Bloodborne: The Board Game | Chapter 1 Playthrough | With Bairnt and Colin

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greetings i'm berent and welcome to the one-stop co-op shop today we're going to start a playthrough of bloodborne the board game by cool mini or not i'm really excited to start playing this game it took me a while to get the figures all painted but now they're all painted i'm ready to take on bloodborne and i think it's gonna be an absolute blast now this is gonna be played with two characters and i'm actually joined by colin from the one stop co-op shop it's gonna be an absolute blast to record with him again i haven't it's just so much fun we always have a great time doing it it's an honorable work with him again and i'm super excited to show this game to you so in this video we're going to go ahead set it up we're also going to go ahead show you the campaign we're going to do and the characters we're going to have then after all that we're going to go ahead and start playing bloodborne i'm super excited so let's go ahead and start setting it up the first thing we have to do is choose a campaign and i had requested people to tell me in the unboxing video which one they would like to see and the ones we could have chosen from was the long hunt growing madness secrets of the church and the fall of joharn then i have gone ahead and looked through them all and i actually got a really cool comment from somebody that helped out a lot they had said that the long night and secrets of the church have been ones that people have played a lot on camera already so we're gonna do this one we have i haven't i don't know anything about any of the four of them but we're gonna go ahead and see if we can make it through this now if you're looking for the long hunt there's a lot of videos out there the secrets of the church was actually done by ready steady play so go ahead and check that out i'm gonna put a link to it in the description of this video as well so you can see other different videos out there that have gone through and played through bloodborne now of course this deck right here is the campaign just for this campaign and we're not going to mess with this deck at all we're going to keep it just as it is and we're gonna see what befalls our brave hunters after selecting the campaign you're gonna go ahead and grab the hunter's dashboard each hunter is gonna have one of these now of course we'll be playing with two i'm gonna demonstrate a lot of the stuff on this one but i will show you our other hunter as well now on this hunter's dashboard first we're going to go ahead and select our trick weapon that's going to be the actual character you're going to use and colin is going to be playing the threaded cane that's going to be his character and the threaded cane has three different attacks that can be made with the cane and you're going to be using cards to signify the different attacks that they do and you'll see how that works during the playthrough now of course on the back side there is another set of attacks that this threaded cane can do and you're going to be going back and forth between these two different types of attacking weapons as you play through the game and you'll see that in action also every player starts with six hit points we're going to go ahead and put their six hit points right up here now the blood echoes is going to remain empty that is going to be where we're going to be gaining well basically blood echoes from whenever we destroy enemies or if something else during the campaign tells us to gain some blood echoes these are of course are going to be used to upgrade our hunter's deck that you'll see momentarily then you're going to go ahead and grab the miniature here's the miniature for the threaded cane it doesn't come painted i have painted it up myself and she is all set to go i'm going to put that right there finally the last thing we're going to do is grab the firearm everyone gets a firearm and you're going to grab the one that is signified by your character and just like the miniature show she's got a huge cannon and it says maybe used to make the following attack so she's gonna be able to make this kind of attack with this cannon once that's done you flip the card and it'll tell you how you can get this cannon back there's two different ways one the hunter's turn you can discard two cards to refresh it or if whenever your character dies you're gonna be sent to the hunter's dream and at that time you could go ahead and re flip over your cannon and also reset your character up the hunter's dream there's two ways to get there when you can choose to go there where you could spend your blood echoes to actually gain more cards for your deck or two if you just die you go there that's just that's just how it goes in this game if you die you are not out the main only real way to lose in this game is if your timer runs out and you'll see that in just a moment so we've gone ahead and set up the threaded cane the only thing we have left to do is get her deck out to create our hunter's deck we're going to go ahead and grab three of each of these cards we have skill endurance strength and vitality and we're gonna get three of these and every one of these is exactly the same they're all gonna say stay around here not a single one of these is different so every hunter starts with the exact same deck so we're gonna go ahead and grab three of these stagger cards which when used it's gonna go ahead and cancel the opposing attack with a slower speed completely preventing all effects and damage from that attack that's if when this is played during an attack and you'll see how that works during the playthrough next we have our dodge we're gonna take three of those you can go ahead and dodge an attack if you have a slot open on your trick weapon then of course you're gonna clear the slot you'll also get your basic three of those that's just gonna add one damage to whatever attack you are doing and the last one is our endurance cards they're going to go ahead sorry vitality cards and they're going to make you draw a card if played in one of the trick slot areas now that we have all 12 of these cards we're going to go ahead and give them a good old truffle shuffle and they're going to be all set to be used for our hunter when we play our game and of course the back of these is all the same now you're gonna be able to gain different cards of course going to the hunter's dream at this point i'm going to take three more of each of these so that we can give them to our next hunter that we're going to see i'm pretty excited for this one this is the one i'm really excited to play so we're gonna go ahead and put this with him we're gonna take that hunter's 12 cards again give them a little truffle shuffle here and put them down on the side next to the board now we're going to go ahead and get ready for our trick weapon and here's the one i'm going to play super pumped for this i'm going to play this guy the lagaris's wheel oh this guy looks awesome i've gone ahead and painted him up look it is absolutely amazing this guy looks so cool look at that wheel i'm super excited to play with this guy so we're gonna go ahead and put him right here he's got his cards right there he of course is gonna get his six hit points just like our threaded cane he doesn't get any blood echoes but he does start with a hunter's pistol when an enemy makes a basic attack automatically stagger that enemy and of course when used you flip it over and i only have to discard one card to refresh it i guess reloading a pistol is a little bit easier than reloading a cabinet which makes a lot of sense we're going to put that right up there now what this means is that the character the enemies when i show them to you are going to be doing different attacks against us and of course when you use the base attack i get to stagger it you'll see how that works during the playthrough both of our hunters are ready to go let's continue on with the setup next we're going to move over to the hunt board and get that all set up first we're going to go ahead and take our first chapter card and put it right here this is just gonna be a placeholder for now you would normally read the chapter one card right here and place it down when you're actually starting your hunt but we're going to do that when we actually start the playthrough i'm just showing you how to set the game up the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take all of our upgrade cards which are right here a huge stack of these cards and they don't stand up very well over here and if they cause me chaos and problems i might just go ahead and place them down in two different stacks but you're gonna go ahead and draw the first four one two three and four and we're gonna place them down here and we're gonna be able to upgrade our characters with these cards from the hunter's dream after of course taking out some enemies so the cards that we got are cheap shots stagger if an enemy in your space uses an ability discard from hand deal them to damage so this is going to be one of those skill cards instead of just staggering like our basic card it does some more extra stuff next we've got poised it's going to do an extra damage but on top of that it can you cannot suffer stagger or stun when that card is played next we have leaping i can do one extra damage may make a move action before using this card to attack so again more stuff on top of what you can do for example here's a dodge normally this is all you get but this card will give you when used to move move three spaces