Divine Sunday Service || September 12, 2021

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] lead me lord i will fall [Music] leave me lord i will go [Music] leave me lord i will go [Music] i will [Music] i will [Music] [Music] it's hard to take the first step when i don't know the way [Music] it's uncertain i've learned to walk by faith but you gave me a promise that you will never believe you will lead and guide me lord i do believe [Music] [Music] [Music] my heart just long to follow and i'm willing to obey take my hand and lead me i'll fall me [Music] oh [Music] your plan for me are perfect i never need to feel but though at times i feel alone i know that you are near my heart just wants to follow and i'm willing to obey so take my hand and me [Music] i will go [Music] [Music] lord [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] simone vassell comes to us with the opening prime [Music] um [Music] [Music] christine hallelujah morning people of god i'm going in hallelujah hallelujah those who are online i'm going to invite you to stand hallelujah as we are hallelujah as hallelujah [Music] hallelujah as we stand to approach lord jesus holy spirit holy spirit hallelujah as we stand to approach glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the all-powerful lord jesus oh our everlasting father hallelujah or prince of peace praise team i'm going to invite you that as we sing this song let it be a hallelujah hallelujah we're going to commit hallelujah we are just into the second second sunday of the church year so as the prayers team sing that song again i'm going to ask are we alleluia we lift our hands all right allah almighty god we lift our right hand alleluia as a commitment hey hallelujah hallelujah oh sometimes where he wants us to go it's unfamiliar hallelujah [Music] sister naruto this the first verse i wanted to sing that first verse again even when we don't know we're going to lift our hands hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i will go it's hard to take the first step when i don't know the way i is turning so uncertain i learned to walk by faith but you gave me a promise that you will never leave you will lead and guide me [Music] i will go [Music] and i will go [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] name god hallelujah oh mighty god oh not like you only know yeah oh god almighty oh not can be compared to you this morning oh my eyes oh god almighty there's no shadow turning within you you are the same my gosh oh god almighty oh god almighty you're a god that can't be trusted oh my god ima kosaya you're not a god that you should lie mukusaya bako say oh god almighty [Music] god almighty we come broken marcus devos franchisee oh daddy jesus oh god almighty oh god lord god almighty you are loving god you are lord god you alone you are lord this morning god just read lord god almighty yes god we come yes god we not only hope lord god mighty god lord jesus we are out yes god oh god almighty we now know another [Music] my god my god lord god almighty god almighty if you want to rescue me god mighty god my god my god my god oh god almighty god will look into you until you are alone this morning god oh daddy jesus lord god almighty god for yesterday yes daddy we welcome your presence jesus yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus yes god yes god me oh daddy jesus mighty god god almighty we are knowledge yes god we acknowledge thy presence daddy [Music] [Music] have thine own way lord have thine own way have thine own way jesus god almighty lord god almighty from this eye god god you're not limited you're not finite oh god almighty hey god almighty and because you're not finite god almighty no we are here and viewed god almighty in the homes of your believers lord god almighty in the womb of unbeliever jesus christ almighty we know you can do a transforming work jesus yes god are you we are depend upon you are the one my god jesus god almighty jesus we give this yes god lead us but yes god your spirit and your spirit only jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus yes god yes god [Music] yes god your glory and your glory only god your glory and your glory only god jesus yes god yes god every yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord hallelujah yes god yes god we give it to you god i would yes god almighty yes god yes jesus complete dependency on you this morning hallelujah jesus yes jesus [Music] jesus hallelujah [Music] i will go [Music] me [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lead us lord lead us and we will follow hallelujah to your name this morning lord we worship you we honor you we glorify your awesome name this morning glory to the king of kings and the lord of lord this morning good morning my brothers and sisters this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice in it and be glad what a privilege it is for us to come this morning before our heavenly father our great and mighty god he has given us the privilege to be in his presence this morning to worship worship him to lift him up to adore him and to encourage our brothers and sisters my brothers and sisters i want to welcome you this morning in our service this morning at 52 man in zill road wherever you are this morning and you're listening whatever platform you're on this morning we welcome you and we pray almighty god that as we get into our service this morning that you will hope in your spirit you will worship as if you are in church this morning because there's one thing we must recognize that when we worship it not unto man but unto god and you don't have to be in church to worship because we are not the one who is going to reward you with whatever you do but god will reward you so my brothers and sisters welcome to us on the service this is lady sunday the first sunday in the new year and god has carried us through despite of what's going on he has made a way for us that we can worship him we can exalt him and we can lift him up and so we give him thanks for the provision that he have made for us as a people this morning i was telling somebody that god is not true with us yet because a lot of i was when when god made zoom and facebook when man makes zoom and facebook they didn't know that we were including it but yes of course we were including it because we are benefit from it this morning in a magnificent way because we're reaching more people know than before because a lot of person would not come out to church maybe for different reasons but we are reaching them and we pray that god will hope in their hearts that they will accept the word when it go forth unto them and so we thank you again for logging on with us this morning and at this time we are going to go straight to the scripture and the scripture will be taken from job 1 from verse 1 through to 22 will be read by will be read by sister joyce gardner good morning to the household of faith morning's lesson is taken from job chapter 1 reading from verse 1 to 22. in the land of huss there lived a man whose name was job this man was blameless and upright he feared god and shunned evil he had seven sons and three daughters and he honed seven thousand sheep three thousand camels 500 yoke of oxen and 500 donkeys and had a large number of servants he was the greatest man among the people of the east his son used his sons used to hold a feast in their homes in their on their birthdays and they would invite their three sisters to heat and drink with them when a period of fasting had run its course job would make make arrangements for them to be purified early in the morning he would sanctify sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them thinking perhaps my children have sinned and cursed god in their hearts this was job's regular custom one day the angel came to present themselves before the lord and satan also came with them the lord said to satan where have you come from satan answered the lord from roman throughout the earth going back and forth on it then the lord said to satan if you consider my servant job there is no one unhurt like him he is blameless and upright a man who fear god and shone evil does job fear god for nothing satan replied have you not a hedge around him and his household and