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[Music] my joy [Music] [Music] [Music] contrary [Laughter] this morning we are blessed that he is here in town with us bringing a very powerful word to us in a few moments uh what i'd like you to do is to call up your friends call your neighbour family to sit with you i told you that the thing about the good news is that it's like a party you don't do it alone you don't listen to it alone you call others to celebrate and to take part be like the woman of samaria who met jesus and the bible says she put her pot right where she was and run to the town into the cities and calls everyone to come here give a shout to the lord give me praise all that she ever did so this morning we're in for a wonderful time thank god as a gathering of his people it's unto him the bible says where two or three are gathered in his name there he is in their midst and this morning god is going to be here present bringing blessings bringing healings deliverances miracles and all manner of things so i urge you to take your recording devices your ipads your your tablets your notebooks your pens and write notes take notes don't just listen be a student of the bible take notes uh the archbishop is bringing a word titled faith and daily necessity we all know that it's one of his favorite quotes right he says that pray is a daily necessity for daily triumph and so today he's going to expand the product he's going to break it down so we understand what it means to live by faith amen i want you to stand by very soon we're going to toss over to the choir who are ready with a praise and worship session and then the word will follow afterwards and right after the service i'll come back and then we'll talk a lot more about how you and what you learned from the world so thank you very much god bless you let's start some announcements acquire praise and worship hallelujah is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] again and now you need oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus creator of the universe what can't you do what can't you do jesus name above name above every other name what can't you change jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] nothing you cannot do nothing you cannot change [Music] i put my trust in yourself there is [Music] i put my trusty you jesus put your hands together [Music] together [Music] [Music] nothing you cannot do nothing you cannot change [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus god mighty god nothing is impossible with you [Music] is oh [Music] come on come on is is [Music] is [Music] nothing is impossible [Music] lift your hands too nothing is impossible with you with you lift your forehead is i saw the lord [Music] seated on the throne [Music] is blowing glory exalted how [Music] this temple and the angels gather round and they cry [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lift your hands of worship [Music] [Music] lift your hands and me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you maybe see that in his presence [Music] if my people who are calm [Music] [Music] [Music] if you believe it hey [Music] [Music] themselves [Music] [Music] i will hear from heaven [Music] oh [Music] i will hear from heaven [Music] [Music] we take [Music] by his name [Music] his name [Music] [Music] i [Music] go ahead and put your hands together and give him praise if my people who are called by my name who humble themselves tend from their wicked ways and pray i will hear from heaven and i will heal the land he didn't say if the politician or the scientist he didn't say the government he didn't say the media he said if my people who are called by my name who humble themselves means there's pride it means is going to require humility to pray and it also means that it's only humble people who pray proud people arrogant people don't pray because arrogant and pride people believe in themselves believe in their own achievement so they don't pray and god said in order for you and i to pray prayers that he will answer and hear from heaven and heal the land we need to be humble and humility has everything to do with absolute reliance and dependence on god moving away from our own wicked ways 2021 from the hebrew calendar when you look at 5 7 8 2 means a year of rest from our own labors a year of trusting god for supernatural provision where we cease from our own human efforts and trust god for supernatural provision and that requires faith it requires faith last week we spoke about fear and that the absence of faith is fear and our fear comes in to steal and to incapacitate one faith but before we tackle the issue and the subject that we are dealing with today it has everything to do with understanding that faith is a daily necessity for daily survival and for daily triumph and the fact that faith is a currency you and i need to function in this life that is a currency that helps you and i to trade between the natural and the supernatural between eternity and time faith is a currency that allows you and i to go up to the throne of the father to obtain promises to make things happen in the supernatural and also in the natural it's a global currency without which we can't trade without which you can't buy and sell anything as long as god's kingdom and the principles of his kingdoms are concerned but before we tackle that we want to pray according to first timothy 2 it is mandatory and a command irrespective of your political beliefs of faith or association that we pray for all men and all that are in authority to make intercession prayers supplication giving of tongues for all men irrespective of their belief system color of their skin of who they are and then for kings for kings and all that in authority the word kings here has to do with presidents and vice presidents and kings like the asante hini de ga manche the ochani the wanna and all the kings and the elders of the land and we shouldn't be ignorant when you look at what happened january the 6th in america the only reason why it failed was because of years of systems strong systems and principles and policies that have worked in africa we haven't yet matured to that level yet and if you look at what's going on in mali and in guinea and other places it tells you and i that we can relax and take anything for granted the bible said that when they say peace peace peace peace then be a west there comes sudden destruction like a woman in travail so we can never take things for granted these are the days to pray for those in authority pray for our military pray for our security personnel as never before and pray to secure our bodies especially when you look at what's going on in burkina we can relax we can't take things for granted our responsibility is not to argue and to question and challenge and fight and insult people in authority that is not our job our job is to intercede and pray for them and god has the power to discipline to call them to order and to deal with them if they don't line up with god's demand as long as we pray and so today we want to pray for those in authority to want to pray for our president our vice president and want to pray for our former president president khufu his wife president john muhammad and his wife it's a blessing to still have former presidents alive if you look at nigeria we have president obasanjo still arrived he's still working uh the president of liberia you know she's still alive it's a blessing to have the former presidents and they are and our former first ladies it's very very important so want to pray for a president a vice president use them also as point of contact to pray for the president of togo and burkina and all the african countries uh nigeria and all the african nations is very very important we shouldn't take anything for granted peace is not automatic the bible say pray for the peace of the nation wearing you dwell for it is in the peace thereof shall download peace so peace doesn't just come it comes when we intercede bible say pray for the peace of jerusalem so it's very important that we intercede and pray for those in authority and their families praying for those