The Jeans Family | Season 1 Episode 1 | Supernanny USA

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tonight on super nanny Joe meets the jeans family and takes on their devilish daughter and twin terrors she has two weeks to turn things around that behavior will make pakoras sit on that multi store and restore power back to the parents [Music] well let's take a look and see what family I have this week I wear the jeans family I'm David and I'm Barbara I met Dave through a friend I was set up with another guy and fortunately the other guy got sick so I saw an opportunity we've been together for about 20 years we were really late bloomers we waited a long time before we had kids and since we've had kids dramatic everything has changed we have three daughters Andra who's four and a half and twins Jesse Leah who just turned three Andra tends to set the tone in our house quite a bit because she's so strong as she's so dominant Andrews very intense she can be aggressive Andy she hits her sisters a lot that is scary that behavior from Andhra has got to stop who is one of our twins she's three if Andy does something and Jessie does the same thing Jesse Jesse Lee is three our other twin she definitely cries a lot I'm gonna need earplugs in this household I have a full-time job I usually have to travel at least once a month for at least four to five nights I am most often the one that is home by myself with the kids it's a pretty long and very exhausting day it's hard to take them anywhere by myself in public and drop that is scary I have spent so much time being stressed that I haven't really been able to enjoy my kids going on what we're looking for a lot from Supernanny because we need a lot Barbara and David I'm on my way [Music] [Music] hi first Barbra Jean seems to be back to super nanny has a very good presence nice to meet you she said hello to the kids right away her tone was very good and upbeat and so I was I was pretty pleased both the twins gave her a big hug so I always read the kids if they like her that's a good thing [Music] [Applause] today when I walked into the gene family I think there was a sigh of relief but I had arrived and was ready to take on all the issues I'm here today okay to observe and to watch how your family works so just go about your day as normal and I know we've got issues that we're going to talk about an address and that I'm going to help you resolve love so I'm going to sit back and watch you guys and I'll let you go fit for any man forward you're here my knee Andy Pandy Andy do you want jelly today when I first walked into the house that parents will do in breakfast [Music] money there is lots of them what's the matter Jesse this morning I had chips for breakfast of your breakfast Leah did not have anything for breakfast there isn't a routine there isn't a structure in the house in the mornings that the children applied by then I said I'll follow you up forgetting the cow stress after breakfast getting the girls dressed that was another stressful event how about this pink thing wear this okay all right shoes walked away the disappearing shoes a Santino made cooperative no so whose trainers of these what's worthy snow sucks for you shoes again just missing one now mr. looketh red shoe and he's not being very cooperative with her father we're looking for shoes again we can't find the shoes this house badly needs organization I have no idea what the boots are I found out very quickly that the household didn't have much organization at all and it was very chaotic so far Barry off to the supermarket now yes we're gonna go to the supermarket it's hard to take them to the store by myself because I can't control them where's Jesse she's right here come on let's get in the car come on Leo let's get in [Music] get in your seat and that's how and replies back to you right okay I'm getting the gist of this now yeah what book your Care Bear book you hadn't seen for a month do you want to here's do you want to carry your care public what was that yeah just picked it I think it's absolutely crazy don't get it well you kick me you don't hit anything I'd like to be the boss and I don't feel like I am right now or that I ever have been if you don't pick me for a few days maybe I'll give you a Care Bear book back mom time treme his best-ever estar [Music] he went to hear what you have to say it was just ridiculous this tantrum was going on forever I don't know how Barbara drove that car with Andrew screaming the way she was when we arrived at the supermarket all three girls were arguing who was going to sit in the cart and it was real troublesome what safely it can squeeze in next to you this is every mother's nightmare children playing up in the supermarket where everyone else can watch you don't Jesse hey Jesse what are you doing honey Jesse Jesse it was real troublesome for Barbara and then Andrew was all over the place running down all the aisles Pantera and dropped Andhra Andra [Music] and II do Barbara doesn't exercise her full control as a parent when Andrew is being very demanding I think is absolutely crazy that Barbara tolerate that kind of behavior from Andrew [Music] you need to prank me Yeah right I'll be extra good if you give me as Oh nuts manipulation at its best third supermarket run was just ridiculous I feel that Barbara definitely needs to take control of that situation when she is shopping with all three girls so what happens now with the girls that's what I'm hoping you'll help me with because I don't really know nothing happens I mean I have nothing scheduled with them at all [Music] there was no structure or routine to Barbara's day at all with the children all right you guys she's got so many hours with the girls I just doesn't know what to do with them they get bored they end up fighting with one another [Music] Android tends to dominate and lead the play and ruin Sharon at the moment we don't mix she's also very aggressive she hits her twin sisters [Music] that kind of behavior is just not acceptable and it has to be addressed [Music] dinnertime miss ravioli so do the children normally with their hands even though they've got cutlery yes Jesse Jesse sit