everything he has you have blessed the work of his hands so that his forks and herds and herds are spread throughout the land but no stretch out your hand and strike everything he has and he will surely curse you to the face the lord said to satan very well then everything he has is in your power but and the man himself do not lay a finger then satan went out from the presence of the lord one day when job's son and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house a messenger came to job and said the hawks the oxen were blowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby and the soybeans attacked and made off with them they put the servant to the sword and i am the only one whom sorry i am the only one who has escaped to tell you while he was still speaking another messenger came and said the fire of god fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the serpent and i am the only one who has escaped to tell you while he was still speaking another messenger came and said the charities formed three riding parties and swept down on your camels and made off with them they put the servants to this to the sword and i am the only one who has escaped to tell you while he was still speaking yet another messenger came and said your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother's house when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house it collapsed and them and they are dead and i am the only one who has escaped to tell you and this and this job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head then he fell to the ground and worshiped and said naked i came from my mother's womb and naked i will depart the lord gave and the lord has taken away may the name of the lord be praised in all this job did not sin by charging god with wrong doing this is a portion of god's holy word we honor it by saying amen thank you and thank you sister at this time we'll have the hope and in him it's number 364b from your hymnal and followed right after that the praise team will come with the morning [Music] so rich and so sweet [Music] [Music] is [Music] god gives us [Music] sometimes on the mount when the sun shines so bright god teases their [Music] children alone [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] their children are alone oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] some through the flood some through the fire but all through the blood of jesus from through grace sorrow god gives a song in the night season all the daylight good morning my brothers and sisters those in the sanctuary and those that are watching us online we welcome your presents this morning and we are here this morning for no other reason but to lift up the name of jesus and i would encourage you brothers and sisters that at home just just get up get up from where you are stand up in the presence of the lord worship with us so you dance and you clap your hands and do whatever you need to do but make sure that you're worshiping our great big wonderful god so this morning isaiah 41 verse 10 joseph and it says fear not for i am which you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so no matter what is happening around us [Music] i'm just going to encourage you fear not because god is there and you are overshadowed this morning just tell yourself that you can go ahead and type it in the chat if you want i am overshadowed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so join with us this morning brothers and sisters as we lift up the name of jesus [Music] have is from my lord above jesus who was beside me every passing day and i know he [Music] is from my lord above but jesus who wants beside me every person days [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] is oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] go ahead and worship the lord hallelujah yes jesus hallelujah we bless your name holy spirit we are not your father god because you are worthy oh there's none like unto you jesus and so we present ourselves to you this morning god and we say lord god be exalted lead us god lord have your way lord will lift you we lift you up like jesus we worship you the heart lift your praises we lift our praises to you jesus we lift our praises to you father god hallelujah [Music] says [Music] [Music] for he alone is worthy [Music] praise [Music] [Music] what foreign received [Music] [Music] i will praise you [Music] i should [Music] [Music] this morning i will praise you with every breather [Music] [Music] i will pray [Music] over again [Music] all over again [Music] [Music] to pray hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whether i am happy or i am oh [Music] [Music] you are my king you are [Music] you [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] my brothers and sisters we give god thanks this morning we don't have to go through anybody to reach him he's waiting and also come to him and it doesn't matter your circumstances this morning god is waiting on us it brings me back sometimes in the week i was reading in exodus and when when god had sent a plague in egypt and and israelite was done in in goshen and when i started to read the scriptures began to minister to me i said all the plagues that went down to egypt his people were secure they were covered and this is where we stand this morning if we put our trust in our god if we call upon him if we praise him if we honor him and if we humble ourselves before him it does not matter what plagues want to come he promised that he will keep us i i love psalms 91 he said he that dwelleth in the secret place of the mosaic shall abide under the shadows of the almighty and that's where we have to put ourselves we have to trust him we know it's a hard time but it doesn't matter what want to go we have to trust our god because he's able he has never lose his power he has never lose his authority always have it and remember that he speak the word into place and so he can speak whatever he wants to speak in our situation and at this time we'll have the moment in prayer by reverend buchanan [Music] hallelujah bless the name of jesus hallelujah this morning we are going to be praying and we have some requests that were made of us as a church to pray for some specific individuals so we have stacy mcdonald who is in the united states and she has contracted the virus and has to be using a ventilator and so she's requesting per also prayer request is made for cecilyn chang miss cecilia chang who is 95 years old also contracted the virus but she is in stable condition and is requesting purrs as well so that she can maintain stability and improve we have also requests made from jasmine brown for her husband who is feeling unwell and you know we may know of other persons who are not well let us lift them up now in prayer hallelujah bless the lord hallelujah bless the name of jesus i'm just going to invite you to stand if you are able to do so in agreement and as we continue in worship we're just going to sing this song right here in this room [Music] present is the holy spirit [Music] oh right here in this room present is the holy spirit [Music] for his hair to me mister today in a very special way [Music] holy spirit minister today holy spirit minister today and you are we make a miracle promise keep lying in the darkness that is who you are keeper light in the darkness [Music] where you are he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] that is you play it low can you play lord just continue to play the song hallelujah hallelujah lord you are worthy lord you are mighty and there is none like you and none like unto you god you are holy you are holy you are righteous and you are worthy to receive glory and power and honor hallelujah worthy is your name hallelujah and this morning we join together believing lord that if you can't do it then it cannot be done hallelujah glory to god and so we humble our hearts before you mighty god great deliverer comforter prince of peace oh hallelujah you are the great physician and we believe that you are here in our midst even now and that even though we are spread abroad from each other jehovah there is no distance in prayer there is no distance mighty god because your holy spirit transcends time and space and countries and borders