Divorce Lawyers, What Is the Most Insane Way a Spouse Has Tried to Screw the Other?

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divorce lawyers over at it what is the most insane evil funny dumb where spouse has tried to screw the other a friend's ex-wife and he settled their divorce with her getting the house a hefty chunk of retirement all the gifted jewelry and his holly she had gifted him for his birthday a few weeks later a robbery occurred and the only thing that was stolen was the jewelry that he had gifted her which was intended for their daughter she tried to file an insurance claim on the jewelry but forgot to get appraisals and add his riders so the max insurance paid was one thousand five hundred dollars for over twenty thousand dollars of jewelry suspicion is she staged it but is now stuck with stolen jewelry she can't legally sell norway nor give to the daughter without tipping the dad off to the scam row today is my day another where to start the person who hit a quarter million dollars from a business sale so it wouldn't be included in the equalization payment while providing frank disclosure on the actual sale number the person who made a fake prostitution ad for their ex as proof that they were not a good parent without considering that i would want to know why they browsed prostitution ads during their parenting time are the ones who spent thousands of dollars working out the appropriate access custody and support terms for their dog hard to say unreasonable people keep my lights on at least they cared about the dog unlike the other people in this thread not a divorce lawyer but my grandma sucker her divorce lawyer before she served her husband the papers got pregnant and then convinced her husband it was his he paid child support for 18 years and never had a clue pretty crappy the lawyer had a family of his own they have no idea my mom and my family exist 18 years 18 years and on her 18th birthday he found out it wasn't his not a lawyer but was a legal intern for a divorce attorney a few years back dumbest freaking divorce i ever sat through lasted over two years because they refused to let each other get any ground i was only there for the last year of the divorce but they argued over who got the christmas ornaments for four months pro tip if you're ever in a divorce saying sure take it is infinitely cheaper than your invoice would be otherwise not a lawyer but when i went through my divorce we were still in the same house for a few months while it sold i spent a weekend at my brother's a couple hours away to go to a football game to get out of the house my ex-wife sold off most of the furniture i was planning on taking a bunch of my power tools and tried to give the dog away luckily the people didn't show up for the dog that day i took him to my brother's house for safe keeping she still tried to get the dog in the divorce and was denied soulless bee pup is my best friend and still going strong almost 13 years old not an attorney heard this one from a friend of mine he was put in the middle of his parent divorce his mom is a teacher in ontario canada and she gets paid very well 120 k per year his dad is just a general laborer and made about 55k per year when they got divorced he gave her the house free and clear with the understanding that when she retires he will get 55 of her pension to offset his interest in the house she agrees of course she has to retire for him to get his money fast forward a few years and his mom retires but never tells his dad the son finds out and told his mom hey you are retired you have to start giving dad his money she tells the son don't tell your dad please fast forward a few more years he finds out his dad is in financial difficulty because of the downturn in the economy he backhanded tells his dad that his mom has been retired for a few years now so he contacts his attorney now she is screwed she pee off the family divorce court because she agreed to this and is now trying to screw him over in the end he gets 65 of her pension for the rest of their lives and she has to pay him all the money that she owes him not a lawyer just grew up with a crappy family situation my mom was an evil mastermind with this divorce let me tell you so my parents had been separated but living in the same house for a while and it was around the time of year the family would normally go for a camping trip canada day i believe she convinced my dad that we would break the trip up and he would get a week then when he returned she would get a week with us the three kids secretly during my dad's week she got her friends to help clear the entire house out and i literally mean clear it out there was nothing left not a single clothes hanger no couches tvs quite literally nothing she chose this vacation set up really well too camping meant we didn't need money or have access to cell service which he took advantage of as swell and emptied the bank accounts and hid all the money away she didn't stop there though she also maxed out lines of credit and all credit cards normally this would take a while but she was smart as heck in this approach earlier when planning this divorce she had convinced my dad to quit his job quite high paying i should add to start a company this company was still new and needed a ton of expenses paid so the banks didn't think twice about this ridiculous amount of money being transferred as it wasn't out of the norm anyways from their new setup with the company then when it came time for my dad's trip to end she told him he needed to call her when he got back in cell range upon calling she told him that she was on the way out in the same direction anyway so we could just meet halfway to spare us kids a bit of driving time on our way to the next trip which was odd considering after