in authority and they fight now it doesn't matter whether you like them or not if you are a child of god you are under obligation and it's a command that we pray for them amen so right now we want to pray for all that are in authority in this country from the president to the vice president to ministers of state to mayors and to kings from their centennial chain the government and everybody and use them as point of contact to pray for the presidents and the and those in authority in our region in the south region even beyond west africa we need to pray for those in authority that there will be peace in our continent peace within our borders in jesus name shall we begin to lift up prayer thank you father we pray we pray for all that are in authority in this nation we pray for former president khufu and the wife former president muhammad and the wife president wife and family and loved ones home and abroad we pray for the kings of mutu for us and tahini the and to the juana and all the kings and the elders of this nation using them as a point of contact to reach out to the kings of the region going beyond going beyond ghana to to the president of togo benin nigeria in the name of jesus cameroon and going all over praying for the situation in guinea and and in mali in somalia all over the nations please open your mouth call on these countries nations authorities praying concerning the situation in burkina faso in burkina faso securing the borders between ghana and burkina the president of congo dionci presidency cicada and all the others we pray for the peace of these countries we block any strange and evil wind and strange weathers and storms and turbulence in these countries in this nation lift up prayer open your mouth block strange wings block strange happenings in all these countries there will not be peace until we lift our prayer and until we pray god is not under obligation even though he commands us to pray he will only move when we pray and he is waiting for us to pray to answer our prayers so please pray for them pray for their families in the name of jesus come on somebody open your mouth lift up prayer for all these nations for our heads of states in the name of jesus it doesn't matter whether you like them you don't like them whether you agree or disagree with them it is a command that we pray for them so lift up lift up prayers open your mouth put your hands together call their names before the lord and ask god to remember them to guide them to direct them to intervene in the affairs of our country our nation secure our airways our high seas our highways our borders our airport safety in the air safety on our waters safety on land pray for the safety of travelers travelers travelers pray for travelers right now all over the nations pray for travelers loved ones that are traveling those who consensus by land by air by water blocks strange happiness blocks strange weather strange weather patterns block strange weather patterns the situation is going on in the name of jesus all over the countries block rebuke all the strange weather patterns and the storms going on all across the nations in new jersey in new york all over the nations the cities of america lift up prayer pray ask god for protection and mercy over these nations across these nations pray for protection of families human properties human life in the name of jesus thank you thank you for praying it's monday three it's monday three if we pray for our nation we will experience peace if we stop praying things will go wrong and we can never hold god responsible we must continue in prayer no matter what party you belong to and how you feel god commands us to pray one more thing we need to pray quickly before we get in the word we want to pray for any loved one or anyone that concerns us going through surgery right now at the hospital or anyone who has already gone through surgery and they are at home or at the hospital waiting and undergoing recoveries of any kind we want to pray for speedy recovery cancel any aftermath complications so pray for any friend loved ones family in the name of jesus lift up prayer and pray against those dealing with health complication any health complication lift up prayer pray for them right now pray for them right now these are the things that makes us christians not just talking not just going to church but it is our responsibility so i'm counting on you right now to open your mouth and pray thank you father for friends and families and loved ones we pray for speedy recovery and for protection for those undergoing surgery those who have already come out of surgery at home at home at the hospital wherever they are home and abroad we send prayers right now for speedy recovery cancelling any aftermath complications thank you father in jesus name amen thank you for praying now before we get in the word please take note register online from thursday 23rd of september to 31st of december is a hundred days of prayer we'll be praying through the four watches of the day and through the four watches of the night i need every one of you to register i have called for one hundred thousand intercessors across the nations to pray and intercede now you don't have to pray during the four watches of the day you don't have to pray for all the four watches of the night or the day just speak a day and it's 30 minutes of discipline can you imagine praying 30 minutes at 6 00 a.m either 9 12 noon 3 p.m 6 p.m 9 00 p.m 12 midnight 3 a.m or 6 400 days dealing with different different different issues and forcing the promises and the word of god after a hundred days your life will never be the same again it's a good place to clap i said after a hundred days your life will never be the same again say yes and i am believing god and i proclaim under the offspring of the holy spirit and the angels of heaven that after these hundred days of prayer everything in our life that is out of order will come into order and anything that is out of alignment will come into alignment from your health to your finances to your investment to your sons and daughters grandchildren children marriage emotions whatever it is your land your property your reputation whatever it is that is out of alignment i declare an authority in the name of jesus within these hundred days and after these hundred days you shall come into alignment if you believe it put your hands together come on shout yes now it's very important every unfulfilled prophecy every unfulfilled promise within these hundred days is a coming to it shall come to pass i said it shall come to pass it's a coming to reality if you believe it put your hands together and shout yes you are a part of history you're a part of history you are sons and daughters of isaka who else men and women who had understanding of the times prophetically the tribe of issachar were men and women who were keepers of the times student of history student of prophecy and student of time [Music] so they understood what the time was prophetically and spiritually and therefore they knew what to do when you don't have understanding of the times you walk aimlessly and you live carelessly but when you understand the times it helps you to do right by yourself and right by god and right by others so within this hundred days we are enforcing second samuel chapter 24 verse 16. 