I Trust You

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you maybe see that in heaven places relationship relationship is critical to every success in life requires relationship the mentality or the mindset that all i need is god it's not true you need more than god even god needed man and even jesus had need of man after having favor with god the father the bible said and jesus had favor with god and favor with man when the enemy wants to destroy an individual the first thing he does is to sow a seed of distress that's the first thing came to adam and eve and say hey god cannot be trusted god don't want you to be wise like he is and that's why you are commanded not to eat the fruit of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil because you know in the day that you eat it you'll be wiser like god distraught that was the first seat soon by the enemy tell somebody i trust you we've been told and taught over the years that people must end our trust and in a way it's true but it's half truth that is man's way of getting to know people but the right way of bringing the best out of people is to trust them or to make them know and believe that you trust them and believe in them anyway and i found out over the years that when you tell people you have to end my trials you are reinforcing the seed of distrust you are telling them you are suspect i don't trust you i'm watching you prove yourself and sometimes when people know that they are not trusted they have the tendency of not caring anyway because you don't trust me anyway but when you trust people and they know you trust them most times it's difficult for them unless they are possessed by a demon it's very difficult for them to betray you joseph told the master's wife that because i need you to listen to me very carefully please listen it's very very important that you listen because your husband trusts me i can do this wickedness he trusts me he's entrusted everything he has to me he doesn't even know what he has but i i can't violate that trust if potiphar didn't trust joseph it would have made it easy for joseph to be tempted but because of the absolute trust he had in joseph it was difficult for him to validate that trust and betray the master by sleeping with his wife he said i can't do this it's too much tell somebody i trust you you don't have to end my trust you can end my you can end distress but not trust i trust you i'm putting my trust in you to say that you have the power and the ability to kill me if you want to or to keep me alive if you want to the choice is yours but there are consequences if you if i trash my life into your hands and you destroy me you pay for it you never go and punish we have to teach our children consequence or consequences when you hear in europe in north america children have the audacity to tell their father and their mother leave my room i don't want to talk to you i want to be alone get out of my room get what out of where the room that i pay to bill the clothes you are wearing is my money including your underwear the food in your stomach is my money when you use the when you use the toilet and you flash it's my money you are flashing the english you are speaking is a result of my money paid your school fees and you have the audacity to tell me i don't want to talk to you i want to be alone get out of my room you will get out not me but you see these young ladies don't understand that there are consequences of that action that one day you become a mother and your kids will treat you less than that these young men think they live in a society that gives them freedom and liberty to do as they please that at the age of 18 you can divorce your father and your mother so you can tell your mother and your dad dad i don't want to talk to you leave my room i just want to be alone alone for what do you know what it means to be alone loneliness idealness being alone being isolated is one of the greatest weapons of the enemy to isolate an individual people are dying i'm talking about believers i'm not talking about unsafe people i'm not talking to unsaved people i'm talking to church people i've been preaching for 41 years by god's grace and i've seen so many preachers and pastors and prophets and apostles and bishops and outreach of a man of god there is a way the enemy can plant distrust and isolate you to your detriment and kill you whenever the devil wants to kill you destroy you the first thing he does is to sow the seed of distress and by that he can isolate you and he hurts you and most time the devil don't come out the people who aren't going nowhere he goes for the best among us he goes for the ones brilliant among the kids those who carry the legacy the custodians of the family blessings it goes for them in order to isolate you so the seed of destruction people are afraid to be heard so they don't relate afraid to be vulnerable but ladies and gentlemen may i submit to you that in every relationship you'll be vulnerable one way or the other you will be vulnerable and you will be hacked and you'll be offended so if you're afraid of being hurt been isolated you're afraid of being hurt you'll be isolated if you're afraid of being vulnerable you'll be isolated if you're afraid of being offended you'll be isolated and let me go further by saying this this attitude that all i need is god it's not true jesus needed more than god he had god's favor but he needed the favor of man in order to execute god's plan for him towards humanity and may i submit to you that the key to your next level is in somebody's hands the key to your next level is not in heaven is not with angels it's with somebody and may i also submit to you that god will use men and women to bless you and the devil will also use men and