a week of camping we all wanted to shower and clean up but she was very adamant we met up and swapped vehicles then my dad was on the way home alone while we were off to hide away at a location different than where she had told my dad when he got home he thought we had been robbed it didn't sink in he called the cops and started phoning family because of how empty the house was he broke down and didn't know what to do that's when my mom's dad came over and told him the truth he said she left him and took everything she hid us and i believe tried to steal us but that part is a bit fuzzy for me eventually it somewhat caught up with my mom the judge was shocked at what she did she even went as far as trying to convince us kids that my dad was abusive and had us interrogated by a cop wanting us to lie about him the whole situation was crazy she ended up blowing all the money on fancy trips and shopping sprees with her friends and when the judge ordered her to pay it back she fled the country now she lives in australia and doesn't have to pay anything doubt this will be seen but a family friend was the lawyer on a pretty cut and dry divorce case he was representing the husband and he felt pretty bad for him no bad history between the two but even standard cases can get messy apparently his wife was being seriously sharky and trying to take basically everything the guy was at wit's end our family friend was driving behind him on the way to court when he crashed his truck into an suv didn't seem too bad flipped the suv on its side but he was already in helping the other driver out it was right in front of the courthouse so no big deal lots of cops around to help then our family friend realized something concerning the suv looked a lot like the guy's wife's suv before he could say anything he saw the cops suddenly swarm the guy and pin him to the ground while everyone watched on thinking this guy was helping he actually was stabbing his wife repeatedly with a screwdriver she unfortunately didn't survive pretty sure that was the last divorce case our family friend took tl dr divorce lawyer witnesses his client literally screw his spouse to death you're right that this one isn't being seen but it's the most brutal child of traumatic divorce here there's so many and i mean so many things i could post on this thread about how freaking terrible my parents were to each other but this takes a cake my parents were separated in the process of divorcing and had split custody between my brother and i we were five and seven at the time my dad didn't have his own place yet so when it was his turn to be with us he came back to our house the one he purchased mind you and my mom was supposed to leave one weekend they were arguing over something and it got so bad that my mom wouldn't leave and told my dad she would call the police something she apparently did a lot to get her way which after growing up with her i can attest she did this a lot unnecessarily to control us so she left called the police told them my father was dangerous and had a gun my dad was in the army and we had plenty guns locked in a safe of course of course the police were just doing their job and took my mama face value it went so fast from my brother and i watching tv with my dad to the police knocking at our door my dad opening the door and getting pepper sprayed without the cop saying anything and then my dad locked the door and the cops couldn't bust it down so they came around back and broke our sliding glass door and so they could arrest my dad in our front yard with all our neighbors watching i didn't really understand what was happening at the time but it was traumatizing for sure then my mom tried to get full custody of us in their actual divorce and thank god the judge ruled for split custody my whole childhood was crappy honestly bc all they did was explain very deep and emotionally complex situations to very young children who just wanted their parents to love each other but yeah i've never quite forgiven my mom for that one i read about a case where the wife was trying to take half of a guy's business and millions in personal assets only to find out that the business had been moved into his son's name years earlier and the guy donated all their savings millions of dollars to a children's hospital in his soon-to-be ex-wife's name so she couldn't get the money the judge said what he did was technically legal since it was community property and no freeze had been placed on it yet but was morally unconscionable lawyer said in his entire life he never saw a bigger smile on a man's face he just kept saying i just wanted to help the children and smiling not a divorced lawyer but remember this from another idiot husband and wife getting divorced there was a classic car ferrari jaguar or something like that that was worth a lot of money it was a bone of contention in the divorce after several months the husband finally proposes that he will let her have the car if she gives him the house she agrees come to find out he had been taking the car out every day and doing loops around the city for hours putting thousands of miles on it making it worth nothing holy crap divorces can really bring out the worst in people not a lawyer but one of my drinking buddies just went through a nasty divorce one of the things she pitted against him was dollar sign 15k a year spent at a bar sounds bad but 90 of the time they were both there but he always paid with his card but now he looks like an alcoholic honestly that's when you call up the manager or even ask the judge to do it so he can verify she was there with him he owed her 500 as part of the settlement he brought two buckets of unsorted coins mostly pennies to our office she took the light bulbs out of every fixture when she moved out then