Hitler's Favourite Hang-Out - Mooslahnerkopf Teahouse

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[Music] the eagle nest is one of the famous surviving buildings associated with Adolf Hitler and sits today on a ridge of kelin mountain at an elevation of 6,7 Ft above sea level and 2,700 ft above oraz sburg the Nazi gazed Community up the mountain from the town of beus Garden in Bavaria it is an extraordinary building constructed for Hitler in 1937 to 38 on the orders of Martin Borman his secretary for use as a reception house so that Hitler could impress visiting dignitaries reached up a winding and dangerous fourmile Long Mountain Road it is often erroneously described as Hitler's tea house but Hitler did not like the Nest due to the high altitude and the lift that carried visitors the final 400 ft to the building itself and only visited the Kellin diplomatic reception house which is the Eagles Nest real name perhaps two dozen times between 1939 and 1944 Hitler's actual tea house was a completely separate building also of a striking design but standing on the same lower altitude as obz alburg a much more easy eily reached by foot or by car and this building was the musan cop tea house also built on the orders of arch to Martin Borman who was nicknamed The Lord of orber alburg for good reason this building was Hitler's favorite of all on aalburg and he visited the building almost every day that he was in Residence at his palacial Villa the beof it was constructed in 1937 just below a geographical feature called musana Hill a wooded promet that afforded an excellent view the beus Garden Valley and salsburg in Austria Beyond here it is on a map lying directly across from the berhoff and not far from Martin borman's experimental Farm the gsof the musan cop tea house was reached by one of two carefully maintained paths from the beov Hitler and his party would walk the out found leg of the journey as it was largely downhill exiting the bov's front drive there would be a set of wooden steps and walkways on the other side of the road that took you down to the bottom of the valley these are no longer there you then walked right along a path past the UN Verlin the administration house below the Boran house and followed a path that wound round the outside of the current golf course and Ski Center skirting the woods opposite the berhoff and then to the tea house the other route branched left at the bottom of the barov drive and visitors would walk down through the SS gate house and then down the Steep Hill passing Albert spar's Studio on the left and the beckstein house no longer there on the right before entering the grounds of the gsof and onto a path that took you to the tea house a few hundred yards into the trees the first route appears to have been Hitler's favorite for his afternoon walk it appears that Hitler was always driven back to the beof as the walk back is very Steep and having done it myself several times getting a lift back to the big house would be the preferable option the walks were very important to Hitler known not so much for the exercise but for what was accomplished on the walks and in the tea house afterwards he would walk with a group of his close Companions and Intimates or invited guests the most important of whom would walk alone ahead with Hitler discussing some idea or policy along the way and it's no exaggeration to suggest that on these strolls many things that ultimately affected the lives of millions of people found their Genesis and the Tea House also had the same function somewhere Hitler could relax in with his Intimates and important guests and discuss things some of which of course were matters of State all within comfortable surroundings and waited upon by discret SS servants the building itself consisted of a round tea house with a staff and kitchen Wing behind it set over several levels cleverly built into the side of musana Hill reached by Stone steps the large l Main Central room was heated in cold weather by a fireplace a chimney sticking up on the rear of the building which had a pointed roof topped by a Weather Vein at the front of the tea house was a specially constructed Scenic Overlook with a low wooden railing and a bench on which Hitler often sat alone or with guests for the area around the musan aop tea house was well guarded though discreetly guarded as Hitler disliked being visibly watched a few hundred yards from the site of the Tea House can be found this one-man mole bunker to protect SS guards dur an Air Raids and it Formed part of the Guard fence line that ran along the edge of the wooded Valley to its termination at musana Hill the fence is long gone though the stamps of the fence poles remain concreted in place and the bunker is one of the last still intact on the oras salsburg the rest having been blown up postwar like this one that used to protect the K hoel or the struggle house where Hitler rode some of mine K in the 1920s Hitler often would fall asleep in the tea House's comfortable armchairs while his guests drank tea or coffee and ate freshly baked cakes before the daily ritual ended the furer was whisked back to his house by car like the eagle nest the mus lanop Tea House survived the British heavy bombing attack on the 25th of April 1945 that flattened or badly damaged most of the buildings at orz alburg and once the raid was over continued to be guarded by the SS until they pulled out on the 4th of May 1945 as us and French forces approached the village during the short power vacuum that followed locals thoroughly looted the buildings on oraz out B for food drink Furniture laundry and Sury other items and before US forces found an occupied the musan cop Tea House it also was extensively ransacked the American occupation Force also loed all of the buildings very thoroughly themselves before it was decided to turn the aalburg into a postwar rest and Recreation Center for US servicemen and their families in Germany but unlike the eagle's nest which Hitler had actively disliked and only rarely visited the musan aov tea house was after the bombed and burned berhoff the building that was most closely associated with Hitler and his regime and it was decided to tear it down in 1952 the Bavarian government ordered the demolition of the damaged shell of Hitler's house the beof which was blown up and today very little remains on the site except the rear retaining walls the US Army ordered the tea house to be torn down and the now empty shell was partially demolished in 1951 to 52 but the service areas and the basement levels remained as well as the famous Overlook The Tea House remained in an overgrown and ruinous state for many decades and people could actually get inside the building particularly the basement storage rooms and the kitchen Wing I'm indebted once again to beger film for kindly providing footage that they shall of the ruins before they were torn down and if you're interested in seeing further of the buildings and the history of or salsburg and the beas Garden area please visit the bega film Channel Link in the description box and this remained the case until 2006 when the Bavarian authorities decided to completely demolish the remains of the musan cop tea house and cover over the rubble until it looks like this today however you can still see part of the step that led to the service Wing as well as Rubble poking out through the vegetation of the hillside interestingly the Scenic Overlook was not destroyed and has in fact been restored to how it looked in Hitler's day the wooden railings torn out in the past were replaced with new ones that are slightly taller than the originals the bench is also a modern replacement Hitler's bench long ago stolen by locals just after the war you can walk from the beof to the Tea House site via a path that follows in some sections the original path used by Hitler and his cronies that pass below borman's house and now skirts the golf course and Ski Center like most things on the or salsburg today that are associated with Hitler and the Nazi regime their existence is not advertised and you have to do your own research in order to find this path and the remains of the Tea House the site itself seems seldom visited and is a little bit spooky as you walk through the forest half expecting to bump into some SS guards in the trees if you recall from my big video about all of the Orit salsburg site when I visited the mole bunker for the first time an air raid siren actually went off in the valley across the way a siren that's been rerolled for the use for the fire service which added a certain amount of atmosphere to my explorations [Music] [Applause] many thanks for watching please subscribe and share and also visit my audiobook Channel War stories with Mark Felton you can also support both of my channels at PayPal and patreon details in the description box below a
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 259,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mark Felton, Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Berghof
Id: zoGBiwGTBOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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