and barriers and so even now as we open up our hearts and we seek your face on behalf of these requests that have been made and all the others that we do not know about or that we may know about but have not mentioned in this service oh god we believe that you are hearing us even now oh god we believe that even now lord you are stretching forth your hand and that you are breathing over your people we ask jehovah that you breathe a fresh breather into the bodies into the souls into the minds into the lives of your people whom you are created in your image and likeness to serve you and to give glory to your name hallelujah jehovah god we recognize mighty god we can do nothing without you o holy god lord if you withhold your breath from us then lord we die we perish we cannot do anything to hold on to this life oh holy god and so we relinquish everything else and we let go of everything else and we hold unto you with everything that we have in us oh jehovah god i know that you are the healing jesus i have tried you i have proved you oh holy god that when we call upon your name your name is a strong tower and the righteous calls upon you and we are saved and so i licked up my faith on behalf of your sons and daughters who are ailing in body who are ailing in mind who are ailing in spirit who are ailing mighty garden in different areas of their lives oh god almighty great jehovah god who was in his and is to come god who is the same yesterday today and forever i pray in your mighty name that you will descend almighty god that you will bend the heavens even though oh god and step down for your people i call forth healing and deliverance in the mighty name of jesus oh god someone is holding on to their last word of hope but we lived up faith was such a warning those whose faith are weakened we live to prohibit we're standing the gap for your daughters and your sons all god's sick bodies cannot praise you the way we are supposed to praise you sick minds cannot worship you the way that we are supposed to worship you oh god when we have our thoughts consumed with other things then we can't focus on you the way that we are supposed to focus and praise you and give glory to your name and so even now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i command the bodies of those who are sick and feeble and weary oh god to get strengthened i command the weary of himself to be strengthened and [Laughter] in the name of jesus christ of nazareth god we look to you because you are our doctor [Music] god you created our bodies and you fashioned it in such a way that you know everything about us and lord god sometimes the doctors may not know the root cause of our complaints and they try to treat the symptoms oh god but we call upon that mighty god who is able to sit high and look low and look within our bodies lord god touch every blood vessel lord touch every organ lord touch every tissue touch every sailor oh mighty god we pray for regeneration that that person who is suffering from a degenerative condition lord they will rise up with a testimony oh you have done it before you are the god who healed the blind eyes you raised up the lame the lord god those who are leprosy you heal them lord you are the god who sent your word and it was done and i believe your word because the word says the greater things than these shall we also do and so god i stand in the power and in the authority that you have given unto every son and daughter oh god and i declare healing it's the children's brother feed your people now with healing in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah hallelujah hey hallelujah god we thank you we worship you we praise you we adore you we magnify you oh god we joined with our creation and we lift you up and we said thank you jesus thank you amber thank you father thank you jesus thank you for the liberator thank you for healing thank you god for breakthrough thank you god for testimonies thank you lord [Music] glory to hallelujah hallelujah hey god we tell you thanks and we worship and we continue to magnify your name for what you have done for what you have already done for you are in the process of doing god and for what you have in store to do in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name right where you are just begin to just continue to worship god in faith and we call it none we call it done and we seal it in the name of our lord jesus christ god bless you [Music] me [Applause] [Music] yes lord [Music] light in the darkness [Music] that is who you [Music] are oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] that is who you are [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god oh god oh god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] we worship your father we worship you honey hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord god thank you mighty god we thank you thank you we thank you we thank you lord as we are about to minister in giving we pray that you take i hope take out your tithes and your offering but the cut brother ebert will be coming to bless the tithe and offering and after that we'll have our pastor to bring the words to us my brothers and sisters i bring greetings to you on the behalf of the executive board of the clifton new testament church of god and our district president the song that sung this morning was dear to me when i took this ministry and i did not know where to turn what to do and that was a song that god gave me on a daily basis and i seen i said lord if you do not lead i don't know what to do and i trust in god and we have gone through many trials many struggled but we give god thanks that he had led us so far and we know he has not through it yes with us yet he will continue to lead and i pray god that as we go through this here that you will praise us all and you will be a part of us this year in all of our endeavor towards the ministry we're able this year we want to do far much more than we do last year and we know we can do it because the bible the word of god tells us it's not by might not by power but it's by spirit and we trust in you in him this year that he will lead us wherever he wants to sleep may god lead you through the rest of the week may you continue to trust him may you continue to call upon him and he will direct your part and as the word of god said lead not unto your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your part have a blessed week my sisters and brother god bless you let's praise the lord let's praise the lord again are you happy to be here this morning glory to the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen thank you jesus hallelujah i know it's about to we are supposed to give our tithes an offering but i don't know if we can understand and let's give god the praise hallelujah amen hallelujah those who are in the media those who are on youtube hallelujah lift your hands and give god thanks sir because he's worthy he is worthy to be praised thank you jesus blessed be the name of jesus thank you lord thank you lord for saving my soul thank you lord for making me whole thank you lord forgiven to me thy great salvation so full and so free thank you lord for saving my soul thank you lord for making me hold thank you lord for given to me thy great salvation no full and so free hallelujah bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me hallelujah hallelujah as we have come to this moment in returning our tithes and offering to the lord i would just like to read a short scripture from the passage of the book of mark chapter 12 reading from verse 41 to 44. and he is really speaking about the the widow the poor widow and jesus sat over against the treasury and all how the people cast money into the treasury and many that were rich in much and there came a certain widow and she threw in two mites which make a farthing he called unto he called unto his disciples and said unto them verily i say unto you this poor widow have cast in more than all they which have cast in the treasury for all they which cast in their abundance but she of her want did cast in what she had even or all living i just want to say to my brothers and my sister the lord has given me this scripture we know that it's very difficult in our time that um as