refused to give him right off first refusal if she wanted to get rid of their dog she spent a year and a half systematically destroying their business and then expected him to pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars for her share of the now worthless business five hundred dollars in a small coins is a dong move but relatively harmless you put it in manageable containers take it to the bank and deposit it you get exercise and the bank counts your money for you taking all the light bulbs is a don move but also relatively harmless you get to go buy more bulbs and a flashlight and put bulbs back in deliberately destroying communal property is unconscionable read about five answers by now and i want to point out that an insane amount of them led to animal cruelty what the frick is that about probably because it's the most effective way to hurt the other person without breaking the law which means they should probably make it against the law not a lawyer but my mom forged divorce papers to cheat on my dad for two years i got my butt beat whenever i brought it up i chuckled at the last sentence not out of malice but i too have been in that crap situation where bringing something up is detrimental to your safety sorry bud used to work as a file clerk for a divorce attorney our client was trying to get full custody over her child because her husband was dangerously neglectful of their son how was he being dangerously neglectful by serving spaghetti instead of turkey for thanksgiving i wish i was making this up not a lawyer but child of divorced parents mum got custody of me and my brother she told my dad he would make us hate him went from a big house to a three-bedroom apartment and grew up poor only saw my dad three times a year and talked to him on the phone once a week for an hour turns out that's what she asked for in court but she lied and said our dad didn't want to see or talk to us he paid her child support and alimony every month and she worked full-time we grew up with no wi-fi or cable no sports or after-school activities and i never went to a summer camp apparently we also didn't have insurance for like two years when i was 12 turns out she was pocketing all the money and keeping it in her savings apparently around the divorce hearing when i didn't have insurance she had 12k in savings but the judge didn't see that as a red flag we did hate our dad until we got older and realized he was trying to give us stuff the whole time and offering to send us to summer camp but she refused even after her hoarding all that money and just not growing up without dad he still paid for my college and books and bought me a car when mine broke down i ended up stopping a relationship with my mom when i found out she called me a w in order to defend my brother's behavior she didn't bother to reach out even though she's the parent later i contacted her on and off trying to fix the relationship she never bought a book for uni and also refused to let me use her tax info to get a better loan for school when i had to my last year of university in the end her bitterness fricked her over because she no longer has a daughter and she has a son who yells at her and uses her for free rent my ex did a good job of tricking me that we were having a nice cordial easy divorce until she asked me to sign a couple of quick easy things she was in a real hurry and got upset that i said i needed a couple of hours to read through them turns out she got someone to sneak in there that i was emotionally abusive which was the opposite of the truth i had to end up getting my own lawyer because of her shady crap and mine said she could have essentially taken anything and all of what she wanted if i would have signed that yeah don't ever sign anything just real quick my mom worked at an animal hospital about 20 years ago while she was studying to become a vet one day a guy brought in two beautiful chocolate labs and said they needed to be put down he had one both in a divorce and was leaving town so he wanted to get rid of them to make the move easier my mom took this really hard and i think it's what made her chose another path in life not a divorce lawyer but my mom used to have these girl party weekends where all these women would come over my mom would inject different fruits with vodka with a needle she got from the hospital she worked at well my parents had a rocky marriage and i guess it showed at school when i was young because child protective services showed up at my school and then our door my mom falsely accused my dad of using the needle that she randomly found in the house for injecting h and went as far as getting a restraining order put on him so i couldn't see him for months six months later they were back together and my dad did a drug test that found no h in his system stupidness not me but my cousin is a vet whose friend went through a divorce she was friends with the wife and husband but the wife was a nasty bee their dog had puppies a month prior to the divorce and the husband wanted all the dogs she gets them and instead of selling the puppies brings them to my cousin saying she wants all six i believe puppy is in the mother put down my cousin takes them and says she's do it and the wife just leaves little does she know my cousin snuck them all out the back door with help from all her co-workers and gave the puppies to the husband this happened about 4-5 years ago so sorry for the vague details good on your cousin i'm just emotionally exhausted after reading about all the euthanized animals not a lawyer but a child of divorce my parents owned a couple duplexes in town as well as our house they had saved enough up to pay a property off in full and my dad convinced my mom that it was better to pay off one of the duplexes instead of the house a