women to hurt you and that is what it is because the devil knows that god does not operate in isolation or in a vacuum god works through men to men he uses men to bless men men to help men because the devil knows that he will always make sure that he attacks men and deploy men to hurt you to offend you so you never again trust anybody and i've seen people in church they love god they believe in god but they don't trust anybody i know preachers who are very successful very anointed but they don't trust anybody they won't relate to anybody and they will stay that way and die and go to their graves prematurely they will die prematurely because they think that being gifted being skillful being brilliant being anointed being successful is all that they need you are joking god never made any one of us to be an island to themselves we are interdependent you need me and i need you and everybody needs somebody everybody in your lifetime you are going to need somebody one way or the other can you put your hands together and say yes i don't care how gifted you are hear me there come a time in all of our lives when the thing you trust in the most and what you lean on whether his brilliance or his skill or anointing or prophetic powers or his money or success or influence or an anointing or in a gifting or money or well there come a day and a time in your life when it fails and it has to fail so that you will see your need of another and that is where humility comes in because you see god resistance the proud and when i see people in life that forget in their life dr samuel one of my spiritual fathers said something he said in this life there are certain individuals you must never forget if you are in this life and there is nobody who can look you in the eye and said talk to me what's going on with you put aside your defenses remove your armor strip naked talk to me if there's nobody that can talk to you in that way you are a danger to yourself and to [Applause] humanity all i need is god i don't need anybody you're lying joking god's original intent still stands it has never been god's intention that anybody should be alone we were made to be relational you're always going to need somebody and there are people in this world designed to be in your life to help you go to the next level and sometimes they might not look like anything or be anything i told them in the first service that somewhere somehow god has always used women to bless me i got born again through a woman brought up in understanding of scripture through women a woman i've been through a lot in some ways somehow god i've always used women to help me hear me if if you are going to make a difference in this life man you always be misrepresented and if you are afraid of being mispresented you never make a difference in this life i'm telling you i learned that long time ago if you want to be in the good books of everybody and be praised by everybody and be liked by everybody you will never attain to the height of life please believe me i'm telling you you got to come to a place in life eh where you are at peace with yourself because you see god works through men the devil works through men and you must know when the devil is working and when god is working and when men are working you must cultivate that capacity descendant to know so come with me to genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and god said let us make man in our image who said god god said what let us make man no no no and god said let me let me let me but let us tell somebody let us make this house this church this nation a better place this world a better place for our clears let us let us let us god didn't say let me say let us genesis 2 and 18 genesis 2 and 18. and the lord god said uh-huh it is not good that the man is not good for the man or the woman to be alone hear me he's not referring to marriage that's not what god is referring to this is more than marriage he's just saying that the man i created and from is created and formed to be relational and in him in him i've made provision for what he needs to make him religion now so god put him to sleep and out of him came the woman that was already in him we are interdependent turn to somebody and say i've been thinking about something for a while now and i just want to say it you need me one of the reasons why a lot of brothers in the church can't approach their sisters is because there is something in their heart and they don't know how to say it say it just say it tell somebody just say it say it and you know why some brothers are afraid to tell their sisters what's in their heart they are afraid of rejection [Applause] yeah you're afraid in this choir years ago there was a sister and a brother during the choir the brother would pick her to quiet practice after taking her to the house and wasn't telling her anything then one day their brother went and said i'm going to a burrito to fast and pray do you have a prayer request and the sister said you have my prayer request [Applause] do you know you have somebody's prayer request this morning turn to somebody and say what is in your heart say it you are looking at me [Applause] people are afraid of being rejected they are afraid of being hurt they are afraid of being vulnerable so they call back [Music] this year you have to learn to say it and when you are saying it say it with wisdom [Applause] is not what you say is how you say it tell somebody it's not what you say but how you say it you need somebody god said it is not good for any man or woman to be alone being alone is suicidal all i need is god no it's not true you need more than god you need man jesus had favor with god and with man god says son i will give you favor but without favor with man what i've called