Ferrari 308 - FRONT SUSPENSION IN!!! - Ep#5 - ...But I screwed up :(

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hi everybody it's franny and we're back working on the 308. today's a big day we get to start on the suspension we're going to start on this right front wheel and try to get all these bits and bobs back on the car but before we dive right into the suspension remember those two washers that were missing when i installed the steering rack well i made a couple of them so it's the best i could do i just couldn't find them anywhere they're the right thickness and they're made out of stainless steel so they should work just fine let me go ahead quick like a bunny and just go ahead and throw those in we'll get started on the front wheel well i purposely left this loose i knew we were going to be adding this washer so slide our washer in there it goes okay turn that back on i checked the torque value on this and it's about 14 and a half foot pounds it's actually two kilogram meters that's it not too awfully tight so that we'll do the other side over here there we go good all right that's that you can see our washer there that's what all the fuss was about just that super duper thin washer there i think it really helps separate the rubber from the actual mount here so i think that's what it's for well i spent a ton of time researching this i went back through my old footage i want to put this thing back together in the proper order and there's a lot of parts here and i just don't want to get 90 of the way and then finally i have to take it back apart again because i missed something i think i've got it we'll see i also talked to scott from radarosa and he just did all this on his 308 and he said that the one of the big tricks was to put in the upper a arms and before you put the lower ones in that way all the stuff can sort of hang from it and i guess that makes sense huh and in this case we've got a mount on each side for the a arm and then in a little bit inboard just the tab on the left side here is the mount for the shock absorber so all that's going to kind of come together at the same time and i think that's going to be our first thing to put together another thing is we've got all of our bolts laid out they're all ready to go here i'm pretty certain i know which ones go where we're going to be using a little bit of copper anti-seize on the bolts themselves to keep them from you know locking up at all and resting inside these bushings all right so our a arm goes in here and it's going to be a little bit tight would be my guess now that's what i thought it's gonna be a little bit tight working this guy in because these bushings are all brand new i wonder how i think about it maybe i should put a little never sleeves on these guys too huh yeah maybe that'd be a good idea that's where the shock is going to go all right so we'll see if we can get this guy in now that we've got a little bit of never sleeves on there so i remember this from taking this apart you have to put in this bolt first which is the big long one or it just won't fit even if the other bolt is all the way in it will it will collide it just barely slides in which means we also have to put the shock absorber in first as well so this is a couple of things we have to do and don't these look pretty wow they did such a nice job on those things they look great so i'm really excited to get these back in the car all right so they go up here push this up i guess yeah that's not bad at all we forgot the anti-seize on the bolt let's do that kind of like that index this side as well okay i think that's about it okay that's good for now and our other bolt actually goes in from this side there we go okay there we go well that's our upper a-arm and the shock installed i'm not going to torque anything down yet the car really needs to be on all fours and the suspension needs to kind of be where it needs to be before you torque it down just basically just kind of barely slightly tight just enough to keep everything from backing itself out next we're going to work on the lower a arm here and these lower a arms have these carriers that we pulled off and they kind of swoop up a little bit they've got to be on here and the reason we want to put these on first onto the a arms and then slide these guys into the car is because the bolts go in from the outside so that they can never back themselves out which also means you can't get them in once you've assembled these guys into the car so we'll put these on the a arm first and then we'll shoot the whole assembly into the car doesn't take much that's for sure [Music] it's gonna deal with our bolts we'll never sleeves keep it off the threads all right and the bolts go in from the outside there we go great with both of the carriers in place i'm going to take the nuts off put a little never sleeves on this and slide these guys in now one thing we have to remember as we're seeding these carriers are the shims and i've got them broken out here is by right front rear shims so that would be on this side and then these guys are the front shims so i have to kind of go under the car here because the bolts are on the back there's a little slot underneath the bolt here on this side that we can push our shims up in so it's going to be kind of a little bit of getting it back and forth and then sort of like locking it down the shims have to be pushed in from the bottom so i can just see these things working their way out and falling on the floor so i'm going to use a little never sleeves in between them and sort of lube them up a little bit hopefully they'll stick a little bit and won't fall out as i go to tighten this yep there you go all right yep and the grease is holding them in just fine that's awesome we've got our shims all tucked up in there we can tighten this back down all right same drill on this side good these bolts i can torque i don't have to wait until the car is fully suspended on the suspension and these are pretty big their torque value is 58 foot pounds i've got my torque wrench here all right there we go but this one is going to give us a little bit of trouble there's no way i can get a socket in here so there's no way i can get my actual torque wrench on it but i do have a big wrench that i've been using to lock it down so how do you torque something like that that you can't get your torque wrench on you use this guy which is just a torque adapter so we're going to put our wrench in here tighten this down and we're going to use our torque wrench on the back of this it can be a little tricky to set this up want to make sure that we have our wrench set like this we need to tighten it in this direction so we'll have this guy sit on here and we'll be torquing this way that's the way we want it and we just lock it down here a little these little allens here there's a square hole in the back here and our torque wrench goes on our square hole now the important thing and i've said this a bunch of times is that you can't have it lined up on the torque wrench like this you want to have it at 90 degrees like that as close to 90 as possible and then that way whatever you've got your torque wrench set to will be the torque delivered at the end of the wrench the math is a little weird but it works out oh this is awkward this is a jack tray this lock makes it really awkward can i get this on here oh i can get that on there i can kind of get that on okay all right great we'll use the other end of the ranch then there we go put that guy on there like that we pull back okay there we go okay and there we go all right great as you can see it is a little bit awkward no doubt to use this thing but there's really no other way you're going to be able