70 000 people died by a plague in a day and when david raised an altar to god and made a sacrifice the lord said to the angel it is enough still your hand somebody said coronavirus it is enough stir your hand proceed no further spread no more kill number in jesus name it is enough stubborn situation is enough sickness is enough confusion is enough stir your hand proceed no further put your hands together and say it's enough it's enough it's enough it's enough amen so within these 100 days we are going to pray different promises different prophecies before god to stop the enemy from advancing against us that the enemy will not proceed any further in your life he will not carry out his agenda concerning us and our children any further that he stands down in jesus name from right now say from right now say from right now we come on every adversary stand down stand down put your hands together stand down right now stand down in the name of jesus every adversary if the heavens about in the opening stand down proceed no further in jesus name lift up and say heavenly father let the holy spirit have a free course let your word have a free cause do as you please in the name of jesus show the enemy that you are still god in jesus name please receive that put your hands together welcome to church this is the year of trusting god and taking god at his word has never before last week we dealt with fear fear is an enemy of faith and fear comes in to steal and to incapacitate our faith fear and faith cannot co-exist they don't one stays and one goes and i declare that fear goes and faith stays say amen now a few things i want you to appreciate as we deal with the subject of faith because the more we deal with faith will help you and i to understand what is required to overcome in this world we need to understand that you and i are overcomers irrespective irrespective of the daily challenges and the threatenings and the projections of familial spirits of sorceress of divineness and the scheming of warlocks and the conspiracies of men and women that we are overcomers and we are more than a conqueror in the name of jesus thank be to god who give us us the victory and causes us to triumph not every now and then but always say yes put your hands together and give him praise i'm talking about faith faith a universal currency that works everywhere faith is a currency that works for the believer everywhere a few things you must understand again about faith somebody said papa what is all this message on faith and prayer and faith and prayer and faith and prayer you're going to need faith and prayer till the day you get out of here until the day you die i'm just telling you i know there are many subjects and many things i've preached over the years but as never before you and i need to appreciate that faith is a necessary ingredient it's a necessity it's a daily necessity without which we can overcome number one we are saved by faith number one we are saved by faith save by faith please keep it saved by faith ephesians two and verse eight shaped by faith without faith you are not born again that you're born again and you're being saved has everything to do with it number two we live by faith we live by faith and so you need faith to live and without faith you are just existing you are not alive you need faith to be alive we live by faith not by sight not by unbelief number three we work by faith we walk by faith so without faith you are incapacitated without faith you are not moving you are not walking and we please god by faith without faith it's impossible to please god how many of you want to please god you want to be pleasing to god come on chill by hand you want to please god you need faith hebrews 11 6 for without faith it's impossible to please god then first john 5 4 you need faith to overcome without faith without faith we can overcome for this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith even our faith so you need faith to overcome and without faith you can overcome so keep that in mind and please come with me to first corinthians 13 18. first corinthians 13 13 and now i by the faith charity these three but the greatest of these is charity so you are going to need faith until the day you die feta buys forever it abides forever and it's a universal currency that works anywhere everywhere at every time you can trade with it it works and you and i need it and you have it but the devil has tricked us to believe otherwise but without faith you can overcome this world and please understand that the earth is satan's territory it was adam's territory the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof and all them that are daring he belongs to god and god gave it to adam and adam through deception and manipulation of the enemy seated the earth and the dominion monday to satan so adam made satan the god of this world so you and i are operating in satan's territory but that doesn't mean that we are disadvantaged we are not we can rule in the mix satan's territory if we are prayed by the principles of our kingdom we can reign in this life the diplomatic community in ghana a lot of them live better than you and i because they have diplomatic privileges and immunity even when they break the laws of this country you don't just go and arrest them you report them to the embassy to the authority of the embassy and they take the necessary actions to deal with that individual because of diplomatic immunity you and i have divine immunity we are in this world but we are not of these worlds when the children of israel were in egypt there was darkness in the land of egypt but the children of israel had lied where they dwell so in the midst of the darkness we can have light and we have light we live in caution your address and my address is goshen avenue are you hearing me somebody somebody say i live in goshen i live in goshen we have divine immunity we have a heavenly backing but we've been deceived by the adversary to believe that we are puppet you are not a proper we are no puppets here we are more than a conqueror some hundred and ten verse two rule down in the midst of the enemies always remember the diplomatic community in our country here they are privileges that even citizens don't have they don't pay tax nobody bothers them they move everywhere with diplomatic privileges and immunity you and i have divine privileges and divine immunity we are in this world but we are not of this world but in order for you and i to have victory to overcome this world to live about to rule and reign and to be more than a conqueror we need to understand how the principles of our kingdom works we can't allow the god of this world second corinthians 4 4 the bible calls him the god of this world in john 14 30 yeshua hamashiach jesus called him the prince of israel jesus said the prince of this world cometh but has nothing in me so jesus acknowledged that satan is the prince of this world but he said though he comes he has nothing in me he can't stop me i will finish my cause i will run the race i will keep the faith i will fight a good fight of faith i will operate by the principles of my kingdom and even though i'm in satan's territory he can't touch me he can't stop me why because whosoever is born of god keeping himself and the wicked one cannot touch him cannot touch him cannot touch him cannot touch him cannot touch him cannot touch him why because he keeping himself by the principles of his kingdom there are principles rules of engagement that governs our kingdom even though we are in satan's territory he can't trespass he doesn't have power or authority over us for we are the redeemer of the lord we are redeemed by the blood of the lamb sealed by the holy ghost against the day of redemption come on put your hands together somebody shout yes so the bible said now abides faith hope and love these are three currencies and faith is a daily necessity you need it to overcome you need it to walk by the world and not by sight not by feelings not by your emotions not by sight not by your physical senses but by your spiritual and prophetic senses say yes we walk by faith and not by what we feel or see and what is faith taking god at his word hear me the devil does not fight us through power he fights us through deception never forget when he came into the garden of eden he didn't attack adam he didn't attack eve he fooled them he came through deception and he said has god said so the trick of the enemy is to undermine the integrity of god's word and undermine our faith in god's word and as soon as he can undermine the integrity of god's word and our faith in the word of god he has the upper hand does it because you see until he undermines adam and his faith in the world and on the mind the integrity of god's word there was no fear fear fear if you study the scriptures fear appeared the first time in the garden of eden that was the first time and it was when he deceived man and that is his number one game is to fool us deceive us