couple months later he files for divorce and only asks for the paid off property he got it lived in one side and rented out the other and stuck my mom with two kids and three mortgages and of course refused to pay child support for my sister because she wasn't his buyer daughter even though he had legally adopted her still makes me feel likey how conniving he was i was a divorce paralegal for 15 years the worst opposing party we ever had represented himself he cheated and left his wife then proceeded to file for custody of the dog after two hearings just about the dog the judge orders that they share the dog alternating one week at a time on his first round of visitation he collects this sweet dog and then immediately has it put to sleep the following week he gives ex-wife a canister with the dog's ashes obviously she was devastated it was heartbreaking the judge was not happy he sanctioned this man and then gave literally everything to the wife in the judgment this guy was a such a nut ball he even tried to claim the condiments in the fridge as property literally wrote it out in his property claim ketchup mustard mayo he also claimed that wife's sex toys should be awarded to him real classy guy i am no longer practicing but when i was active i practiced in a small firm we represented the wife in a divorce against her husband who was a very prominent businessman as a show of force by the husband he purchased the building where our offices were located and proceeded to make small but annoying changes parking spaces were moved to furthest spots elevator would randomly be down for maintenance our offices were located on the top floor the cleaning schedule and crews would sporadically change the firm's lease also happened to end during the divorce representation and we were given a notice to the kate in the middle of the winter holidays after our departure husband put up signage of his company on the outside of the building where our offices used to be located i am not really a divorce lawyer but i am currently stuck with a divorce case both sides have been at a standstill for at least four months now over a difference of less than a thousand dollars like we could have settled late 2019 but they both just want one last i won over the other one doesn't help that i hate family law cases to begin with the only winners are the attorneys and they have to go through a lot of boost to cope with the stuff they deal with again not a divorce lawyer but 30 years ago a friend of mine was going through a messy divorce his wife had cheated on him and was trying to take him for everything really spiteful when she didn't get something the court had instructed her to turn over the car to him she waited until the last day on the order and then returned it with serious body engine damage it was pretty clear she'd run it into a wall or tree out of spite right before doing it but since she just left him parked on the street by his apartment and dropped the keys in his mailbox there was no way to prove it i came up with a solution get it stolen as a favor to him i drove the car up to harlem while he followed in his other car parked it in front of some gang members waved to them blatantly tossed the keys on the driver's seat through the open window and then got in his other car with him and we left we went around the block waited 10 minutes went back and the car was gone car was never seen again he reported it as stolen and collected the insurance nice job waiting out the statute of limitations there my sister and her ex-husband had agreed in arbitration that he would keep the house and karen that she would keep the furniture and electronics my dad and i rented a u-haul to help her go get her stuff we figured the amount of stuff she would get would be enough to get about 10.15k off craigslist we arrived at the house to find only an ikea futon a smaller tv than they had an old imac and all the outdoor furniture destroyed we were so devastated for her she decided she wanted to close that venomous chapter of her life so she just took her losses rather than fight for stupid possessions happy ending she finished optometry school and became an optometrist found a great husband and is raising two awesome kids the divorce lawyer my mother-in-law had to fight had a case so vicious that they wanted everything split right down the middle up to the block of cheese in the fridge and she won that case i can only imagine how long it took to split everything in the house it won't be funny though but definitely evil my mother left my father because of the 40s crisis at first she said it was to get her freedom back so people were more empathetic to my father seeing that she changed her version and started to spread the world my father cheated on her and raped her when i stood up for my father she claimed i beat her during years as well you would be surprised how people would definitely believe a female who claimed being a victim of domestic and sexual violence it's been 80 years i've lost more than half of my genealogical tree even on my father's side see like her other reason real victims aren't taken enough seriously my dad on the other hand is still madly in love with her and says we need to forgive to move on wish i could be half this brave watched a 14 million dollar settlement which took months to achieve abandoned when the parties came to who would keep the cat for that there was a week-long trial jurors wanted to euthanize them both and take the cat home themselves opposing party left on his daughter's birthday while she was gone with her mom to her birthday party he also took the freezer containing most of the food in the home he had controlled all the finances and left his wife and his child with almost no food or money a vindictive co-worker was going through a divorce