DISSOLVING EFFECT - Blender Particle Tutorial

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i hope you're having a wonderful day and welcome to this new blender tutorial in which we're going to learn how to make this kind of thanos disappearing effect that i read in the past video comments that someone asked for it and if you have any idea of anything you would like to learn to do or something like physics or modeling or even i don't know more geometry notes or regular animation anything put it in the comments because that also helps me to get more new and fresh ideas so without anything else to say let's just begin with the tutorial [Applause] the first thing we're gonna do as always is delete everything we have in the scene and now we're gonna press shift a and we're gonna add uh suzanne this susan has not as much faces as we will need to do this effect so we're gonna subdivide this susan with a subdivision surface and we're gonna set this to two maybe maybe three i think that that will be more than enough and then we're gonna click apply once we've done this we're gonna press number one in our numpad i'm sorry number three and we're gonna put this susan like it's like laying in the y-axis this green line that we have right here so that it is just above the ground of our scene now we're going to press r and z and rotate it a little bit so that we get like this kind of side view and now we're going to press shift a another cube right here this cube we are gonna put it a little bit higher in the z axis and we're gonna open the wireframe so that we know that zuzan fits perfectly inside of this cube that we just created so something like this will be just perfect we're gonna move it higher with z and then set go into the edit mode with the cube selected and we're gonna press right click and then subdivide and then open this little window and put here something like 15 let's say we're gonna select let's go back into the solid view so that we can see the the vertices that are in the face that is looking down and we're gonna select one and then press shift and select some other vertic vertices in this face and then click up here to activate this kind of easing effect and we're gonna press g and z to move them a little bit down we're gonna go into the modifiers tab right here where we put the subdivision surface and we're gonna look for this one that is called boolean i don't know if it's pronounced like that but we're going to put this boolean into the zusen so we're gonna select right here boolean before you do anything else in solver put fast because we're not gonna need the exact one and in this field select the cube we have above it now select this cube right here and go to something like frame 10 let's say press i to insert a keyframe and then select location move a little bit forward let's say frame 70 and move it down and put it so that it covers entirely our susan and i'll press i and location again select this uh cube and we're gonna press shift d to duplicate it and then right click to put it exactly in the same place and then select the susan and press shift d duplicate it and put it exactly in the same place and go into the modifiers of the second susan we're gonna call this second susan and then the second cube we're going to let it put it as also second cube and now going to the modifiers of the second season and remove the cube we have right there and select the second cube and now what we're going to do is to select this second cube go into the edit mode by pressing tab go into the wireframe view and now you can see through this the the mesh and select all the vertices in the face that is looking down and now you can see that you selected all of the vertices in the lower in the lowest face and if you get something like this that you select some vertices that you didn't want it to you can just shift and click them to deselect them now press shift d inside of the edit mode and duplicate this face press c to move it precisely down and put it something around here this has to be only a slice so it doesn't have to be really thick and once we have this another face down we're gonna press e and extrude this face all the way down that it covers entirely susan and if we want we can press s z and then zero right here and we can make it flat again i forgot to do it but you have to uncheck the proportion the proportional editing for you not to get it and get troubles with that again we're not going to be editing anymore but anyway so now if we press play we can see that both of them go down and something interesting is happening happening right here if we disappear the second susan we can see if we go back into the mesh view and disappear the both cubes from the viewport and from the render 2 we can see that we have only a slice of susan in our scene at every moment and this is exactly what we wanted because from this let's say a slice of susan is from which we're gonna generate the particles so that we are not gener we are not um generating particles from the whole monkey the whole time because when we just want it to appear in this place that is the one that is disappearing once this is set we can click the second susan and go into the particle properties close this click this plus icon and then set this number to something like 20 now for now let's just leave it in 1000 and later we'll come back to move that and we have to go into our we have to go into our timeline and see which is the first frame in which we get a slice of susan in our scene and in my case it's frame 27 in your case it can be a different one but this 27 we're gonna write it right here when it says frame start so that the simulation starts in this frame and now go into the last frame in which we have asus and slice and in my case it's frame 64 and right here you put end simulation and now we're going to be emitting particles just in these moments now go into the particle properties again and open this window that says that it's named source and change the image from from very from faces to vertices and now check this little box of use modifier stack because if we don't it will be generating it will be generating particles from this orange dot because it will be not taking account this boolean modifier that we had so we have to make it