Disproving Aaron1912's Titanic V-break

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have you guys ever come across a video or book maybe even a television program which focus on subject matters that you are familiar with on the surface it might look new and interesting but the more you dive into it the piece becomes a blatant form of misinformation worse yet others read or view the material and since it was created to be intentionally misleading they view that as fact and go about spreading that misinformation you see this all the time with movies based on historical events and when they change something for the movie people think that the movie is how it actually happened being a Titanic enthusiast I can't help but notice the uptake of comments in my videos and others about a youtuber named Erin 1912 for the better part of 10 years he's been manufacturing videos where he attempts to prove how Titanic sank and split apart the only problem with these videos is that they rely entirely on falsifying survivor testimony intentionally cherry-picked and/or misleading testimony and they asked the viewer to completely throw the laws of physics out the window but normally this wouldn't be a problem and the videos would take care of themselves and get lost amongst the throngs of videos uploaded to YouTube every day anyone with half a brain and an ounce of common sense could look at them see the immediate faults and dismiss them for what they are the wet dream of a lunatic but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction and somehow it seems that Erin has managed to convince the vast majority of his audience that take the time to actually watch his videos that not only does he have a point but that he's actually right so what you are about to watch is the complete dissemination of his most recent video I'm going to pick apart his argument bit by bit in order to show you just how ridiculous his theory is you might know some of this information you might not know some of this information this video is not meant to be entertaining it will be dry and it won't be for everyone so you want to go ahead and click off and save yourself some time from watching it I won't hold anything against you whatsoever that being said let's put on our radiation suits and start delving into the madness of air in 1912 the overall basis of Aaron's theory is this the ship struck an iceberg and the forward compartment started to flood within minutes of the collision workers opened the watertight doors in order to hook up the flooding rooms to the pump system the workers left those watertight doors open allowing water to freely flood afterwards the sperm the ship begins to sink down vertically with very little to no angle at all until the water line reaches edik Aaron then surmises that water made his way onto Scotland Road where it caused the Titanic to list over to port the ship continued to sink down vertically in the water until the break-up occurred Aaron then states that the bowel moved forward away from the stern during the break-up lifted up into the air and then sank the middle of the ship broke off from the stern twisted a little in sank and the stern then somehow lifted itself up in the air and then sank if you can spot the flaws in the laws of physics and logic already good job so let's start at the beginning at 11:40 p.m. the ship did indeed strike an iceberg and the forward compartments pretty much immediately began flooding with water the order to open the watertight doors aft of boiler room 5 came at 12:10 a.m. 30 minutes after the collision took place not within minutes as Aaron claims but Aaron does explain correctly why they were opened it was to bring the suction pipes forward and hook them into the pump systems so that they could begin to pump water out of the ship but what Aaron doesn't explain is that the only watertight doors that were opened are those forward of the engine room and aft of the flooding compartments the watertight doors aft of the engine room and those in the flooding compartments in the bow were left as is in their closed positions once the watertight doors are closed they have to be manually reopened something which Aaron conveniently omits from his theory and to you the viewer why because he needs you to believe that all the doors were opened so that water could make its way aft into the ship without this crucial bit of evidence his theory sort of makes sense but what it added into the equation the theory is already impossible but let's not get ahead of ourselves so the doors have to be opened manually most historians that I've seen talk about this matter estimate that it would have taken approximately 10 minutes to reopen these doors so the next part of Aaron's theory is that the water flooded aft in the boiler rooms and began to make the ship sink down vertically in the water so now would probably be a good time to explain to you how the watertight door systems worked on the Olympic class ships so that you can better understand how this will be impossible the watertight doors could be closed in three ways one is an electronic switch which is how officer Murdoch closed them when the collision occurred the second is by manually closing the doors by hand one at a time and it's a very tedious job the last way the doors could be shut was a fail-safe built into them in case the other two methods failed this was operated by a failsafe mechanism inside the bulkhead walls adjacent to each watertight door in the event that water began to flood a compartment this mechanism would trigger the release inside the bulkhead and the door would immediately shut harland