down sit down honey meal times are just hellacious for me if we could all sit down at a meal and stay seated for 10 minutes without outburst that would be a huge thing for me andr get out sit down sit down [Music] mom and dads were just trying to keep the children at the table and if I was David and Barbara I would have had indigestion it was making me dizzy just to watch him it was just feeding time at the zoo I think you can say to be honest dinners I was ridiculous Andra made a big fuss about not having the sippy cup that she wanted what do i do i warm you want this one warmed up Andra was not letting up that kind of behavior is a no-no in my book [Music] this child has got too much leeway she has tantrums that the parents tolerate it's just disgusting it needs to change when I'm observing in the Jean household I take mental notes of how the family dynamics work and then later on in the evening boo sit down and discuss the issues that need to be addressed okay I've made some mental notes of your wonderful family and I would love for us to sit down and have a talk about what I've seen today okay okay when Joel said that she was going to talk to us about what she had seen I my first thought was you know I was a little bit nervous let me begin by saying to the pair of you how proud you must be as parents to have three beautiful daughters and so on that note I'd like to talk about the pair of you raising your three girls and what I have seen and the first thing that comes to mind when I walked into the house was organization or lack thereof very much so it's very chaotic we don't know where anything is and it causes a lot of wasted time also I'd like to talk about the routine that you have in this house it's definitely unstructured when there isn't a routine in a house your children don't know what's happening or what's coming next all three of them then get really bored what it allows the children to do is misbehave for your attention Ondra behaves in a way that I find disrespectful she shouts and she yells under in the back of the car crying was absolutely mayhem how do you focus and concentrate driving a car when you've got the kids screaming and having a tantrum in the back but not once did I hear you turn and say stop that behavior today I saw classic at dinnertime Andra 1:10 that sippy cup and what happened was she had a tantrum and when she throws a bone you guys go on fetch Andrews behavior with Jessie and Lea has got to stop their snatching the aggressiveness that has to stop and what's happening is it's Jessie's learning jessie is copying and the pair of you are not enforcing any form of discipline you know you have to get a grip on that their behavior is not acceptable and the only two people that is putting up with that is the pair of you you're tolerating it you're putting up with it and then you're wondering why your children are behaving the way they are and as a result of all of this I see a tired Barbara I see a Barbara who's emotionally drained that actually inside wants to be able to be Barbara and not mum 24/7 and I'm pretty exhausted and spent and for somebody to recognize that I was a little emotional for me Barbara's been exhausted since the birth of the kids she is exhausted it's it's a hard job it was hard to hear that Andrews behavior in particular is so over-the-top and completely unacceptable I see the pair of you at a point where I feel is quite desperate tomorrow we are going to change it for the better and we're gonna have positive results all the way around so that your family is functioning a lot better I wonder if super nanny can can pull it off really because that has been my big question my first fear as well maybe she'll give us these things and what if they don't work [Music] today when I walked into the house wanting changed drastically I put a routine on the ward okay this is a routine because your house needs organization because we can't find anything anywhere and there's no structure to the day I've broken the whole day down for Barbara so that she knows what she's going to do with her girls during the day and at 4 to 5 we're gonna do an hour of constructive play with the girls so they have something to look forward to in the afternoon the routine being structured with organized activities is really going to help the girls so that they're not bored so that they don't play up and misbehave if we even go some similans of organization I think it would really help I've been chronically disorganized my whole life but I'm definitely a confident about my ability to make that happen so this is the routine out with the old in with the new I let's get started the behavior that I want to eliminate in the house is the yelling the shouting the Tantrums the aggression the kicking the biting and that's why the next thing that I introduced into the house was a discipline technique I don't want you girls to shout at your mummy and daddy anymore to be rude like these yes Jesse yes and if you don't listen mummy is going to put you on the naughty stall and explain to you now the discipline of the naughty store account I want you to come down literally to their level give them eye contact and I want you to use a low tone voice okay you give your children a warning first to stop the behavior if they carry on I want you then to walk them over and place them on their store and say to them you're going to stay there now until I come and get you and you walk away I'm not looking forward to experiencing some of the naughty store episodes with Andra because she is a fighter David spends a lot of time away on business so that means that Barbara has to deal with all three girls and the responsibility is solely on Barbara it wasn't long before Andra started yelling and shouting at mom she really test Barbara you may not decide for them watch us use to stop shining you every time you mean just a sheer shout at me like that then it's not acceptable you shouted me again and you're going on the naughty stool so cane this doll you sit in the naughty stool until I tell you that it's okay to get up you understand me talk to the PA Andrew Andrew Andy sit down firm voice Barbara sit down and your