realize that it is using a modifier and to generate particles according to that so now the next thing that we have to do if we press play right now you can see that we are generating particles from where we want it but particles are going straight down when they appear we don't want that gravity affects our little particles so we're gonna go into field weights and this activate completely gravity and now go into the physics tab i'm sorry into the velocity and where here where it says normal put zero and now if we go to the beginning of our animation we can see that when particles start to appear they just stay in the place in which they are appearing and they don't move from that place and now we have like a kind of particle generated susan that would be really interesting if we have this as a composition but anyway now what we have to do is to add something that we're gonna instance into this particle so we're gonna press shift a and add a cone right here and before you move anything else maybe this thing is going to be um won't appear to you but you just have to click in this little arrow so that this window opens and now you're gonna select this and set the number of vertices to three and now we're going to get a little pyramid-ish thing and we're gonna move it a little bit to the side we're gonna use this as a particle because it has only four phases and is the less we can get so we're gonna go back into the second particle system and then we're going to go where it says render and change render as from halo to object and then select in this field of instant subject the little cone and now you can see that we have cones all over our slice of susan and now go into the beginning of our animation and right here it doesn't matter where you do it but press shift a and add a wind and move this wind to the side it doesn't matter where in the scene this uh wind is placed it will always go in the same direction in all the coordinates in of our world so we're going to move it a little bit to the side so that so that it doesn't interfere with what is happening in the scene and then we we're going to rotate it in the y axis so that it goes to the right of our composition and then rotate it a little bit in the z axis to the back and now if we press play with our sustain in the screen we can see that particles appear and then start moving a little bit to the right in order to for these particles to fly a little bit more we have to go into the wind force field that we created before and go into the physics properties and put this trend into something like let's say i don't know five maybe for now go back and now you can see that particles are fro are flying a lot more and they start to disappear something around here and if you want you can make the time that they take to disappear a little bit longer by going back into the seconds to send particle settings and set the lifetime into something higher like let's say 80. this animation won't be too long so we're not going to be needing anything more than that and now if you press play you can see that particles fly away and they disappear a little bit further away and now this is it like works but particles are moving like really together and when we have the thanos effect it's like little dirt flying away and deer doesn't fly like all together when you throw it or little sand so we're going to now add right here with ship a a turbulence force field turbulence what is going to do is that it's going to like randomize a little bit the movement of our particles right now if we first play we're not going to see barely anything so in order to see something of these turbulence affecting we have to go back into the physics properties and put in this strength something like 15 let's say and now go back to the beginning and press play and now you can see that particles are moving like more in a more chaotic way that is like more realistic if we are talking about um this kind of sand so now what we can do is to change this flow value right here and put something like five maybe and what this will do is to organize a little bit the the particles in like little paths but not as much as how the wind did it so now we're gonna press play one more time and now you can see that they are making like little groups that move kind of together and flow kind of together but now they are not moving as much as they did before and that's because this flow kind of keeps them together and doesn't let them move as much so we have to hire this wind value into something let's say also 15 and see what happens and now it's moving a little bit more but it's happening something quite similar than what we had at the beginning so we're going to go back into the turbulence force field and change the flow into a lower volume value let's say two and higher the strength of this um turbulence so that we don't get the same effect again and that's it i think something like that is just what i want for this animation and now the next thing that we have to do is to go back into the particle system in our second susan and change the size of our little particles in order to do that we are going to go down here into the render tab let's say here in the particle system and right here we can change the scale into something like point zero one maybe and now they are way smaller and then go right here into rotation so we're going to check this rotation and then randomize this rotation by something like 3.4 let's say now we go back into the beginning and we press play we can see that particles are appearing in different rotations this so now we can hire this number of particles let's say something like 20 000 go back to the beginning and now we're not gonna press play because that could get really laggy so we're going to go down here where it says cache right here and press bake and we have to wait a couple of seconds so that our computer makes all the calculations and now once this is done we can go into the beginning of our animation and press play and this is the result that we're gonna get and now if we go back to the beginning and show the susan we had first we can now press play and see what is going to happen with our effect [Music] really nice isn't it and now all that's left to do is to come right here into our scene put our