and wolff were some of the most innovative and experienced shipbuilders in the world at the time did you really think that they would design a ship will the watertight door system and not build a fail-safe in case some of the men had evacuated the boiler rooms in the electronic switch device failed of course they didn't errand conveniently left that bit of information out of his theory in order to intentionally mislead you into thinking the ship sank in the way that he wants it to which brings us to our next point in Aaron's theory the ship sinking down vertically in the water with little to no forward list as I explained with the watertight doors this is impossible as soon as water began to enter a new watertight compartment in the bowel the watertight door immediately to the rear of that compartment would slam shut to trap the water in there but Aaron wants you to believe the ship sank down vertically for basically one reason it explains how passengers just didn't notice the ship was sinking so as a short counter-argument to this I'll quote Ken Marschall a world-renowned Titanic historian and artist from a Titanic Channel episode about the making of the 1997 James Cameron movie sea in order to film the 97 movie James Cameron built approximately 80% of the entire ship and then had it set up on hydraulics so that the set could be tilted to a maximum of 6 degrees for shooting the sinking sequences here's what Kym Marshall had to say on the subject and you learned so much about what they did that night and what they went through and why people reacted the way they did to certain things because we were reenacting it it was like all these light bulbs were going off about things for example the ship when it was disassembled during the Christmas break in 1996 and 1997 and then reacted at a 6 degree angle for the sinking sink wences that were to come for the next several months it was amazing how quickly we got used to that 6 degree angle you would think that you look at it and it's at this angle and yet after walking around on the decks for just a few minutes you forgot that the thing was angled now why is that important it leads right into the fact that passengers were not all that concerned at 4 first so now you know how the watertight doors worked on board these ships and how they were designed to hold back water into a compartment and keep it from freely flooding you know that even if the workers evacuated the boiler rooms those doors would still close and trap the water in the bow the weight of that water would pull the bow down which would make the stern rise up this single-handedly proves how Aaron's theory of a vertical syncing is complete lunacy so now let's move on to the most infamous part of Aaron's theory that the ship performed a V break anytime you try to explain to Aaron that this is nonsense he responds with the famous sketch by Jack Thayer on board Carpathia to prove that it's true except that the sketch isn't by Jack Thayer it's actually by an artist called Skidmore Thayer gave his account of what happened Skidmore while they were on the Carpathia and Skidmore created the sketch when they arrived in New York he gave that sketch to newspapers which printed it as an explanation of what happened Jack Thayer for the rest of his life whenever asked about the sketch refused it as truth and solemnly said that it wasn't an accurate representation of what he told Skidmore Aaron however simply refers to that as fake news a short overview of the physics behind a V break is the entire ship weighed fifty two thousand three hundred and ten tons the stern is comprised of roughly 25% of the ship's length which makes it roughly thirteen thousand seventy seven tons the bowel rec is roughly two-thirds the length of the entire ship which would make it roughly thirty four thousand eight hundred seventy three tons the middle section as Aaron describes it then brings up the remainder with a rate of four thousand three hundred and sixty tons once the bow is filled with water it weighs exponentially more than thirty four thousand 873 tons water is heavier than air after all and when air is forced out of the ship by incoming water it makes the bow heavier that is in effect how sinking works sinking 101 air out water in water heavy ship sinks so if the bow section weighs thirty four thousand eight hundred seventy three tons when it's completely dry it would weigh much much more than that during the break-up because it's full of water in order for that much weight to move back up in the water and even out of the water you would need something under the ship pushing it upwards which is able to overcome the weight of the now 70,000 plus ton bow or you would need the stern of the ship to be pushing downward on the rear of the bow so intensely that it forces the forward most part of the bow upward I don't think I need to explain to you that it's impossible for a thirteen thousand 77 ton Stern and four thousand three hundred and sixty ton middle section of the ship to put enough pressure on a seventy thousand plus Tom bow to make it rise up so unless Godzilla was underneath the ship doing a few bench presses it's completely impossible that the bow not only moved up but almost fully out of the water there is no debating this it's simple physics now comes the last part that I wanted to talk about which is the survivor accounts to show you exactly how Aaron has been lying to you when he presents you with a survivor account if you do any digging online particularly on encyclopedia titanica you'll see the ravings of the lunatic now known as air in nineteen twelve on there for the better part of ten