you can always use a card to do actions other than fighting and that's how you're going to move around the game for example i can discard this to move normally move two spaces this one will help me move three or colin of course whoever decides to buy that upgrade card with those done we'll move into the next step next we're going to take our consumables give them a good old little truffle shuffle here and place them down next to those cards we're going to take all of our reward cards which are these we're not going to shuffle these up we're just going to place them here because when it asks us to grab one we can just take one from the deck when able to then of course we have a whole bunch of other tokens for example we have our echo tokens and things we're going to put those next to us so they're readily available lastly we're going to take the hunt track token place it right down here and as you go through the turns you're going to move this up when it hits these red spaces things are going to happen most of the time our enemies respawn but also other things might happen based on your actual campaign every campaign comes with a setup card and this is going to be ours right here it's going to show us the three enemies that are going to take these three slots right here then it's going to show me the tiles that have to be in our deck and then how many random tiles are going to take based on the number of hunters that's what this symbol says since we have two hunters we'll be taking four random tiles and we're gonna add these all to a stack i'll show you that shortly then of course there are some special rules for this campaign and they're gonna be found on card one and we're gonna go ahead and look at that in just a second but we're gonna first get our enemies we have the female beast patient here it has three health right up here so if we do three or more health it will kill this person off it has a basic attack a special attack and an ability attack and these are going to be done randomly based on a card deck that all the different monsters are going to use they all do the same one bosses will use their own deck but each of these enemies right here will have their own will have been using the same deck for example now each one of these are going to do different attacks though based on those so if this person grabbed the basic card out of there it would have a medium speed attack doing two damage called call law slash if i can say the word claw we're going to put that one right there then our second enemy is going to be the male beast patient another three health creature that has these now of course these are dual sided and i just randomly picked them out as to which ones we're going to use we're going to go ahead and put that one there i don't know anything about these monsters if they're good or bad or what and then of course we have our skirt scourge beast this guy's terrible he's got four health so he's a little bit stronger now again like i said i haven't fought in these so i don't know which ones are hard and which ones are not but we'll see how it goes during our playthrough so we have our enemies there then we're going to go ahead and take our miniatures each one come with miniatures here is the female beast patient and again i've painted these up myself they don't come like this at all we're going to put all of them around the board so they're easily accessed there's four of each of these enemies so those are the female beast patient then of course we have the male beast patient here's one of them i've painted him up like this they just kind of look like that oh they're gray they're grey so i'm going to put those out on the board as well readily available for us to grab the last one we have is going to be our scourge beast he's right here kind of looks like a giant like i don't know almost a cross between a werewolf and a rat or something so he's right here now i will also say i have never played the actual video game so i don't know how nor how actually represented this game is to the video game but i'm excited to play it because i don't know this the idea of it really caught my attention i'm really excited to try this out and it might actually get me to play the video game who knows we'll see how it goes all right that is going to be our hunt board setup it is all set to go and we're getting so close to starting this adventure before we move on to getting the tiles ready i do want to show you that enemy action deck so this deck is exactly the same and it consists of three basic attacks two special attacks and one ability attack now knowing what's in this deck is actually a part and key component to this game and the tactics you're going to lay out in front of yourself of course starting you're not going to know what they're going to do but after you draw three or four cards out of this deck you have a pretty good idea of what might be coming so you can plan your tactics accordingly now of course you only shuffle this deck if there are no cards available to draw or if anything in the campaign tells you otherwise so we're going to go ahead and place that deck right there continuing with our setup we're going to go ahead and get our tiles we have to get the alleyway courtyard lamp graveyard occupied house and ransacked house so i have those all right here ransacked house occupied house graveyard courtyard lamp and our alleyway i have all of those and then we have to choose four random ones and i've gone ahead and grabbed four random ones so we're going to go ahead and take all of these shuffle them up so we don't know exactly where anything is and these are going to be the tiles you draw as you move throughout the game giving them a good old truffle shuffle so we don't know where anything is we're going to set those aside of course we all are going to start on the central lamp tile that's the car tile that we always start on when we start the game there is an interact action that we could take using one of our cards we could discard it to do this on the central lamp space teleport to any lamp space or inside any fog gate and you'll see how that works during the playthrough but for now that is where our characters start and we can start on any one of the three lamp spaces for now i'm just going to start us both off in the middle now of course that may change once call and i discuss our tactics so but during the setup that's where we're going to start and of course then i've got one of these lamp tokens these are from part of the stretch goal box so if you get the base game without any of the stretch goals that is not going to be part of it also i have these neat chests that are going to be used for our consumables i painted them up as well of course nothing comes painted also i want to mention that my character the one with the wheel is also from the expansion set as well so this character is not found in the base game but this one is the threaded cane is part of the base game so you will get that character but you won't get this one if you once you find a stretch goals box so that's going to be the setup for our tiles and we're getting really close the campaign progresses through our deck of cards not to any type of book or anything like that so we've done our chapter one setup there's chapter two in chapter three we're not gonna be doing those but we do have our chapter one card but first we're going to read the introduction to our campaign spiraling below the cathedral ward lies the hamlet known as old yharnam far removed the town lies isolated from the greater city recently however rumors have emerged of a strange sickness different from that of the beast plague spreading through the streets a group of hunters notably those of the powder kegs covenant were sent to investigate time has passed and none have returned thus we have been dispatched to discover what fate has befallen them once that is read we're going to continue on to our chapter 1 setup card and it says special rules are going to be found on card 1 and if we flip this over it says the chapter 1 mission start of the hunt reveal card 2. also if any of this happens end a move on the courtyard lamp tile reveal card 10. if we end our move into occupied house reveal card 13 and when the hunt track reaches the first red space marked with an insight mark it with an insight token and reveal card 15. so that's something that's going to be happening during this campaign of some kind now it also said i should look at card one so we're going to go ahead and reveal card one it says antidote while in the hunter's dream hunters may discard one consumable and replace it with the antidote card from the consumable deck or discard pile shuffle the deck afterwards so i'm gonna guess there's gonna be a lot of poison we have to deal with so we're gonna set this card aside as well to know that we can do that next we're going to start the hunt by revealing card number two oh here's our mission it says the hunt mission missing powder kegs entering the old hamlet you find its buildings and homes in disarray and neglect an eerie quiet seemingly overtaking its streets while far less populated than the rest of yanam this was once a thriving town but you would almost swear it has been abandoned to continue our mission we have to end a move on the alleyway tile and then we're going to reveal card three so we have a lot of different things going on we're gonna go ahead and set these all next to our hunt board and that's the setup to bloodborne the board game by cool menu or not we're all set to start our hunt we've got our threaded cane and we've got largaris's