you to accomplish among men will never be done so i will give you favor you're going to have favor with me and you have favor with men so men can accept you that you are favor with men you got to stop being selfish and thinking about yourself you got to learn how to be hurt you have to learn how to forgive i hear men because they married once or twice and they were disappointed they mixed treatment like this i will never marry again that is a self-imposed case and i hear women i'll never marry again it's a self-imposed case you have placed an injunction on the possibilities of the future and your problem is that you haven't risen above your pain your head the feeling of betrayal and disappointment you haven't faced your past confront your past you are not the last neither will you you are not the first not the last that have been through what you've been through the problem people have is they don't know how to confront shame change if you don't know how to deal with shame and despise shame you will never rise to the pinnacles of life even the son of god had to despise the shame a lot of people don't know how to deal with shame and embarrassment you talk about shame and embarrassment yes i know what it is you talk about betrayal i deal with it every day i go to places i go to places and i see people and i can feel the energy the negative energy of hatred and shame and despisement towards me and i tell myself i'm better than this i'm better than this i'm not going to allow this to have power over me i'm walking above it i'm rising above it [Applause] and i'll shake them and they'll hug me and i can feel the negative energy towards me and i don't let it touch me and i know that it is not them is the enemy working through them talk about betrayals do you know how many people have raised and brought up who are pastors prophets apostles bishops all over the world that don't even remember me on my birthday on christmas do you know how many people have taken to europe and north america who are citizens of europe and north america and i still have ghanaian passport and i can be citizen of north america if i want to if i want to i can be a citizen of the united states all my children are my wife is i can but i choose to be a ghanaian if god wanted me to be an american i would have been born in america i know why god put me in ghana and i'm okay as a canadian and there is nothing wrong of me having a ghanaian passport now i'm not saying you shouldn't have an american passport if you have the opportunity to have american passport go for it you have an opportunity to have a european by the canadian passport go for it there is nothing wrong as for me i choose to go there oh ragged cross that is my choice don't follow me we are not the same and i tell my children don't follow me if i never go to europe the rest of my life or america i'm fine an old man one of the sons one of the fathers of my sons the father said the son said daddy you need to come to london or the u.s and the father said buckingham palace has he been relocated or is still at the same place then he said white house 16th street has he been relocated or in the same white house he said the same buckingham palace same address white house same white town same address you know what he said he said there is nothing new in the west we can have a white house in ghana we can have a buckingham palace in ghana if we stop all these divisions and do it together we can make a difference and we can people can come to ghana here to experience what we go to experience in europe see i hear you first john 1 7 first john 1 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we are fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin if we walk in the light when the enemy wants to isolate you he sold this trust in you and you begin to walk in darkness there is no way there is no way you won't have fellowship with the brethren if you are walking in the light i'm telling you and whatever keeps you from having fellowship with the brethren is darkness not light the light compels you to flow with the brethren and there is an automatic cleanse in this one you don't have to confess your sin if you walk in the light and fellowship with the bread there is an automatic cleansing and forgiveness of sin without confession of the sin but that is already guaranteed if you are fellowship with the brethren that's why the cell is so important it is spiritual arrogance and pride for you to live in a community and not be part of the cell that they will come in your life when you need a brethren in your community to stand in the gap and if you have never been there for them nobody will be there for you sometimes when i hear people get offended when it was my wedding nobody came this big church people didn't even come and i lost a loved one and nobody came are you part of anything who knows you just because you come to church doesn't mean that we can make an announcement and people will come if you are not part of anything in the day of your need nobody will come those who will come for you are those who know if you live in a community and you are part of a cell the people in the cell will be there for you lady called me at christmas said i don't have anything for my children so i called bishop john i said bishop johnny let's find her some rice and things and help her out but i said do it through the cell leader and the cell leader didn't know her and she lives in a community and i said this is the problem how can you live in a community and you have brethren in the community who can help you and you're not part of them it's spiritual arrogance and pride that is what it is and it's ignorance it's darkness you are walking in darkness not in the light come with me to luke 6 38 luke 