sometimes we find ourselves as this poor widow hallelujah she have lost something some of us still we have lost our job some of us we have lost the broad bread winner but i'm gonna tell you something this morning jesus see you jesus see you my brothers and my sister on youtube jesus see you this morning and this morning as we are i'm gonna pray for the tithe and offering we have three channels that we can you can give to we are actually the technician to really bring it on the screen we can also give online we can make an online transfer and also on wednesdays to friday at 8 30 to 4 30 p.m we can visit our church and we can give our tithes and if the lord rest it on your heart to give something to the church of god and to give something for the work you can do it and also we have this other channel the spirit channel that you can give so this morning as we pray as we pray this morning we're just gonna ask you if you have your tithes at home you can cannot reach for it you can reach for it as i have said that jesus sees you and he knows what you're going through he sees those who have the abundance you know but jesus christ he ignored him and that widow and this morning as i said that you just take out your tithes and offerings and those channels in which that you can you if you have your cards you can also go online and you can do your payments to the lord hallelujah father we just want to thank you for this morning thank you dear god that your mercy endured forever thank you to god that you have given us this privilege that we can be in your house and at this time oh god you have given us your word oh lord god your word are pure words hallelujah it purifies the souls and the spirits so at this time lord god as you have given us your word you say that your father we should bring our tithes in our offering into your house that there may be meat in your house and prove me now said the lord if i will not open thus the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing right now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth as we take out our tithes oh god and our offering we ask for your hand of blessing upon it bless those who have to give and bless those who have not father we just want to thank you for your deliverance we just want to thank you oh god that you are god and that there is none like unto you have your own sweet divine way this morning as we look to you who is the author and the finisher of our faith let's all say amen let's all say amen hallelujah bless the lord so [Music] so [Music] [Music] join with us everybody [Music] there's a city of gold across the river when i reach her i'm told i not a moment take a moment and live [Music] [Applause] [Music] not [Applause] [Music] take a moment take a moment [Music] [Music] i'm so [Applause] [Music] make up your mind not a moment to lose make up your mind [Music] thank you [Music] make up your mind [Music] take a moment [Music] take a moment [Music] yay what a draw it is for us who are privileged to be in the house of the lord ringing out those good old-time songs some people would say no doubt there are some of you just jump out of your seat in your home those who are even afraid to worship in church that you might be criticized you have the freedom to dance in the presence of the lord like david did he came off the throne and he danced in the street giving god glory that should be the desire of our hearts and souls as we meet and worship the lord it is such a joy and a pleasure to be with you today again and i do open trust that you will invite somebody to be on the platform with us today in order to share in the words of god as we continue the series which i started god's glory through our suffering god's glory through suffering lord we come again we pause in your presence and we acknowledge what your word said that your word shall not return to you void but it shall accomplish that which you so desire we pray that you would so clear the minds of all of us and the very atmosphere in which we shall share your words today give clarity anointing and eloquence that you will be glorified and the hearts and souls of your people will be prepared even those who are at the stage in their lives they will be edified lord we commit to you this day and onward for we pray through jesus christ our lord and savior god's glory through our suffering we spent some time at first and we spoke about god's glory through suffering [Music] and we shared with you from the book of daniel in the first place we made clear in our opening that suffering comes in at least three outstanding ways because of one's deeds that is the things you have done because someone deliberately [Music] set out to make you suffer and thirdly we talk about because you decided to live for god to serve god and to do god's will so in that first part we have covered god's power demonstrated in suffering daniel chapter 6 god's power demonstrated in suffering god's faithfulness demonstrated in suffering and third god's glory reveal through suffering we led you through that path in our first delivery and today we go to the book of job where we will be spending time in order to share from the life of job so job chapter 1 verse 1 through 22 which was read to us earlier as we continue god's glory through our suffering those of you who are acquainted with your bible and know the story will recognize that job's life span over 42 chapters in this book it's one of the most pathetic grilling thrilling exciting and redemptive stories recorded in the scriptures there are numerous sermons abundance of applications and powerful lessons that can be found in the amazing life of this godly and god-fearing man job to state the obvious ladies and gentlemen god was very intentional when he permitted one of his choices servants to go through this kind of suffering there is absolutely no telling as to who the devil might pick and god might choose to permit the devil to test and the degree of suffering that he might permit for you to go through there is absolutely no telling and we might not even able to tell who next consequently let us look at clips from the life of job from the fact that i mentioned that it spanned 42 chapters there is absolutely no possibility of covering this in one discourse and that's why i choose to take clips from job's life in order to continue this series in sharing with us so we will be looking at god's intentionally permitted suffering not i say god intentionally permitted suffering then we will go on to look at god's ability to keep in suffering and then god's ability to restore out of suffering and seek to end with god will be glorified after suffering us therefore first of all turn our attention to god intentionally permitted suffering you will notice that the book begins by describing job as blameless and upright a man who shone evil and uphold righteousness his reputation for integrity puts him caught above his peers made him a very outstanding man in the east his family community and most importantly in the sight of god in order to understand who we are talking about i must therefore acquaint us with jobs wealth and family because without an understanding of this man's wealth and his family you will not understand fully what he had suffered job had a mass considerable amount of fortune and had demonstrated great wisdom in his business and he was proven to be very successful therefore he arrested the attention of many in the east in his immediate community and even captured the attention of the devil he had a great family many servants and much substance the bible let us know he had ten children job one versus two and five seven sons and three daughters i want to place a footnote there because this man job was indeed a priest and a family man he vigorously watch over the spiritual well-being of his children even when they go and have their birthday party job would have offered up sacrifices saying purple they might have sinned against their god so he made sacrifices for them when we know this man's substance the scripture clearly states he had 7 000 sheep 3 000 caramels 500 yorks of oxen 500 donkeys some would describe it and i know some of you don't even know what a donkey looks like but just consider it that the fact that the scripture