wheel we're all set to do this oh i'm super excited to see where this campaign makes us go and what we're able to find if you're excited to see if our characters can make it through the fall of old yharnam then i need you to meet me at the co-op shop [Music] energy [Music] i was on the way [Music] for threaded cane i've decided to choose the stagger can affect enemy attacks at the same speed normally your stagger effects can only go into effect if you're attacking faster than the enemy so this means i can actually stagger them which means they can't attack me back if i'm at the same speed as them which is pretty awesome so let's go ahead and grab our first card and we have our just basic draw one and then our second card will be a basic stagger and our third one over here we also have a basic stagger for legarius's wheel the side i've chosen is this one with the on attack heel once when i attack fire is off i get to heal one which can be great because well as you can tell i attack pretty slow a two and a one that's the speed of your attacks the more arrows you have the faster you go this get goes pretty slow i'm going to go ahead and grab three cards and the cards we got are dodged that'll probably help us out we also got a draw one and a basic attack which is going to give us a plus one damage when we actually make the attack you'll see how that works hopefully pretty soon can you blame him for attacking slow with a wheel it's a giant wheel it's a giant wheel man moving into our player actions these are all the different actions we can perform and it each uses a card to do you can either move two interact with the area of the map you're on you can transform your weapon which means you're gonna be able to flip to that other side or anytime you can go to the hunter's dream to potentially level up your characters if you have any blood echoes or and but of course when you do go there it's gonna cause more time to happen and of course when you get to the end of that time track you lose the game so you don't want to go there all that often and of course we can also attack with our cards the first thing i'm going to do is i'm actually going to perform a move 2. now to use our move action we're going to go ahead and discard a card now you don't get the draw one from the discarding the card to use it you only get these powers when you use them as part of your attack so i will not be drawing one but i will be moving two spaces we're going to start by moving one up here so i'm going to go ahead and draw our next tile and we have found a ransacked house so we're going to go ahead and put that down wait there's two enemies on it in two treasure chests oh yeah come on man but that looks like a dead end now when we go to populate this tile we're going to go and populate it with two of our consumable tokens and then we're going to populate with the monsters that are placed in these spots on our board so let's go ahead and take a look at those looking at the spots on the map we're going to be spawning a female beast patient and we're also spawning a scourge beast so we're gonna grab one of each of those minis and place them out on the map first we're gonna go ahead and take our scourge beast he's right here giant looking i know half rat half dog thing i guess we're gonna put him right here and then of course we have our female beast patient looking pretty awesome i'm a big fan of that one and we're going to go put those two monsters there now we also have to put down our consumables so i'm just going to go ahead and grab a couple chests and of course i didn't really know what these were so i just painted them all different colors we're going to put them right here and right here now i do have to move into that space because that's where i chose to go except i'm going to use the right guy we're going to use my guy i'm going to put him right there now i could move into this space and maybe attempt to attack those characters with my other movement i am going to go in here and try to take down some of these enemies we'll see if i can do it let's go ahead and check out combat now with my wheel i only really have two different speeds i can go medium and slow and i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and play our basic attack that's gonna give us plus one damage we're gonna play it in our slow space right here now that is going to be taking up this spot and the only way to get rid of this card is to either flip your trick weapon or go to the hunter's dream and you can clear your dashboard here but we're going to be doing four damage to this monster but we have to see what it's going to do to us now the enemy deck is consisted of six different cards and we're going to see which one he pulls to find out what he does he's going to do his special attack so we're going to look at it and his special is a 4 damage attack but it goes really slow it's gonna go the same speed as us it's gonna stun me and it cannot be dodged oh this is gonna be a devastating blow so both our attacks are happening at the same time he's gonna do four damage to me i'm down to two we might be seeing what the hunter's dream is really quick here i also got stunned so i have to discard a card which is terrible but i do get to do four damage and of course our scourge beast only has four health so we have actually defeated the scourge beast that is half the battle which means we're going to gain a blood echo and since i have no more cards that's the end of my turn and we're going to move into enemy activations we're going to go ahead and remove the scourge beast but of course we still have the female patient here is ready to take us out we're going to go ahead and see what her attack is she gets to activate now that we have completed our actions we're going to see what she's going to do she's going to try to attack me that's the deal she got oh she got a special guess what we're going to see what the hunter's dream is all about so here's the deal this person is going to do a medium speed three damage attack which is going to poison stun and it cannot be dodged okay so dodge cards are not very amazing sadly i only have two left which means my character has kicked the bucket in the first round this is a great way to start huh colin yes it is typical that's right i'm gonna go over to the hunter's dream and sadly when you die you lose all of your blood echoes meaning i don't get to bring this with me and of course she gets to dance the happy dance of i just destroyed a hunter now of course it's never the end for the hunters they do get to come back moving into the hunter's dream there's a few things you have to do but the first thing i have to do is i forgot to grab my on attack heel one which is the whole purpose i took this card the sad thing is it wouldn't have mattered i only would have healed up to three and that female beast patient did do three damage when attacked me so i still ended up with the hunter's dream oh well first thing you're gonna do move up the time track and of course if it ever reaches the top you're done and that's the end you have to start the campaign all over again now if you had any of the blood echoes you could choose to upgrade your cards of course like i said we came here the wrong way so we don't get to do that the next thing you get to do is of course clear your weapon your trick weapon and put all the cards back into your stack of 12. so you have them all again to start at the beginning when you come back out of the hunter's dream and if you ever did use your ranged weapon if it's on the side that has to be reloaded you get to reload that of course being in the hunter's dream as well so it kind of like is starting from fresh but of course you lose some time and i don't like to be here any more than you do the last thing we're going to do is go ahead and grab back our six health and hopefully not lose them as fast we did last time after seeing what just happened to bear i'm pretty pissed so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use this basic draw one card discard it so i can move two spaces i'm gonna move two spaces here let's go ahead and attack this female beast patient instead of playing a card i think i'm going to use my cannon i want to blow this gal to bits so this cannon it is slow but it says may be used to make the following attack slow three damage she only has three health that's gonna blow her up but we're gonna have to see what she's going to do so we'll go ahead and draw the top enemy activation card that we have here and we have the ability card well that ability really stinks it's called ash and blood if hunter's attack deals any wounds no of course it doesn't or maybe it does three they must dodge or suffer that much and poison so i'm going to take three damage and i'm going to get poisons which means the beginning of each of my turns i'm going to take one damage but i did still destroy her well three health is half of my health ouch and i'm gonna place this here to remind myself at the beginning of each turn i'm gonna take a damage i am gonna grab one of these echo tokens so hopefully i can level up let's go ahead and get this female patient out of here see ya then what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this stagger card just discard it so i can pick up those two consumables that is the interact action that i'm doing so i'll actually remove both of these from the board and that means i get to draw two consumable cards let's see what these are so our first one will be the numbing mist on attack enemy attacks lose all effects oh my gosh that's amazing and the pungent blood