6 38 give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down and shaking together and running over shall mention up there shall god give unto you shall god the father give unto you god the son give unto you god the holy ghost give them shall angels give unto you shall there 24 elders in heaven give unto you but who who do you know your reward that your harvest is with men do you know god is going to use man to bless you so stop this i don't need anybody all i need is jesus i'm in love with jesus i'm married to jesus you are not married to any jesus jesus is not married to you he doesn't want to marry you he's already married jesus is married to his church so stop all this spirituality and marry to jesus who told you jesus is married to you jesus is not going to come and make love to you so stop it there's nobody stop it stop it stop it i'm married to jesus jesus you are my lover you are my husband show me what i should wear him going to show you what to wear girl you got to wear what you want to wear support this jesus is my lover and my husband he nobody is husband jesus is married to the church the church is his bride so leave jesus alone he has a wife [Music] [Applause] you know what i said you need somebody everybody need you know the problem of the strongest man that ever leave by the name of something samson's problem was not weakness samson was so brilliant so anointed so skillful so strong so successful and had god on his side that he didn't need any man and see when the enemy wants to destroy you know what he does he separates you from your loved ones and those who truly loves you and make you dependent on those who will destroy you and make you think that they are the only one who truly cares about you people are taking advantage of you i don't like it i don't like it i don't like people taking advantage of you exploiting you and using you i understand you i'm the only one that truly understands you it's a lie they are isolating you slowly killing me softly little by little by little to the time where they win your trash like delilah won his trust and after delilah has won his trust something ran and he said it's too late it's never too late to break loose it's never too late to be free it's never too late to be delivered it's never too late to do the right thing if you believe it put your hands together and say yes yes yes [Applause] a lot of the drug addicts you know how they get them they put people in their life that make you believe that all you need is me i'm all you have nobody loves you nobody cares about you nobody understands you like i do and i don't need anything from you and they do that they reject anything you have like they don't need it's a lie it's just a matter of time they are winning waiting to win your love and after they've won your love they will strip you of everything luke 6 38 that all i need is god i've given god is going to bless me yes he will but the blessing the reward and the harvest is coming through somebody your miracle is in somebody's house tell two people do you know your miracle is in somebody's house yes your miracle is in somebody's hands that is what made makes us dependent on one another god never give the answers to one person and you must be humble enough to see your need of another man and as we go along the month of relationship we will show you in the bible great men kings in the bible generals that god used no bodies to help them out so stop walking in this world saying all i need is god and and when you have that kind of mentality you begin to despise human beings you need to look down on people and feel like you don't need anybody one of these days you will tell somebody i trust you keep telling them i trust you until one day they'll truly believe it for god called things which be not as god they were so when god wants to put trust in you that is how he does it he wanted abraham to become abraham father of many nations he began to call him father of many nations father of many nations father of many nations and he became the father of many nations [Applause] [Music] some of my greatest sons and daughters in ministry today the enemy attacked my relationship with them so bad at the early stages and it was so painful and difficult to handle some of them in those early days and i was bleeding hemorrhaging going through pain and will not give up on them someway somehow it's now that i understand when i see what they have become i can appreciate why i had to go through what i went through and fought the way i fought for some of them true fathers true mothers don't kill their kids and if you're a father here and a mother i'm talking to you don't kill your children and sometimes they'll vex you you'll provoke you but don't kill them don't catch them the world is already difficult waiting to mess them up don't catch them don't give them up to the world fight for them and sometimes they'll provoke it affects you bible said that so i went to sow good seed and when men slept an enemy came and sold tears and then the seven said master did you not plant a good seed what happened listen to what the man said an enemy has done this hey lift up your hand speak in tongue for one minute amen listen the enemy he goes for the best he goes for the best in the family what you gonna do and that's why i blame not to be critical of people i've learned not to be critical of people's children because you can't blame a father no mother no father wants their children to go wayward no father no mother except they are demonic that's why i'm not critical of anybody children because sometimes you can do all you know how to and yet something will turn and if you don't understand that an enemy has done this it can take you before your time and if you don't know how