years he's also been on IMDb even longer than that I believe as far back as 2004 and it's an open secret in the Titanic community that he fabricates survivor accounts he cherry picks what his theory ignores what doesn't fit his theory and takes words completely out of context we in the Titanic community have likewise trying to reason with him but after him refusing to see reason for the better part of a decade we just stopped trying to talk to him altogether the only problem is on YouTube he isn't just talking to and presenting his so-called evidence to the Titanic community he's Bruce if he's presenting it to anyone in the world with an internet connection to watch his stuff and be misled by it the first survivor in his video that he quotes is a mr. Miller's which Aaron states suddenly her nose of which I was standing on seemed to rise from underneath the water what actually happened to mr. William J Mellors was he had been standing on the boat deck near collapsible a when he noticed the ship taking a sudden dip down this caused a wave reported by other passengers to come running up the boat deck Mellors was swept off the deck and into the water right next to collapsible a it's also worthy to note that due to the first funnel falling in a second wave hitting the lifeboat it was pushed approximately 50 yards from the ship what Mellors actually said was when I came to my senses I saw the ship part in the middle with the stern standing several hundred feet out of the water which tells you right there that Mellors was either knocked unconscious or he wasn't aware of what was happening to the ship during the break-up so again how did he see a quote-unquote v break happen if he states in his survivor testimony when I came to my senses this is a blatant example of how Aaron lies to you and intentionally misleads you when he presents you with survivor testimony so let's move on to the next survivor mrs. HIPAA Aaron states that she said the ship's bow rose up in the air as the steamer sank toward the center the full quote from what mrs. Lewis hipot said is this then we started to row I knew the ship was sinking fast because I saw the portholes were near the water we heard someone cry in an appealing voice to come back and get more passengers but we did not dare to the boat listed so much to one side that I felt sure we will be swamped when we had rowed about a hundred and fifty yards from the Titanic we heard a fearful explosion I saw the ship split open at the same time the ship's bow rose up in the air as the steamer sank toward the center we expected to be sucked into the ocean in the wake of the Titanic and I closed my eyes I waited and waited finally I opened my eyes and the Titanic was gone now here we have a passenger that seems to coincide with Aaron's theory with the mentioning of the bowel rising up and sinking toward the center but yet again Aaron has deceived you he intentionally never mentions the mysterious listing the ship suffered just before the final plunge took place moments before the break-up if you delve into the survivor accounts you'll see that many people standing on the ship when it began to plunge mention that it felt like the bowel moved up before it dipped down you'll also see many conflicting reports about the ship's list whether it had a port list or as some passengers were called returned to an even keel so let me show you where mrs. HIPAA closed and let me load in a model of Titanic for you okay that's nice the ship had a nine degree port list and it was down by the head approximately ten degrees when the plunge began if you factor in the ship returning to an even keel and eliminating its port list oh my Dodd it looks like the bow rose up out of the water doesn't it Aran strikes again so let's move on to the next survivor mrs. Chaffee Aaron states the middle seemed to go down lifting bow and stern into the air her full quote is the ship sank steadily until just at the last when it plunged rapidly just before going down it seemed to rise breaking into three parts into which it was divided first the middle seemed to go down lifting bow and stern into the air then it twisted the other way throwing the middle up finally the bow went under and it plunged Stern last light mrs. HIPAA Corps mrs. Chaffee was also in boat for so we can use the same point of view for mrs. HIPAA kfe indicates that before the ship began to plunge that it rised and broke into three segments this writhing motion is consistent with what I explained during the hip except meant where the ship returned from a port list to an even keel as for her explanation of the ship breaking into three segments I'll defer to Roman got here he stated that the ship most likely did break into multiple segments what he called the aft and full were towers had their internal structure shoved upwards by the bending of the keel just as cap Chafee claims the bow went down in the stern followed last notice how even in Roy's diagram the bow only moves up ever so slightly but not entirely out of the water like Aaron claims this is yet another example of Aaron taking a survivor's words completely out of context and refusing to look at it from multiple ways that it could have happened so next up let's do mrs. Cameron all she says in Aaron's video is and the ends were sticking up mrs. Cameron's full quote is we got about two miles from the Titanic and watched her sink she just broke into and the ends were sticking up for about five minutes this again seems to support Aaron's theory but it's an error in slang people spoke differently at the tournaments tree than they do now if you look through several survivor accounts