexpectedly step into it twisting an ankle or just getting slowed down just ensure it's not too deep to cause serious harm cornflour explosive now this one isn't lethal but it does create a large puff of smoke when ignited which can be disorienting the principle here is that cornflour when dispersed in the air is flammable if you rig up a small container to burst and spread the flower in the presence of a flame or spark it'll create a quick Fireball and smoke but seriously use this one with caution it's essentially a controlled explosion so safety first remember the goal is to deter And Delay not harm always make sure you're within legal bounds when setting up any kind of home defense and always prioritize the safety of you and your loved ones booby traps can be a cool addition to your home's defenses but they should never replace Common Sense measures like good locks reinforced doors and alert systems and that's it for this video if your home is prepped for shtf feel free to share more tips in the comment section please like share subscribe and click on the little bell icon too thanks and God bless
Channel: Motherland
Views: 443,254
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Id: cVBecr3L-Lo
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Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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