undermine the integrity of god's word and make you obey everything pay attention to everything listen to everything but don't pay attention and don't listen to the word hear me if you want my heart you have to listen to me and that's the problem of a lot of wives and women they don't listen a lot of women like talking talking talking talking they think the more they talk the man will hear them know he doesn't hear you by talking he hear you by listening listen to the man and man listen to the woman listen and if you want god's heart you must listen to god listen to his voice listen to the word of god pay attention that's what it means to listen pay attention we don't pay attention and the bible said that god came into the garden of eden he knew where man was he didn't say adam and eve he said adam you're the man you are in charge you are in common i put you in charge where are you then adam said i heard your voice i was afraid that's the first time fear was mentioned in the bible i was afraid because i was naked then god said adam you've always been naked you've always been naked i covered you with my glory but you've always been naked who made you aware of your nakedness your nakedness have always been there so who made you aware who told you that you were naked but fear comes when faith departs and faith departs when we pay attention to the voice of the adversary to the voice of the enemy and when we don't pay attention to the word of god but to the voice of the adversary faith lisa and when fact departs fear takes over i was afraid because i was naked he had always been naked do you know you and i have heart issues and we still have issues but the blood covers us god covers us so who is making you aware of your shortcomings you've always had shortcomings and god said i've always covered your shortcomings with the blood of my son jesus who made you aware come with me to romans 10 8-11 but what seeth it the word is nighty even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach he said the word the word faith is near thee is in your heart is in your mouth so the word we preach is the word of faith and it's in your heart it's in your mouth it's not far it's not in the heavens above somewhere it's not in the regions of the sea it's not so far from you it's with you faith is in your heart faith is in your mouth belief is in your heart believe is in your mouth now hear me there's a difference between believing god and believing in god everybody believes in god but not everybody believes god when somebody say i believe god it means it means i'm taking god at his word and when you take god at his word you see the wonders of god come on somebody put your hands together if you want to see the wonders of god cry out and say lord i believe lord i believe hallelujah lord i believe go ahead but if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord if thou shalt confess if thou shalt confess if thou shalt confess with your mouth with your mouth mouth not your head not your heart but your mouth what are you confessing with your mouth what are you saying with your mouth things are times are difficult oh papa what's going on what is happening there's nothing happening the word of god is happening amen somebody said papa how are things i said the lines are falling for me in pleasant places i have a goodly heritage it's a papa and i said i said their lands are falling for me in pleasant places i'm going to keep speaking the world with my mouth with my mouth with my mouth god said let there be light and there was light i will speak the word and the more i speak the word the word will manifest the word will come to pass for you possess what you say with your mouth so you have to be careful what you say with your mouth somebody said but you know papa are you telling me that um when i'm sick i shouldn't acknowledge it it's reality it's a lie reality is not true there's only one reality and that is what the word of god says every other reality is subject to change if the bible says you were healed then you are so if you say you are sick you are lying you are lying god cannot lie so you and god who is speaking the truth and who is lying definitely is you you're a liar because god cannot lie no i'm not saying you won't be sick and i'm not saying believers cannot be sick that is not what i'm saying we fight things we all go through things sometimes i go for checkup and they'll tell me this and i say no no no no i don't have somebody saying no no no no no no no come on talk to me say no no no no everybody say no no no no no no no no no no whose report will you believe i will believe the report of the lord say yes so the enemy would throw things at us he would shoot his arrows he will send varied dots but that is where faith must rise and quench every fire down say i quench very dots say i intercept the arrows of the enemy say i intercept fear i intercept doubt i intercept unbelief in the name of jesus come on put your hands together give god praise now stop here quickly stop here quickly let's go ahead quickly but if thou shalt confess with thy mother lord jesus if you confess what you believe in your heart and shall believe in thy heart that god has raised him from the devil believe in your heart you confess with your mouth thou shalt be saved you shall be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation so you are not saved even though you believe until you say it somebody says say it talk to me say say it shout he says say it say you can believe and until you say it you don't have it you only have it when you say what you believe in your heart say yes come on say yes somebody don't sit down there in your house in your bedroom in your couch and look at me somewhere i say say yes come on say yes [Music] yes the scripture says whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed say i will not be ashamed say i will not be ashamed say i will not in the name of jesus be disadvantaged anymore say i will not be irrelevant say i will always be relevant no matter what no matter who goes and who comes i will always remain in the name of jesus relevant in the name of jesus for god says the scriptures in the name of jesus say yes say yes say yes say in the name of jesus i will not be disadvantaged i will not be irrelevant i will not be dishonest i will not be put to shame i will not be discredited i will not be defamed in the name of jesus come and say yes shout yes put your hands together shout yet hallelujah now look at romans 10 17 so then faith cometh by hearing so then faith cometh by hearing so then faith cometh by heaven faith coming everybody talk to me say faith comes it comes safe comets [Music] by hearing and hearing by hearing and hearing by hearing and hearing come on put your hands together time will not permit me so let's go to hebrews chapter 11 i have some few minutes i have to go and preach at my third service i'm speaking at the next gem church next generation church we've changed the youth church to next generation church as long as we keep calling them you to you to you to youth they will act as youth they are no more youth they are next generation next gem church they are the leaders of tomorrow they are the potential leaders and archbishops of the church so we have to treat them prepare them as next generation leaders so i have to go preach them but before i go to them i want to feed you first are you hearing me so come with me to hebrews chapter 11 from verse 1. now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen yeshua substance of this over evidence of things not seen wednesday we're going to go into that i'm not going to rush you but wednesday is our teaching service where i have time to break the bread to to to dissect the manner in the world so if you don't come to wednesday's services and you think just sunday morning service is okay you are fooling yourself my friend you are spiritually you are becoming spiritually anemic smith wicked's wife one of the fathers of faith will eat every time he goes to a restaurant as soon as he finish feeding his body he takes his bible and he will read the word so somebody asked him why do you have to read the