mentioned it and in those days it was equally as valuable as the sheep and the chamois that's what you need to know about that a very great household he was the greatest of all the men that lives in the east above all he was a very godly and upright man it is very difficult to imagine a better citizen a better christian a more committed and dedicated father than job discerning devoted industrious he was devoted to god successful and well thought of by his colleague this was the man to imitate this was the man many would want to be in his shoes this was the man who many want to have been born in his family this is the man many would want to employ them because he was a notable individual well known and indeed had what to take care of his whole soul his servants and everybody then the question comes why should a man of such godly commitment and almost flawless integrity suffer why a man who love god and fear god and move away from evil why should a man like that suffer why should a loving caring understanding compassionate and just god permitted his faithful servant to suffer such a great tragedy why why not somebody else that is exactly what made a story so troubling and that is why his friends as we will notice later could not understand could not comprehend how could a righteous man suffered in such a terrible way so where is the just and righteous god journey with me as we are taking clips from his life verses 13 to 19 if you may peruse that with me in a short space of time job lost it all to no fault of his own he must deal with tragedy of the tragedy in its deepest form the oxens and the donkey or ashes were all taken away and the servants were all slain at one time save just one to tell the bad story the sad news to draw then to make it interesting it is said that the fire of god has fallen from heaven and burn up the sheep and serve and imagine the fire of god well the messenger could only consider that if it comes from heaven it must be god that sent it from heaven that's his conclusion of it did that what it mean argue that as much as you want to deliberating that the bottom line is that the fire fell and destroyed the sheep and servants the childians has taken away all of the chameles that joe possessed i mean thieves came in and just take your things off and gone with it and god never sent an angel to stop them nor give them an heart attack god permitted them to go on with it they were agents of satan and not agent of god because remember now it is the devil that requested that he might get a job so he inspired a group of people to come and to take the man's camel as though it wasn't enough a tornado killed all of his children not even spear one seven sons three daughters all died at one time it broke my heart the other day when i was listening the news and hear one lady saying that four members of his family including her husband died in august alone tears literally came to my eyes i actually tried to put myself in that person's shoes to imagine what it would be but sometimes we count things so far off from us but think of it brother fagan if your wife and the two children died at one time and leave you alone what would you say to god the god you're serving just think about it for a moment put yourself in the man's shoes i am serving god i am faithful to god i am described as being righteous less yes and yet this evil come upon me i want us to notice job's reaction that will cause us to skip over to verse 20 to 21. job express is grief and you may project those verses on the projected at somebody on the screen that somebody might be able to read them as we go through them job 1 verse 20 to 22 verse 20 to 22 of job at this job got up towards robe shave his head it wasn't the kind of style like today where is the hinting to wear your hair shorn it was a sign and an expression of grief and mourning then he fell to the ground in worship god almighty having lost all of that the man fell down and worshiped i labeled that that he worship in hardship who can do that oh god almighty job resolved and his perspective were steadfast steadfast you can run the other verses that they can read through it for job decided that god is god and permit me to jump a little more that's why he could conclude you can see the man resolved when he declared though is slay me can i use a jamaican term do you raga ragami and pull me up and drag me to and fro i will still trust him i will still serve him naked can i out of my mother's womb god and you bless me with these things that i have i never bond with them no kid came i out of my mother's womb and naked shall i return to the it is a lord who gave and it is the lord who has permitted that they be taken away blessed be the name of the lord oh somebody in your grief could you lift your hand even though you can't understand what is happening and say blessed be the name of the lord god the devil must get confused you try to just kill a man and the man will fall down before god and worship god and blessed be the name the holy name the righteous name of our god who is trust and upright and perfect bless her be the name glory to god almighty forever that's the reaction of a man who was suffering or sometimes all we do is go about murmuring and complaining and blaming god instead we worship and give god glory and understand we were not where we are we didn't possess our born with these things it is he who had given them to us and he has the power to give us more for he is god as though that was not enough when he saw joe bless the lord something right here so let's notice not just job's reaction but satan versus god read job's commitment satan now go before god and start to question and undermine job's integrity job and satan questioned job's commitment in serving god he ascribed alterior motive why job is serving god god it's because you bless himself while he's serving you him not just serving you like that it's because you put a hedge around him it's because of what you have done for drube and if you think me alive but what else can the devil tell about life just give me a chance with him no god make me sure you want me to see a truth the devil never taught truth he's an accuser of the believers and so he will continue to accuse us before god for hear him in the presence of a holy god accusing a righteous servant the devil in hell was doing that what did god do when he did that god testified about his servant he said look do you know my servant do you do you understand who you're talking about job job who is upright and righteous this is a man you're accusing i know better than that satan so god gave satan permission think about that god said all right then when satan said just let me touch him body and see what next will happen just one touch and he will curse you and backslide but job's commitment to god was deeper than that he never looked at material things he looked on his god he never worshiped material things he worshipped his god he never served material things he only used them to carry on his life as he go along so strip him of it and left him with his god he will continue to serve his god will somebody give god glory oh god so god gave him permission and said go ahead only one thing you can't take him life you can't kill him you can't do that at all but go ahead and touch him touch my servant touch him touch him where you want to touch him do what you want to do i give you permission why would god do something like that you may ask why would god the righteous holy upright god respond in such a way to lucy for who he knows is the devil in hell and there is no good in him because i submit because of the omnipotence of god he is all powerful because of the omniscience of god he has perfect knowledge because of the omnipresence of god his abiding presence is in the heart of suffering and misery and paid and cares because god was not insecure god was not feeling for what to do god knows his power and his might and that's why he could say go ahead and touch him he knew exactly who he can trust note my word god knows exactly who we can trust who he can depend on who he can rely on who will be able to stand up to the devil and bring him glory in suffering so you will hear the term after time god not going to give you more than you can