Best Whole Home Well Water Filtration System what The EPA recommends Full oxidation platform 2021.

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shopping for the correct well water filter can be frustrating and confusing with hundreds of dealers all presenting different products and many of them saying theirs is the best and you're probably getting a wide spectrum of answers and sales presentations they got filters for $80 they got filters for twenty five hundred thirty nine hundred the problem is this is an unregulated industry that means you don't need a license or you don't need any training to be in it or to be a dealer or to prescribe filters for people who are in need that means that they have dangerous bacteria or they have serious water issues or any water problems they can tell you whatever it takes to make a sale and they do it all the time not funny if you've paid thousands or even hundreds of dollars for one of these and had to have it removed so as a consideration before you go any further I'm going to tell you a little bit about my experience I started as a plumber's helper in the 70s and in the 80s I became a licensed plumber I made my living as a service plumber specializing in water treatment and full spectrum of plumbing repairs and residential homes commercial buildings condominiums high-rises hospitals labs government installations and restaurants I serviced my customers plumbing problems and it led me into well filtration in the 90s and I became a dealer in 1995 there are two kinds of customers ones that already have filtration systems or filters and ones that are moving into homes with well water for the first time I'm going to go over the systems and the filters that do not work first and I'm going to show you the reason why you shouldn't get them and the problems they caused with actual pictures that I've taken on jobs where I've removed this equipment the first remedy I'm going to show you that most dealers offer and what most well owners purchase first is an inline filter these do not work and when they do have to be serviced they're clogged up in two weeks and you start losing your water pressure they don't remove anything you notice and the problem is with these is they can be a nursery for bacteria more than likely the reason why you're here looking for a filter is you have hardness which is spots on your glasses corrosion in your dishwasher plumbing pipes that are getting eroded and spots on your glass in the shower your laundry problems that is calcium carbonate Lyman scale magnesium iron and nickel and all the hard metals and rock and your water and these filters do not remove it not only do inline filters or a battery of inline filters do not remove the rock from your water or the heavy minerals and metals but they do not remove sulfur gas which is the rotten egg smell that you can get in your well water it's either seasonal or you have it from the day you move in to the day you move out sulfur is a gas cannot filter it out it has to be aerated or oxidized and then filtered there's two types of systems for that if you're on well water you should have full spectrum filtration okay so we're going to go over the second level of filtration and there are two types aeration and oxidation first we're going to look at the aeration system this is a system that sprays water into the air in a 300 gallon tank using a second berry pump other than the pump that your house already has in a secondary bladder tank and a second very points box this type of system is used for removing sulfur gas the rotten egg smell the problem is with this system is it's complicated costly and it's not mechanically reliable because it has three more of everything that your well has the other problems with this system is other than having an extra pump an extra bladder tank and a extra set of points is that it does not filter and it can also be another nursery for bacteria we pull hundreds of these types of systems out every year some of the drawbacks are for one it doesn't filter however you can add this system to your filtration the only drawback is is that it can be a nursery for bacteria as well in that tank it's non-chlorinated water and another problem is sulfur gas I've noticed on many jobs if it's over five parts per million you still have sulfur smell in the water and sulfur gas is not healthy the problem with these old systems are they were engineered back in the early 70s during a great housing boom they're virtually unchanged and most dealers use this as a level 2 filtration system this means that they're not selling you an inline filter they're moving you up to an aeration system these tanks can breed bacteria and the bacteria that's in this tank feeds the water distribution piping in your house which can range from 600 feet to 3,000 feet of potable water piping and I'm going to show you the effects that that will have before I show you the photographs of actual bacteria in the piping of the homes on well water of jobs where I've installed systems with systems that are already in place or without systems for filtration I'm going to show you a second type of filtration called oxidation filtration this is a system that can use liquid chlorine and medias with the retention vessel to process your raw well water these are made by manufacturers that of engineered D systems during the early 70s during the great housing boom these systems are antiquated and they're still sold today and there's about 12 different brands when you go through the internet and you're looking at different dealers websites these are the brands that they're offering these customers that I've removed these systems from many of them have Adam for 10 years and they've had 2 or 3 major service calls from the dealer each year spending $400 $700 and $1,200 and up servicing these systems to keep them working these types of systems even when they're brand new six weeks old they start having their first problems they're not treating the bacteria and they're having iron problems because of oxidation levels that are not high enough and when you don't have high enough oxidation levels you cannot treat the iron and filter it you cannot turn the sulfur from a gas to a solid and the bacteria will overrun a system and move into the house into your potable water piping system some of the most common complaints of these systems are having to rebid the media's constantly some of them have to do them every six months to every three years and it cost $475 and up another problem are the power heads when they break the dealer has to fix them and when they have the Vixen the average bill is about 375 dollars and up and you usually have two of them these oxidation systems come with a chlorinator the chlorinators electric pumping unit the unit has to be filled with liquid chlorine bleach or pool chlorine at a mixture of four to one to be correct most customers never get this right and what happens is you get chlorine curd build up inside the top baskets under the power heads this can cause flow