to torque that thing without some type of adapter like this and it works great works on all sorts of different wrenches and i just i use this thing all the time i knew i was going to need it for a bunch of these things because boy this thing is just completely occluded there's no chance you get anything on there i don't know what they did at the factory who knows but it's torqued properly now with those bottom carriers in and torqued i think next i'm going to start with this bottom ball joint here goes between the two forks here and sort of holds on to the shock absorber in addition we have our four spacers here we have to install they go rearward and we don't want to forget the drop link which also goes on there so it's a little bit of an assembly let's go ahead and put it together as i was fitting these shims there's two of them that are longer and two of them that are shorter you can see that i had these all bagged up ready to go there's four shims for the bottom and four shims for the top but it turns out that the top are the longer shims and the bottom are the shorter shims so i just need to grab the shorter ones from my other bag over here these guys will all line up and they go on the bottom so oh and and and notice something else about these this hole on this side here is bigger than that one and it's it's true we have a much bigger bolt here that's the bolt that holds on the shock actually [Applause] [Music] this is a bolt that i can't torque down right now this drop link hooks to the sway bar and i want all four wheels on the ground so i get the exact right position before i lock this bolt down but the outboard one we can lock down torque on this outer bolt here at the bottom is 46 foot-pounds so i've got my torque wrench all set up here there we go at this point we have our bottom ball joint in and our shock in that's sweet we still have some torquing to do at the top but of course we can't do that till we get down on all fours next is going to be the ball joint at the top all right same drill as last time a little bit of never sleeves on our spacers and we're going to put a little up here as well we also want to throw a little bit on this guy here and just like on the bottom carrier all four of our spacers are going to go on the rearward side those spacers can be a little bit of a bear to get in actually it's pretty tight in there and i tried several different methods but it seemed to work best if you pin them in the back first and then try to get that front bolt on i think the arms actually splay a little bit so that makes it easier it's also easier if you can get two outer ones on and then push the inner ones in between the two outer ones if that makes any sense but it was a bit of a struggle it sure was a little bit difficult and then final alignment can be difficult as well in setting the kingpin axle assembly i wanted to make sure i got a little bit of never sleeves on the actual ball joint there just so that it goes together and would actually come off in the future would be nice [Music] and it was pretty stiff when i got it on there moving it about back and forth it was awfully stiff i think that's correct just because everything is brand new but it was a lot stiffer than i thought well that's our axle in i want to make sure everything is perfectly correct before i go torquing this bolt and this bolt on the end of these ball joints because once they're in they're kind of in one thing i want to take a look at is it appears as though the top of this is aft a few degrees and i saw some diagrams in the actual service manual that have all the angles and everything i just want to make sure everything is right and i know i've got my spacers on the right side i want to make sure that everything is exactly the way it should be but that's pretty good i think that looks great oh this is nice and stiff there's no play in this thing at all holy cow well i said i wanted to double check things a little bit before i torque down these bolts here and it's a good thing i did i was looking at this and we have four shims on the left side or the rearward side on the bottom and i trouble triple check that that's correct but i also have four shims on the left side on the top because that's what my notes said what i'd written down but it's not correct i pulled all of that out left this top a arm what i should have done was actually pulled this block off with the a arm in the car would have made it a lot easier but i didn't i actually did that on the floor and that's the pictures that i really needed but the problem was it was sort of out of context i didn't know exactly which arm it went to but looking at the geometry since there are obviously mirror images left to right it had to be this one so looking at that picture you can see that we've got two on one side and two on the other and not four on one side so this is kind of an important thing to get right this sets the castering really it's the kingpin angle here so setting these shims wherever you put them is going to change the angle and ferrari has a spec for that it's i think it's about five and a half degrees or five degrees and 30 minutes off of vertical that's kind of wrong on this because i've got the spacers in the wrong place and that's why they have the spacers in the first place is so that you can adjust that well at any rate the long and short of it is i have to remove the axle again pull this block off swap a couple of shims to the right re-torque this thing back together put our axle back in i think at that point we actually can torque the axle into place on these ball joints all right so let's get this fixed [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm feeling really good now we've got our spacers in the right place we got everything torqued down this is looking great a very super special thank you goes out to lou trottier you gotta check out his channel he's working on a 308 as well he tore completely apart and doing a tremendous amount of work on that car so i'll link his info down below in the description down below so go check out his channel he's he's a 30-year mechanic so what i did was took a bunch of pictures of this last night and sent it off to him and said so um what do you think and i had him grade my paper and it was just makes me feel a lot better because it's a pretty complicated little thing to get perfect on the first try well we're still waiting on parts so we can't go any further on this wheel unfortunately i'm waiting for some bearings and a few other things so i'm going to cut the video off here but what we're going to do in the next video is get to the rear wheel and put that back together and i think once i've got the rear wheel done and the front wheel down on this side i think the other side is going to be quite a bit easier well i hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give it a thumbs up questions or comments go ahead and leave them down below and i'll get right to them if you haven't subscribed to the channel go ahead and do that now because oh my gosh we've got lots more content on this coming up we're going to put the suspension back together and got some engine work to do as well all right well thank you so so much and it's always a very special thank you to our patreon supporters until next time safe travels bye
Channel: Heidi and Franny's Garage
Views: 6,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ferrari 308, classic ferrari, classic cars restoration, car repair, classic cars, 308 gts, diy ferrari car, classic ferrari drive, magnum pi ferrari car, ferrari 308 gts, ferrari diy, car repair videos
Id: 8qBaCgZoc-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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