and talked about it endlessly the part that peed me off about it was every time she talked about the possessions she was fighting over even she referred to them as his tools or his car or his dog she knew they were his things but was fighting him for them just out of spite i'm sure her lawyer was loving it cashing in not a lawyer but an older cousin's ex-wife tried to get literally half of the house in a divorce like she wanted to have half of the house removed and demolished just despite my cousin whom she had cheated on i was a family or paralegal but my worst was my own divorce actually my ex came out as gay and decided he wanted to be a costume designer okay well bad for me but more power to him he decided the historical collection of paper dolls my grandma had left me should go to him because he wanted them as models for his costume designs my lawyer had to claim them the shoebox of paper dolls as non-marital property due to being an inheritance his lawyer made some sort of legal claim about how they were co-mingled and thus marital property because i'd put other stuff in the box that i had bought during the marriage such as a colouring book so in an otherwise uncontested divorce there's a giant paragraph in the decree awarding me my non-marital inherited box of paper dolls i had a co-worker whose husband a doctor threw her out of the house that they shared for more than 30 years he had a new girlfriend and wanted her to move in she had no idea he was cheating on her since she was working for him she was left with nothing no job no money he cancelled her cards and bank accounts and nowhere to live in a hurry to work she only found a minimum wage job and a tiny studio apartment at that time she was in her early 60s and not in good health he dragged that divorce for years gave money to their spoiled kids so they took his side i never understood why someone could be so mean to the woman he once loved the mother of his children a woman who worked for him for years helping him build his practice the only explanation i can find it's his love of money finally a couple of years later he was accused of sexual misconduct and lost his license technically he retired his beautiful house has been for sale for months now and it's probably going to be demolished for a new development i have no idea if the girlfriend is still with him but in a perfect scenario i hope she left him as for my co-worker we lost touch after i left the store but i hope she found happiness not a lawyer but was involved in a case as a character witness to the husband father to preface the story he was an annuities investor and had his money and home before he met his wife he also had a prenuptial agreement that was ignored during division of assets he was also divorcing her for infidelity witnessed by both of his children and caught on household security cameras as the case came to an end the california judge passed down equal split of assets one house was to be sold with profit split down the middle to all household possessions sold and split three alimony and child support would equal to half his pre-tax wages four she would receive half of his retirement and investments five she had 70 percent custody with jurisdiction over visitation six she was to keep his porsche escalade and mercedes s 550 he kept the bmw 750i 7 he was responsible for all court costs and fees for both parties the crazy response to this while still in court was one he immediately called and quit his job two he had already sold his house to his brother for 50k dollars before the proceedings house in newport beach ca worth two dollars and seventy cents mill three changed his life insurance so his brother was the recipient when he called and quit right in front of the judge i laughed my butt off when my parents were my divorce took years because my cheating awful alcoholic father refused to sign the papers my dad had a weekend visit with us and ended up kidnapping us from our mother for about a week i was maybe 10 and my brother was eight so that puts us in 2005-ish he enrolled us in school this is the only part of the story i remember we went for about two days at my grandparents house and took us to live there my mom couldn't call the police since they were legally married with no custody agreement he was allowed to keep us wherever he wanted my mom could not come pick us up because she filed a restraining order against my father previous to this incident he and my grandparents threatened to call the police if she came on the property so my clever mom called him and was like let's talk about this my dad's still in love with her and dumb as frick agrees and meets her at a mutual friend's home really only mom's friend and they get him trashed he's an alcoholic and would never turn down booze she keeps him up drinking all night and convinces him to take us all out for breakfast she waits at the end of the driveway while dad gets cleaned up he sends us outside and when we get in the car with none of our stuff mind you mom whips it out of there and we didn't see dad for a long time after that not a divorce lawyer but i had an old neighbor that got a new car and then went back the next day and told them her husband loved her so much that he wanted the exact same thing in the exact same financing she immediately hid that car at her mom's house and then filed for divorce the affair came to light when they pulled the second car over and a strange man was driving it around if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: lawyers, lawyer stories, divorce lawyer, crazy divorce court cases, crazy divorce story, crazy divorce court, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: -cp7JjgXJUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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