How to cut your own hair! DIY Layered 90s haircut tutorial

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hey everyone how's it going welcome back to my channel in today's video I am going to be cutting my hair I feel like it's just getting a bit long it's starting to look a bit limp and shapeless and so I just wanted to do something fun I want to take off a fair amount of the length and just like a lot of layers um a lot of face framing I want to like reshape my Daisy Fringe all of that so yeah I feel like it's going to be quite like a 90s look sort of similar to Rachel Green's hair in friends that kind of that's the style that I'm going for but yeah with that being said I'm sure you just want to see how I cut my hair so let's just jump right into this video okay so in terms of the sectioning what I'm going to do first of all is take a middle parting so all the way from my forehead down to my neck um and just try and make that as neat as you can and then from the crown of my head I'm going to take my parting down to behind my ears so I've got four quadrants for my sections and I'm going to be starting at the back of my head so then I just wrap up the sections at the front and clip them in place so that they're out of the way and I don't accidentally get them muddled up with the hair at the back [Music] um I didn't really show this on camera very well so I apologize but so in terms of the sectioning at the back of the head in a little bit more detail from my middle parting that I've got at the back I'm just going to take pretty horizontal slices from The Parting to sort of like behind my ear and then I'm just gonna move up and up and up section by section introducing more of the hair from that top layer as I go and I say pretty horizontal because I do do it on a slight angle so The Parting being the highest point and then it's sort of like a diagonal forward section that I take to the nape of my neck just behind my ears and then I continue upwards on that same angle okay so then I'm just gonna brush all of the hair forward from that section so the hair that's from the middle of my head so right Touching The Parting that's going to be traveling the furthest distance because it's further away from the front of my hair um then obviously the hair that's right behind my ears so when I'm cutting I'm going to keep that in mind because if I cut it completely straight I'm gonna have a very very dramatic v-shaped haircut at the back of my head which I like a v-shaped haircut I don't mind if it's going to be a little bit kind of oval at the end at the back but I don't want it to be a dramatic point at the back of my head so when I pull it forwards I'm actually angling my fingers slightly forwards and keeping the hair towards the side of my head slightly longer than the hair at the back of my head when I put that hair behind my shoulders again it's just gonna kind of soften that angle so that's a really important thing to remember that you want to be slightly angling your fingers towards the floor as you take the cut so you will feel like you're cutting more from the back of your head than you are from the sides of your head but that's how you want to feel if you want to minimize that V if you don't if you like the v-shaped card then just cut it in a straight line and you'll get a v-shape and of course when you come around to doing the sides be mindful of the angle that you've taken with your fingers um so that it matches on both sides you don't want to have one side more of a angular v-shape than the other side because your fingers are not even if that makes sense I really hope I'm explaining that well and hopefully you can see in the video what I mean by that so yeah then I'm just moving up section by section here I do show you like what I mean by the angle I should have done that first of all but it only occurred to me halfway through the video that you obviously need to see that but yeah so I'm just brushing the hair down and you'll see like I'm combing it so many times I want it to be as smooth and even as possible I just want to make sure that it's exactly exactly smooth there are no Kinks there are no bumps and only once I've got it completely smooth will I do that how thick your hair is will determine how many sections you need to take at the back of your head I would say that my hair is quite thick so I do need to go in with quite a few sections um just because otherwise I'll never get the scissors through and it's it will just turn out really disgusting I don't know if you've ever seen somebody's haircut where it looks like the top layer so the outer layer of the hair is slightly shorter than the hair underneath it at the like on the inside the inside layer of their hair um but it's not layered it's just a bad cut and it looks not good basically that's what I'm trying to avoid by doing sections um so if you've got thinner hair you may only need to do sort of like two sections I think I can't remember if I did three or four foreign and then now I'm just coming around to the front of my hair and combing that out you can see my hair's already so layered around the front so I'm not going to have to do loads to the front of my hair because I have not too long ago actually layered it again um but all I'm going to do is I'm just going to include some of the hair from the back of my head as my guide so that I know at what length I need to cut the hair at the side of my head and then you'll see like I'm really directing my fingers diagonally forward so that the longest point is right at the front of my face and that just means that when I push it all behind my shoulders as I say the V will just be a lot less dramatic um and also it just sits a little bit nicer when you do this so yeah again just nice and diagonally forward this I would say like this whole like angling your fingers diagonally forwards is a big tip um