cocktail one non-boss enemy within two spaces doesn't activate that's also awesome i'm really glad i have these unfortunately with this tile you can see there's no exits so and it's not one of the locations we need to get to we're just going to keep on moving i've got one card left i'll go ahead and use this basic stagger discard it to move two i'm going to move myself right back into the central lamp area and that's the end of my turn now enemies would activate but thanks to barons we've taken them all out so we'll move to the end of the route at this point we're going to go ahead and move our time track up and move into the next round at the beginning of a round of course we're going to draw our three cards i've gotten a basic draw one basic attack and a stagger let's see if these do any better for me and i have over here a basic with the plus one attack a dodge and another stagger also when i'm going to spawn on the map i get to choose what side of my trick weapon i want and i am going to stay on the one that heals hopefully it'll help me this time coming back from the hunter's dream i have to be placed anywhere that has a lamp symbol so well i'm going to start back in the central lamp there's colin's guy over there hey how's it going we're going to go ahead now and start i'm going to move by getting rid of this stagger card because we all know i'm not going to be staggering anything with two and three speed attacks north was terrible i'm going to go this way one and two we're going to reveal that tile over there and let's see what we have found we have found the courtyard lamp so i'm going to go ahead and place this down i can place it in any direction i want as long of course i'm not placing it illegally because i can't leave that tile we're going to place it just like this i think that's going to be awesome we're going to go ahead and place a lamp there and i do have to move into this space and there are no enemies to spawn here so that was one two that was one action one of the things for our chapter states when you end a move on the courtyard lamp i'm going to be revealing card number 10. so let's go ahead and take a look at that infected townsfolk now this is an insight mission so this is something that's taking place inside of our actual hunt this is really cool so we have an infected townsfolk and says entering the courtyard you see a mass of town folk congregating in the open area while you make moves to invade them one notices you and shouts alerting the others soon the mob descends upon you torches and weapons at the ready so we're gonna reveal cart 11 surround the courtyard lamp with a fog gate then we're gonna spawn one hunter mob on its lamp and then it will respawn on this space whenever we hit one of those red markers now to complete this mission we have to slay the hunter mobs now let's go ahead and look at the hunter mob it's right here he has four health he has a basic attack that does two is slow attack that does four and it stuns and of course he can throw some multiple cocktails why not if you're a hunter mob you need some motel cocktails for your party we're also gonna go ahead and reveal card 11 and it says infected place two insight tokens on this card if three plus hunters place one additional token so we only have two so we're putting two tokens on this and it says when the hunter mob would be slain instead remove one token and heal all damage from it the tokens are returned whenever we hit this symbol so let's try to take the scale before that happens and replace the basic attack with a new basic attack card it's going to be a medium speed at two damage and if the hunter is already poisoned their attacks and dodges suffer negative one speed you ready for this yeah are you gonna die again i think so the first thing we have to do is put down fog gates so where we're gonna put these is we're gonna put these in front of every exit from this tile now these flog gates are super cool not cool what they're going to do is they're going to surround the hunters and it's also going to go ahead and break our lamp now why this is important is because now we can't spawn in from the hunter's dream we can only still only spawn in from there now hunters can walk through the fog from here to enter the tile but i cannot leave and if colin comes in he also cannot leave that unless we go to the hunter's dream also this is a technically kind of a special tile other enemies can't walk into this tile and no enemy that would normally spawn on this tile would spawn until this is taken care of and then of course we have to spawn our hunter's mob oh it's totally great i have been had a chance to actually paint up a lot of this game i didn't know what monsters were gonna be fighting this except for the ones that were chosen for the actual mission and i well sadly didn't know these guys were coming in so here we go we're gonna try to take these guys real quick so we get the gray off the board we're gonna see what we can do to this giant souped-up hunter mob the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna use our basic attack to do one damage on my slam so that's gonna be four now he only has four health so we're able to take at least one of these tokens out but not before he attacks but there are only three cards left in here and the deck consists of three basic two specials and one ability so since we got super unlucky at the beginning of the game we're gonna get super lucky at this point of the game we know that these are basic attacks now normally i'd be all souped up for his basic attacks only does two but this one is going to do two damage and it's going to poison me so i'm going to go ahead and grab a poison token and take two damage which isn't the end of the world because i'm going to go ahead and attack him now being able to heal once this attack goes forth and i'm going to do four damage with my slam removing one of our tokens which is awesome then we're going to go ahead and play our second card to do three damage slam attack on it so we do another three damage and i get to draw cards let's see what card we've got we got a dodge card this might actually be the super card now of course we're going to go ahead and know that he is doing a basic attack again meaning this time i'm going to go ahead and use my hunter pistol that says when an enemy makes a basic attack automatically stagger the enemy i'm going to flip that over meaning we're going to have to try to use a card to refresh it if i want to now his attack is a medium attack which means it is going to go before me but i staggered him so he's not going to do any damage to us moving into our attack i'm gonna go ahead and heal one bring me all the way back up to six and i'm gonna do three damage to them meaning we're gonna go ahead and put three damage i'm gonna put it on the card normally you put it next to the mini but since we're all right here i'm just gonna put it right down in the card and move back to the board i'll put it there that's going to be the end of my turn i'm done now that means the hunter mob is now going to activate he's going to activate by playing his basic attack what do you know surprise surprise and he's going to go ahead and use the two speed attack that's gonna do two damage and if i'm poisoned um their attacks and dodges suffer negative one speed oh man i didn't even know i forgot about the fact that my dodge is gonna suffer negative one you know what i'm not gonna end my turn i'm actually gonna use this as an attack let's just take these guys out i'm gonna go ahead and play this in here which then clears the slot but i still have performed my bash attack for two so it's gonna go off at the same time since our speeds are the same simultaneously attacking but i am going to suffer negative one because of course of their actual poison ability here so their damage is gonna go through first doing two damage to me then i'm gonna be able to do my two damage back being able to have done a total of five damage clearing this token they are done for which means that now that there are none of these on here we're gonna go on to the next part of that mission for defeating that hunter mob we're gonna go ahead and gain a blood echo i believe that's how it works even though they're kind of a special mom we still defeated the mob so we're going to go ahead grab a blood echo and of course when i made my attack i get to heal so i'm again going to heal we're going to take our fall of yaranam card 12 and read it it's a mysterious symptoms distribute the elven firearm among the hunters it says inspecting the corpses of the fallen you notice something strange well some sickness has been indeed ravaged them the sores and pale gray skin are not the usual trappings of the beast plague could it be some new illness has manifested itself we'll have to find out but first i'm going to grab this firearm and we're going to take a look at it here's our new firearm it's the eveline and it says here when an enemy makes a basic attack automatically staggered enemy so it's exactly the same as mine and it can what's this i can go ahead and refresh it by discarding card or a blood echo so that's a little bit different and you can go ahead and equip these when you pick these up so i'm actually going to do that i'm going to go ahead and trade out this firearm now i get to keep this and i can put it over to the side and i can change that out when we move to different chapters but for right now we're going to go ahead and keep using that and now that we're done with this we're going to go ahead and continue on moving back over here you may notice there's