Dive Theory: Why Stone is the ULTIMATE KEY to Solving Minecraft! (April Fools)

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[Music] hello internet welcome to dive theory the show that is slowly uncovering all of the horrible secrets of minecraft i was playing the game the other day and i spent a lot of time mining i'm sure you've all done it before it is after all in the name you need some resources that you don't have enough of like iron gold or everybody's favorite diamonds so you get to work crafting a pickaxe before beginning your slow descent digging down to a low level before starting a strip mine and as time goes on you eventually find the things you're looking for but there's a problem that i'm sure all of us have experienced your pack is full your inventory is full of stone so i'm sure you dump it out and move on but that experience got me thinking a little bit why is there so much stone minecraft has so many interesting things to find like dragons three-headed monsters and dark pillagers and understandably so much theorizing has been dedicated to these it's almost the low-hanging fruit but that's not all there is to minecraft in fact it's a very small part of the game so much of your time is instead mining blocks and getting an inventory full of cobblestone it's like we don't even notice it right it's just sort of there stone is a fact of the minecraft world if you ask the average player they wouldn't think twice about it but this line of reasoning is dangerous why are we so quick to just completely ignore such a widespread material i'll be the first to admit that i've fallen into this trap as well in all of my explorations of minecraft lore i've tended to skip over seemingly mundane blocks like stone for that very reason it's just sort of there a generic block but that ends now no longer will i ignore the blatant facts right in front of my face stone is after all one of the very first blocks to be added into minecraft dating back to version rd rd160052 how's that for a memorable update name this version was released on may 15 2009 nearly five years before the introduction of such hipsters as diorite and andezite so stone has been a mogus for a long long time stone is fundamental to minecraft it's literally the rock upon which the rest of the game is built it has to be important in some way that hasn't been thought about before to really understand stone we should look at the blocks that surround it so we can learn what makes it different blocks in minecraft fall into a couple of categories the first is the organic block no not the bananas that are two dollars more expensive it's more general than that organics are materials that are either living or were living at some point this includes obvious entries like wood planks and leaves but also subtler organic blocks like dirt or coal ore if we look around organic blocks are everywhere above ground there are probably more organic block types than anything else and if we account for blocks that can be made exclusively from organics like the crafting table the list grows even bigger the fact that the crafting table is there is interesting since so many things need a 3x3 grid to even be created it's requirement a key of sorts without organics we can't have wood planks without planks we can't have a crafting table and without crafting tables it would be impossible to craft such amazing items as diamond hose or dried kelp blocks you see the game flows through organics but there's another category which flows and i am of course talking about everyone's favorite deadly chemical dihydrogen monoxide or as some people know it water although it's a little different it's still a block that takes up space and it includes multiple phases such as frozen ice or blocks of snow water vapor even exists as a block in the form of bubble columns but like so what we have trees and water who cares we have those in real life too well there's another category we haven't talked about which is lava lava is some hot stuff i mean it is lava after all but what's important is that lava is distinctly different from everything else we've mentioned it's certainly not organic and it's a pretty good guess to say that it's not water either no it's something totally different lava is some nasty stuff any minecraft hardcore player will tell you that all it takes is one misstep to change a world into spectator mode but lava affects more than just the player it affects items mobs and just about everything else lava is the ultimate destroyer pummeling almost anything that comes in its path four's potent as lava is it's relatively harmless in the overworld sure we do see lava lakes from time to time but it's mostly stuck deep underground it does kill the occasional bat but beyond that it's not really an issue organic blocks above ground are typically safe if we look at our categories so far we can see a clear spectrum of how capable they are of life on one end are the organic blocks which were obviously very much alive then we have water an important habitat which is necessary for life as we know it to exist but then it suddenly jumps to lava which is the opposite of life killing anything it touches that leap seems weird shouldn't there be something in the middle between water and lava well the aspiring theorists might say let's mix them together what happens when water and lava combine does one defeat the other do they both disappear we can set up an extremely rigorous scientific experiment to figure this out when flowing water meets flowing lava something weird happens a new block is created stone this is a really powerful idea it tells us that there is in fact a missing category of blocks between fire and lava stone is the mediator serving as a regulator of sorts the results of our experiment extend to the overworld we see vast