something that like you might not know if you're not a hairdresser and I think that's kind of The Telltale and when people cut their own hair it always tends to kick up a little bit shorter at the front than what they're expecting foreign [Music] and then just with the face framing at the front of my face as I said I did this not too long ago so I'm just kind of going over what's already there to get rid of some of the split ends but basically I'm just angling my scissors downwards and kind of holding the hair in place with my fingers and then angling my scissors downwards on a diagonal angle and just cutting along that hairline the key is the angle of your scissors you want them to be basically vertical you do not want any horizontal chunks taken out of your hair you want the point of the scissors to be facing the floor the entire time and really really gently barely even closing the closing the scissors I'm more or less just kind of dragging the scissors along my hair and it's it's doing all the work for me I do have a full length video on this that goes into a lot more details like how I would do this from scratch if I didn't already have it because as I say I am just kind of going over what's already there um but yeah if you want to check that out have a little look and then now I'm going to be moving on to the layers at the back of my head um full disclosure I already had layers at the back of my head so again I'm kind of just going over what's already there so I didn't need to be too precise um so what I'm just doing at the back of my head I'm splitting my hair into three sections from my crown I'm splitting it off kind of in like a Pizza like a slice of pizza formation so a triangle from the crown of my head down to my neck getting wider and then I've got the two sections either side and I'm pulling up that middle section first of all unfortunately you can't see I didn't know but I pull it up I comb it so that it's all completely even and uniform any hair that falls out of the back is fine because I just want these to be surface level layers and then I'm pulling out with my fingers and again I'm tilting my fingers when I get to the top of my head so that the point of my fingers are facing downwards and that's going to give me a really really soft angle for my layers and so you can see I'm just point cutting into that just to make the the line even less harsh um but I hope you can see there when it lands it's all staggered in length so you're not going to have any harsh lines at all it should be a really really soft finish um and then yeah again I'm just going in with this side section so I'm combing it all up these are really thick sections of hair if I didn't have any layers I would probably do six sections instead of three yeah and that will just make it a lot more detailed if this is my first time doing layers I probably would do six sections as well just because it's a bit easier to control like I'm having a hard time here trying to comb up this much hair in one goes all falling out is a bit difficult length of my hair has just Fallen like the longest points of my hair have just fallen down which I'm fine with um because then I know that I'm not cutting off too much from the ends of my hair so I still have that thickness then I'm just point cutting the layers again if you want me to do a more detailed tutorial on just how you would do the layers and like really break it down and go into it I can do that here I feel like you can see the angle that I'm talking about it's kind of like all of the points of hair I'm cutting the shortest part at the crown and then I'm slowly cutting less and less as it gets towards the ends of my hair um because of course I want the layers right on the top of my head near like coming out of the crown of my head I want those to be the shortest layers and then I want the rest to be longer and longer and blend into the ends of my hair and what I didn't show on camera is the whole time while I'm doing this I'm like constantly checking the length of the hair against each other so when I finish cutting the back section just when I was just doing my straight cut I was like taking little pieces and bringing them to the front of my face just to check that it was all even and I'd recommend doing that the whole way through because if you get to the end and then you try and check it and it's wrong you're gonna have to start again so just keep checking it taking pots from the same place on your head um and then just comparing them against each other and making sure that they're all the same length and then yeah that is what I did and then I've just blow dried it and I've got a video coming soon of how I achieved the blow dry so I'll upload that as well um but yeah this is how it turned out I literally love it it's so much nicer than I actually thought it could be like I'm in love with my hair I couldn't stop looking at myself um so I really hope that was helpful I hope that I explained everything like I say if there is anything that I didn't explain well enough or that you don't understand just leave me a comment and I'll I'll reply to it um but yeah that is it it would really help me a lot if you would like and subscribe and I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Rachel McKeown
Views: 753,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: layered haircut diy, diy layers haircut, layered haircut tutorial, long layers haircut, diy haircut, asian haircut, quarantine haircut, long layers haircut tutorial, easy layered haircut at home, layers on asian hair, long layers for long hair, short layers in long hair, haircut at home, how to cut layers in long hair, cutting long layers in my hair, wolf cut, cutting long layers in my hair at home, how to cut your hair
Id: _0LgBRBY1cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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