a mini missing and i didn't even want to keep it there anymore we're going to go ahead and remove that token and put our lamp back on and we are also able to get rid of all of the obscuring fog that we have also since we used all the cards we're gonna go ahead and shuffle this deck up we'd normally shuffle up and we go ahead and draw our next card for enemies i'm just gonna do it right now since we have it with us and that's gonna be the end of my turn we're gonna move over to colin moving to my turn what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna discard my basic stagger card here to be able to move two spaces i'm going to move one space into here and explore so i'm going to go ahead and grab a tile let's see what we have we have the alleyway tile so with this alleyway tile i've got two doors so i guess it doesn't matter which way i put it i'll put it this way and i think an alloy alleyway card is one of the cards that we need for our hunt you can see here end of move on the alleyway tile and reveal card three so let's go ahead and move ourselves into here and then reveal card three and bernd explained to me that it's the end of my movement that i read this card i definitely want to move into the space i'm hoping to potentially take out that scourge enemy if it does show up now let's go ahead and read card three and we have the hunt mission of missing powder kicks entering the row of houses you see the form of a hunter slumped against a wall even from this distance his many wounds are plain standing before him is a beast claws raised to strike place one survivor token on the alleyway space and i can interact with that survivor to reveal card four however i can't interact while the enemy's there unless i want to get attacked by that scourge beast where i can't dodge yeah i don't want to do that let's put that scorch beast here and we'll place our token right here with this attack i'm going to use my basic with my plus 1 damage here now i'm going to be super slow for the attack so i'm doing a total of 4 damage remember that's all we need for this scourge beast let's see what he's going to do to me he's going to do his ability so if we look at his ability here at slow speed before hunter's attack spawn one scourge beast in this space really really okay so we're going to place another scourge beast in that in that same space because i am attacking at the same level at the same speed but i will do four damage and take this guy out so this guy is toast unfortunately i will place him right back on the board but i do get another blood echo with that terrible draw i was really hoping to actually use this dodge but with only two health i don't want to lose those two blood echoes so i'm going to go ahead and just discard this dodge card and that will allow me to then move to the hunter's dream and unlike when baron moved there i'm not moving there when i died so i'll actually get to use my blood echoes because you know i'm cool like that now the first thing that happens when you go to the hunter's dream you spend one time yeah i'm pushing us up to losing the game but whenever you do go to that hunter's dream and you haven't died you have to use your two or as many blood echoes as you have which is a maximum of three i have a total of two so i can buy two cards before that though i am going to remove the poison that i have and heal myself up to full so i'm now at six health again i'm gonna go ahead and buy two cards and the first one that i'm really interested in is this dash so it's a dodge and it says clear the slot when used to move you can actually move three spaces so i'm gonna go ahead and grab that now i have to remove a card from my deck so it's a really cool deck builder that you actually will stay optimized you're not just throwing more junk into it you're gonna make it better so i am going to get rid of this draw one basic card gone not going to use that then i'll replenish that with this card here and that one is we see a plus one on kill draw one he won wow i'm just gonna put that right into my hand thank you bear for giving me that one and i'm gonna get rid of this uh basic draw one and then we'll replenish our second card here and it's a dodge after dodge deal two damage to that enemy oh i want that one too there's so many great cards this is wonderful okay so now i have those two additional cards into my entire action deck and i'll shuffle them up and i'm ready to go for the next round one more thing i'm going to do is use this card it says while in the hunter's dream hunters may discard one consumable and replace it with one antidote card from the consumable deck or discard pile so that means i'm going to discard my numbing mist to go ahead and claim the antidote card which allows me to draw one card and i can remove poison because these guys poison us like nobody's business we're going to go ahead and move our time track up and we have hit one of our red spaces so there's a lot of stuff that's going to happen let's go over it some of the things that are going to happen aren't actually retained to us but i do want you to be aware of them first off all non-boss enemies are removed from the map and we don't have any of those except for this guy so we're going to go ahead and remove him then we're going to go ahead and replenish our consumables we're going to take our two chests and put them back out then we're going to go ahead and respond all enemies related to a mission now of course if that guy had not been killed over here he'd come back out because he's related to a mission then we're going to replenish all spawn points on the map now we only have three and we would start responding them equal to the closest person which is technically me because somebody else is in the dream world we're going to go ahead and put our other two players out here and here that's all we have to replenish the board with enemies of course we'd also have to heal our boss if there was out there but he's not so we'll not cover that until we actually find one we'll start that next hunter phase by each of us drawing three cards the three that i have are a basic dodge then i have my awesome dash and i have a basic with the plus one damage i was able to grab a basic dodge and two draw ones who's more excited for their cards not me now before we choose which one of us is gonna go first we also notice this when the hunt track reaches the first red space mark with an insight token and reveal card 15. so we're going to go ahead and place this on that red token area and we're going to go ahead and reveal card number 15. it says insight mission blood starved beast the slow rasping of large claws on cobblestone is heard as a large beast sinew and gaunt emerges from the darkened alleyway bloodied flesh drapes its frame as dark icker pours where it stands raising its head it sniffs the air before letting out a thundering roar the hunters are now being hunted reveal card 16 spawn the blood starved beast on the central lamp space it is not removed on the red space but will heal all its health complete this mission when the blood starved beast enters to phase two we're going to read card 17 at that point but i am supposed to reveal card number 16. so let's go ahead and read it it says blood star beast the blood starved beast moves and pursues two spaces at the end of each round it moves three spaces towards the nearest hunter with the lowest hp and attacks remove the blood starved beast from the map when it enters phase two so all we have to do is get through phase one should we take a look at that yeah you want to see the health on this guy yeah sure yeah check it out so this is all based on how many hunters you have we're playing two so we actually have to do 13 damage this guy and as you saw from the card it's going to pursue two spaces so if we ever move away from it it's going to pursue us as if it were moving two spaces and then of course at the end of its turn it's going to pursue us or just going to move three spaces attack and it actually has its own attack deck so this is what it's going to do and we have no idea what's in store for us so this is going to be absolutely awesome so our blood starved beast is right here he's kind of got a weird-looking face he's draping all that blood and icker stuff we're going to go ahead and put him right here on the central lamp space and he is ready for action we're not we're not we're going to try to down well our plans all stink band they all stink but that's okay we're hunters so the first thing is i have to decide which side of my sheet i want to use for my trick weapon i'm going to keep it at the same one where stagger can affect enemies at the same speed what i'm going to do is i'm going to move myself or spawn because i can spawn in one of the two lantern spaces i'm going to spawn over here with that blood starved beast then with one of my cards i'm going to use my dash here i'm going to discard that to move two spaces unfortunately he does pursue now normally enemy is only pursued by one space but because he is a boss and he has a specific ability that states he moves or pursues two spaces he's gonna come with me so i'm gonna go one two and he's gonna move into the same space as me and his bears now the advantage of doing that is because the enemies on the two tiles adjacent to this one if i had stayed over there and attacked that that boss they would have activated and come in and very likely kill me this way we are not adjacent to those tiles so they won't activate so that is the reason we're doing this let's see if this works okay so now we're going to do combat and i think