Titanic: The Facts Told By Real Survivors | British Pathé

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on Wednesday April at 10th 1912 in brilliant sunshine although the day was cold the unsinkable pride of the White Star Line left Southampton she was commanded by Captain Smith Commodore of the White Star Fleet and this was to be his last appointment before retiring a crowd had gathered on the pier to watch her leave her moorings the Titanic was a new breed of luxury liner the route for this maiden voyage took her to shurberg and Queenstown where she took on emigrants bound for the new world among her passengers were many of the wealthy and influential with according to one calculation combined assets of a hundred and twenty million pounds there was something about the Titanic it was so very farmer it was so stiff the atmosphere was stiff the coziness well you know they kind of get together feeling it didn't exist always remember going up on the lift a little boy said to me you know madam it's quite an honor I'm only 14 years old I'm a live boy but we were sleeping 6 in a bug and we were treated alike as if we were here third-class rested as de Graaff the food we were not allowed to go at any part of this ship except the deck that we allowed together if you are rich the decks provided a sumptuous way of life the band played the gayest tunes and American ragtime dancers and in the splendor of the cafe Parisi and the light melodies of the day the dining room staterooms and common rooms were furnished in various periods and styles so that English gentlemen might sit in rooms paneled and adorned write their own at home and so that there's extra good food inches could be counteracted they even provided a splendidly equipped gymnasium on Sunday evening April of 14th the night of the gala dinner the band was playing the millionaires were drinking at the bar the Titanic was aglow with glittering lights then three rings on the Bell gave the alarm from the crow's nest and a shot down the telephone ice ahead the time was 11:40 it was a very slight bump just a little jar nothing at all now went in my room there was a second light jar nothing of consequence but you knew something had happened and one man said no dad that's a nice bird and it's a whopper because you know there's one-eighth above the water and 7/8 below and this bloomin things there oh all the way over the top of the ship thought nothing of it we picked up the bits of ice and motiva sprayed snowballs well I've had a lifebelt it went to the cabin to the first class cabins I'll put this older not just not securely and I was walking aimlessly on deck thinking was it an X and looked over the side I saw the boats being launched for the survivors and it supposedly children first side then child's there while looking over the side of the boat one of the crew in the lifeboat shells out the wings a jump or I didn't actually double the both us called across and there it's came roundel Falls topped in the water and I was picked up with a boat that we towed the pick me up a little while later a man came to my door he's Teachman chattering he said madam get up get out do you know they're making a women and children leave in lifeboats they say you're coming back for breakfast you know these crazy English they do anything then we could get up go off and boats and go off and come back for breakfast what do you think of that but before I went unlocked every window in my three staterooms and close every trunk and locked every trunk and took the keys with me 19 keys for 19 drums out of my evening slippers diamond buckles no not real diamonds but diamond and I had a wool cap and two Fox furs and a paper-thin broad tail coat and no underwear and no stockings but a pair of velvet slippers and these buckles now lost a buckle and who should I see mr. monk a miniature painter he said look it's trouble there's just a No well he said you have to jump now into the life oh I said jump with this thing I got on what do you think I am an acrobat or a monkey or something I can't jump in this thing what he says you're after my sister's in that lifeboat well I looked at that lifeboat swinging out on the davits Oh possibly oh I don't know by measurements it was an awful long way and down below was the sea 14 stories below or if we jumped in you fell between no I never would have left the ship but a sailor came along and he said say you you don't want to be saved well I'll save you baby and he grabbed his feet from under my arm and he tossed it in the lifeboat and I turned to this man monk and I said that does it but when they threw that gig I know it was my mother calling me yeah when we look at the figures there were less people say from the steerage class that's right then they were from the first job because they were not allowed to go on a personal stake and that was the only way one could be saved yes in the wireless cabin the two operators Phillips and bride flashed out signals for assistance until the deck was awash did the band actually play music while a ship went down no yeah I heard the band playing with a boat struck when I first tried to give them deck but when I decided to jump off the boat I actually saw the big stand about with the instruments I don't doubt that they were playing music other people heard it but when people say that music played as a ship went down that is a ghastly horrible lie Arthur Lewis the bedroom steward was saved because he was detailed to row one of the lifeboats what were the other passengers like in the lifeboat what I never spoke you see those women the children in the boat all night but they never spoke there's just sit back sit back down there waiting for you picked up did you never talk to each other know what we did know one another so we can get in conversation then the horrible fear was in my heart and I think everybody else's that the dreadful dreadful suction that it drawn us towards the Titanic would Serkis under the Titanic at 2:20 a.m. on Monday the 15th of April and two and a half hours after she struck the iceberg the largest liner afloat slid beneath the black icy waters to the floor of the Atlantic the Titanic carried a total of 2,000 206 passengers and crew 703 people survived the total loss of life was 1503 you
Channel: British Pathé
Views: 6,159,593
Rating: 4.9110026 out of 5
Keywords: Archive, Video, Death, Southampton, Iceberg, Ireland, Original, Perished, Interviews, Interview, Cruise, Reuters, Belfast, France, Sailing, Liner, Titanic, RMS, rare, Exclusive, Movie, Survivors, Footage, April, Survivor, Passenger, Clip, Ocean, Cherbourg, Sinking, Newsreel, Film, News, Vintage, Documentary, History, 1912, Hampshire
Id: _xKDRmhp6lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2011
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