bible any time you finish eating he said because when i finish feeding my flesh i have to fit my feet and stop my doubt any time you feed your fate you stab your doubt you stab your fear you stab unbelief whenever you are afraid it's an indication that spiritually you are becoming anemic whenever you doubt and you are afraid and you doubt the word of god is an indication that your fight is becoming weak because what you feed the most grows the most so please it doesn't matter what goes on in town and the traffic come to wednesday's service so we can feed you because the stronger your faith becomes the better you become we overcome this way by faith we walk by faith we live by faith not by fear not by reasoning not by logic not by philosophy not by experience not by intelligence by faith taking god at his word like never before is a daily necessity come on put your hands together and say amen quiet bishop for by it the elders obtained a good report by how many of you want to have a good report in life you want a good report by faith you can obtain a good report go ahead through faith we understand that the worlds were framed how was the world flame how was this world created by the word of god by what the word of god by the word of god talk to me by the word of god one more time by the word of god right so the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so you see that is what faith does faith creates faith what creates out of things which are not seen faith creates how by proclamation by words and hearing bible says anything that is done without faith is sin i'm telling you so i watch people in life they become very very arrogant and very proud and they think they have arrived they think they have achieved something but whatever you achieve in life whenever you accomplish in life without faith outside of faith is illegal it's not accepted and it's not biblical and god refuses to acknowledge any accomplishment or achievement or success without faith for anything done without faith as long as god is concerned is seen because without faith it's impossible to please god so anything we achieve and accomplish in life without faith as long as god in heaven is concerned is illegal so before you boast before you become proud full and arrogant before you think you have power because before you think you are connection and if you derive your audacity and your confidence and your disrespect for authority and for elders and for other as a result of some kind of accomplishment or connection or achievement or some kind of deep pockets or money or liquid please take it easy take it easy because i've seen the rising and i've seen the falling of great people and if you don't believe me don't even read the bible study history study history study history why are the pharaohs of egypt and the emperors of rome study history the saddam hussein's the gaddafies of libya steady history and you will see the heatless of germany the babylonian kings and the hazles of the pestion empires and the alexander the greats of the christian empires have come and they've gone and disappointed this disappeared from the face of the earth and you think you are something you think you are somebody and you despise faith and you despise the other of god's kingdom when you're a mere man mata like you die like everybody when the bible says the grass withers and the flower faded but the word of our god shall stand forever what do you delight your confidence from how dare you how dare you talk the way you talk without humility how dare you when a little bite of mosquito or coronavirus can take you out and all your wealth and everything you have can save you and you still bluff around and talk anyway without thinking go ahead by faith abel offered to go to more excellence by words so even when it comes to giving whether it's offering of type you need faith to give accordingly the faith to give as it is required of you because giving emotionally giving out of fear giving out of doubt is unacceptable to god giving out of unbelief is unacceptable god is not interested in your giving if it's not by faith that's why cain's offering was unacceptable to god god didn't accept his offering god said hey young man the cattle on the thousand healed his mind the silver is mine the gold is mine and when i require of you to give he's a principle of my kingdom not because i have need of your money but i'm teaching you how it works how the principles of my kingdom operate and works and the problem of believer believers is we don't believe in the principles of our kingdom we operate by the principles of other kingdoms in this world we don't believe in our own principles we believe in lies we believe in the deception of the enemy we believe in what makes sense when i got born again and i went to church of pentacles i met bishop nyakuda and then everybody will go forward with their tithes and one time i asked bishop what is this thing that people do they go forward and they call it [Music] and i said bishop what is this to do and he said his ties i didn't understand tights but i did it by faith and i still do it and it works i did not understand intuitive 10 and 10 means one thing nothing and lucky nothing why 10 because the 10 sanctifies the 90. why sanctify the 90 because this is satan's territory so he has contaminated money and everything but when you bring the 10 before god you acknowledge him as the source and the 10 will sanctifies the 90 say yes so please stop being fooled by this world stop falling for deception stop letting the world teach you and tell you what is wrong and what is right the world has no idea of what is right and of what is wrong say yes and if you can't do it in faith don't do it don't do it because everything in life has consequence whether you do it or you don't do their consequence but if you're gonna do it do it in faith do it because you take god at his word do it because you have that belief that if you do it the devourer which is satan in his own territory is rebuked and that you can have supernatural provision no matter what the situation is do it and believe that god can use the devil to provide your need when when there was farming in the land god used god used an unclean bed a raving to feed a prophet a reverend an unclean bed who killed jesus not the jews god crucified his own son study exam 53 he said the bible said and he pleased god to bruise him then the bible said if the princes of this world have known they wouldn't have crucified the lord of glory satan thinks he crucified jesus no it was god god used satan to do his beating so he said i am the lord i kill it and i make it alive so god can use anything when it comes to his agenda and his purposes and if god has to use satan to meet your needs to provide for you he is god by himself he can do whatever he is pleased somebody put your hands together shout the ass hear me the pharaohs of egypt were not believers they were idle worshipers but god used pharaoh to protect moses god used pharaoh to provide for joseph and his father and the children of israel god used a hazardous to provide for esther modicaya and the entire jewish race are you hearing me god use a king to provide provision for nehemiah to rebuild the walls of jerusalem god use different hidden kings to provide for daniel god can use anything any anyone anytime as he pleases come on somebody put your hands together shout yes [Applause] yours is to please him when you please him he can use a brother a friend he can use anybody you know how i got this land this land was not given to me by a christian he's a muslim friend of mine who gave us this land his name is allaji abbas cuba of blessed memory he gave us this land i was talking to the qatar ambassador who is a friend of mine yesterday and i said christians and muslims don't have to fight we don't have to fight we don't have to fight there's no need to fight are you hearing me if you're a true child of god and are true christians and you understand the principles of the kingdom you must understand that god has promised us protection and heaven is on the obligation to protect us it doesn't matter where we are in satan's territory