let's do it we're going to use our basic card here you can see we're doing plus one damage i'm going to go ahead and throw that onto my deadly thrust so that's attacking for a total of four damage so that is what i'm doing but it's incredibly slow then what we're going to do is we're going to grab one of the blood starved beast cards and let's see what we get oh it's only dealing two damage oh poison lunging slash after this attack okay move the bloodstar the blood starved beast one space away if the hunter dodges this attack they may move into the blood starved beast's space and it's two so it's slightly faster and of course it's going to poison me fortunately for me i do have a dodge card so what that means is i'm going to place it here so it's at the same speed is what he is playing then it's immediately going to be discarded so i will not block that slash spot i'm going to deal him 4 damage he is going to deal me two which actually isn't terrible and he's going to poison me so i'm going to grab a poison token right here and then what's going to happen is he's going to move one space north and i'm going to follow right along with him we'll go ahead and place the 4 out of 13 so we need to do 9 more points of damage i'm going to leave that up to barons he can do that no problem so that's going to end my activation now unfortunately he is going to attack me and you know i have no cards left in my hand oh you know what i could do actually should i do it should i do it let's do it so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just see if i can do three damage i'm gonna use my cannon maybe used to make the following attack i'm gonna attack slow for three damage okay i want to hit this guy let's see what he is going to do instead oh he's going to deal me three damage which still won't kill me i'm already poisoned if already poisoned hunter cannot dodge and their attack deals minus one damage and loses stagger okay so i'm not staggering so i'm only gonna deal him two damage he's going to deal me three so i'll have one health left which will mean that i'm very likely going to die that's okay and then he is going to take instead of three damage only two so that's going to put him at a total of six damage but hey that was still better than nothing now he is going to attack me and i have absolutely nothing so let's go ahead and flip this and he's just going to do me four damage cannot be dodged if staggered hunters attack deals plus one yeah i'm dead i'm dead so i'll go ahead and take myself off of here i'll put myself in the hunter's dream and we're gonna push up the tracker one space at the start of my turn i have to take one damage because i am poisoned which is going to be awesome when you're fighting a giant bloodthirsty beast we're going to go ahead and discard this card to flip our board now colin was able to do six damage let's see if we can do even better i don't think we can but we'll give it our best shot so we've gone ahead and flipped it now this is a little bit different i have an ability here that now on attack i may suffer up to two damage to deal that much in additional damage so i pretty much means i could kill myself to do a ton of damage if i wanted to but we're gonna see how this goes sadly the blood starved beast didn't live up to our expectations we were hoping to keep him right here and just start pounding on him but sadly he did not so i actually have to move to get there even though he's in the same tile he's not in the same space so i do have to move up there and i'm actually going to discard my dodge card who am i kidding i'm probably not gonna dodge anything this guy does we're gonna go ahead now and play our basic card and get to draw a card and we're putting that in one of our empowered slams that does three damage but has a one speed we're gonna see what card we drew we found a basic one oh if we can actually survive his attack i might actually really be able to take this guy to town we're gonna see what he does now because we're moving at a one speed he's moving at a two speed this seems to be his mo doesn't it yeah he's got all two speeds in there poison after this attack move the blood starved beast one space away from the hunter this attack they may move the barf this is the exact same thing that he had lunging slash okay so here's what's gonna happen i'm gonna take two sad damage bringing myself down to only two health then he is going to move over here and my whole wheel's going to wax out at him and he's not in the square so i do absolutely nothing he did absolutely nothing that was ridiculous really absolutely nothing wow what an evil evil beast he is a jumpy little person i'm not able to catch up to him he's jumping like a frog we're going to go ahead now with only one card left i'm just going to go i know this might seem kind of weird but i'm going to actually go to the hunter's dream i'm going to use it to go there because i only have two health i'm poisoned he's gonna come running at me and hit me and we know all these probably are gonna do more than two damage so that's what we're gonna do hunter's dream which is gonna move our track up a couple but that's okay let's go to the hunter's dream and check it out colin went to the hunter's dream sadly by dying but it was for a good cause i went there because i chickened out and didn't want to get killed because i do actually have a blood echo so i would like to spend this because colin's already gotten a couple i would like to get one myself looking at the row of cards we have here we're going to go with poised we i was really thinking this cheap shot we talked about it but i think we're going to go with poise poise looks really cool i could do one extra damage and i can't suffer stagger or stun and you saw all my attacks seem to be going off at a slow speed i got a slow wheel all right we're going to go ahead and take this card and that's going to be what we grab from the upgrade deck we're going to replace that one with something awesome for colin bloodthirsty oh he already has this i want that i want bloodthirsty alright so we're gonna put that there now that we've gained that card we can now create our new deck so you can never have more than 12 and i'm going to go ahead and discard this one when i create my deck because i really can't dodge very well anyway so now i'm back to 12 cards and we're going to mix those up and get ready for our next turn but before we do i'm just going to do all the other stuff i'm going to grab my six health back i am of course going to get rid of my poison which i'm guaranteeing about to get again because that everything seems to poison us in this game and i believe that's all i have to do of course i'm going to clear my board and when we go into our actual turn that's when i'll decide what side of the board i'm going to use i bet you guys figure out which one it is it's not too tough i'm going to move this up because that's me the end of our turn and moving to the next turn we're going to draw our three cards and get ready to see if we can take down this blood starved beast we'll go ahead and draw our three cards my three are two basics with plus one damage and a dodge i was able to pick up stagger dodge and draw one oh guess he's got the better hand it's not the guy with the wheel well it's not terrible but let's be honest the plus one damages might be really nice for me so i think what i'm going to do is stay on my staggered uh can affect enemies that attack the same speed and i'm going to go ahead and jump out of the hunter's dream place myself right here then what i'm going to do is do my basic attack here of plus one i'm going to drop that onto my deadly thrust here so i'm dealing a total of four damage but i'm slower than molasses so i'm attacking for four damage we'll go ahead and draw this card and let's see what we have we have poison blast unless they dodge at a speed of three each hunter within one space suffers poison if already poisoned they suffer stagger and stun flip another boss action okay i really don't want that so i think what i'm going to do is i do have a dodge in my hand and i can use it on my quick cut right here so i'll place that here and then discard it that's at a speed of three i just dodged that attack now what i'm going to do is take this deck give it a good bear shuffle and let's see what we find so instead what he's going to do is he's going to crippling poison poison if already poison hunter cannot dodge and their attacks deal minus one and lose stagger ha i'm not poison but i am gonna get poisoned he's gonna attack me for three damage so i'll take three damage but then i'm gonna hit him for four however now i am poisoned so i'll take this poison marker i will take three damage off of my sheet and then i'm gonna put four onto his sheet so he now has a total of 10 damage out of 13. well this is the whole reason we got the antidote so what i'm going to do is i'm going to draw one card and remove that poison now that's gone for the game can't use that again but that does allow me to draw another card let's see we get oh we have our blood thirsty on kill draw when he went i'm totally gonna take that one and use it so what we're going to do we only need to deal two damage and you know what i have open i have oh actually i need to do three of course i need to do three what am i saying i need to do three damage let's go ahead and place this here we have a slash bloodthirsty that is three damage on kill which supposedly this will kill him as long as nothing terrible happens we could draw one and heal one so let's see what we can do all right three damage let's