bear though you might not find that verse there but it is true it's deeply rooted i'm riveted in scripture in the context that the god who knows us will not give us more than we can bear be i believe brother thomas is a father with his daughter would not give that daughter 50 pounds to put on her head and carry it he'll laugh at me although i can hardly see him out of the mask how could you think of something like that pasta give my beautiful little girl who i cherish so much 50 pounds to carry or to lift up he would not just tell her to go to kingston find a bus and go to cancer no he is an ordinary man knows that his daughter could not manage all of that and being a human he would not do that think much more about the god we serve he knows what we can bear and he will not give us more than we can be so if you are getting it right left and center understand your god knows what you are going through you see the way job dealt with its suffering provides us with a beautiful case study in character integrity patience faith and poise you see when you know who you trust who you serve you know by the letter the raga raga you and you just give up when you know your god when you understand your god when you are serving your god for the right reason you know just come to god to solve your problem you know just come to god for and use him as a sugar daddy you grow to love him you grow to appreciate him therefore if god permits the devil to touch you it is because he has confidence in your ability to stand up on the temptation on the persecution on the hardship cares and suffering and bring glory to his name and be an example to others that's why god permitted job to go through it that you and i today can benefit from the life of a man who trusted god we must also understand god doesn't do anything randomly no he's not a reactive god he is a proactive god he is a well organized god nothing takes god by surprise so god intentionally permitted job to suffer because what he has the ability to keep in suffering why you say person he said god has the ability to keep in suffering let us spend a little time and observe that job went through excruciating suffering remember we said all ten children died but god kept him his servants died save one but god kept him all his cattle died but god kept him his body was sore deeply infected but god kept him his wife encouraged him to curse god and die or abandon his faith but god kept him his four friends who visited him to bring some sense of consolation cheer strength and encouragement was so appalled at the man's suffering a righteous godly man's suffering that the bible said they sat on the ground for seven long days and did not speak a word to job because they didn't know what to say when they saw the condition of a man can you imagine that but when they opened their mouth they didn't open their mouth with wisdom they open their mouth with accusation and try to say man you are fake you're going like you're righteous and you serve god and you believe in god you go on like everything christ with you but i know we know you are fake for no righteous man would suffer in such a way no righteous man would be going through what you are going through how could a trust god permit a righteous man to be suffering like you are suffering which god would do something like that they accuse trump oh miserable comfort as you are job wasn't if you want to keep your mouth shut you would be wise but because you hope net you are a fool you don't understand shut your mouth keep up your mouth if you don't understand i want to say to us in the midst of what you are going through god pays personal attention to your well-being though it feels like it's not their time and all of us sense it that way or sometimes it no matter how you feel the glory of god in church sometimes sometimes you feel as though god has deserted you body cares about your personal well-being god's children christians do not necessarily suffer because of sin but because they are righteous for job did not sin job was righteous god could depend on job and that's why god used job as an example but we must still understand god has not granted immunity from suffering to his children the christians no so if you believe because you're a christian you are not going to suffer you have it all right straighten out your theology there is no way in scripture that supports that as a matter of fact when you read scripture it justify that some of god's righteous servant suffer some run away because of jezebel others were hanged because they were in prison when you go to the scripture it supports that the righteous man suffers oh so some of you if your family member died by kovid and you are wondering where is god do like job fall down before him and give him glory for you still have breath and can give him glory give him glory until you leave this earth give him praise in the midst of the suffering though the bills cannot be paid he did it sometimes ago he can do it again oh glory to god he has not granted immunity from suffering but he has not abandoned his children in the midst and the heart of suffering even if god discipline his children he does not abandon them in times of suffering he will discipline us but he doesn't abandon us god promised that he will never leave us neither will he forsake us so those who are saying where is god he's still in the heaven where is god he will come to you where is god he came to you then he will come again wait upon the lord be of good courage he shall strengthen diner don't you hear what i say wait wait wait wait wait wait upon god he will be with us to the very end of the age go ahead and draw your finger brother upon the instrument a little it's all right to go ahead i said he will he will he will he will come through on a new season for you in the apostles suffering hear what god said my grace is sufficient he might not take you out of it but he said my grace is sufficient and my strength make perfect in your weakness so you feel you can't go on you feel like you are going to give up it's just human to feel that way the god we serve he knows just when to do it so he might not choose to deliver us from some suffering but he will keep us in times of suffering can i quickly refer to joseph those who know the story well you will understand that joseph didn't do anything for his brothers to ate him his brothers to hate him for his brothers to throw him into a pit for his brother to sell him like a slave or a jackass oh sorry a donkey or just mortgage him not like a human being but just like an object it's just a property as far as they're concerned this brother doesn't matter much i'm too boastful talking about you know he's going to rule over them and him put himself there honor him give himself the vision it was god who tell him ahead of time walk in a certain way because i have things for you to do so after they have sold them you know what happened god had a way to deliver him oh god almighty can you think of how god do things god allow him to be thrown into the pit protect him from being killed by them he was just using it as a transport to get him into a certain city at the right place to learn some administration to understand what was happening and as though that was not enough understood the lie that was told on him and god didn't defend him he allowed him to go in jail but he had work in jail for him to do when he did it very well and it is through the jail that he came out and went straight to the king's palace and you understand the story because god had him to save a nation or nations of the world we don't able to understand what god is doing just work with god so we see thirdly god's ability to restore out of suffering if god allows you to go into something god can take you out of it job had absolutely no power to restrain his suffering nor to restore himself but of all after all that he had suffered is as if god said enough is enough remember he lost his family he lost his servant he lost his friends he lost his health he lost his wealth the only thing that job did not lose which was the greatest of all things job did not lose his fellowship and relationship with god i don't want that to miss anybody for in the midst of the man's suffering there is one thing