susan in a place where we like it maybe rotate a little bit in the z axis this effect and if we change anything after we made our bake and we press play we can see that we're going to get exactly the same result and that's because our computer has already calculated all the physics that are going on in our scene so what we have to do to change these calculations is go back here into the cache and then put the lit bake and bake again and now if we go in to the beginning and we press play we can see that we have the new direction of the wind and i did this change so that if we put our camera in something around here where we see our susan how we wanted to see her we are able to see the particles movement when they fly away so now we just have to press shift a go to mesh at a plane scale it up and then press shift a again and add a camera we're going to look to our susan from something around here and now go into view align view align camera to view and we can press play to see how we are going to see our animation and i think i want it i want it a little bit different so we're going to press n in our keyboard go into view lock camera to view and now we can move it as if it was a normal viewport right here and we can see where those particles disappear from our scene and we can set the end of our animation into the frame 150. when all of this is done we can press shift a at the light i'm going to have a sound right here turn on the render for a bit and then you can see that we have light in our scene only to prevent you from clicking it by accident uncheck this box of luck camera to view and then you can rotate a little bit orientation of this sun and now the sun is hitting straight from the right and press a at an area light bring it a little bit up and put it in this side so that we don't get this dark space in the right and we're gonna go into the light properties with the light selected and put the power into something like 50 maybe and bring it a little bit higher and a little bit to the front rotate it now press 0 to go into the camera view press n and for the shading we have two options we can do something similar to what we did in the past tutorial of particles that we used um that we used a node that needed to be rendered in cycles but for this one we're going to use eb so we're going to go into the shading viewport and turn on the render if you want so so that you can see exactly what you're getting in your scene press 0 to go into your camera and now select your first susan and add a new material we are going to set the color of this susan into something like let's say like skin color maybe like sandish color and now go into the roughness and bring it to a higher value and then select the second susan and apply the same material select your the floor of your scene present select the plane that is the floor of our scene and add a new material to it and you can place it put it in any color that you want i'm going to pick something like very similar to the material to the color we had we put in our susan i'm going to put like this kind of brown dark brown maybe yes i think that's just fine and now since we are rendering in cycles something really easy we can to do we can do to disappear the the gray background that we are getting because if we get a render right now we're going to get exactly this what we can do is select our plane press tab to go into the edit mode press the number two select the select the edge we have on the back and then press e and set to extrude it out and now press select this one that we get in the corner and press ctrl b to make a bevel right here and move your mouse wheel up so that you get this kind of subdivisions right here and now we get this big shadow because our sun is lighting from the back of this wall so in order to fix that we're just going to press r and z and move it so that it points towards our background now we're going to press 0 again select this these particles we have right here and right now these particles are part of our susan and that's why we cannot add any material into this so in order to add a material into our particles we have to select this cell this cone we added right here so we're going to select that cone and we're going to press a new material and we're going to add a new material right here and now we can change this color of these particles and i'm going to say it set it into the same color than this that the susan has just a little bit brighter and now just as always go into the output settings and check that your frame end is where you want it to end we are going to go into the output properties and select a folder when you where you want to save it and then just press render and render animation since this was a really heavy scene maybe some computers may have some trouble in by with rendering this with and just a friendly reminder that once all the calculations are done that you have all your park particles working and everything it's not a big deal if you move it right now into cycles the ray tracing is going to happen but the calculations are already done so you won't get as much lag as you would imagine so if you do change it into cycles just set your gpu your device into gpu in case you count with one and then set the max samples into something really low let's say maybe 50 because we're not going to be needing more than that in this composition because we don't have any kind of glass or a lot of reflections to calculate so with 50 will be more than enough and the denoiser will do all the job for us so if you want you can leave it in cycles or as well render it in eevee and i hope you really liked this tutorial it was really fun thinking about how to make this effect so if any one of you wants any kind of tutorial i say it again please put it in the comment section because it you helped me a lot to get new ideas for this channel if you do it i hope you liked if you did please like and subscribe and i hope to see you in the next tutorial [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LIMO Learning
Views: 29,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, principiantes, guia, 3d, interfaz, shortcuts, atajos, herramientas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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