go ahead and draw his card it's right here come on don't be terrible don't be terrible we have poison it says after this attack move blood start one space away oh but guess what guess what we're at the same speed so that means we will do this simultaneously so even though he's going to move one space away i'm going to kill him as he's moving one space away so he's also going to poison me which i'll take i will also take two points of damage so i'm down to one health and i'm poisoned yet again but with my plus one damage i'm gonna kill him i'm also gonna heal one and i'm gonna draw one so i'm gonna draw a card and we get a stagger now wonderful and i'm gonna get a blood echo because we just defeated the boss normally when you defeat a boss you have to then move them to phase two however according to our card here it says uh complete this mission when the blood starved beast enters phase 2 which is what's happening now recard 17. so we'll go ahead and grab card 17 which is right here give it a flip and it says distribute one blood echo and the carol roon add in writhe reward among the hunters okay i'll have to look at that in a second the creature lets out a shrill cry before bounding off a trail of black blood in its wake while you have encountered terrible creatures born of the beast plague this one did not feel of similar origins could this be something altogether new assurance i hope not let's look at what the carol rune is and the aeodin writhe is so after reading this card we believe that i would not have gained that blood echo when i defeated the bosses phase one because all we did is have him run away uh but i would have i would gain this blood echo i could choose to give it to barons but i'm thinking of going to the hunter's dream right now and so then i can use that to level up my deck so i'm going to keep the blood echo but this carol roon aired in rise look at this on attack attack gains stagger and may stagger attacks at the same speed i already have that ability so let's go ahead and give that to bart bernt will be able to use that this is you can use it and then you you'll have to refresh it by going to the hunter's dream what i'm going to do next is i'm going to go ahead and just use this card and jump into the hunter's dream and we're going to use this blood echo that also means that we'll be able to heal i'll be able to refresh all my cards so let's go ahead and see what card we want to gain first thing that happens when going to the hunter's stream is we're gonna push this up by one we're now at the next red spot that would mean that we'd remove all of the enemies and respawn them on the board but we don't have to worry about that there's just the three enemies out we're gonna leave them as is then i'm going to go ahead and level up i'm going to go ahead and grab this counter strike after dodging i can deal 2 damage to that enemy sounds awesome so i'm going to grab that i'm going to replace that card with another dodge may transform weapon for free after the after or after attack or dodge wow that is really cool i like that one now i have to choose a card to get rid of so i've grabbed my entire deck and i'm going to remove from the game this basic stagger so i no longer have that in my deck and instead i have the counter strike since colin was able to take out the boss single-handedly i did nothing wow the wheel has to show his support so he's going to go ahead and put himself down on the board and i'm going to choose to use this side again on attacks may suffer two damage and up to two damage and deal that much in additional damage of course it's still a two three three at a two one one that never changes we're gonna put that down and i'm gonna go ahead and move we're gonna use our stagger card to move because well honestly i've got that ability that ruined if i need to we're going to go ahead and move one two to right here so we are in with him now remember we want to try to go ahead and help this character out so we're going to take out that scourge beast at least the best i can so we're going to go ahead and play our basic draw one inside that empowered slam that does three damage i do get to draw a card we have found oh look at that where were you just a minute ago we're gonna go ahead and grab that he gets to attack me though now we have taken the ability card out of the deck there's only one of those there's two specials and there's three basics what is our evil evil creature doing it's gonna do a basic attack that's gonna be fantastic it's only gonna do two but it does come in at a speed three so there's nothing i can do about that unless i want to well i know i can't even dodge it it's a three attack i do have evelyn if i want to use evelyn i can go ahead and stagger a character attacking with a basic attack and i think that's our best plan we're gonna go ahead and use evelyn so in order to get this back i either have to spend a blood echo discard a card or go to the hunter's dream so he's not gonna hit me i have staggered him which means his attack doesn't actually go off i'm now gonna go ahead and deal my three damage but remember i'm able to suffer up the two wounds i am gonna suffer one wound because of course our scourge beast actually has four health and i'm only doing three right now so now i'm able to do four damage being able to take this scourge beast out single-handedly ha look i can one-shot characters too all right we're gonna put that blood echo right there and grab it now i've got a couple cards left and remember we have to do an interact action in order to go ahead and review or deal with that token so i think what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and discard our dodge card because like i said what do i don't think i'm dodging anything and we're going to interact with that card because we've interacted with that hunter we get to read card four you rush to the side of the fallen hunter though staggered and pained breaths he speaks they send others you must flee the poison runs too deep the district is lost get out he chokes out before slumping over we will not abandon our duty however we must find any remaining powder kegs and learn the extent of this outbreak so we can end our move on the ransacked house tile now what's cool about that is we've already found the ransacked house tile so baron can go and check that out maybe like it's so well last time oh yeah that's true we could just die again uh we could also end a move on the graveyard tile reveal car at eight or and actually it's not an or and at the bottom here it says complete the hunt which will mean we'll complete our first part of the campaign at the end of a round when you collect at least hunters which is two because we're playing with two plus one so that's a total of three in sight and then we'll reveal card five this is a great time to talk about insight we actually already have to insight tokens we were able to complete our insight token infected townsfolk and our insight mission blood starved beast being having completed both of those i we're going to go ahead and grab a couple of these tokens just put them in the hunter's dream to remind us now of course according to our end as colin said we'll complete the hunt when we collect two plus one insight tokens we're going to reveal card five believe that's going to complete it because it says complete the hot so that's my guess so really we only have to get to that ransacked house and deal with whatever is in there potentially gaining our last insight token otherwise we have to explore the rest of this map looking for something else that will give us an insight mission or an insight token at this point though i'm actually going to use my basic card to join colin in the hunter's dream i know we just love to dream i've got you know when you have kids you just love to sleep whenever you can so we're just going to go ahead and go up here and go to sleep we're going to go ahead push our track up one yet again i know it seems like we're getting closer and closer up there but we're hoping that that house will probably be the end of us hopefully hopefully hoping otherwise this could be a real short trip we're gonna go ahead and grab a card i think we're gonna grab our bloodthirsty here because this is cool the leaving seems pretty awesome as well but on kill drawing and healing a card is gonna be fantastic so actually what i'm gonna do is then go through my deck and decide to get rid of one of these draw one basic cards mainly because i'm hoping that that will actually get me the card i need of course i should have upgraded put the upgrade card out there before i decided that but let's see we get swift you get to do plus one damage and you gain plus one speed oh guess who needs speed on their attacks that's right the guy with the wheel both of us have activated i'm gonna go ahead and move this up one now of course the monsters would activate at this time but they're not really going to do that because there's nothing on the board activate we're both sleeping we've drawn up for the next round and what i have is my cool dodge a basic stagger and a basic plus one damage i was able to grab a basic stagger dodge and plus one to my damage so actually it's not too bad it's time to continue on my terror with my wheel i'm gonna put him down here and we're gonna go ahead and move we're gonna use our stagger card to move two spaces and we're gonna jump right into here now of course moving in here now signifies the end of my movement end a move on ransacked house tile reveal card six do not discard this card so we are going to keep that up there at the