psalm 10 110 verse 2 he said rule down mix of the enemies so we can be in satan's territory like the foreign embassies and ambassadors and still have the upper hand in victory if we do it according to god's principle if we do it god's way on his times and not on our terms heaven is under obligation say yes quickly my time is up by faith abel offered unto god on board excellent sacrifice on king able by what by faith even when it comes to giving an offering if we are going to do it god's way and the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so if ever gave a more excellent accepted sacrifice then came it stands to reason that abel had something candid in here because if he get by faith then he gave by hearing and hearing by the word of god yes by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testified of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh by faith enoch was translated by faith by faith by faith by faith so you even need faith to die yeah you need faith to be alive and you need faith to go when it's time so you live by faith you depart in faith when it's time my god shut the hell up come on lift up your hands pray in the holy ghost for one minute do such a cast and lead amen go ahead by faith in the questions later that he should not see death by faith by faith by faith he didn't see death say i will not see corruption see i'll not seek corruption see i will not die prematurely hallelujah say i will not die by the predictions of familiar spirit or divineness or sorceress in the name of jesus say i'm not dying and i'm not going anywhere see i will not die by air by land by water or in my sleep but i'm going to be alive in good health until i finish my course come on somebody put your hands together shout yes shout yes come on shout yes go ahead and was not found because god had translated him for before his translation yeah he had this testimony that he pleased god he had a testimony please god by what faith for without faith is impossible to please god you want to be pleasing to god you must have faith but without faith it is impossible to please him seven for he that cometh together seven seven by faith noah by faith by faith by faith i think bye noah not by intelligence not by brilliance not by scheming or strategy bye bye come on talk to me bye stand on your feet i'll continue on wednesday are you clapping [Music] are you clapping i'm going i'm going for my third service to preach to the next generation church the next jam i gotta go and bless them so i'm handing over now to the bishops to take over this service once i go to preach at the next jam church so bishop take over which way all right i'll see you on wednesday hear me don't forget don't forget and register a hundred days of praying like we have never prayed before and forcing the promises of god that every prophecy about you and your family and your loved ones will come to pass and that which is out of line and alignment in our lives will come into alignment and will come into order come and say yes if you believe it put your hands together and scream hallelujah please put your hands together one more time let's thank god for the life of our papa the archbishop hallelujah you want to bother your heads briefly in the service you want to pray for yourself with our faith it is impossible to please him by faith they confess jesus and we're saved our lives are the greatest gifts we have maybe as you hear the sound of his voice and as you listen to the word you realize that i'm not even born again i don't know this girl do i have faith in this um some god that the ibishop is talking about you can change your story today say i don't want to go to hell i want to live for this awesome god the creator of the heavens and the earth wherever you are you want to give your life to jesus just lift up your right hand quickly and we'll pray with you is there anybody else says i need jesus i want to make peace with god i want to make peace with god the rest of us want to pray that god stare up my faith stir up my faith you're already born again you want to pray god stare up my faith help me to live by faith help me to walk by faith help me your god to exercise my faith i don't want to be disadvantaged in life and for the one who doesn't need doesn't know jesus i want to give my life to jesus it's a step of faith anybody here if your hand is up you need jesus can you please walk forward can you please come forward you need jesus you want to make peace with god can you please come can you please come forward it's so important we are making time for it because you must not go to hell hell was not made for you is there anybody here who needs to make peace with god i don't see any hand i want to trust we all know him for which we give god praise put your hands together and give him praise you may be seated okay i have a brother coming from the third level he wants to give his life to jesus put your hands together for my brother [Music] thank you so much he has a long walk so let's encourage him by putting our hands together for him thank you so much and for those of us online maybe you are watching by dominion tv or online he said i also need jesus i want to make peace with him there is no distance in prayer you can connect to the same throne as we pray with our brother who's stepping for a church can we help him can we assist him thank you just lift up your right hand check let's help him those of us online you want to give your life to jesus those of you on dominion tv pray this simple prayer and give your life to jesus also say heavenly father i thank you for sending your son jesus to die in my place i deserve to die but he took my place i believe that he raised him from the dead for my salvation i accept jesus christ today as my lord and my savior father forgive me and write my name in your book of life help me from today to live for you i thank you for saving me in jesus name amen congratulations my brother if you turn around i have a brother beside you just go with him got some information for you those of you online or dominion tv we have numbers on your screen you can call those numbers and we have people waiting to help you with the decision you've taken thank you very much now it's time for tithe and offering hebrews 11 verse 4 by faith abel gave a more excellent sacrifice you want to step forward in faith bring your tithe in faith take an offering in faith because the bible says that when we bring our tithe to his storehouse he will open the windows of heaven he will rebuke the devourer for our sake and that which belongs to us will come to us without fail so please come forward with your tithe remember all the tithes of the land god says it is holy and he says it belongs to him to pray over your tithes pray over your tithe as you're coming pray over your tithe and if you've taken your seed pray over your seat also pray over it he said see time and harvest will never cease while this earth remains pray by your seed prayer by your tithes pray about your offering you say i've never paid tithe you want to begin it's a walk of faith it's a covenant relationship with god you need a tithe number go to the protocol desk and they'll give you a tithe number and you can also embark on this wonderful journey of faith with the lord [Music] for those of us online on dominion tv and others you can give by mobile money [Music] hallelujah hallelujah all the electronic options are on your screen you can get by mobile money by bank transfer you can be give by um express paypal all of them still work amen and your giving will also be acknowledged by the throne amen and you will receive your reward please lift up your offerings wherever you are let us pray father we give thanks for this opportunity oh god you have given unto us to partner with you for the expansion of your kingdom we acknowledge that we are who we are by your grace alone as we take this step of faith we ask the lord that you will bless us according to your word let every power of the enemy fight in our increase be arrested and overwritten in the name of jesus and as we pay our tithe we are that he will rebuke every devourer and waste her