stay there because you were being very rude to mummy now you stay here on the stone until mommy comes and gets you because that behavior is not acceptable and it's not a game [Music] don't lose hope with Andhra I know that she's testing you more than the younger girls have it's all about repetition and following through and being consistent with discipline after given them their minutes she's then to come back and to explain why they were put on a naughty store and then to ask for an apology you were sitting on the stool because you were shouting at mommy and you were very rude to mommy and I am NOT gonna tolerate that anymore she tested mum on every level and eventually Andrew got the message this is where you're gonna be if you do that again do you understand I want an apology so [Music] what I wanted to do was decrease the amount of aggression in Andrew Andrew needs to be taught that she has two other sisters in her family that she has to share with so I brought in a shopping game for mommy to play with all three girls Andrew Leah Jesse we're gonna play shots today there were two shopping carts one cash register and mom had to decide who was playing what role I think it would probably be a very good idea if Leah or Jesse was the cashier first I encouraged Barbara to make sure that Andrew wasn't the cashier that she wanted to be because Andrew always wants to get her own way and it's important that Andrew realizes that she can't get our way all the time okay honey we're all gonna rotate okay Andrew first Jesse's gonna be the cashier [Music] Jessie do it the cashier okay so he could be just like a share at the store sister Barbara got to stop like that I don't regard Andy's mommy's trying to talk tips what I'm trying to talk to you I need you to listen to me Barbara's really struggling Andrew was totally disrespectful towards Barbara I had to address the situation myself that behavior is no good and that behavior will make you go and sit on that naughty store you've got to learn just to talk and ask mummy do you understand me thank you very much now she's gone right when Andrew was pulled aside and Joe was talking to her it was very difficult I've never really seen her face look like it looked Andrew does need to have respect for her mother and Barbara needs to make sure that Andrew knows exactly who's in charge so we put the food back all right onto the shelves as well and then you designate just the classic and start again everybody's shopping this is a supermarket got Lea plan with the bags and you're organizing stacks of food and Jesse dealing with the money yes [Music] I think another one were nice thank you very good bye thanks for shopping safe driving because shopping for Barbera is such a nightmare I introduced to her today the involvement technique so that she could go shopping and get the girls involved so that they wouldn't start getting bored and misbehave the first thing that I want you to do is write the girls out a shopping list and take a few things off of your list and put it on their list and I want you to tell all three children what your expectations of them are okay girls we are gonna go to the grocery store we're going to the supermarket and mommy is gonna need your help once we get to the supermarket they have that list oh okay we are all strapped in [Music] [Applause] so the main objective here is to not keep your children in a supermarket and I'm gonna necessary but I was teaching Barbara is that she should be able to get the children to help her and to put food and veg into the shopping cart food good job box of strawberries please all right Jesse can hold the cucumber can you get a little bit of broccoli please I'm really proud of Barbara how she's managing all through the children she's able to shop and get what's on the list it's such a big improvement marvelous good looking potato Andrews engaged in stimulating activities so her focus is on that rather than on her mom's attention new girls did so well at the grocery store today I'm so very pleased with the way you've helped mommy so now we get to ride the horsey [Music] her mom it was a really good successful shopping trip definitely than what it had been before because it'd been a nightmare it has helped me gain some confidence in my ability to take them into a store that was really great it was awesome I'm leaving the family for a few days I've taught Barbara and David all the techniques that they need for their family thank you hurry back I think it's a tough time ahead my whole hesitation of it is okay can we keep it up I said guys remember so that you've got some structure in your day all right you know tomorrow I'll be waking up without Joe there for the first time I'm definitely nervous about that it's gonna be challenging but it's down to them to implement everything I have taught them and whilst they're doing it I'm gonna be watching them be and you get in the car and sit down stop present you're going a hundred is a very dominant personality and that's why I'm preparing myself for a fight and II do not run away from me I have no idea where that hair band is that you had yesterday that was your responsibility she stood in the situation Barbara get Aundre into the car you dare you do that and you're going inside and sitting on the naughty store I'm just still carrying on with her attitude [Music] how under to stop shouting during the time that Joe has been gone I have been having a hard time whilst it discipline with Andra and it's been a challenge I don't know what I'm doing I don't have any other answers for what's going on my main fear is just that I haven't been around working with it much so I'm the weak link kind of thing what did I teach you warning first sit there because you're kicking and fighting me and you're not I was very uncomfortable tonight with with putting an e in the knotty stool because I wasn't sure if my voice was right I did get down to to eye level and one happy but how's the first time I tried it stay there oh here we go what do we do about the yelling it seems so simple okay you stop crying it's okay we can apologize to me thank you dad you need a better story than that nothing learnt