hunt mission and we're gonna reveal card number six it is an insight mission oh if we can defeat this this is it den of the infected well it doesn't sound like a good place a troublesome silence fills the dark house as you explore you hear the dragging of feet and low moans from every corner staggering infected shuffle out of the shadows oh no surround the rand shackled house tile with fog gates spawn two male beast patients and a female beast patience instead of the usual enemies complete this mission with no enemies remaining on the ransacked house tile to reveal card seven alright so from what i understand that means we're gonna actually remove these two characters and actually put in new characters we're gonna put in two male beast patients and we're also gonna put in a female beast patient and we're going to surround the ransacked house tile with fog so here they are they're right there and i'm going to grab a fog together i'm stuck i can't get out but you know what that's going to be okay because well i went there in the first place there must be a reason with our three enemies on the board they only have three health each so i have to choose which one to attack i think we're gonna have to have female beast patient first that's gonna be our plan and i'm gonna go ahead and use my bash here at a two because i do have that plus one and since they all have only three health that should be enough to take her out we're gonna go ahead and see what she does now of course we got rid of the other two enemies that were already here because when the fog gate closes we're supposed to spawn these in i believe that's how it works if it's not please let me know in the comments below i'm gonna go ahead now and see what she does she is able to do a special attack on me so her special attack is absolutely terrible it's going to do three damage poison stun and it cannot be dodged oh i can't dodge that attack oh that's too bad but check it out i can stagger it on attack attack gain stagger and may stagger attacks of the same speed so i'm going to stagger that second arrow attack with my medium attack it says wither acknowledges the visceral attacks as one of the darker hunter techniques sweet there's my hunter technique pow we were able to stagger her she's gonna take three damage and she's gonna go down i'm gonna go ahead and grab a blood echo because of that i still have another attack i wonder if i should do it i think we should i'm gonna see if i can take out another guy i'm to use this just as a basic attack and i'm going to clear it then because that's what you do and this can of course just going to go in my slam area because that's really all i have either going that or my other slime area i got two slime areas let's see what he's able to do to me this one right here is going to attack me and it's going to get its basic attack oh things are going perfect this time it's amazing things all you know it does so much better this second this as we're playing now as opposed to the very beginning of the game when nothing went my way i'm going to go ahead and enemy makes a basic attack automatically stagger the enemy i was able to refresh this because we did go to the hunter's dream now i'm gonna go ahead and flip it over i'm gonna grab another blood echo because i'm gonna do three damage to him as well because of our slam killing him off we're only down to one enemy and he is gonna be able to attack me back because well i'm out of cards so let's see what he does he's going to go ahead and activate and he's going to hit me with a special attack so his special attack states two damage if beast patient is killed unless it was staggered hunter suffers two damage and poison well i didn't kill him he just attacked me so i'm gonna take two damage that's totally fine now of course each of those attacks i could have healed one because of my card but i actually didn't take any damage so there's no reason to heal now it's my turn to have some fun so i'm gonna go ahead and spawn myself right over here wake up from that dream i'm then going to use my basic stagger here i will discard it to move two running into the same room now this might seem a little crazy but i'm gonna do it i'm gonna discard the dash card here and i'm going to pick up these two consumables by doing that though i'm going to get this enemy i should say is going to get an attack of opportunity on me which we'll do in just a second but first let's go ahead and see what we gained we have oh refresh a firearm beautiful and we have a hunter's turn i can uh move two spaces because of a blue elixir cool and what's nice is that during the after this chapter when we move to the next chapter i can actually share some of those with bears so that's kind of what i was hoping for now though of course he's going to attack me and technically he should have attacked me first but we'll just do it this way yeah he's doing his basic attack if we look at him his basic attack is two straight damage so i'll go from six health down to four but with that what i will then do is i will use my cannon here for three damage and that will kill him unfortunately though he is gonna have to do something hopefully it's not bad let's go ahead and do our bear shuffle come on be the basic it's the basic we're not we're not we have no problems i'm going to go ahead and flip a basic beautiful she's going to deal me two more damage that means i will have a total of two health remaining but with the two health remaining i use my cannon blow them up for three and that's going to end this fight i'm also going to gain one blood echo for taking them out since we cleared out the infected we will gain our third insight token and that's exactly what we need to complete the hunt that means we'll read card 5. let's go ahead and see what we have we have the old yharnam overrun distribute one consumable and the ludwig rifle firearm among the hunters how could the district have fallen so far without us knowing the powder keg sent here have been massacred and the hamlet is overrun by beasts but worse still the infected do not bear the usual signs of the sickness is this a new type of plague our ludwig rifle right here is awesome when an enemy moves into your space oh yeah just deal two damage to him and then our random consumable that we have we have the bold hunter's mark teleport your hunter to any purple space having completed this chapter of the campaign before we move to the next campaign we are allowed to go to the hunter's dream and spend our blood echoes i've got two colin has one i'm gonna go ahead first and grab swift this thing's gonna be awesome i can do plus one damage and my attack goes at plus one so instead of all those slams and stuff going at speed one they'll at least squat speed two now which might actually help me i am going to refresh that one we're gonna see we get we got another leaping which i actually might take as my second one it's not a bad idea now i could dodge to transform my weapon for a free after the attack or dodge i don't know and the stagger i'm not too worried about stagger like it's colin's way better at the staggering thing i think i'm going to grab one of these leapings because that sounds pretty cool to be able to move and attack so that's going to be the two i'm going to grab now we're going to put the third one out there and it's another swift card oh i don't know that's a pretty tough choice there colin looking at the cards here it's kind of a no-brainer we're going to go ahead and grab the swift card and then we have to choose which cards we're going to remove from our decks so to put those two in my deck i've decided to get rid of two staggers again who am i kidding i'm not staggering anybody and that's funny because i'm gonna get rid of one stagger there you have it that's it we completed our first chapter in bloodborne the board game oh this game is actually really cool i'm really excited for how this game plays colin and i both agree the card mechanics are really neat we also have the way those trick weapons flip back and forth we think that's really cool this game has a lot of things going for it that really make it stand out i'm excited to push through into chapter two to see what actually befalls our great hunters this has been a lot of fun of course oh wheel needs a little bit of work but that's okay we upgraded our deck to hopefully help out with some of his speed so this is gonna be a lot of fun moving forward i'm really excited in the way that this game actually progresses your characters with all those new skills and stuff that they're gonna be able to get as they go through the game we're gonna be moving into chapter two hopefully you'll join us for that great adventures as it continues now don't forget if you did enjoy the playthrough like subscribe hit that bell symbol also please read the description of this video we have a lot of things going on we have a discord server we also have a sister channel called one stop stream where we stream games that you can go ahead and watch instead of the pre-recorded stuff that we do on the channel normally i would really encourage you to check those things out thank you again so much for watching and if you are ready to see if our characters can take on chapter two then i need you to meet me at the co-op [Music] shop against your enemies
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 24,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6PSg6_B5dUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 1sec (4081 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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