you'll notice that many of them refer to the ship's bow as her bowels notice how they refer to the singular bow and being plural by adding an S to it mrs. Cameron has done the same thing in her statement with the end when he read the statement and understand the slang it reads as follows we got about two miles from the Titanic and watched her sink she just broken two and the end was sticking up for about five minutes so lastly I want to take a look at let's say richard Norris Williams aron claims that williams said and the forward in bounded up again I felt the deck come up right under me I found we were high and dry here is a brilliant example of Aaron taking what a survivor says in intentionally twisting their words to mislead you because not only has Aaron completely made up part of this testimony but he took words from multiple testimonies in order to make what he wants you to read sort of makes sense here are the multiple actual accounts of what richard Norris Williams said about Titanic the first is a note from Walter Lord the author of a night to remember he said water catches up with them he and his father and sweeps them from the deck toward the stern the ship seems to be rushing forward and down making the wave that engulfs them father has swept away carried overboard himself here's a last word from father strikes out swimming thinks he goes a mile actually fifty to a hundred feet turns around and watches in astonishment as Titanic towers over him despite the horror and the peril can't help feeling it's a majestic sight the Titanic Rises settles back then starts rising again this time all the way stern rises right out of the water till rudder and three propellers are clearly visible right above seems to twist around in a semicircle then plunges straight down the second is richard Norris Williams's account from his own memoir it was an extraordinary sight as the bow went under the stern lifted higher and higher into the air then pivoted and swung slowly over my head looking straight up I saw the three propellers and the rudder distinctly outlined against the clear sky she described just about a semicircle and then slid into the ocean ocean facing England no suction no noise two or three big waves stillness then the cries and yells of sixteen hundred people struggling in the ice-cold water the final recollection that I have of richard Norris Williams was taken while on board Carpathia the forward end where we stood was sinking rapidly and before we could jump together the water washed my father over then with explosions the ship seemed to break into and the forward end bounded up again for an instant I leaped but with dozens and the water between us my father was lost to me see how Aaron bents this man's words and took things out of context intentionally to make it support his v break theory and mislead you in the process when you see the full quotes it becomes abundantly clear what this man saw during the night of the sinking and yet Aaron would have you believe in the ridiculous Herculean monstrosity of a V break those are only the first five survivor accounts that errand has saw fit to quote in his video he quoted several more and with each quote he doesn't give you the full account of what someone says he takes things out of context each account has been cherry picked and he blatantly ignores things that do not line up with his theory or he will straight up fabricate what someone says in order to make it fit into his theory Aaron 1912 is a lunatic who cannot comprehend how physics works even at the most basic and fundamental level he is a madman who will not listen to reason when you show him a survivor quote that he is intentionally misquoted he rages at you with all the ferocity of a weeping toddler I've had a run-in with him once on encyclopedia titanica where I tried to provide him with more survivor testimony not in an angry and biased way like I've done in this video but calmly and collectively Aaron responded to this calm and collective response by messaging the site's administrators and reporting me for harassing him as time has worn on I've grown tired of having to explain the sheer stupidity of his theories to people and so I made this video if you're someone who doesn't like me and doesn't like the videos that I make that's fine I can't please everyone and I don't want to please everyone but one thing you'll never be able to say about my videos or my channel is that I blatantly lied to my viewers and mislead them by fabricating evidence in order to get more attentions and views I always include sources to everything I use in quote in other videos either by the videos themselves or in the video description that way you can feel free to disagree with me all you want read my sources and form your own conclusions errand on the other hand does the exact opposite but what can you expect from someone who seems to have spent his entire life inside a bubble unwilling to accept any other reality but their own you
Channel: Titanic Animations
Views: 871,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titanic v break, titanic sinking, ship sinking, rms titanic, titanic, titanic real time, titanic theories, titanic theory, titanic truth, aaron1912, titanic animations, titanic honor and glory, honor and glory, THG, james cameron, ken marschall, titanic fact, history, theory, animation, v-break, aaron1912 titanic, aaron1912 v brake, v brake, how titanic broke in half, ship physics, titanic watertight compartments, titanic watertight door, wreck
Id: NIjw_0K84N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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