there nothing [Music] dave is away right now and that adds more pressure to me because not only am I trying to implement this new routine but then I'm also just dealing with the stress of being alone with the three of them what are you doing it's not okay to keep hurting your sister those are definite low points for me when I can feel my attention feeling like what am I gonna do if it's not working it just goes downhill from there [Music] you're gonna start needing to cooperate neat oh my what a date family fact we are leaving sit down at the table man is wanting to go on the naughty school girls we need socks and shoes the kids are running riot right now they hit sinew I've got to get back after being away for a couple of days I came back to the genes household and to show a Barbara and David some DVD footage of themselves since I've been away well I've got some footage here that I'd like all of us to sit down and watch okay let's take a look I know you do horrifying I understand your circumstances you're running late but don't give her that control she's not doing as she's told and she's getting away with it will you apologize to me yes I'm asking permission from a four-year-old if you give your children the chance they'll easily manipulate the situation and Andrews in control of that discipline at the moment we can apologize to me thank you if I said she was sorry and that's all I wanted to hear people say to me when's a sorry a genuine sorry and I think of genuine sorry it's not in the word it's how it's delivered so you know you could have turned and just said to her please talk to me properly [Music] why are you doing to your sister would you watch what you're doing please little tone of voice not that at all not good at all every time she's registering that she's getting away with it and that's the message that goes across no you're absolutely right it would have been none of this would have happened right okay so what we're gonna do today guys is tweak all the stuff that needs tweak in all right okay great okay [Music] give me your battery to me I'm going to place you don't listen to me still you're going on the naughty store David still needs to get the smallest details on the naughty store technique stay here for four minutes apologize to me you can leave she will learn that when you follow through with this naughty store technique that it's you she must listen to very serious sorry yeah thanks a face this is right now we're at the last stage with the apology look at daddy stop whinging and sorry okay thank you you know only 15 more years of this and I might be in your level robbers definitely struggling with discipline in so I'm gonna be teaching Barbara how to project and to maintain a loads honed voice I'd like you literally to say no stop that no stop that okay that was good that was good for a first time so just brewing the voice out with more clarity no stop that okay do a happy praise voice so bring your voice up hi Andra that is really fantastic andr that is really fantastic no that's unacceptable that is not acceptable and it's very good that is very good behave yourself behave yourself I don't want you to do that do not do that using my voice in my tone and my expression as a way to manage my kids I think that gives me a little bit more confidence and more hope I need you to apologize to me one complete circle around I mean Jo is great I think she's amazing I'm really hopeful that I can maintain the techniques and the things that we've been working on while she's here having a routine for me to be able to have activities with the children has been a really positive change for us Leah can you show me your butterfly it feels so much less stressful just tantrums have gone down can you do the petals she's not acting out so that's a huge improvement with Jessie I have noticed improvements with Andrea in particular she's not shouting me and she's not being aggressive with her sisters andrew has actually not even been back to the knotty stool I really didn't expect to see this much change in this short period of time nicely done everybody's sitting so well my favorite times now are breakfast and dinner when we all sit together and get to hang out together let me see your face Barbara's becoming palette and as a result the children know their place we are gonna stay seated at the table and we are gonna eat dinner okay we're absolutely gonna miss Jo it's been amazing it's been wonderful to have her here she has been very supportive feel quite cheerful me too you've been a real inspiration I just hope that you keep that strength all right I appreciate that thank you take care when I said goodbye to Barbara I felt an energy from her that was really overwhelming it really touched me emotionally who gets it first we walk out the house and you say goodbye to a woman that actually knows that she can do it I left feeling that Barbara found something within herself that was priceless I've done what I was meant to do here in this family and I'm off for the next one now [Music] Joe has helped me function with my kids and helped me feel stronger and I think through feeling stronger I do feel more like myself the impact that Joe has had on my family is huge it's changed everyday life into everyday living it's changed just trying to get through the day to to enjoy in a day it has become more fun with the girls I've been able to enjoy them more than really in a long time or ever oh good job I feel very hopeful for our future so that were able to happily ever after I mean I really would just say thank you [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 3,081,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supernanny, super nanny, Supernanny UK, Supernanny US, Supernanny Full Episodes, Jo Frost, jo frost, Extreme Parental Guidance, Tantrum, supernanny worst family ever, Supernanny adhdautistic kid, supernanny mean mom, supernanny jo, jo supernanny, Watch Supernanny, Supernanny clips, Full Episode, The Jeans Family, S01E01, twin girls, establishing boundaries, mealtimes, shopping
Id: x53xlJeGrBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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