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hey there this is nicole hitchcock with nh2 salon i'm a virtual hair stylist i'm going to be demonstrating how to give yourself a love haircut with lots of texture and movement i suggest using the nh2 haircutting kit that is available at a couple things to know about my hair before we get started it's thick and coarse i have flat ironed it to prepare it for this cut i do suggest cutting hair dry this hair gets appropriate for anyone with fine medium or thick hair i'm going to go over the tools that are in the kit a carbon hair cutting comb the nh2 hair cutting shears for this cut i designed it to be done at home on yourself and so i'm going to be using some elastics so my inspiration picture has these really long pc fringe my hair i have shorter bangs that i'm growing out and so i'm going to be blending where my bangs are to create this look i'm also going to be keeping a strong corner that's kind of what makes this lob look but then also shattering the cut so that there's lots of movement in the hair and i have layers so just disclaimer i do already have layers in my hair the other thing just to know about my hair is that i'm growing out an undercut so i have this hair that was shaved and so i'm going to incorporate that shorter hair into this look and um even if you don't have an undercut you're going to be doing the same system that i do assuming you have thick hair like me if you have fine hair we're going to make adjustments when we do our one-on-one tutorial okay so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put my hair into three different rubber bands and i'm going to start with the bottom and then work my way up cute okay so when you're doing your rubber bands to create your sections what i recommend is that you either use a comb or brush and just really make sure that the hair is detangled the goal of what we're trying to do is to rubber band the hair low with very low tension so we want to make sure that we're pulling it equally from both sides and that then we kind of release it to let the little calyx and growth patterns just be where they're going to and then we rubber band the hair and then we're going to pull it down to the length that we want to cut this first section to [Music] using our straight shear okay so it feels good but i'm gonna use a handheld mirror so i can see let's see yeah that's perfect see how it's nice and blunt at the bottom there's no stray hairs that's what we're going for now what i'm going to do is create my next section so right about at my temple or the bottom of my eyebrows where i'm gonna section [Music] so now i'm going to tuck the hair behind the ear on both sides i'm going to use my elastic to do a low ponytail right to where i want to do my trim and now i'm going to pull it down to how much hair i want to take off so now i'm going to trim the hair that's not that's underneath the ponytail holder so that section is done just take a little peeky good so now we're going to do the last section of the perimeter if you part your hair in different places and you're going to want to party in the middle if you always part your hair on one side or the other then part your hair there like to part my hair in different places depending on my mood so i'm going to part it in the middle i'm going to do the same thing that i did the last two times tucking the hair behind the ears this is a great technique for thick hair so that it gives the illusion of less density so i'm doing my low pony i'm gonna do my second rubber band low low low because again i'm gonna be cutting off whatever's under it and i'm just trimming my ends so now i'm just going to look in the mirror before i do that looks good so i'm going to be cutting underneath this rubber band perfect all right fun okay so our perimeter is done i have layers that are already there that need to be softened up and they're dry on the ends and then i also want to create new layers so i'm going to right where my part break is and that round of the head i'm going to create my first rectangular section okay and i'm holding it straight up to the sky i'm gonna look at it and that's the hair that's not healthy it's also not real even so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to use my texture shears and i'm going to go one two three and then i'm going to go about half of an inch lower and i'm going to do the exact same thing one two three and then i'm gonna go about half of an inch lower than that and i'm gonna cut the rest of that hair off however many times it takes so the reason i'm doing that is it softens that end so it isn't blunt so going back to that same rectangular section but now i'm going deeper okay again combing it straight up in the sky just taking my fingers like this and holding it in them and then looking at the tips that's about what needs to come off right in this area again because i'm trimming it and i'm looking for dehydration so i'm gonna insert my texture shear close to my fingers and click three times one two three then i'm pulling that shear down about half of an inch one two three and i'm gonna go down another half inch and cut till there's no hair left okay so before i let that go i just want to comb it out and kind of show you what that does just softens it it gets rid of splits little split hairs okay feeling so much better already okay so now what we're gonna do is section out the front so if you hold the comb straight on that on your head you see where it projects out that's right where you're going to comb this front section from and we're creating a triangle right at your high recession i have a pretty pronounced tire recession so it makes it easy to see it right there so the difference between a high recession and a low recession this is the low recession and this is the high recession okay so doing the same thing on the other [Music] side i'm going to use a clip or rubber band it really doesn't matter i have a little more control of keeping it in a tight little bun with this elastic so i'm gonna use that when we did that layering we came to the crown we're gonna do the same thing except here's my part i'm gonna create a rectangle this way now and i'm going to stop right where that last section was right so at the round of the head going straight up to the sky holding it with my two fingers okay let me grab my texture scissor i'm gonna do the exact same technique three clicks click click click going down a half an inch click click click going down another half an inch until all those little hairs that are super funky are gone so let me just detangle