problems chlorinators generally have a lifespan of about 15 months a few months past the warranty chlorine is essential as an oxidizer and well filtration if you don't have chlorine you cannot address high iron high iron can be three parts per million or over and on many well waters have it this causes service problems as you can see in this picture it gums up the media the power heads it gets in the plumbing pipes of the house and restricts flow and another problem is sulfur many wells have a sulfur gas which has to be oxidized to be filtered and then all wells have some sort of the bacteria the bacteria can also take away from the claw those three elements alone are like a sponge they soak up the chlorine any one of those can destroy the power of the chlorine if it's only 10 to 40 percent and then it's not like having chlorine at all and then that causes service problems and annoying water issues in the house these last three images of piping is the minimum bacteria that I've found on a hundred percent of the well water homes that I've serviced whether you have an antiquated poorly engineered system built by others or you have no system at all that is the minimum you can expect to find in the next few images I'm going to show you what bacteria can look like when it's left untreated for an extended period of time with a system that is contributing to the problem these next few images are of systems that were in place already when I arrived each one had electric liquid chlorinator and they still had this problem before and after the system this means that this was in every square inch of their homes piping of their potable water distribution system in the house each house contains 600 to about 3000 feet of drinking water pipe these pictures were all taken on the job and these systems are manufactured by franchises and independence each one that I removed I always took a picture of each job I did this is a reverse osmosis line this bacteria came from an inline filter the customer bought and battery of inline filters and she had to change them constantly purchasing them from the dealer and they never made a difference except that it harbored bacteria this one was out on the other side on the east coast of Florida she had no idea that she had anything wrong with her water and she had a chlorinator what can cause dangerous bacteria to end up in potable Wells usually it's the environmental conditions homes are all on top of septic tanks that are on wells there are usually millions of homes in every state the bacteria can be introduced into the aquifer or your water table or your well through a defective septic tank system or runoff from agriculture farms and other source feeds it's an environmental condition the following are different types of pathogens it can be in well water as long as your well is potable and it's certified it may not have bacteria now but conditions can change in the future it's always recommended that when you live on well water you have it tested for bacteria annually because conditions can change however they can change at any time the best thing to do is to invest in a good mechanic that properly engineers a system that is not like the franchise systems or the over counter equipment available to independence now we're going to talk about a device that is offered by many online dealers it's a stainless steel UV light now we're going to talk about a different type of technology it's a favorite among online dealers you'll typically see it on one of those Google pay-per-click ads or they don't have a ranking website their system is about thirty four hundred dollars and they use this UV light for one reason it's easy for the customer to install it looks good to market with their system on their pictures and it's a good profit building item the thing about a UV light in my opinion is if you're going to rely on it for pathogens in the water that bulb starts losing 10% of its efficiency every 30 days it has to be replaced every 12 months that means that that unit has lost 50% of its efficiency six months through the year now if you look at a UV light and you look at it as compared to what's used in the hospitals one of the most popular diseases in the hospitals transferred by medical instruments that's put under a UV light 20 or 30 minutes on each side and flipped and then put through a chemical bath and they still have a problem with diseases transferred in hospitals in fact it's one of the biggest problems so that is my own personal opinion on a UV light the biggest consideration is it doesn't take the place of a liquid oxidizer you're not going to oxidize the iron you're not going to set that up for filtration you're not going to take the sulfur and turn it from a gas to a solid and you saw the pictures of those bacteria problems you're not going to cure that because the UV lights that I pulled out I've seen exactly the same bacteria problems so I don't use a you be light in any of my installations so what we've learned here is there is no shortcut to making good weld water and there's no way to keep a system working properly if it's not engineered and dumping all of the contaminants that it filters to the drain if it's collecting even 1% of the contaminants and not oxidizing properly then it's only a matter of time before it shuts down that's when it gets expensive to own a filtration system if you have an inline filter it doesn't do it much at all for water quality you're changing elements every two weeks that gets costly and it doesn't correct water hardness or odors in the water or cures any iron problems so you have a home and you want to do something about your well water and you know that none of those online remedies are going to work you cannot shortcut the process you need a full spectrum system and that's where I come in in 1999 I came out with the well guru system it's a full processing well water filtration platform what you'll need to have your system installed is what you see in the picture which is a bladder tank which has a air Schrader valve on top they can be made out of steel or glass and you have a home well water pump it's either above ground or below ground and the picture above you'll see that it's an above ground pump which generally means that the shallow well my system works on shallow or deep wells in this picture we're going to look at the well gurus system this is a system have been engineering since 1999 I came out with this technology to accept try Clorox the system is engineered from the ground up to utilize an oxidizing chlorine at ninety percent value not ten percent and not forty percent but ninety percent that gives us the deepest penetration for extracting and filtering contaminants and this picture we see our new 2015 AFS well guru system featuring our generation two chlorinator it's an exclusive of AFS this new unit replaces our model previous that we built for fourteen years the most reliable chlorinator on the market easiest to use and the oxidation level is at ninety percent all other chlorinators