oceans of water above ground and dense lava deposits below ground but almost never next to one another instead there's a thick layer of stone between the two stone ensures that neither lava nor water dominates the other it stands in the middle of the epic battle of fundamental forces and says fight wait no that would be the end of the world stop it's okay i'm here you don't have to fight anymore what we've discovered is a perfect balance water and lava can both be destructive if left to their own devices but stone calms both of them down life as we know it in the overworld couldn't exist if the entire dimension was lava or water these forces are too chaotic as the saying goes you can't learn anything until you learn how to chill and stone teaches water and lava just that so stone is a good thing right it allows the game to even work but there's still something that's weird why is there so so much of it it's the most dominant block in the overworld by far dig down stone 60 layers of stone the walls of a ravine stone those high mountains in the distance stoned it is inescapable it's ubiquitous the entire minecraft world is based upon stone it supports the solid ground we stand upon everywhere at the end of time stone stone this leads to a rather uncomfortable question if stone's true purpose is balanced then why does that balance end up with stone becoming dominant lava and water don't win but is stone really better but it goes even deeper than that there's a fact that we've sort of been glossing over here which is that there are two versions of stone regular boring stone and cobblestone and there's a weird property mining stone turns into cobblestone immediately after breaking sure it can be converted back to stone but why cobblestone why is it different well let's take a look at the uses for cobblestone for example cobblestone can be used to create a furnace obviously this furnace is going to require some type of fuel what can we use as fuel though coal planks sticks lava buckets i mean typical things you'd put in your gas tank wait a minute did you notice anything on that list that's right we have fuels from two opposite categories organics and lava those two should never ever meet each other without things going south yet the furnace is able to harness energy from both of them somehow the stone in the furnace has learned to use just a bit of the capabilities of these opposites cobblestone is doing something we haven't seen before it is fundamentally more powerful than stone capable of utilizing the energy in different opposing block types furthermore it can be used to craft tools allowing for the acquisition of newer and better ores this is an interesting step forward but there's a catch it requires action from someone more specifically the player one of the first tasks in a minecraft world is to mine some cobble and build stone tools in a furnace this isn't necessarily a natural progression instead the stone has eliminated other options there's no way to advance besides this it's found a way to force the player to follow these steps almost every time stone exerts an immense amount of control over the direction that a player takes in a new minecraft world the game runs through stone and there aren't many ways to avoid it if you're anything like me this theory is probably starting to make you a bit uncomfortable is it really true that stone has this type of absolute power surely not it's a rock how could it possibly do something like this when i realized where this was going i stopped myself this couldn't be right and i searched for any way possible that my line of reasoning was incorrect but i couldn't ignore the facts staring me in the face how could something like this just happen randomly it's too coordinated too darkly intelligent to brush off as mere chance we've stumbled upon something unsettling and i'm pretty sure i'm the first one to discover this what if one of our base assumptions is incorrect what if stone is not some inanimate mineral but instead a living object it's too perfect stone is using the player as a way to leverage power in the minecraft world stone cannot move itself yet it still found a way to be transported by someone who can move it we see examples of this in real life organisms can't always do everything they need by themselves sometimes it takes a more powerful host to do it for them stone is this very way it's a parasite it wants nothing more than total domination controlling all of the most powerful minecraft forces and it's realized that it can accomplish this using the player the player can move around bring it above ground bring it even closer to the power it so desperately desires this whole time we thought of stone as just a block but it's so much more than that the vast amounts of it in the overworld is no coincidence it is instead the result of the scheming of some grand entity some ultimate stone being it's far more intelligent than enderman illagers or piglens we can break and destroy some stone of course but we cannot kill stone in a way that matters it is the foundation of the minecraft world those entities in the in poem what if they aren't some abstract idea but rather the words of the physical ground upon which the player stands minecraft is not dead it's more alive than you can ever know and the game which we play is only the beginning of the vast plan of an incalculably ancient species stone is the game stone is minecraft above all else there exists only one thing but hey that's just a theory a dive theory thanks for watching also please don't sue me matpat
Channel: RetroGamingNow
Views: 156,935
Rating: 4.8703389 out of 5
Keywords: Retro, Gaming, Now, RetroGamingNow, RGN, Let's, Play
Id: HRGsjmhqrNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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