and give unto what that which belongs to us may our heaven be released as we sow our seed in jesus name amen god bless you can drop your tithe first fruit and especially for those who took envelopes to support with the installation of the generator if you have your envelope and your seat ready please drop it on the altar also or in the offering boxes labeled generator so we will know that is a contribution for the installation of the generator as a bishop papa declared unto us somebody paid for it somebody paid for the shipment somebody paid for the clearing all we need now is the installation because we need industrial cables for this serious work and it must be done and done right so if you took an envelope to support the installation of the generator please return it if you we're not here you say i want to still support you can pick an envelope and give your support for this major program let's welcome the choir as we give amen [Music] for me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] give us who has given to you how you give us our reflections on your [Music] [Music] it gratitude oh [Music] [Music] give unto god and you will be blessed don't be sick [Music] [Music] when they don't give time oh [Music] [Music] together [Music] when you keep [Music] when you [Music] [Music] hallelujah we thank god for his faithfulness and for his mercies that are new every morning hallelujah associated is thanking god for a first anniversary whoa yeah at the part of thanking god for a first anniversary god bless you with many many many many more years hallelujah glory to god glory to god and that the family of our uh brother bishop eddie arthur also sent a thanksgiving offering and the thanksgiving also thanking the act bishop and the whole church for standing with the family in their time of need they have a thanksgiving offering unto the lord to thank god for his faithfulness and for his mercies amen this morning we also have in the house a group the wives united in prayer network um can you please stand they're here it's also a thanksgiving time for them can you step forward since you're not too many oh that's an interesting wonderful group wives united in prayer network wow hallelujah led by our sister mamitiwa oh they are celebrating an anniversary also and they choose they chose to come to church to say thank you to the lord for keeping them together for this while and for helping them in all the activity i think when wives come together to praise a great thing put your hands together for them amen some come together for many different reasons but they said we are here to thank god for his goodness and for his mess please stretch your hands towards them and let us pray for them father we give you thanks for the lives of this wonderful women that you have brought together to network to lift up prayer father for their life for their marriages and for everything they stand for and even beyond we ask the lord that he will bless them that he will empower them to succeed in their god-given assignment in the name of jesus may none of them fail in that which you have called them to do give them many many many more years of sweet testimonies in jesus mighty name amen wow god bless you hallelujah god bless you may please return to your seat if i give you that microphone you can be sure she has a lot to say but we'll talk about that later on put your hands together for them the other thanksgiving offering also unto the lord we want to acknowledge those who are here for the very first time today is your first time worshiping with us could you please stand today is your first time worshiping with us could you please stand so we acknowledge you anybody here for the very first time thank you so much today's your first time could you please do us a favor can you please come forward today is your first time please come with your back come with your bible we have a special message from the archbishop for you or maybe you visited for a while today you've decided i want to be a member i want to join this church please come forward also you want to be a member you want to join this great family please come [Music] are we glad they came let's show them how glad we are to see them and to have them fellowship with us you know they could have been anywhere in the city but they choose to be with us and for this we say thank you to the lord for bringing them hallelujah glory to god we have some brethren coming from the third level out of respect for them we will wait let's put our hands together for them as they come [Music] thank you so much for oh they still have a long way to go let's put our hands together for them as they come thank you so much don't forget the command is to go out preach the word of god win souls for the kingdom the least we can do is to invite people to church amen so that we can share in their blessing but the command doesn't change we are to go out there and win souls amen if all of us were to invite others to church you can imagine how many many more lives will be touched and blessed by the grace of god we welcome all of you on behalf of uh act bishop the paper of the house the founder of the house of the church who you had a few minutes ago and we pray for you that this week will be your week of miracles and testimonies in the name of jesus may god do new things in your life and he opened you doors for you for those of you visiting from outside at the appointed time may the lord take you safely back with great testimonies in jesus name amen if you please turn around i have a brother behind you please go with him he has some information for you and then you come back into the service so please go with him osavo how are you sir excellent put your hands together for my con them as they go [Music] and let's quickly receive all the announcements for the day all the announcements for the day this is aci news your source for the action at action we published for the second time the bonds [Music] it's good to be with you i'm archbishop duncan williams i feel inspired by the spirit of god to call for a hundred thousand intercessors to stand in the gap from the 2010 of september to the 31st of december since this pandemic too many lives has been taken away from the planet you and i must stand in the gap our politicians and our scientists are doing what they can but they can't deal with spirit only the church only the church and the believer and the believer has what it takes to deal with this is a spirit it's a demon it's an angel of death and jesus said whatsoever you bind on it shall be bound in heaven whatsoever we lose on it shall be losing every it is time to bind this evil this evil for a hundred days i need you go to the prayer wall online right now on duncan williams ministry register the time you will choose to pray for 30 minutes remember you are not required to sign up for every watch choose the watch that is most convenient and you can always change it the time to act is now it's time to pray for a revival revival we need mercy to rain like water like water we need our churches our church to be revived one more time one more time we need transformation in every community city and nation across our [Music] can do nothing can do nothing if anyone knows of any just cause or impediment why this person should not be joined together in holy matrimony you are to please declare it to the head of family life department on or before the set dates kindly note that there will be a child dedication in the second service of sunday the 26th of september 2021 parents who wish to dedicate their children should contact the church secretary at the administration for the necessary formalities before the set date parents who do not go through the formalities will not have their children dedicated both parents must be present on the day of dedication members of the above 50's fellowship are invited to a general meeting immediately after the second service both new and old members are invited dominion christian academy located at the aci prayer cathedral premises is enrolling students from preschool to grade nine for the 2021-2022 academic year visit the admissions office or email us at