on the market are ten to forty our next competitor is sixty ninety percent is what it takes and this is uses a hundred percent pure chlorine easy to use stabilized tablets that you can obtain locally also an exclusive for our generation to chlorinator has redundant backwater protection and the event that your foot valve fails at the bottom of your well it will not cause harm to the system and it also has a brass pressure blow-off that resets in the event at your pump in your points box or your Frankland box malfunctions and over pressurizes it will not harm the system our chlorinators consider be stage 1 in the center you'll see that vessel is stage 2 our AF s multi-chambered retention tank made a pure virgin poly wrapped with 60 pound monofilament this high technology tank weighs only 80 pounds dry the bottom compartment will take 80 microns and above and once every 30 days its purged and those contaminants are removed from the system with sulfur in the water this is where all the magic takes place sulfur's turn from a gas to a solid so it can be filtered out bacteria is addressed by the chlorine retention in the vessel this new vessel for 2015 as quick-connect upper ports to the right side of the retention vessel you'll see our conditioner digital automated filter the media's in this vessel are time-proven we're going on 14 years and no customers have had to replace the media yet this goes far beyond any of the other over-the-counter or independent franchised media's that are available for a platform for a conditioner the next automated filter is to the left of the retention vessel this sister filter is the well softening portion of the system this is what softens your watering conditions it these electronic panels and both these units are warrantied for 10 full years about 90 days not one year they have the longest warranty on the market they are military-style electronics they are not printed circuit boards they're epoxy resin coated the electric boards use a laser eye on a hologram for perfect alignment every time it regenerates it does not have eight to twelve or fourteen gears it's the simplest mechanism and the most reliable on the market it's engineered to be dealer service free and the unlikely event that you had any troubleshooting to do it only takes five minutes to repair and the one part to rebuild it is fifty dollars these are engineered for us to ship any place on the planet and we do not have to service them our AFS platform is a full spectrum system it's got the capability of filtering thousands of contaminants removing iron to sulfur treating bacteria like no other system on the market all systems that softened water have to use salt so the system uses easy to use easy to store chlorine tablets one to four month depending on your family size now we're looking at a salt hopper this system is so sophisticated we are able to save you up to 70% in salt over any other brand in fact my most popular recontact by email is Eric my system doesn't seem to be using any salt the water's fine but it's not like our other system that's because this unit is engineered not to use excessive salt most of my customers over 90% of them use a single bag of salt every six weeks not one or two bags a week just one bag every six weeks sodium chloride is essential for keeping the system clean it doesn't add to salt or the brine to the water the salt is used to regenerate the media once that media captures the calcium carbonate Lyman scale and magnesium that media needs to be regenerated so at two o'clock in the morning usually about once every one or two weeks it will draw in a specific amount of brine into the system and automatically clean itself it's called sodium ionic exchange there is no electric gizmo on the market there is no sodium free softening those are all gimmicks and they're used to try to take business away from legitimate dealers so if you want spot free glasses no tub ring in your bathtub no soap Kurt after you use the shower clean tiles no laundry fading and if you want soft smooth silky water that soft water and the only way to get it is to use sodium there is no other alternative so my system uses only chlorine tablets and sodium and with that you have your own water treatment processing plant you are taking raw well water and turning it around completely and making pure water for your house it's like having bottled quality water at all your taps and you can service the system as little as once a month putting your chlorine in the unit and adding usually a bag of salt or you can build a salt container or the hopper three times a year some families do use more salt it depends on your water and how many people you have in the family your next question is probably how can I get my own system well we ship free to the lower 48 states we're located in Florida it comes in four boxes delivered to your driveway UPS Freight will deliver it on a lift and they lower it down on a pallet it will be wrapped in plastic and all the units are programmed and the system is engineered for your well water it's assembled any difficult connections are already done and it's separated into four boxes they're easily managed all you need is your own light duty dolly the widest tank is 22 inches the tallest vessel is 6 foot 7 inches in height one person can manage each box the system comes with it easy to use connect kit you don't need to be an expert to install the system if you don't like to install your own system just hire a handyman it's three hours labor I include full instructions and I give you free support for life if you would like to go ahead and place an order for a system it takes me two weeks to build one for out-of-state shipping inside the state of Florida it takes 8 to 12 days for us to build and install shipping orders out of Florida are free and installation inside of Florida if we don't pay for shipping we install free we also have special prices if you would like to pick up a system and you can install it yourself for out-of-state orders allow two weeks for the engineering of your system and shipping send your payment to aquatic filter system the address is provided and include your phone number and your email address and I will email you the water analysis after I complete the testing which usually takes within 24 to 36 hours after I received your water sample
Channel: Aquatic Filter Systems
Views: 458,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best, well, water, systems, 2019, whole, home, 2018, tanks, iron, sulfur, softener, filter, filtration, newest, technology, clean, removing, bacteria, culligan, testing, filtering, help, washington, california, texas, pasco, florida, kenetico, arkansas, georgia, alabama, ohio, indiana, illinois, virginia, connecticut, maryland, carolina, north, south, michigan, upper, lower, salt, free, broward, polk, county, seminole, palm, beach, levy, hillsborough, manatee, gilchrist, marion
Id: 7eNm5K0HS5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2015
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