to if you don't know how to despise the shame and embarrassment of public opinion you amount to nothing in life [Music] [Applause] i have people in this church all kinds of people in this church they are here and people don't know them but i know them and they know i know them and they know i love them i won't criticize you i understand i understand and i want you to know that if ever you need a shoulder to cry upon i have a large shoulder you're welcome and i'm not afraid of who you are i'm not afraid of who you are and i'm not ashamed of you i'm not ashamed of you because i know that god works miracles he does work miracles and i'm still believing for you you need somebody and stop being critical of other people's kids people can sit in the church and look beautiful and handsome and pretty and yet they are bleeding and hemorrhaging like a woman in her cycle and it's easy for you to just talk and say look at them look at them look at her how dare you criticize another man's children when your own is not an angel psalm 1 33 behold how good and how pleasant it is the enemy don't like this he don't like the good and the pleasantness of friendship and community and brotherhood he don't like it go ahead behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity synergy it is like the precious ointment upon the head it causes the oil to flow down when we are not together and we are divided and there is mistrust among us it blocks the oil from flowing it is like the precious ointment upon the head that run down upon the beard even iran's beard that went down to the sketch of his garments as the dew of heron and as a dew that descended upon the mountains of zion for there the lord commanded the blessing you see there is a blessing we call it the commanded blessing god commands is a blessing commanded when god sees that oneness among us he commands a blessing the enemy don't want that blessing to come so what he does is to plant the seed of distress put a wedge between us and we begin to doubt and distrust one another and he stops the commanding blessing and he stops the oil from flowing hear me as long as you live till you die you are going to need somebody i'm telling you and you see when when i see people who never show an attitude of gratitude to god or man for what god used somebody to do in their life it stops them from going to the next level an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving guarantees more and longevity and people who forget the tools and the vessels that god use to bring you that fire you attract a curse for he that repairs good with evil cast is he and evil shall never leave his house i'm telling you you know why so many others are suffering in life because somebody was helped and forgot that there are many like him who must be held and must keep the channel open and you show in gratitude to somebody who help you enough capacity to help others and you block the chances of others and they are crying to god [Music] and god he's saying i've already provided the help but the channel that will help you somebody has blocked that channel do you know the case that will come on you when you show in gratitude you have no idea you think you have a right you don't need anybody and you forgot to help you hey hey it's caring the implication is too much on you and your children and your descendants it doesn't matter how brilliant you are samson was good at it he didn't need anybody and an enemy an assassin won his trust and killed him and he died prematurely and didn't fulfill people you know what you need to find your divine helpers you need to find them and you never find them with art bitterness unforgiveness pride arrogance pain an attitude of i don't need anybody will cut you short you need somebody i need people i need people i need people i can accomplish what god has called me to do with our people god works through people that devil works through people you got to be smart to pray for people because if you don't pray for them the devil will use them to hurt you but if you pray for them god will use them to bless you stand on your feet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] love [Music] nations [Music] understand [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you please join your hand with somebody i want us to press as you join your hands with somebody you know i should join you i want you to pray a simple prayer let the invincible walls the unseen walls among us the walls the enemy has put between men and men women to women husband and wife father and mother husband and wife children siblings the men's group in the church the youth the business community the professionals let the world come down let the unseen walls fall as we pray right now open your mouth pray for one another that the walls will come down pray that prayer right now that the unseen walls will fall let the walls that divide us fall let the walls standing between us come down in the fire in every department of the church let the walls come down let the walls fall now i'm going to ask you to clap your hands and by the sound of your clapping let the walls come down
Channel: Dominion Television
Views: 1,054
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dominion TV, Papa, Christian Channels, dominion tv live streaming, christian channels on youtube tv, christian channels live, archbishop duncan williams, archbishop duncan williams prayer, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, archbishop duncan williams praying in tongues, archbishop nicholas duncan williams 2021, archbishop nicholas duncan williams prayer, archbishop nicholas duncan, archbishop nick
Id: kFXGbHXQqhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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