that get all the little cut hairs away and make sure there's no stragglers i think there is a couple see a couple little hairs i missed okay pretty that's great so you can see that's laying right here so now my next section is gonna go underneath that and i'm gonna pick that up plus the section that i just did and i'm going again back to that round of my head because i already cut the back i don't need to re-cut that combing this straight up to the sky holding up my two fingers okay so this section looks pretty good i think it's probably an area i just cut this not so much so i'm gonna do the click click click down two inch or down quarter of an inch for half an inch click click click and then perfect yeah that looks good perfect i'm going to go on the other side and do the same thing so going across this way to create a rectangular section and combing it straight up holding it in between my two fingers and then bring it down so i can see what needs to be cut going in right there click click click dropping half of an inch click click click down another half of an inch and cutting whatever's left behind okay it looks better already so now i'm going to go lower and lift the whole thing up whatever falls out isn't supposed to be cut so that's good looking at that section just looking at the hair i want to cut is the dry dehydrated ends cut cut cut down half of an inch cut cut cut down another half an inch and whatever's left behind keep cutting until those little ends are gone great so that's all good i'm gonna look in the mirror again so right here my eye is not liking it this is probably like where the thickest hair on my whole head is so it's not uncommon for this area between the back and the sides to look wonky i'm gonna give it a little twist since it got cut but i'm not liking the way it's falling and then i'm gonna do click click click click click click click click click so i did the same thing where you can see i twisted it i clicked three times i went down half of an inch clicked three times and then went down another half of an inch and clicked till all those little ends were gone that looks way better way way way so we see this side um i kind of see the same thing not as bad over here right about there so i'm just gonna do it so i can demonstrate that technique to you again and if you don't have density in that kind of corner area behind the ear don't do this it's only if you need it so i'm holding it up to the sky and giving it some twists click clip click down half of an inch click click click and then down to the ends all right let's see that's cute i like it i'm gonna do one more right here [Music] so i'm holding it up to the sky okay and then i'm gonna bring it low so i can see it and i'm going to do three clicks click click click down half of an inch click click click click and then down to the very ends click click click click okay that's great and now we're going to focus on all of the face framing so the first thing i'm going to do is kind of play with this hair and decide where i want to see the shortest bits fall think of it as kind of like a swoop bang so somewhere right in here on that side and then let's see this side yeah similar right about there so what we're going to be doing is creating what we call a triangle cut right so we're taking the fringe or the face framing bits and we're going to be cutting a triangle or a v into this i'm going to hold the razor in my hand putting my pinky on the finger rest and i'm going to be cutting with the back part of the tool doing small sections and i literally took off such a tiny amount using the back of the blade the downward motion okay so now i'm going to go back in with my straight shear and just kind of go over what i just did kind of freehand only this time i'm going to go straight up into the hair okay so i literally just cut that little teeny tiny section and now i'm coming a little lower and by cutting up into the hair you're never gonna see a line or a cut mark that's the goal so very very soft and now this way so on this side i'm demonstrating another way of doing it which is not freehand but holding the hair in my hands still cutting up into the hair instead of going down for maximum softness okay a couple more things i want to do since this is just so much air i'm going to give it a twist and hold it straight out and guess what i'm going to do i bet you can guess click click click sort of thing so right about here okay click click click click down half an inch click click click and then the ends again adding more softness really current haircuts are not thick and bulky at the ends they're thin and detailed and that's so cute i love it and i can style this a million different ways i can curl it a flat iron it won't still wear it up which is important to me yeah that's good so now i'm taking the rest down and i'm trying to decide if i want to do a little more right there i do i want to so one of the questions i get asked a lot is do i spin it forwards or do i spin it backwards when i do the triple click with the texture shears and then the answer is if you want your hair to move forward spin it forward when you're cutting it and if you like your hair more away from the face when you style it go backwards i'm gonna hold it straight up in the sky and i'm gonna spin mine backwards because that's what i do in real life mostly okay i'm gonna do three clicks okay click click click side note always make sure you have these shares when you pick them up because i've heard horror stories about people thinking they have their texture shares in their hand and then they have their straight shares doing this and that is a really scary situation so don't do that i'm gonna take my little triangle section and move it back over here that is looking really really cute okay straight up in the sky and twirling it away from the face triple click two three go down half an inch one two two three and then your ends work your way out of them all right okay guys i'm so in love with this new haircut okay so if you would like to learn how to cut your own hair i give lessons and i would be more than happy to work with you to finish this hairstyle i'm going to use some glotion potion this is available on my website i work the product through my fingers so cute
Channel: Nicole Hitchcock Visual Arts
Views: 46,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HAIRCUT, DIY HAIRCUT, DIY HAIRCUT HOW-TO, LIVE HAIR CUTTING DEMO, LOB haircut, shattered bob, how to cut a lob
Id: SHC9rDzag1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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