dominion christian academy gh you can also call on plus 233-542-458-430 for assistance and inquiries do you know that there are ways to achieve vitality and be free from chronic illnesses and premature death at the center for health and rejuvenation we provide you with the very best that functional medicine offers contact us on zero three zero two nine eight five eight two two or zero five five eight six five eight nine eight four to book an appointment alabasta laboratories action chapel international is open and ready for business covered 19 testing pcr and antigen testing pcr covered test certificate for travelers covered 19 home testing services please contact us on zero five nine four three nine nine five five nine or zero five zero one two three zero zero two one members are encouraged to be part of our home sale meetings held every saturday kindly call zero five five four nine six nine zero nine seven for assistance in locating a cell near you if you are celebrating your birthday in september please email your picture to announcements at kindly join us throughout the week for exciting services and prayer sessions early morning prayer meeting mondays to fridays 5 30 a.m to 6 30 a.m noon prayer mondays to fridays except for thursdays 12 noon to 1 p.m midweek service wednesday 7 p.m to 8 30 p.m dominion are thursdays 10 a.m to 12 noon friday night prayer encounter friday 7 p.m to 9 p.m all department members and church workers are to be present and third force members are reminded to come early for prayer prayer hundred days global watch isaka 2021 divine alignment we need a divine alignment we need to stand in the gap for the next hundred days to pray and to declare this pandemic and disasters and the killings across the nation must come to a halt it is enough evil scare your hand i'm counting on you let's do this this is the reason for which we were born and we are here let's do this isaka 2021 register now [Music] circumstances can happen and then before you know you're confessing the wrong things you're thinking the wrong things and it makes your the situation even worse but it's time to live life with life inadequacy comes from the fact that we lack confidence when i call the word confidence it means you don't know who god has created you to be learn practical steps and encouraging stories to empower you stay victorious watch living the life with hosts rolly and abigail weekdays at 8 30 a.m so our guest today is an amazing young man who carries a grace of leading people into the presence of god in music you hear their music you love their songs now learn about their stories after living worship i want people to desire nothing else about god don't miss hearts to heart weekdays at 8 00 a.m only on dominion tv your number one christian lifestyle network for the 100 days of prayer between now and the end of the year and choose the seasons or the watches that you want to participate in amen it's going to go on throughout the day every day from thursday till the end of the year amen so please go and register and be a part of it protocol i'm sure i've disputed the flies behind the flyers there's a guide also for registration so if you want to use that you can use that also to register but as much as possible use a flyer you have to inform others because you have the information already amen don't forget all the weeks programs continue unchained let's take note of all of them and be a part of all the things god is doing in this wonderful place don't forget alabasta laboratories international is open and it's running you need to keep testing to make sure you are safe and you escape any trouble out there amen and the results are out promptly if you're traveling with it they will give you the format you need for traveling excellently put together i think we should put our hands together for the archbishop for putting together such a wonderful wonderful place for our benefits hallelujah shall we please stand if you're traveling this week please come forward let's worship also invite the senior bishop to save your country to please close us let's worship [Music] of the lord amen [Music] of the lord amen [Music] [Music] is right keep your people while they travel keep them from harm's way protect them guide them lead them and let them succeed in their journeys now let the mountains come down let the valleys be filled let the highways be made let the rivers flow let your people encounter their supernatural grace that which you have on your mind for them at this season as faith come alive let every unresolved issues be resolved amen help our faith to be able to encounter the times and the season blessings that are available let the week be fruitful amen let your people hear good news when they go out there into the marketplace let them succeed make them ahead and not attain above and not believe and give them a testimony of your faithfulness through jesus christ our lord amen god bless you amen amen sticking and staying with us from the beginning of the service to now we are still watching dominion television africa's premiere christian lifestyle network i also want to acknowledge our viewers on facebook twitter and youtube thank you so much for um listening to this wonderful message bridge by his eminence the archbishop nicholas and williams says faith a daily necessity faith is a daily necessity we have learned that we are saved by faith we walk by faith we live by faith we even give by faith the bible says that whatsoever is done without faith is sin and without faith it is impossible to please god so let's apply this um word to our lives and every inch of the way apply faith let's add faith to whatever we do the bible says even in dying we have to believe god we have to exercise faith that nothing will cut us short before our time we will live our full years to accomplish the purpose for which we are born and die at the time that is um assigned to us to go so thank you once again for making time to join us at action chapel here at the prayer cathedral spintex road i will not leave you without giving an opportunity to anyone watching who has not given their lives to jesus if you are not saved you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven and you need faith to be saved we are saved by faith so i like you to pray this prayer with me right now say dear lord jesus i believe that i'm a sinner i recognize that i'm a sinner and i believe that jesus came to die for my sake i believe that jesus was raised from the dead i pray that you forgive my sins please write my name in the book of life give me the strength and the power to live for you thank you so much for praying this prayer if you did i want to tell you that as simple as this prayer may be you are born again and you need to nurture your faith you need to grow your faith and so i recommend to you action chapel international may be here at the prayer cathedral or any action branch around you we are committed to the saving of the souls of individuals our counselors are committed they are passionate the people here are warm we will help you to grow in faith so make time and join one of our services here at the prayer cathedral or any action chapel branch around you wherever you are every part of the country in all the regions even internationally uh the people who are ready i will help you to grow thank you so much my name is dickness jackie or heming and i was excited i'm very excited that you could join us join us again at 7 pm for deeper in the word where the word will be broken down will be it will be dissected and you will understand it even more thank you so much we'll see you next week until then let the lines fall for you in pleasant places and may you receive a goodly heritage i love you god bless you bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 4,734
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
Keywords: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, Nicholas Duncan Williams, NicholasDuncanWilliams
Id: MAKz2fldI-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 24sec (7344 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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