that is absolutely important and job maintain that his relationship and his fellowship with his god we recognize that god's testimony and confidence in his choice servant was not shaken nor would he disappointed to have allowed job to suffer because job stood his grounds although the devil ravished job job stood his grounds now my brothers and sisters is as if god said stand back devil you had your time you had taken your best shot at my servant and failed it's my time now so we see that job chapter 42 verse 1 through 6. job understood that god was intentional in permitting his suffering though he could not understand it at the beginning job now come to recognize god was intentional in permitting his suffering job acknowledged god's omnipotence god's omniscience god's only presence in his suffering not verse 2 of chapter 42 i know that you can do everything this is job word to god when he responded i know i am convinced that you can do everything and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you god you're going to do it elio because you are god whatever way you choose you're going to get it done because you are god so job prayed for his friends as god commanded chapter 42 verses 8 through 9. after enduring nearly 40 chapters of almost endless criticism and condemnation god finally ended job's pain sorrow heartache frustration lust and suffering because the man bore it so what we see here verse 10 to 17 of chapter 42 is god's restorative blessing so i describe it the windfall of lost that he had but now was god restorative blessing on job at no point god intended to punish or destroy job in the same way that whatever you are going through it is not god's intention to punish or destroy you but rather to increase you as much as he had increased so drove and bless him abundantly therefore god turned his full attention to his choice servant and what did god do note with me within the text previously he had 7 000 sheep god now blessed him with 14 000 sheep he suffered last but now he gained a hundred percent he previously had three thousand camels now we had six thousand camels he had five hundred yokes of oxen now he had 1 000 yokes of oxen he had 500 donkeys now he had 1 000 donkeys he had seven sons and three daughters god restored seven sons and three daughters and if you know the scripture his daughters were exceptionally beautiful i know you'd want to meet one of them not truth but they're all gone already it tells us whatsoever god permits us to be going through [Music] he has the ability to see us through to the end somebody missed that you were gazing on something else so let me say to you again to you again whatever god permits us to be going through permit you to be going through he has the ability to see you through to the very end he's not going to leave you in the midst of the ocean he's going to take you safely over on the other side we may not able to see beyond where we are now but god sees the end from the beginning and he permits whatever we are going through to take place in our lives take a leaf out of job's book and do what job did he fell down before god he worship in hardship he give god glory he praise god he acknowledges limitation and that he didn't come into this world with anything and when he dies not going to take anything but his salvation and to be in the presence of an eternal god don't drive your stake too deep on this side of earth as one of my deacon back home in miros would say don't drive it too deep because whatever we possess we are going to leave them behind us so don't mortgage your soul for material things let them go on if they have to go for you to maintain relationship and fellowship with god but i close by saying thirdly rather before a claw the third thing is that god will be glorified after suffering god will be glorified of the suffering job was not defeated before his so-called friend rather he was exhorted before his so-called friend for god allowed him to pray for them god said to his friends take bullocks and go to my servant job who you have accused and let him pray for you and if you don't i'm going to destroy you he was exhilarated before the enemies that's why the psalmist said he prepared a table in the presence of my enemies he annoyed my head with oil my cup run it over though and host shouldn't jump against me said my heart my heart my heart shall not fear why because i know the god i serve is not that they can't do anything but god can do better than what they can do so my heart will not fear i will trust in god whatever it may be whatever suffering god is permitting you to go through remember it's for his glory if we suffer with him and for him we will also be glorified and reign with him remember daniel's suffering was for the establishing of true religion so that the god of heaven would be glorified because after he came through his suffering the king ordered that all other bears should be taken down and the true and living god should be lifted up and i joseph suffering was for the preservation of nations and that god would be glorified job suffering was for the defeat of satan so that god would be established and glorified therefore although job's life was greatly impacted by the suffering he was going through job's faith and confidence in god was unmatched job's wife could not get him to curse god and abundant his faith and trust in the god that he served job's accusers could not disturb his abiding peace his fellowship and his relationship with god jobs resolve and commitment to serve in god wasn't shaken by the tumor he was going through job continued to worship in hardship the question therefore is what should we do when we are going through suffering our hardship job give us a beautiful example worship so we can adopt job's principle tear a page out of job's life do you think that god would permit us to suffer without a cause or without a purpose no sister jackie not a god deserved there is a cause there is a purpose there is a reason if he permits it you might not see the end or understand it now but wait like job it will be eventually revealed our suffering is not for the destruction of our body and soul but that almighty god may be glorified so in concluding irrespective of what you irrespective of what we might be going through remember it is god who intentionally permitted suffering remember god has the ability to keep in suffering remember god has the ability to restore hope of suffering or after suffering and god will be glorified after suffering so he allowed it because we are created for his purpose and for his pleasure so we must go through it if god takes us in it and the operative term is that go through because god is not going to leave us in it and i know there are many listening who are hurting and i believe that's why god laid it on my heart because your suffering is a time like this it's intentional god will be glorified in the end the song man said father along will know all about it father along will understand why cheer up my brothers and sisters live in the sunshine we'll understand it all by and by not now maybe not tomorrow maybe not next month not next year but we will understand it all by you and by oh glory hallelujah blessed be the name of jehovah who reigns in the heavens and the earth who is powerful and mighty who never leave us nor forsake us to you be glory and honor majesty and praise forevermore tempted and tried we are off made to wonder why it should be all the day long while there are others living about us never molested though in the wrong temples of me to wonder [Music] why it should be the day long while there are all this [Music] know [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] father alone will understand why oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we want to sing it for somebody who is going through that kind of experience now we want to assure you god has not forgotten you god is there with you in this hour [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] but here is our hope it's in the last verse of the sun it's going to end one day on planet earth we are going to tear ourselves away from the suffering and care and hardship because jesus promised he will come for us now let's do that first when we see jesus [Music] when we see jesus coming when we see jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the sun is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] whisper one more time [Music] thank you jesus [Music] my father i release into your hands your children they have lost loved ones [Music] they have lost their jobs they are being persecuted and ridiculed they are undergoing pressure and asking where are you in the midst of it have i not been serving god their bodies are afflicted and their minds are pressured their families are ripped apart they are seeking answers but here is the answer you have given you a god you will be with them in the midst of their heartache and pain you will never leave them nor forsake them you are embracing them it is for your glory that you permitted they shall not go on but you shall be glorified in the end give strength and courage [Music] oh god we pray on the gird your children increase their joy in the midst of sorrow lord like you have done for job when they have lost horn you have restored so the latter days of his life were greater than the former so lord you are still god and you can do it again open doors i pray thee for even those who are unjustly fired from their job while the company double their gain open up door a better door a more profitable one a more peaceful environment lord god we pray for you our god we lay them in your hands right now that the power and peace of god the father will rest upon them and their minds will be kept in perfect peace in the midst of the storm in the name of jesus i present them to you son of god thank you for bringing that consolation and peace to the heart for you will open a highway in the desert the thousand cattle upon the hill belongs to you you give to whom you desire there is somebody who needs that miracle today release it i pray into that life you thank you thank you god for we pray in jesus name [Music] he'll understand oh what a joy that you could be with us today [Music] somebody you know going through hardship trials or so encourage them to turn to youtube and to listen what god has to say to them we ask that you remain with us we are not that through the updates are very important you need to have them as they will be coming to us just now by sister priscilla spence wisdom thank you good afternoon my brothers and sisters truly i'm so happy that i have the privilege of coming into church today truly it has been a blessing here are our announcements for this week church advisor notice to our devoted members visitors and friends the increase of the kovit 19 pandemic is still overwhelming the government has again spoken and only 20 authorized persons are allowed to be in church therefore persons who have devices and can view the service from whom are being asked to do so until further notice our annual rally our annual rally which is entitled rally of the members is scheduled for february 2022 and we are asking for your contribution towards this very worthy event start saving sunday school online once again our sunday school will be held via zoom until further notice classes will commence at 8 20 a.m each sunday morning the zoom id is 825 9040 9411 and the zoom passcode is 527077 all classes will be held from ages 3 and above children church our monthly children church is scheduled for this afternoon via zoom and we're inviting all the children to join us each all children ages i guess 0 to 12 years old are invited to attend clifton's virtual children's church when can you log on today september 12 2021 at 3 p.m the zoom id is 812-7370 and the passcode is one two three four five six please be reminded that the second sunday of each month is scheduled for children's church sunday school commentaries sunday school books are available for purchase from the church office at a cost of 500 the office is opened or will be opened this week on wednesday thursday and friday and this is due to the lot loan 8 30 a.m to 4 30 p.m fasting service this tuesday morning september 14 2021 starting at 10 a.m will be our fasting service and this will be viazoom the meeting idea is 897-7113-9445 and the passcode is 772-937 apologies to anyone who is not able to join us online bible studies bible studies is on this and every sunday night at 7 pm via zoom the meeting id is 841-5421-5648 and the passcode is 605-893 ladies ministry meeting our monthly ladies ministry meeting is scheduled for monday september 13 2021 at 7 pm that's tomorrow the topic for this meeting is dealing with spousal abuse we will be having a special guest you can't afford to miss it please join us the meeting idea is 839 6729 and the password is clifton wm as in men barbecue ladies ministry the latest ministry of the clifton new testament church of god will be hosting a barbecue and this is scheduled for friday october 29 2021 further information on availability of ticket of the ticket cost and menu will be given at a later date wednesday night prime meeting our wednesday night prayer meeting begins at 7 30 p.m and this will be via zoom the meeting idea is 897 7113 9445 and the passcode is 772-937 we are invited we're inviting all who are able to participate to do so ted's an offering tides offering and other contributions can be dropped off at the church during the office hours of 8 30 a.m to 4 30 p.m this week the office will be open on wednesday thursday and friday do you prefer online banking your contributions can be transferred electronically to the clifton new testament church of god business current account account number zero six two five 02 313 cibc fcib 78 halfway tree road please email your transfer confirmation along with your full name and what the contribution is for to clifton ntcogfinance at gmail.com or fill out the contributions google form lot down again the country's under lockdown therefore the office will be closed on monday and tuesday of this week september 13 and 14 2021 but the secretary sister norman will be working from home and can be contacted using the office cug at 876-548-8282 between the hours of 8 30 a.m to 4 30 p.m office will be opened on wednesday thursday and friday of this week surgical church made insurance we still have some members who have not yet collected and filled out the sajikor church-made insurance form for their beneficiary please bear in mind that this information is very very important and must be sent to the insurance company by the end of september 2021. the form can be collected from the church office on wednesday thursday and friday of this week from 8 30 a.m to 4 30 p.m prior needed please pray for all who are not well those who are in the hospital and those who have lost loved ones as we continue to pray for them please remember that the most holy god can he will and he is able to heal to release and to comfort announcements persons with announcements are being asked to submit the submit same to the church office on thursday mornings or by thursday mornings between between the hours of 8 30 and 11am or send it by the church's email address at cliftonnew testament cog gmail.com for it to be read in the sunday morning service god bless you streaming for our regular services will continue via our social media pages remember to maintain social distances please wear your mask have your temperature checked and sanitize your hands let us all keep safe and continue to pray for one another god bless you and have a great week thank you very much let us stand for the benediction and then join with us as we celebrate leaving here and join us tonight the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father the faithful fellowship and communion of his holy spirit comforter may he rest remain and abide with all of us now and forevermore the people of god say amen [Music] do hear my cry oh lord attend on to my prayers from the end of the earth will lead me to the rock that is [Music] from the end of the earth [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] every time [Music] i [Music]
Channel: Clifton New Testament Church of God
Views: 481
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: i0foyg9KFRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 59sec (9959 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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